Chapter 246-145 Chapter 246-145 WAC BODY ART, BODY PIERCING, ELECTROLOGY AND TATTOOING STANDARDS FOR STERILIZATION PROCEDURES AND INFECTION CONTROL WAC (6) "Branding" means inducing a pattern of scar tissue by 246-145-001 Purpose and scope. 246-145-010 Definitions. use of a heated material (usually metal) to the skin creating a 246-145-015 Restrictions. serious burn which eventually results in a scar. 246-145-020 Standard universal precautions for preventing the spread (7) "Department" means the department of licensing. of disease in electrology. 246-145-030 Sterile procedures in electrology. (8) "Disinfectant" means a substance or solution, regis- 246-145-040 Penalty for not complying with rules. tered with the United States Environmental Protection 246-145-050 Standard universal precautions for preventing the spread of disease in body art, body piercing, and tattooing. Agency (EPA) that kills or inactivates viruses and pathogenic 246-145-060 Sterile procedures in body art, body piercing and tattoo- microorganisms, but not necessarily their spores. ing. (9) "Disinfect" or "disinfection" means the destruction of disease-causing microorganisms on inanimate objects or sur- WAC246-145-001 246-145-001 Purpose and scope. These rules faces, thereby rendering these objects safe for use or han- establish standard universal precautions for preventing the dling. spread of diseases by using sterilization procedures and (10) "Electrologist" means a person who practices the infection control in the practices of electrology, body art, business of electrology for a fee. body piercing, and tattooing. (11) "Electrology" means the process of permanently [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.54.340. 10-12-057, § 246-145-001, filed removing hair by using solid needle or probe electrode epila- 5/27/10, effective 7/1/10; 02-11-109, § 246-145-001, filed 5/20/02, effective tion, including: 6/20/02.] (a) Thermolysis, being of shortwave, high frequency 246-145-010 type; WAC 246-145-010 Definitions. For the purpose of (b) Electrolysis, being a galvanic type; or these rules, the following words and phrases have the follow- (c) A combination of both which is accomplished by a ing meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. superimposed or sequential blend. (1) "Antiseptic" means an agent that destroys disease causing microorganisms on human skin or mucosa. (12) "FDA" means United States Food and Drug Admin- (2) "Aseptic technique" means a procedure that prevents istration. contamination of any object or person. (13) "Gloves" means single-use disposable medical (3) "Bloodborne pathogens" means microorganisms that grade gloves that are FDA approved. are present in human blood and can cause disease in humans. (14) "Hand sanitizer" means an alcohol-based sanitizer These pathogens include, but are not limited to, Hepatitis B with a concentration of 60% to 95% ethanol or isopropanol. virus (HBV), Hepatitis C virus (HBC) and human immuno- (15) "Jewelry" means any personal ornament inserted deficiency virus (HIV). into a newly pierced area, which must be made of surgical (4) "Body art" means the practice of invasive cosmetic implant-grade stainless steel, solid 14k or 18k white or yel- adornment including the use of branding and scarification. low gold, niobium, titanium, or platinum, or a dense, low- Body art also includes the intentional production of scars porosity plastic, which is free of nicks, scratches, or irregular upon the body. Body art does not include any health-related surfaces and has been properly sterilized prior to use. procedures performed by licensed health care practitioners (16) "Licensee" means a shop, business or individual under their scope of practice. licensed to practice body art, body piercing or tattooing. (5) "Body piercing" means the process of penetrating the (17) "Procedure(s)" means body art, body piercing, and skin or mucous membrane to insert an object, including jew- tattooing procedures. elry, for cosmetic purposes. Body piercing also includes any (18) "Sanitize" means a procedure that reduces the level scar tissue resulting from or relating to the piercing. Body of microbial contamination so that the item or surface is con- piercing does not include the use of stud and clasp piercing sidered safe. systems to pierce the earlobe in accordance with the manu- (19) "Scarification" means altering skin texture by cut- facturer's directions and applicable FDA requirements. Body ting the skin and controlling the body's healing process in piercing does not include any health-related procedures per- order to produce wounds, which result in permanently raised formed by licensed health care practitioners under their scope wheals or bumps known as keloids. of practice, nor does anything in this act authorize a person (20) "Sharps" means any objects (sterile or contami- registered to engage in the business of body piercing to nated) that may purposefully or accidentally cut or penetrate implant or embed foreign objects into the human body or oth- the skin or mucosa including, but not limited to, presterilized, erwise