PARTIAL RESURRECTION Archives An Antidote to Larger Hope 236.8 By JOHN R. FISKE. Jr. F541 p 1915 Milan, Kansas. As we for many years held to the “Fair Chance” theory we are in a position to sympathize with those who believe it. But about twenty-five years ago the truth of partial resurrection came into our life, and after a hard struggle was accepted. It has had a great effect upon us since spiritually for which we thank the Father. We have crossed swords in debate with about thirty representatives of Larger Hope and Universalism; and are in a position to know well the fatal weakness of both systems. The reader will find in the following pages only a part of the argument that can be submitted against Larger Hope. If more proof is desired we would be pleased to grant it. Larger Hope was originated by Geo. Storrs. He started the “Life Believers,” then swung from that extreme to his theory of Larger Hope. So Larger Hope is not seventy-five years old. For over eighteen centuries after the Master s birth there is not a trace histor­ ically of Larger Hope. All is as dark as night. !No one in the whole world believed it. It was first introduced into the one body by J. M. Stephenson and others. For long years it made very slow progress. Very few of the brethren baptized forty or more years ago believed it. Finally C. T. Russell started his propaganda which included Larger Hope. His success among believers has been great. Many have joined the Russellites; others in the church have accepted his teachings in part, such as Larger Hope, non-resurrection of dead bodies and etc. Though Larger Hope is a nineteenth century product, not so with partial resurrection. The ancient Hebrews believed it: “The He­ brews believed the heathen would remain in the death state of Shcol” —.Enc. Brit. V 8. p. 580 under head of Eschathology.” “Is there any hope for those who have laid violent hands on the temple of the Lord? They will be neither damned nor saved; their sleep will be eternal according to the word of the prophets”—Targum of Jonathan on Jer. 51:57. “The former-Hcbrews-believed that only the Israelites shall be raised again”—Adam Clark’s Commentary. Grotius mentions Rabbi Bechai and says of him: “Respecting the Gentiles for he will have resurrection to be the perogative of the Israelites ’ Sanhedron Ch. 10:30: “The generation of the deluge will have no part in the future life.” Ecclesiasticus 44:9: ‘And there are some of whom there is no memorial. Who are PERISHED, AS IF THEY HAD NEVER BEEN; and are become as if they had never been born, and their children with them.” 2 Machabces 7:14: “It is better, being put to death by men, to look for hope from God to be RAISED UP AGAIN by him; for as to thee thou shalt have NO RESURRECTION UNTO LIFE.” Since the Hebrews then believed that “the heathen would remain in the death sleep of Sheol “theii Scriptures fully justi- (1) Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/ ficd this belief—Prov. 21:16; Isa, 26:14, 10: 43:17; Jer. 51:57; Dan. 12:2 and etc. Now when the faith was revived by Dr. Thomas he taught the doctrine of partial resurrection in the 30 s and 40’s of the nineteenth century. Later in the 40’s he met the Wilsons and taught them the truth. The Wilsons were at the time Baptists. They having heard Dr. Thomas, later organized the first Church of God in America. Tlios. Wilson writes thus: “When the Wilsons left England for the bailed Stales (in two detachments—1844-1840) it resulted in a change of belief and fellowship. The first migration (Benjamin and James Wilson and families with others) came in contact with Dr. Thomas who had come to believe in the view of life only through Christ, the restoration of Israel, and Christ’s reign on the throne of David in Jerusalem and etc. The second migration had all become believers of the same doctrines. A congregation was formed with regular services; and a paper. The Gospel Banner was issued monthly advocating them at Geneva, 111., by my Uncle Benjamin.” Now here Thos. Wilson writes these founders of our movement had “the same faith” as Dr. Thomas who was a partial resurrectionist at the time. A further proof that Benjamin Wilson believed in a limited resurrec­ tion is the fact he wrote an article for “The Mirror” in June 1901 advocating a partial resurrection under the caption “A Scriptural Inquiry on Resurrection: Limited or Universal.” This same article is in “Words of Life” a book compiled by the late J. 0. Woodruff of Elizabeth, N. J. Benj. Wilson died a few years later a believer in a partial resurrection