The NCAA Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association May 23,1990, Volume 27 Number 21 , Preliminary proposals for revenue sharing listed A list of I2 prelitninary rccom- O’Hare Marriott in Chicago, and athletics program and the numhcr of provisions for the student-athlete, dations Regarding Distribution 01 mendations for distributing NCAA the Airport Hilton Hotel in San of grants-in-aid it awards, plus par- such as catastrophic-in.iury insur- Revenues. revenue has been developed by a Francisco. ticipation in NCAA championships ance (all three divisions), enhance- “We hope the membership ~111 special advisory committee for June The special committee has dcvc- over the past three years. ment of the postgraduate scholar- rcvicw these preliminary recom- 14 hearings, at which time the loped a Division 1 revenue-sharing This revcnuc-sharing formula ship program, degree-incentive mendations and continue to partic- NCAA memhcrship can ask ques- formula based equally upon a con- would replace payments to partlci- grants and an emergency fund for ipate in the process of helping us to tions about the recommendations. ference’s performance in the Divi- pants in the Division I Men’s Bas- I)ivision I that would he adminis- go forward ultimately with the best The hearings are scheduled for 2 sion I Men’s Basketball Champion- ketball Championships based solely tcrcd by confcrcnccs. plan possible,” Sweet said. Followmg the .June 14 hearings, to 5 p.m. at the Stouffers Concourse ship over the past six years and on progression through the bracket. The preliminary recommcnda- the spec~ril committee will meet Hotel in Arlington, Virginia; the upon the breadth 01 an institution’s The proposals include a number tions also call for full funding of .June 18 to co~nplctc its recommen- Divisions II and III championships dations and submit them to the and a $3 million financial enhance- Budget Suhcommittec, which meets Year-round drug-testing plan ment over a period of time for Division II institutions, with rcvcnue July 10-I I. Following its review of distributed by the same formula the proposals, the Budget Subcom- mittec will submit the rccommcn- proposal for Division I. aimed at stopping steroid use d&ions to the Executive Committee “The preliminary report is hased in August. programs are subject to testing It’s best to think of the new ering that nearly 1,500 specimens upon suggestions from the memher- Two to four mcmhers of the spe- even those that don’t compete in NCAA year-round drug-testing pro- were collected from Division I-A ship, and we received a very pro- cial committee will attend each hear- gram as a narrowly focused effort football players, but other data championships or bowl games,” ductive initial response to our call ing in June to answer members’ that is zeroing in on a specific prob- indicate the problem is bigger than Uryas.7 added. for suggestions,” said Judith M. questions. Some committee mem- Iem-the use of anabolic steroids in testing reveals. On each team, 36 players will he Sweet, director of athletics at the bers also will attend the annual football. In studies conducted for the selected for testing. University of California, San Diego, convention of the National Associa- So says the program’s chief ad- NCAA by Michigan State Universi- “We know there11 be athletes and chair of the Special Advisory tion of Collegiate Directors of Ath- ministrator, Frank D. Uryasr, ty’s college of human medicine, nine chosen on the basis of position or Committee to Review Recommen- SW Preliminary, page 2 NCAA director of sports sciences. percent of football players respond- playing time, plus there’s a random And backed by that philosophy, the ing to a 1985 survey admitted using component. But we don’t know Association will oversee approxi- steroids, and IO percent admitted exactly how thcyll he selected.” mately 9,000 tests involving Divi- usage when the survey was repeated In June, the CommIttee on Com- sions I-A and I-AA football players in 1989. petitive Safeguards and Medical from August 1 through spring 1991. “Because we sponsor champion- Aspects of Sports, which oversees “We’re going to be ready to go ships, we have an obligation to the NCAA drug-testing prrogram, August 1,” said Uryasz, who is pre- athletes to ensure that the competi- will make specific recommendations paring to hire two administrators to tion is clean, fair and equitable,” about selection to the NCAA Ad- help run the program that was ap- Uryasz said. “We have learned we ministrative Committee, wh.ich will proved with the adoption of Pro- can do that by testing at champion- consider the recommendatilons on posal No. 53 at the 1990 Conven- ships, except in the case of steroids, behalf of the Executive