[Jk L'-IL fr~ I~t (;. t (~ON-UPGRADE) MONTHLY RATES tfJIi/3 AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 1993 ---------- Rate Tax Total ===---- Basic S6.99 SO.28 $7.27 '~7-~~'~~ (Used to be Umh~ Basic) . ~~:~~"""'~~·~7:·:·.."":":"'.. ~ . :~..::::::: Cable Programming Services (C.P.S.) $'3.39 SO.54 $'3.93 . (Used to be Expanded Basic) , Total S20.38 SO.82 S2' .20 (Used to be Complete Basic) Variety Servi:e: £5.25 SO.2' S5.46 Newsport, FJix, pay-per-view access, deluxe converter box with remote a-la-carte (price per channer): (Deluxe converter box required) Newsport S2.0=> SO.08 S2.08 F1ix 52.00 SO.08 S2.08 Converter Rental: Deluxe S2.25 SO.26 52.5' Standard $'.37 SO.16 $'.53 Remote Control $0.28 SO.02 SO.22 Digital Cable Radio S9.95 SO.40 $'0.35 The Cable Guide 5'.00 SO. 04 5'.04 PaY-Per-View Movies (each): 53.95 SO.'6 $4." Premium Services (each): $' '.00 SO.44 $".44 HBD. Showtime, The Movie Channel, Cinemax, The Disney Channel Rate Retail Aner Rate Discount Discount Tax Total Premium Service Discount: --------- ----- --------- --------- --------- Two Premium Services 522.00 (52.50) 519.50 SO.78 S20.28 Three Premium Services S33.00 (£5.00) S28.00 $1.12 529.12 i=our Premium Services $44.00 (S8.50) 535.50 5'.4~ ~36.S2 Five Premium Services £55.00 (5j 2.00) $43.00 51.72 $44.72 \n ~~Dtl MONTHLY RATES ". q//h/~ AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER '993 ,- Rate Tax Total == == ~---=== :." Basic $5.54 SO.22 $5.76 ._.:::~ .. __- (Used to be Umtted Basic) -~ ~_ ,...."", -~~~_.. ...,---....-._....... r. •••••..-. ~~;~ C8bJe" Programming Services (C.P.S.) $'6.'8 -~.:-_. (Used to be Expanded Basic) Total 521.72 SO.67 522.59 (used ,to be Com;:>lete Basic) Variety Service: E5.25 50.21 E5.46 News;:>o,~, F1ix, Comedy Central.The Cartoon Network, Bravo, pay-per-view access, deluxe converter box with remote . a-la-carte (price per channel) (Deluxe converter box required) Newsport $2.00 SO.08 52.08 F1ix 52.00 SO.08 $2.08 Comedy Central 52.0~ SO.08 S2.08 The Cartoon Network S2.0:> SO.08 52.08 Bravo S2.DO SO.08 S2.08 Converter Rental: Deluxe 52.25 SO.26 S2.51 Standard 51.37 SO.16 S1.53 Remote Control $0.20 SO.02 SO.22 Digital Cable Radio $9.95 SO.40 $'0.35 The Cable Guide $'.0:> SO.04 S1.04 Pay-Per-View Movies (each): S3.95 SO.16 S4.1 , Premium Services (each): $'1.00 SO.44 $11.404 HSO, Showtime, The Movie Channel, Cinemax, The Disney Channel Rate .. Retail After Rate Dis:ount Dis:ount Tax Total Premium Service Discount: ----- -------- ----- ------- ---------- Two Premium Services S22.00 (S2.50) 519.50 SO.78 S20.28 Three Premium Services S33.00 (S5.00) S28.00 Si.12 S~9. i 2 Four Premium Services S4~.00 (S6.50) S35.50 :j.~2 S36.92 Five Premium Services £55.00 (Sj 2.00) $43.00 S1.72 S~.72 \u rAA~~ cmc NO N- fUlGlf-itll1; Cox Coble CHANNEL LINE-UP Lf-I!'B---- 2 HBO 22 The Movie Channel ----- 3 ESPN 23 Cinemax 4 CNBC 24 The Disney Channel 5 Prevue Guide 25 Headline News 6 Showtime 26 Nickelodeon 7 KFOR-NBC 27 A&E K KOCO-ABC 28 Lifetime 9 C-SPAN 10 KWTV-CBS 30 MTV 11 USA Network 31 TNT 12 KOKH-Fox 32 The Discovery Channel 13 The Literacy Channell 33 American Movie Classic QVC 3.