of the wicked dead. Here then we find B. Wilson who had the “Same Faith" as Dr. Thomas, a believer in a limited resurrection. The brotherhood remained united ’till about 1866, when Dr. Thomas started mortal emergency. This resulted in a split. The wing that followed the doctor were called “Christadelphians;” those who did not were called “The Church of God.” In 1868 J. M. Steph­ enson, who had left the Seventh Day Adventists in 1863, wrote an article favoring partial resurrection which The Restitution published. D. C. Robison twenty or more years ago had it republished in The Restitution. Editor Underwood in commenting on it stated that it had been .published in 1868 without editorial stricture. He said it was evidently then the faith of the brotherhood. The fact that the Christadelphians who split from us in about 1866 still teach it shows too, that it was the faith of the Church of God as a body then. R. G. Huggins, an ex­ editor of The Restitution writes: “Years ago I read all the old litera­ ture— Dr. Thomas’ ‘Heralds,’ Benj. Wilson’s •Banners,’ etc. The first church organized perhaps was at Geneva, 111., by the Wilsons. These old hands went along satisfied with the truth until J. M. Steph­ enson and some other leaders embraced or rather absorbed what is now known as Russellism. They embibed it from Russell and Barber, who went together and started what was culled ‘Barbarism.* Later there was a split between them and Barberism died and Russellism was born.” Here we find Pastor Huggins confirming the foregoing. “During the seventies The Church of God tried working with the Ad­ ventist Christian, but were finally forced to quit it on account of “The World’s Crisis.” Refusing to publish, age-to-come doctrines. During that time though, our main doctrines were thus started in the (2) Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/ A. C. body where they linger to this day. On the other hand our people borrowed some of their errors through this association; such as universal resurrection, non-resurrection of the wicked and etc. But the doctrines of a partial resurrection remained in the ascendancy 'till about thirty years ago. Such men as P. Neil, M. Joblin, A. R. Underwood, W. A. Prosser, J. 0. Woodruff, W. H. Wilson, Benj. Wilson, D. C. Robison, A. H. Z.ilmer and a host of others held to these views. One thing that has given great impetus to universal resurrection and probation for the dead is whole conferences like Arkansas and Minnesota have joined the Church of God carrying over Advent Christian ideas. Though so wide spread now, Larger Hope historically, is a departure from the one faith as revived by Dr. Thomas and the Wilsons. Larger Hope teaches that God has withheld a chance for salvation from some who otherwise would have accepted it. Much is said about those who have died in ignorance of the one faith. But why blame God for this? When “the world began” did He not place in man’s hand the one faith with orders to transmit it to all—Act. 3:21; Jude 14:15; Heb. 11:4-6, 13? If these orders had been obeyed would not all have heard? Since man to a certain extent has failed, must God be held responsible for man’s failure? Did not God a second time make it possible for the faith to reach all when in Noah s hands— “a preacher of righteousness’’ was committed the “one faith” 2 Peter 2:5; Heb. 11:7? Since there were but “eight souls saved” and the rest of mankind destroyed, how long did the descendants of these eight retain the faith? But a short while! If the world was enlight­ ened yet a third time; as it was under Adam and Noah, it would be but a short while ’till it would lose the faith again!! Is it not a fact that many of the children of “Soul Sleepers” will not learn the truth? Even if they know it do not many of them soon drift? Thus ever it is with man. Notwithstanding, God has twice made it possible for all to know the faith” since the world began, “He has also sent many prophets, apostles, saints—even his own beloved Son to entreat them to learn of the Father. Yet they will not!! “All day long,” through the ages, God says, “I have stretched forth my hands.”—Rom. 10:21 —to mankind calling in tender accents,” Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come.” Isa. 55:1. Yet they will not respond! Must more be expected of Him for those who fail to respond to these loving calls? God has done even more; “He that cometh to God must believe that He is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him.”—Heb.
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