THE WESTFIELD LEADER Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County IENTY THIRD YJ5AR—No. 34. WBBTFIBLD, NKW JZKSKY, WEDRISDAtVlUT 14, ltU. uxnnt PAOIS-S aaxti til AUDIENCE NEEDLEWORK GUILD ADHINKTRATOft QUAXMAN 6f)EET SCHOOL BOARD WASHINGTON SCHOOL HAVEJOOD YEAR of Education Explain Many Gftrmants Will be Given ir Views Regarding SITE POSSIBILITIES ! to Old and New Institution* Contemplated Locations ; Who Need Aid Disinterested Architect Shows THE OLDEST BANKING INSTITUTION IN WESTFIELD ; WANT CLARK PROPERTY What Can be Done as a MEETING WELL~ ATTENDED jr«l other attractions In *3wa HAS PAH) OVER 1180,000.00 de tne The Westneld Branch ot the Needle- IN "inning m» attendance at Valuable Adjunct to work Oulld of America held their hlogton school, celled by the annual exhibition and meeting la the INTEREST TO DEPOSITORS at of i he Board of Trade, for Parish bouse of the Presbyterian «>••• of dlirawlof school sites, Present Location church yesterday afternoon. There thun would have other wUw HAS THE LARGEST AND FINEST There w#r# was an unusually large attendance i tt« case. ** P*ee- of enthusiastic members. VAULT IN TOWN licludlng si* members of the Mrs. James O. Clark, president ot i and three reporter*. NOT NECESSARY TO PURCHASE the local branch, presided aad re- * meeting wu ealled to ordwr ports of the vartoua ofBoers and com- WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS L Alpen. cbalrmtn of the "committee of the Board of Mr. Oeorge Btartn Cowles, C. K., . understand It la the Intention, "*'""••,"•'• r *d- ***•*• ***** r tooa h h B f ASSETS OVER 11,000,000.00 n Dutcher wee chosen and an architect of great ability and erect on the Washington School I , » 1° *!-F * f* »' *• 22*** , Mr. M thoroughly familiar with school work, Ite (If It can be shown practical) '|OB of "»• »«*»• •••« <**"** "•* nan. 1 during the past year she had dis- limn. Egcl. Dennis, Dempeey and (he at preaent being engaged In con- ,n up to date High School Building containing laboratories, rooms for tributed 1«» garmenu In Weetaeld BXBCCTO* .poke for the Board of Bduca- siderable municipal work for the city mums of Tonkera) and who at the request [rawing, manual training, commercial and also sent (0 garments to the HylDf their reasons tor tavor- Red Croee Society for the western of "The Leader" made a thorough ork, study rooms, toilets, well ven- 7u« porrhane of the Walnut street .Hated wardrobes, dressings rooms, flood sufferers. Hcf'» Russell, Sprlngatead, examination of the several sites un- Miss riorenoe Johnson, ot the der consideration for school purposes, gymnasium and a ground Boor audi- !, Bonnell. J. B. Wlleon also lorlum with a eeatlag capacity tortor 80*"1 •""'••a Committee, of the i tbelr vli'wa on the question. presents us with a sketch, which we eight hundred people ' H«r|eni Hospital gave a very Interest- He Was Just Going: To F*7H Collins gave his reasons for show on page I, tad which he be- ln ulk tb# on bjf th lleTes to be the proper location tor After reading over the reports otj « °" """* * £Jl ! in? ili<- purchase of the Clark .he Engineers regarding the Tub- sur- members of her committee. Tlfle work Moat fatlursa and lossea ln a man's life are not due to lack ot bralai thertMillding, as It will In no way de- of prompt), and Dr. I. W. Steaaa, face conditions of the center of tba | "_*','... """ "* or lack of valuable Ideaa, but because something happened Just aa he of the First Presbyteriaa tract from the necessary space for unoccupied portion of the Washing- hospital" and she told of visiting the was going to. h, aikeU that those who favored playgrounds. Infringe on the light In ton School site, It Is apparent from patients every day and doing little He waa Just going to purchase a pleee ot property, but the other flier nt sttea present their opln- the preaent building, obviate the ne- theee reports that If your building la errands for them, supplying them fellow bought It the day before and reapeth the big profit with small needs aad after they are i through the public press. cessity of the children and teachers He waa Just going to retire attar yean of hard labor, bat Ida [In following explains the vlewa redressing In stormy weather, as foundation will have to be convalescent, finding homes, or em- ployment for them. health broke, aad soon there waa a widow with his children to care (Continued on would be the case If the school were proofed and drained, and for. placed some distant away, or destroy care taken to reach hard and firm' _Th# r»«K>rt ?' ""• -*?