“ g- 2. 19411 iinine HAPLAIN JOSEPH HIGGINS FLOWN BACK TO U. S. lountain Community THE Pueblo Priest, Home Mom RETIIEIIT [Pastore’a FOR LflyiltOMEN ,;lub uards Its Faith SOUTH E R N COLORADO For Hospitalization, E« ight to i REGINS A00.16 “ ■ E . r , Niibl, espite Isolation Led Tour to Lourdes RF,SISTER The annual retreat for laywomen unrise Valley Near Walsenburg Likened to THE OFFICIAL CA NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF PUEBLO Recent Letter to BisHoP Gives Description of in St. Scholastica’s academy, Can* f e ’c H & -------------------------------------------------, ^---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- on City, will be held this year be­ VOL. I. No. 4. FRIDAY, AUG. 3, 1945 ginning THursday evening, Aug. PXBD drinks Pioneer Settlements of State; Fr. Faisti A Pilgrimage to Home of St. Ttiereso, 16, and closing Sunday noon. Aug. 20. The Rev, Henry Huber, O.S.6., ' go* GL. 9855 Offers Mass THere Patron of Diocese of Conception abbey. Conception 2 2 N u rse Oldest Pueblo Catholic Church Mo., will conduct this year’s exer­ Walsenburg.—THe Kev. Francis Faisti, assistant Pas- cises. a~ n O T E l THe Very Rev. JosePH Higgins, Pastor of St. Patrick’s I uf gt, Mary's ParisH, celebrated Mass in Sunrise Valley ParisH, Pueblo, wHo Has been on leave as army cHaPlain at­ Women intending to make tHa |EE SHOP Inday, July *29, and uPon His return recounted a story P re se n t/ retreat should place their reserva­ W e< Poputar Prf„ tacHed to a HosPital unit in Paris, France, arrived in tHe tions with Mrs, L. R. Ballew’eg, 225 OiicH is the modern counterPart of tHe missionary sagas nStr — "ff *-obb* United States by Plane Tuesday, July 31. He was sent back Jefferson, Pueblo, PHone 2612-R, 9LAND. Owner ^ [ tHe first Priests in Colorado. Mrs. Balleweg is secretary of tha ganr fHend, G rand / to tHis country for HosPitalization. His Plane landed at Laywomen’s Retreat league. to r«iH him. ^ I Following a narrow mountain road 26 miles uP tHe MitcHell Field, N. Y. loPe of tHe East SPanisH Peak tHrougH lusH meadows and Grand Junction.—Aiwor comPle­ In a recent letter to BisHoP JosePH C. Willging, FatHer III nines, he reacHed Santa Clara Park and tHe one-room tion of a 35-hour theory course and Higgin.s, cHaPlain witH tHe army in Paris, describes two * —---------- —■■ school house known as “ Sunrise 45 hours of work in St. Mary’s Hos. tours He made to the famous reli- R o ge r’s M e sa Valley." There with the teacher’s ^2 Red Cross nurSH aides gious shrines of France, that of were presented in ceremonies Held desk as an altar He celebrated tHe the Little Flower in Lisieux and i t e l I [r. McCarthy to in the Mesa college July 23. A re­ B urns F a ta l to that of the Grotto of Lourdes Youth Dies on bona nnd Dlantn Holy Sacrifice for 20 Tyrolese na­ ception for the members. of the where the Blessed Virgin Mary ap­ tives who Have settled in tHi.s iso­ class followed in Prague Hall. peared to St. Bernadette Soubir- t)GE PARTIES. live T a lk on lated communily. Under the supervision of Mrs. B o y in F illin g ous. In His trip to Lisieux. made Okinawa Front UN Slot Jake Spehar the nurse aides com­ in tHe comPany of Maj. Matthew Elderly Server Pleted their studies. THey Have MeigHan. a Redemptorist priest, *t« Dining Rooaa I pledged 150 hours of work in the HotcHkiss.— Raymond L. Her­ Iredit Unions Remembers Latin Station Tragedy stationed in Paris army headquar­ Hospital during the next year, aft­ ters witH Father Higgins, and the nandez, a private in the marine In SPite of the fact that most er which they -will be awarded Rev. John O’Grady, C.P., sta­ corps, the son of Mr. and Mrs. llH? Rev, Edward J. McCarthy, nurse aide certificates. The young W^alsenburg.— W’alter V, Pisar- Victor Hernandez of Roger’s Mesa, Inor of tHe Sacred Heart churcH of the congregation Had not been tioned in St. Joseph’s church, women are now able to give all ezyk, 15-year-oId son of Mr. and Paris, He saw' all the objects made Has been killed in action on Oki­ IjE MAIVN’S 1 Alamosa, is slated to give one of to Mass for two years, the Mass routine daily care to Patients, but nawa, according to a dispatch re­ le PrinciPal addresses at the an- Mrs. W'alter Pisarezyk. died July venerable by their connection server’s Prayers were answered they cannot give medical treatment. nn .1 ,1 . « jx J witiiwitH ouSt. Therese1 nerese oiof theuie v^iiiiuCHild ceived by His parents. Accord­ ^ h e st k a lal Santa Fe