DIRECTORY,] SOMERSET. SHEPTON BE.AL'CHAMP. 3t39 Marked thus * should be addresse.i! Donati Adrian William, land agent *Minehead & West Williton Hospital Minehead, Somerset. et steward to Sir Charles Thomas District Isolation Hospital (Wm. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Dyke Acland bart. D.L., J.P. Bain M.B., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S. Acland Sir Charles Thos. Dyke bart. Holnicote E1.g., L.R.C.P .Lond. medical D.L•• J.P. Holnicote Floyd James, farmer, Bossington office,.; Miss I. Llewellyn,matron), Acland .Tohn Dyke J.P. Lynch mead Floyd Richard, miller (water), Pyles Tivington. T N 76 Minehead Clarke Misses, West Lynch Floyd Thomas, gamekeeper to Sir C. Moorman John, farmer, Zeals Dickens Alexander C. West Lynch 'f. Dyke Acland hart Petherbridge Annie- (Mrs.), grocer, Donati Adrian William, Holnicot·e cot Floyd \Vm. Edwin, carrier,Bossington Allerford ForlDng Miss Floyd William John, farmr. Allerford ,Petherbridge Wm. boot ma.Allerford Horsfall Mrs. Julia, .Allerford house Fry Thos. frmr. Lower ho.Bossing.ton I Radford Ralph (Mrs.), apartments, Hughes Allan, Lynch Fry John, apartments, BossingtDn FPrn cottage - Quinton Miss, Bossingt<Jn Hill James, boot maker, Allerford 1 Rawle Ernest Chas. frmr. Bossington Reedel' Rev. William Tofield M.A. K1:1nt Edwal'd, blacksmith, Allerford i Ridler James, farmer, Blackford rector), The Rectory Kent John, carpenter, .Allerford i *Risdon Thomas Edward farmer ( ' Stenner Mrs. Brandish street. *Lake John Snell, foreman & clerk Tivington (telegrams, . Wootton. COMMERCIAL. of works, Hoinicote Courtney) Marked thus t farm 150 acres or over. Leach William Adams, farmer, Bran- tRobins Wm.farmer, Selworthy farm .Allerford Laundry (E. B. Smith, dish Street 'tRobins Wm. Albt. farmer,We.Lynch mana.ger), .Allerford Main Geo. blacksmith, Budleigh hill Stenner Elijah, carriage propriewr, Allerford Reading Rooms (J. ::\iay, Marley Jas. jobbing gdnr. Bossington & apartrnents; near the , sea, caretaker), Allerford Mason Richard,· head gardener to Sir Bossington Baker John, fishmonger, Allerford Charles T. Dyke .Acland hart 1 Stenner Elijah Henry, frmr.Allerford Ohapple William, slhopkeeper, Post May John, market gardener,.Allerford *Tuch:e1· Richard, farmer, Troytes office, Al1erford May Marion Emma (Mrs.) C.M.B. t*Vallacott Richard James, farmert Corner Mary (Mrs.), aparts. Allerford midwife East Lynch Creech William,market gdnr. .Allerfrd SHAP WICK is a village and parish, with a station, 2 I Smith's charity, and £8 6s. 8d. from Alexander's charity,. miles north from the village on the Somerset and Dor- I which includes £4 3s. 4d. for education. Shapwick set railway, and is 4! miles west from Glastonbury, 8! I' House, built upon the site of the old court house of east from Bridgwater and 137! from London, in the Abbot John de Taunton by Judge Rolls about 163o, is Bridgwater division of the county, hundred of Whitley, the seat of Major Bertram .Arthur Warry J.P. and Down· petty sessional division, union and county court district House of the Hon. Henry Bull Templer Strangways of Bridgwater, rural deanery of Glastonbury, archdea- J.P. who is rectorial lord of the man<Jr and rector. conry of Wells and diocese of Bath and Wells. The Major B. .A. Warry and the Hon. H. B. T. Strangways church of St. Mary is a ,building of stone in the Early are the principal landowners. The soil is clayey and· English and Perpendicular periods, consisting of chan- the subsoil stone. The chief crops are wheat, hay, . eel, nave, south porch and an embattled central tower beans and oats. The area is 3,562 acres of land and 5 containing 6 bells: in the chancel are mural tablets to of water; assessable value, £2,598 ; population in 19II, the Bull and Strangways families, dating from 1657 up 321 in the civil parish and 933 in the ecclesiastical to recent years: the east and other windows of the parish (which includes part of Ashwick). chancel, the west window and those on the smith side Sexton, Thomas .Argent. of the nave are stained: there are sittings for 150 per- Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Miss Violetta Jane Harvey, sons. The register of baptisms and marriages dates from sub-postmistress. Letters through Bridgwater. There 1591; burials, rsgo. The living is a vicarage, with that is a telegraph office at. the railway station for delivery of .Ashcott annexed, joint net yearly value £285, includ- 1 on the. station premises only, closed on sundays ing 90 acres of glebe, and the intere-st from a furthet· '.Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1840, for · endowment in 1884 of £3,000 by Mrs. Strangways, sen. roo children; Edwin Miles, master; Mrs . .A. M. Miles •. with residence, in the gift of the Hon. Henry Bull 1 mistress Templer Strangways J.P. and held since 1912 by the Railway Station, Edmund Ham, superintendent Rev. Charles Ernest Seamer M.A. of Brasenose College, Carriers to Bridgwater.-Edward Saunders, from Ash-· Oxford. There are charities of £26 14s. 4d. annual • cott, mon. wed. & sat. returning same day & William, ~value; this sum includes £r3 13s. Bd. from Henry 1 John Willcox, from Walton, wt>d. & sat Bauy Lieut.-Col. .Alfred Percival, Beel .Albert George, blacksmith Jenkins Westley, farmer Lawn house Brake Thomas H. farmer, Hill farm Marsh William, farm bailiff to Hon" Sean'P'' Rev. Charles Ernest M.A. Burrows Arthur, farmer,Moorgate fm H. B. T. Strangways (vicar), Vicarage Burrows Jn. (Mrs.), farmer,Manor fm Moxey Francis Geo. painter & glazier- Strangways Hon. Henry Bull Chick Richard, Griffin P.H Phelps T. Herb~>rt. corn merchant Templer J.P. Down house (The Davies George, cowkeeper, Lock farm Skinner John, ga.rdener to Major B. Rectori~l Manor house) Davys James, farmer, Kent farm A. Warry J.P Warry Major Bert,ram .Arthur J.P. Eclipse Peat Co. (The), moss litter Tucker Hy. farmer, Northbrook frm Shapwick house • manufacturers Tully William, farmer, Home farm COMMERCIAL. Fear Charles, farmer Wren Frederick James, grocer Barnett Harry, carpenter I Fear John, farmer, Canada farm SHARPHAM is a rural parish adjoining Glastonbury, Glastonbury and .Ashcott. The parish is in the Well!! formed under "Local Government Act, 1894," the division of the county, Glaston Twelve Hides hun'!ired, County Council naming the Order. It was originally a and Wells petty sessional division, union and county part of the united parishes of St. John the Baptist court district. The chief landowners are the Earl of and St. llenedict, which comprised Glastonbury. By Cavan and Stanley Austin esq. Mrs. McLean and Miss the operation of the Act, the united parish was again Emily Rocke are ladies of the manor. The land is divided for civil purposes into two separate and distinct chiefly pasture. The area is 2,019 acres; rateable value, parishes, the larger being part of the municipal £3;012; the population in 1911 was 6g. borough and the smaller, viz., the Rural part, was named Sharpham. The nearest railway stations are Street is the nearest money order & telegraph office . (Letters should be addre~sed Sharp- Bisgrove Frank, cowkeeper Candy Frederick Arthur, dairyman, ham, Wait on, Bridgwater.) Bisgrove Frederick, cowkeeper Sharp ham - Bisgrove John, cowkeeper Jones Christopher, turf merchant COMMERCIAL. I Bisgrove Waiter, farmer Tinnev Georg-e, frmr. Cradle bridge Bisgrove Charles, cowkeeper I Treloggen Geo. frmr. Sharp ham park SHEPTON BEAUCHAMP is a village and parish, 1 i5 a building of stone in the Perpendicular and Decorated 4 miles north-east from Ilminster station on the Chard styles, consistingof chancel, lateral chapel, nave of three branch of the Great Western railway and s; north-west bays, aisles, north an<}. south porches and awestern tower from Crewkerne, in the Yeovil division of the county, containing a clock and 8 bells; a new clock was pro­ hundred of South Petherton, Ilminster petty sessional 1 vided in 1893: there are 10 stained windows and several division, Chard union, Crewkerne county court district, memorial brasses: the church affords sittings for 370 rural deanery of Ilmins.ter, archdeaCDnry of Taunton and persons. The register dates from the year 1558. The diocese of Bath and Wells. The church of St. Michael living is a rect<Jry, net yearly value £340, including ro~ - SOMERSET 13t .
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