Committee. tion. which are training drugs and are “We know we’ll test 36, that the The new program, which replaces not taken during the postseason. NCAA will select them, and that the voluntary off-season drug-test- the NCAA will inform the school 48 ing program that has been in opera- hours in advance of arriving on tion since January 1989, will cost campus for specimen collection,” $1.6 million during its first year- There are Uryasz said. half of the $3.2 million the Associa- differences between This summer, the NCAA drug- tion will spend for drug-testing ef- testing staff will obtain academic forts in 1990-9 1. The remainder will the year-round calendars, playing and travel sched- be spent on the NCAA’s four-year- program and the ules, and other such information old postseason testing program for from the schools. “Well endeavor championships and bowl games, in existing postseason to schedule around these things,” which another 4,000 tests will be testing program, but Uryasz said. conducted. The new program will not require “In our minds, it’s two programs,” the sanctions that the recruitment of new drug-testing Uryasz said. can be assessed for crews. The nearly 50 crews currently 11 straight for Hobart “The first one is the postseason positive tests are the available for testing assignments in testing program We will continue the postseason testing program will Hobart won its 11th consecutive Division Ill Men’s Lacrosse to operate that as we have since same be enough to conduct the year- Championship by defeating Washington (Maryland) May 19. 1986. In those tests, we test for the round program. An unidentifled Hobati player (right) battles Washington’s entire list of banned drugs. At present, Uryasz does not know Matt Colbeck for the ball. See story on page 13. “The second program,” he con- “The only way to deter steroid how many laboratories will be used tinued, “is the year-round testing use is to test at the time they are to analyze test samples. Current program for schools that sponsor taken. Our data show we’ve just contracts with three laboratories football in Divisions I-A and I-AA. changed the pattern of use, not that conduct NCAA drug testing Edward S. Steitz dies Those athletes can be tested anytime deterred use.” expire this summer, he explained. Edward S. Steit7, secretary-rules versity and captain of the baseball from August to the end of their Beginning with preseason training But he expects to be able to keep editor of the NCAA Men’s Basket- team, Steitz joined the Springfield institutions’ spring terms.” in August, football players at every the time between testing and the ball Rules Committee and director faculty in 1948. He became head And just as that program will school in Divisions 1-A and I-AA reporting of results brief. of athletics emeritus at Springfield basketball coach and director of focus on a specific sport, it also will will be subject to at least one test “We’re going to aim for about a College, died suddenly May 21. athletics in 1956. His teams com- test for a select group of drugs that could be conducted at any time seven-day turnaround on the tests.” Steitz, 69, had been secretary- piled a 160-86 record m 10 seasons. anabolic steroids, diuretics, and during the academic year. In many respects, there are differ- rules editor since January IS, 1967. During the summer of 1956, he urine manipulators such as probe- “The Executive Committee has ences between the year-round pro- He served as assistant editor to took his team on a (J.S. State De- necid. mandated that every program he gram and the existing postseason John W. Bunn beginning in 1962. In partment tour around the world. “The Executive Committee is tak- tested once, but it’s possible some testing program, hut the sanctions recent years, Steitz’ name has been His squad conducted 110 clinics ing a good approach; it is keeping schools will not be tested until the that can he assessed against student- associated with the three-point field and went undefeated in 25 games, the program narrowly focused where spring,” Uryasz said. athletes testing positive for drug use goal. hut other major changes such playing before 250,000 spectators. we have the greatest problem, which “The Executive Committee set are the same in both programs. ti the alternating-possession proc- He retired as Springfield’s athletics is currently football,” Uryasz said. no maximum on the number of Toughened sanctions adopted at ess, the 45second shot clock, and director in 19X9 hut remained on Data collected by the NCAA times a school could be tested.” the 1990 Convention will apply re- the elimination and reinstatement the faculty as a protessor of physical clearly point to the problem.
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