Archdiocesan Rural ing to the message, He was killed PerfePtly by Frank Pedron, an el- Girl Scout CamP in Ouray 26 as the result of burns suffered Little Flower. This part Ife meeting, which opens at in an unusual accident. He was P#o 1 A. M. Entezuma seminary, Las Vegas, derl|||man who Has lived 38 years Members of Girl Scout trooP 17 of His trip is especially interest­ i Mex., Aug. 7. Father Mc- in tHis section which Has often left July 25 for Ouray, where they enveloped in gasoline flames when ing to Catholics in this diocese 1^0 8 P. M. IrtHy will sPeak at the opening been called the “terra incognita" camped until July 29. Mrs. Tom fumes ignited as He was servicing where the Little Flower is the pat­ tsion on tHe subject of credit of Colorado. After the Mass Fa­ Murphy, the leader of the troop, an automobile in a filling station roness. where He was employed. He was a ■ Neuly Pf'ns. ther Faisti blessed the fields for wa.s accompanied by Pat Dolan, Father Higgins’ visit to Lourdes . junior in HigH school and was do­ came as the result of orders to ac­ ^itiarged ■One of tHe Pioneers m the credit the farmers. The arrangements assistant leader, and Mrs. Vincent ■ion movement in this section of for the Mass were made by Pete Holland and Mrs. Joe Mathers ing the work as part of a summer company a grouP of service men J le country, Father McCarthy is Nardine, one of the members of chaperones. job. to tHe shrine. More non-CathoIics t T A l L Eli qualified to speak on the sub­ the Sunrise Valley community. THe scouts making the triP were SPectators smothered the flames than Catholics were included in let. His wide experience in the Mary Ann Lancaster, Dannette with seat covers and blankets, but tHis grouP. It was during tHis trip WE lirk at Alamosa enables Him to Seldom Visited by Priest Murphy, Eddie Lou McKissen, the boy was burned over most that Father Higgins Prayed all leak witH authority on all Mass was last offered in tHe Ruth Adair McKissen, Marie of His body. nigHt in the world-renowned W nim um Chargt grotto on beHalf of His brother, IPeots of tHe movement. settlement by the Very Rev. How­ Grasso, Katherine Heinrich, Lu­ Miner Kilted in Accident ■OtHer sPeakers apPearing on the ard L. Delaney in the summer of cille Jonick, Betty Erskine, Dar­ Lt. Col. Martin Higgins, who is ffEarl 4611 logram are ArchbisHop Edwin V. 19‘43, The Rev. Benedict Pedrotti, lene Er-skine, Joanne Balliger, Joe Pacheco of Delcarbon died convalescing in Denver from a ser­ >mo of Santa Fe, H. C. Stewart, now Pastor of St. Francis de Sales’ Geraldine Holland, Ida Mae Ben­ July 25 as the result of injuries ious illness. A veteran of World Jr. Joaquin Ortega of New church, Lamar, first said Mass nett, Patricia Beckley, Naomi Jean received in a local coal mine when war I, Col. Higgins resumed active iexico university, and the Rev. there about the year 1923. Mass MatHers, and Harriet Barker. He fell into a coal cutting machine. duty in the army with the engin­ Braid Ellard, S. J., of St. M a ^ ’s was again celebrated there about The Rev. F. L. Sebastiani, S.J., eers in 1940. James McCoy Back in U. S, viously, St. Patrick’s was at that was called from Trinidad to ad­ SNACKS Hlese, St. Marys. Kans. A Field the year 192.8 by the Rev. Peter The oldest Catholic house of Father Higgins’ hope was that lass will be offered on the Monte- Schneiberger. Both were assistant T. 4 James L. McCoy, son of Mr. worship in Pueblo is St. Patrick’s time the only Catholic churcH in minister the last sacraments in the in tHe future regular army tours pastors of St. Mary’s parish at tHe and Mrs. V. L. McCoy, 620 Gun­ church. Mass was first celebrated Pueblo. Here is a picture of its absence of the local priests, who Fma seminary ProPerty Wednes- were in Denver attending the an­ of Lisieux could be conducted |y, Aug, g. _______________ time. nison avenue, arrived July 20 in in its venerable sanctuary in De­ sanctuary taken about tHe year from Paris for the service Person­ New York city after 14 months cember,' 1882. Because fire Had 1890.— (Picture courtesy of Miss nual retreat in St. Thomas’ semi­ nel interested in visiting the .scene overseas with a medical corPs unit destroyed St. Ignatius’ church in Elizabeth Powell) nary. of the Little Flower’s life. of tHe 107th general hospital. He North Pueblo about a month pre- THree Are BaPtized THe letter to Bishop Willging tfoderoto Coat Ipl.
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