*** iUUd tB t h d Here Is a man who lived In one place for SO yean: tor to years WING BASE BALL QAME any of the trees and further says ground for the footings. Th- -~™! » «»•" « *•»• "« «arments he was Just going to take our Fire Insurance, but last March, Ilka a the Washington site Is preferable thlaf In the night, came the dreaded monster fire and stole away hla for economical reasons and gives his barns, hla tools, hla very lite. All gone and not one dollar of In- I School League to Play M Rec- follows: Children's Country Home, views as follows: mean 'the building of a foundation surance. reation Virk a to support the foundation of the pro- Weetaeld, 111; Kllaahetb Oeneral He has made a new start aad he has started right by having hla Ifuvnooa. posed building, which would have to Hospital. IK; N. Y. City Mission. Insuranoe written through Wm. B. Welch * Boa. George Btarln Cowlee, The same thief stay visit your borne tonight, are you prepared. |ft« flnt ba» ball game la the ser- Architect I of the Sunday School Athletic • Getty Sq ,, Yonkera. N. T. Before you retire call up IM-W. Order your property fully covered. 000.00 to M.000.00 additional, over } will be played at Recreation Weatclheater Truat Co. Bids "BETTER Bit INSURED THIN SOIUtT." in Saturday afternoon of this Yonkers, N. Y., May 10, 1»U the _. The opposing teams will be Editor of the Leader, the shown on the accompanying plan. Bon u I • from the Holy Trinity and first Weetfleld, N. J. Home Society. Trenton. »«; Reeerre ftodiit churches, and the contest My dear Sir—At your request I am After carefully examining the con- Wm. S. Welch & Son 'o be most interesting herewith submitting tor your ap- ladles present We are protecting WeeteWM property for amity a saUttoa aad a half. Street, facing the last Facade, of i ground! bare been gone errer proval a tentative plan for the pro- made short addressee on the work m extent and it Is hoped by posed High School Building to be the Washington School, I feel eon- that had been accomplished during i Interested In the League that erected In Westneld, N. J. (Continued on 4) 'the past year. Trie president asked 'ettn«Id fans will turn oat In that the ladles Interest the children lly num)K<rn to witness the games, AGRANT OF CHINA and get more garments next year. I lie hoy* are confident that they MEETING OF EQUAL TO UK GIVKN AUAIN Summer Cottage For Rent 1 ui> an interesting game each FRANCHISE LEAGUE MANY 1TTKND RKC1TAL. ly throughout the season. \ group of young people in the On Peconic Bay tuenilxrg of the Town Council Mrs. Philip Huowden to Addrree the Congregational church, who have The recital given by Mlse Bray, • been Invited to attend the game Habile on Woman's Suffrage. been studying missions under the aaslsted by Dr. Ion Jackson, on Belur In a beautiful grove, six sleeping rooms, separate maid's room, I It 1» ei|x<ted that Mayor Evans leadership of Mlas Marlon Randolph. <"»* evening last, In the Congrega- hath, running water in all rooms, small stable and garage. j throw the first ball. A meet In K of the Kqual Franchise gave a most Interesting aeries of church, was well attended. I* few seaaon tickets are still In League will take place at Flagg's scenes fro"m"iife"ln"'chVne on"the" last 7ne Program was carefully selected Ideal water advantages, fine roads, tradesmen call every day. Westneld Tbeatre on next Saturday Friday in April. All those taking part >Dd •» the numbers proved most Country club near. Address Box 138 for particulars and • kud> uf the members for aale at evening at 8:16. Mr. Flagg will not lnter Un to The F unall figure. If yon have not wore Chinese costume The soenes ** * "" audience. have the moving pictures on this one givon were four In number. The first artists were encored at each appear- photographs. purchased one Mr. Fan, do occasion. The speaker of the even- |M once an,I b« In line with the presented an Interview between a ' ing will be Mrs. Philip Suowden, a missionary teacher and a native; >d» of others already Interested woman of International reputation. |ih project. woman; the second, a group ot ' The people of Westneld wil lhave Chinese school girls; the third, a a rare opportunity on Saturday even- dispensary scene; and the fourth, a MAY FESTIVAL Ing, May 17th, when Ethel Snowden, boys' school ln full operation, with Kinds ol Advertuinj the English suffragist, will address a Rev. Dr, Btlmeon, for years a mla- I'm MBkarklaa; ta kubm «a» i ot Children to Take Put maas meeting at Flagg's Theatre. sionary in China, in charge. Dr. ant »r«klna Ikat dm tk« mmi- Mra. Snowden baa tor years been as- Stlmaon now resides In Westneld.
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