+ KOCB 14 OETAI 35 The Nashville Network C-SPA\l1l 36 KTBO 15 CNN 37 The Learning Channel 16 The Family Channel 38 Home Shopping Network 17 TBS 39 Country Music Television 18 The Weather Channel 40 VISN/ACTS 19 KCOXI 55/97 Univision VH-I 98 Home Sports Entertainment 20 Govt. & Education 99 Pay-Per-View 21 BET Optional Channel Limited Ba~ic Cahlc Expanded Basic Cable cmc ()fz,~ ~ Cox Cable uf(;(A1)( CHANNEL LINE-UP 2 l-ffiO 26 Nickelodeon Lff/~?--- 3 ESPN 27 A&E 4 C3C 28 U feti me ---- 5 Prevue Guide 29 WGN 6 Showtime 30 MIV 7 KFOR-NBC 31 1Nf 8 KOCO-ABC 32 The Discovery Channel 9 C-SPAN 33 American \1ovie Oassics 10 J...'WIV-CBS 34 KOCB ' 11 USA Network 35 The Nashville Network 12 KOKH-Fox 36 KTBO 13 The Iiteracy Channell 37 The Learning Channel QVC 38 Home Shopping Network 14 OEfAI 39 Country Music Television C-SPAN II 40 VISNI 15 CNN ACTS 16 The Family Channel 44 Prevue Guide 2 17 TBS 45 Pay-Per-View Previews 18 The Weather Channel 46 VH-l 19 KCOXI 47 E!TV VH-l 48 C-SPAN II 20 Govt. & Education 55/97 Univision 21 BEf 57 Sci-Fi Channel 22 The Movie Channel 58 Comedy Central 23 Cinemax 59 Court TV 24 The Disney Channel 60 Cartoon Network 25 Headlme News 98 HSE 99 Pay-Per-View Optional Channel Limited Basic Cable " Expanded Basic Cable Variety Services Package 3(43 l7*"Wu~. cei.- cmc I Cox Cable ~{FrS ~fJ 7) C_ CHANNEL LINE-UP c7/I/13 IIHO 31 r'{r I:'''IP~ , ' The Discovcry ( 'harmd ,~ ESPN 2.''; I iea<llinc News ('NBC: NASAI\ -l CNRC 26 Nickelodeon BETZ \1tl~lC 33 ,\nlCnGUI \tonc (],l~sic:s .0; BI-Tr/, Music V A&E "!JOI\ lIIlK' ,J,.f K()( '1\ ~ '"'-hl 1\\ 1111'1(. 28 lifetimc I KF<)R\W' 35 TNN \ 10R MIl~ic KCX'()\BC' 7,6 KIB() 7 KIOR-NBC 29 WUN 9 C-SPAN 37 IISI: I{ KCX :O-\BC 30 MrV 10 K\\T\CHS .~ Ilomc Shopping :'siclwork 9 C-SP;\.i\; 31 TNT II I 'SA 1\clwork .,9 ('OIUlIT: :-'1 usic Telcvision )() K\\T\C13S 32 TIle Discovery Channel 12 KOKIIFo\ -10 'Ihc IcUlllng (ruUllIei II I :SA \IctwOIk KASATV 13 IllC IJ Il'T,Ky Ch<ulllCl -ll ITc\lIC CJludc 12 KOKII-Fm. 33 AmeriGUl Movic Classics ()\( , .f-l \IS\ \(TS n IllC I jlLnlCY Cruumd ,)4 K<X'B 1-l ()!,T\('SP\\II -l) 0\'( , (.:>\( , IS (:N1\ -¥, \IIJ 35 TKN'MOR tvhl~ic 16 'Ibe hunily Channel .fi 1:"1\ l-l OIT\ ('-SPA:\ II ,)6 KTH() 17 ms ~ (:SPA:\ II 15 CN"! 37 liS!: IRlbe WcathcrCruuUlel -lil Sllii ChamIC! 16 The I'amily (]laIrncl ,~ Ilome Shopping Network 19 KeOX \'H~ I Nostalgia .'il' l'revue Guide 2 l""' ms 39 COlUltry \1ll~ic Television 20 ( 'It) \ lit.' 5I ('<lim TY II{ The \Vcathn Channel -to '[be I.earning Channel 21 111\ 5' '!llC Travel Ch.UlllCl 19 KCOXVH-INostalgia -ll ITc\1lC C,uide i he \ II J\ 1<. ( 'I l.lJll II I j-> \10R \hl\1C 20 ( 'Ily\'uc {n ht~pirational 5S I mVislOll KSBI 21 /1/\ 'IX 's C'" por1 :-+ ilK I ~'lll\ r TI~UlIlll 511 Pay- Per- \ICW ITcViC\\\ " 'n " Il',' 25 IIca<HlJlC \'cws ~ Ihe I ,1I1(~"1 'sc!1\(){1 ill<. \ I", Il! 'h;ulIld i ',1\ .1,1 .,. 