engage in the practice of medicine. single-use needles, scalpel blades, and razor blades. (5/20/02) [Ch. 246-145 WAC—p. 1] 246-145-015 Sterilization Procedures and Infection Control (21) "Sharps container" means a puncture-resistant, leak- (6) Wear gloves for touching blood and body fluids, proof container that can be closed for handling, storage, mucous membranes, or nonintact skin of all clients, and for transportation, and disposal and that is labeled with the inter- handling items or surfaces soiled with blood or body fluids; national biohazard symbol. (7) Change gloves after contact with each client; (22) "Single-use" means products, instruments or items (8) Immediately remove gloves that are torn or have that are intended for one-time use and are disposed of after small pinholes, wash hands and put on new gloves; each use including, but not limited to, cotton swabs or balls, (9) Take precautions to prevent injuries caused by nee- tissue or paper products, paper or plastic cups, gauze and san- dles and other sharp instruments or devices during proce- itary coverings, razors, needles, scalpel blades, stencils, ink dures; when cleaning used instruments; during disposal of cups and protective gloves. used needles; and when handling sharp instruments after pro- (23) "Sterilization" means a process that destroys all cedures; forms of microbial life, including highly resistant bacterial (10) Prevent needlestick injuries by not recapping nee- spores. dles or breaking needles by hand and by not otherwise manip- (24) "Sterilizer" means an apparatus that is registered ulating contaminated needles by hand; and listed with the FDA for destroying all forms of microbial (11) Dispose of used disposable needles and other sharp life, including highly resistant bacterial spores. items in puncture-resistant containers; (25) "Tattooing" means to pierce or puncture the human (12) Inspect hands for small cuts, sores and abrasions; if skin with a needle or other instrument for the purpose of present, use a Seal-skin product or bandage. If the electrolo- implanting an indelible mark, or pigment into the skin. gist has weeping dermatitis or draining sores, the electrolo- (26) "Universal precautions" is an approach to infection gist should avoid contact with clients and equipment until the control as defined by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). weeping dermatitis or draining sores are healed; According to the concept of universal precautions, all human (13) Regularly clean and disinfect countertops; regularly blood and certain body fluids are treated as if known to be clean walls when visibly soiled; regularly vacuum and clean infectious for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Hepati- carpets and floors; and tis B virus (HBV) and other bloodborne pathogens. (14) Clean and disinfect other frequently touched sur- [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.54.340. 10-12-057, § 246-145-010, filed faces including, but not limited to, equipment and lamps 5/27/10, effective 7/1/10; 02-11-109, § 246-145-010, filed 5/20/02, effective between each client. 6/20/02.] [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.54.340. 10-12-057, § 246-145-020, filed 5/27/10, effective 7/1/10; 02-11-109, § 246-145-020, filed 5/20/02, effective WAC246-145-015 246-145-015 Restrictions. (1) Electrologists, and 6/20/02.] individuals licensed to perform body piercing, body art and tattooing, shall not perform procedures: WAC246-145-030 246-145-030 Sterile procedures in electrology. (a) While under the influence of alcohol or drugs; To ensure that clients are not exposed to disease through nee- (b) If they have weeping dermatitis or draining sores; dles or other instruments, electrologists must: (c) On a client who appears to be under the influence of (1) Use single-use, presterilized disposable needles on alcohol or drugs; or one client and then dispose of the needle immediately in a (d) On a client who has evident skin lesions or skin infec- puncture-resistant container; tions in the area of the procedure, including sunburn. (2) Not use reusable needles; (2) Animals are not permitted in body art, body piercing (3) Use single-use sharp items on only one client and dis- and tattooing procedure areas, except for guide and service pose of the items immediately in a puncture-resistant con- animals accompanying persons with disabilities. Aquariums tainer; are allowed in a waiting room and nonprocedural area. No (4) Only reuse cleaned and sterilized sharp items and animals are allowed in the sterilization area. instruments that are intended for multiple use; [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.54.340. 10-12-057, § 246-145-015, filed (5) Thoroughly clean and sterilize reusable sharp items 5/27/10, effective 7/1/10.] and instruments between clients; (6) Accumulate reusable sharp items and instruments in WAC246-145-020 246-145-020 Standard universal precautions a holding container by submersion in a solution of a protein- for preventing the spread of disease in electrology.
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