April, 1982. Issue 23 ApriL 1Q82.1ssue 23 COMPUTII 199 SOFTWARE STREETSTREET ■-i--i"V. ■' BY ATARI24ATARI24KDISCONLY$34.95K DISC ONLY $34.95 BY BillBILL BOGENRBOGENREIFEIF TOP SELLING PROGRAMS TOP SELLING PROGRAMS We also featurfeaturee ttremendousremendous savisavingsngs frfrom:om: Atari Missile Command $33.96 Missile Command . ... $33.96 AtanAtari PrProgramogram Exchange Asteroids $33.96 Asleroids . .. $33.96 Adventure InternatioInternationalnal InvitationInvitation to Prog.Prog . 2 .... .... $16$16.96.96 Crystal InvitationInvilalion to10 Prog.Prog. 3 .... •.... .. $'6$16.96.96 PP.D.I..D.I. 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StarStar Raiders,Raiders, MissileMissile Command,Command , SoftwareSoftware Street andandJoysticks. Joysticks. The Programmer $54.00 The Programmer ............. $54.00 Software Street is youryour mail order ATARI Basic Programming language, Basic Programming language, discount center.center. SelfSelfteaching teachingguide guideto to BasicBasic 8108'0 DiskDisk DriveDrive . .... $429.00$429.00 andandBasic Basicreference referencemanual manual PricesPrices subjectsubject toto changechange ShippingShipping costs:costs: Software - minimum $2 .00 TheThe EducatorEducator ...... ... $115.00$' , 5.00 Software - minimum $2.00 THETHEABOVE ABOVEPRICES PRICESARE AAE FORFOA PRE-PAIDORDERS.PAE 'PAlo OAoERS. Hardware - prices will vary (please call) 4-10410Recorder, Recorder,Basic Basicprogramming programming Hardware - prices will vary (please call) language,language,and andStates Statesand andCapitals. Capitals. SoftwareSoftware StreetStreet AJ"'- 3392 Clipper Dr. 3392 Clipper Dr. ATARIATARI Chino,CA91710 Chino, CA9'7'0 ·----0o (714)591-3061 CallCall oror writewrite forfor youryour (7 '4)59'·3061 ATARIATARIISIS AA REGISTEREDREGISTERED TRADEMARK FREEFREEcatalog. catalog. April, 1982. issue 23 200200 COMPUTE!COM'UTII April 1982. Issue 23 ableable from:from : graphicsgraphics andand animationa nimation capturecapture bay.ba y. InI n aa preciselyprecisely timedtimed operaopera­ thethe dramadrama andand difficultydifficult), ofofspace space tion,tion , theth e playerplayer mustmust maneuvermaneuver Teaclier'sT t!urllP'-',\ PetP el SoftwareSujiwar(' navigation. Shuttle liftoff and his craft around the station and GlennGleftll FisherFisher navigation. Shuttle liftoff and his craft aro und the station and flight conditions are governed by into the narrow, tunnel-like bay. 1517151 7 HollyJ-/ ol/ySSt.I. flight conditions are governed by into the narrow, tunnel-like bay. Once docking is achieved, a Berkeley,BPI"kl'le)', CACA 947039-1703 gravitationalgravitational forces,forces, thrust,thrust, andand Once docking is achieved, a thethe player'splayer's ownown pilotingpi loting skills.ski ll s. sophisticatedsophisticated algorithmalgorithm scoresscores Edu-WareEdu-Ware DistanceDistance andand enginee ngine burnburn timetime performance.performance. (measured(meas ured inin kilometerskilometers anda nd ManeuversM aneuvers areare implementedimplemented AnnouncesAnnounces seconds)seconds) complicatecomplicate orbitalorbital withwith eithereither keyboardkeyboard oiorjoystick joys ti ck RendezvousRendezvous calculations.calculations. controls.controls. ThroughoutThroughout thethe finalfinal alignali gn­ RendezvousRendezvous isis recommendedrecomme nded ReleaseRelease mentmelll andand dockingdocking sequencesequence thethe forlilr individualindividual players,playe rs, 1313 andand playerplaye r viewsviews thethe rotating,rotating, 3- over.over. SuitableSuitable forfor classroomclassroom Edu-WareEdu-Wa re hashas announcedannounced thethe dimensionaldimensional space stationstation asas itit applicationapplicatio n inin GeneralGeneral Science,Scie nce, AprilApril releaserelease of Rendezvous",Re ndezvous T.