26 :-.lickclodt,'on , I 1l1<.'111.1\ V A&F ':;'J 1'1' \\ () 2X lifetime '17 f-."SHI [nsplral1()nal 2') \\Ci\ 'IX 'sl'\\ :--P{1I1 30 MI\' ., I I'~ 1\ 1\'1 \ ICI\ Basic Cahle Cable Programming Services ()pllonal ( 'halll1ll Ba:ilc ( 'ahle \'and) Scn Il'l'S Cahle Pr{)gramming Scrvlccs \",IC(~ :--Cflll'{" II .IIbN,! Cox Cable Omaha Federal Communications Commission " Approved by OMS Washington D.C. 20554 3060-0578 Expires 12/16/q3 Page 4 ------~. Cox Cable Communications II FCC Rate Regulation Impact Survey Additional Comments System: Omaha • Basic service tier was increased by four channels which were removed from the original Tier II CPS; originally, the basic service tier was no charge. New charge is $12.30 for 25 channels. • Tier II limited basic CPS service, seven channels moved from Tier III level; this left 14 channels on Tier III and one new channel was added to Tier III for a total of 15. • Subscriber bills which went up, increased an average of $3.17 per month; those which were lower, decreased an C1verage of $3.96 per month. 09/22/93 11:17 1f402 333 0164 COX CABLE OMAH..>\. [4l 018 --"";';;~;;;";;';;"'-'''';;;'';:;'';'''';:;'':'---='''::'''':''';::''''';''';-''------''. /113 ii • ,# 1-,· ~.:'i @~SlJIiJlaliDfJCJ· M<ivtes, music " * : ..., comedy PRlGI'III'III " '.' CUSTOMER SERVICE .~'.~.~";"';-'------~---------I ·,3aO·8770 iiockilUllI8f' movie. • Mon.-:Frl•••... __ ._..• - . _•. .• 8AM-8PM @) " Speell.l. saturday •••.•••••......•... 9AM-SPM TH! DISNEY CHANNEL tt • All family enWl1linment . REPAIR ,.' Selec:tion, from an. Disney library ~: . 330·450 Mon....FrI...... ; ...... ".'. ..... SAM-10PM '. Sat & Sun. .. _..•.. •.. •.• 9AM-5:30PM ~nswered 24 1lo~r8 a day) THE MOVIE CHANNEL • . The ultimata movie \healer FRONT COU~TER .5011 Capitol Avenue VIEWiR'S CHOICE I i Cox cable'. P.y.~r-VlewChanmll Mon.-FrI. 8AM-6I'M r: sat ., ,. 'OAM-3PM . SHOWT1ME . { 11505 West Dodge Road " Provrams for e\!:'l"Y 8~l1Qe 'I . Mon. - Fri, : .. 'BAM-6PM ", • . '.- ··;Ij·~,:, ~,', HOT CHOICE PAYMENT DEPOSIT BOXES COll.Callle'. Pay-fler-Vlew en."nel .~ "' £ 5011 Capitol Ave. ,1505 W. Dod;, Ad. 4etn "Ames .. ~ I Ch-eb Ot' mclMy aider. only - 00 nQt d.poslt ~ahl . • Prwnllllll Chan.. - Extr. CMrgee .~ ~ ~ ': 0 .. : .... '" ••••, •• : ,f' " IU ~ ,~ '.: . \ . MENU OF SERVICES :I 1,'1 . ; :~ MONTHLY MOVIE SERVICES , CO'NVENENCESEAVICES . ';',~. :. .~ '. :HBO ana HBO 2· .....•.... ; ..•. , •.•.•.•. $9.50 ' s.canct lV Hookup Service : . .'. $ 8.95 ':' Clnemax ........• , ,.............. 9.50 • Additional Converter '.00' '. :. Olsney , .....•. '.' ••• ,•••• 9.50·· .-Uati9n per,Otitfet·; .•.•...••..•.:.... 15.00 ,,:' The Movie Channel '. ~ 9.50'· , Remote ConIrol ,; •. .' .•.• :•.•...•••.,....... 3.45 : Showtime .•..••••. '. :....•..•••••••.•.. •. 9.50- uniYe1'sli1 ReMcile ... :.................... 4.00 " DAILY and WEEKEND MOVIES . Premki~Coiwerter ., <.• :.•,{;:.:;...•.' :2..00 :;, " The MOYle Channel ~Iy Sampler 3.95~ .: DIg~ ~e RadiO :.... .. •• 9.95 1-800-8&1·2450 (1 ~9-CH50) C.'LE GUIDE •.
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