\!. aa wouldwould appearappear throughthrough aa space EarthEarth Science,Science, andand Physics.Physics. spacespace shuttlesh utLl e Flightfli ght simulationsimulation byby craft'scraft's anterioranterior window.window. 3-D3- D a NASANASA seniorsenior scientist,scientist, WesleyWesley Edu-WareEdu,- Ware Services,Sf'rvices, Inc.l uc. Solid-StructureSolid-Structu re Graphics™Graphics n , bringbring P.O. Box 22222 Huntress.Huntress. InIn four phasesphases RenRe n­ P.O. Box 22222 toto lifeli fe thethe massivemassive bulkbulk and solidsolid­ Agoura,CA 91301 dezvous simulatessimulates an actualactual space Agoura, CA 9 1301 ityity of the stationstation and dockingdocking shuttleshuttle Flightflight from Earth Liftoff,Liftoff, throughthrough OrbitalOrbital RendezvousRendezvous and Approach,Approach, to AlignmentAlignil1c nt and DockingDocking withwith a spacespace station.sta tion. TheThe system is available in AppleApple­ soft and Atari BASIC,BASI C, andand will retailreta il forfo r $ (~.) Rendezvous'Re ndezvous' high-resolutionhig h-resolution .... i )) .,-', PET TERMINAL EMULATOR • EmuatesEmulates 3 poptJcrpopular tterminals.... mindo . • Adds a sefidserial port.port, no extemaexternal portportss used. • 150150 toto 4800 BAUDBAUD.. • MachineMachine l<J1guagelanguage prog-crnprogram inh 4K ROM. • UsesUses dmostalmost no RAMRAM.. For BASIC 4.0 ROMS to read. The colorful, animated • For BASIC 4.0 ROMS Cf to read . The colorful, animated $175$175.00.00 "MyMy FirstFirst aalphabetlphabet iiss aa beneficbeneficialial llearningearning Alphabet"Alphabet" ClaimsClaims aaidid toto cchildrenhildren bbetweenetween twotwo andand Atari $25,000 eeightight years years ooff age.age. MorMoree thanthan AMPLIFY,AMPLIFY, INC.INC. Atari $25,000 $$ 1100,00000,000 worthworth ofof prizesprizes aarere aawardedwa rded annuaannuallyll y toto ccreatorsreators ofof 23252325 MacBrideMacBride AwardAward computer software in the contest IowaIowa City,City, 10la 5224052240 com pUler soflware in the conlesl 331919351-4775351-4775 FFernandoernando HHerrera.erre ra, winnerwinner ofof ththee ssponsoredponsored bbyy Atari,Atari, InInc.c. HHerrera,errera, $25$25,000,000 AtarAtarii StarStar AwardAward ffor'or thethe aann architectarchitect bbyy trainingtraining,, rrecentlyecently ccreationreation ooff aa cocomputermpute r prprogram,ogram, swswitcheditched cacareersreers asas ththee resultresult ofof waswas inspirinspireded toto writwritee MMyy FirFirstst hishis interinterestest inin homhomee computerscomputers.. AAlphabetlphabet ttoo assassistist hishis visuavisually-ll y­ HeHe nownow manmanagesages aa computercomputer impairimpaireded sonson,, Steve,Steve, inin llearningearning sstoretore oonn LongLong IIsland,sland, NewNew York.York. ("1 .~ AllALL ATARI ATARI®® HARDWAREHARDWARE 1515%-25%%·25% * Kelly'sKelly's Computing ill - . OFFOFF LISTLIST PRICEPRICE •lV Computing AI,riAtari 800800 16K 16K .. 710710.00.00 Atari 400 16K 359.00 Jll Ata rt 40016K ....... .. ... ..359.00 SPECIALS ATARf AlariAtari 410410 CassetteCassette . .... 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