MINUTES of the meeting of TUPTON PARISH COUNCIL held on Tuesday 28 February 2017. P R E S E N T Councillor C. Goodyer (in the Chair) Councillors J. Ahern, T. Card, D. Hancock, L. Parmley, S. Peters, M.E. Scott, B. Wakefield and M. Wakefield. An apology for absence was submitted on behalf of Councillor L. Booth. MATTERS RAISED IN PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Local residents attended the meeting to enquire whether the Council was aware of a potential development on the land to the rear of Platts field. It was noted that the local plan for North East Derbyshire had recently been published that outlined potential sites for development in the District and further information could be obtained by attending one of the exhibition events. 33/17 Declaration of Interests and requests for dispensations Councillor C. Goodyer submitted a request for dispensation to speak on behalf of local residents in connection with a planning application on Brassington Lane and declared a pecuniary interest in this item as it affected her property. Councillors L. Parmley and B. Wakefield declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 7(b) relating to the Lest we forget project. Councillors D. Hancock and S. Peters declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 8(l) relating to the pruning of trees on the Ward Street Allotment site. 34/17 Minutes RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 24 January 2017 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman subject to Minute Number 1/17 be amended to read that “Councillor D Hancock declared a pecuniary interest” 35/17 Urgent Items – (a) Trees – Station New Road Councillor Hancock reported that he had been approached by local residents regarding the condition of the trees on Station New Road, particularly as a number of branches had fallen off during the recent storms. RESOLVED that the Clerk write to the County Council to ask that the trees be reassessed to ensure that they were still in a safe condition. (b) Speeding on A61 Derby Road Councillor Hancock referred to the accident that had occurred on the A61 the previous evening and once again raised concerns regarding the speed of vehicles using this stretch of road. - 1 - The Council continued to insist that the County Council undertake a review of the speed limit from the Brassington Lane junction to the Queen Victoria Road roundabout. It was noted that the County Councillor B. Wright had already made a request to the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transportation at the County Council for the speed limit on this stretch of road to be reduced. RESOLVED that the Clerk write to the County Council again to make a further request for the speed limit on the A61 adjacent to the Parish to be reviewed and enquire whether the Council could be provided with the results of the speed readings for the Parish. 36/17 Items in Exclusion – none 37/17 Resignation of Councillor N. Humphrys The Chairman reported that she had received a letter of resignation from Councillor N. Humphrys. RESOLVED that the Clerk arrange for the declaration of a casual vacancy on the Council to be advertised at the earliest opportunity 38/17 Declaration of interest RESOLVED (1) that all Members of the Parish Council be provided with a link to their published declaration of interest form and asked to review and update it as necessary; and (2) that the Council undertake a review of the declaration of interest forms at the Annual Meeting to ensure they remain current. 39/17 Lest we forget Project The Council had been invited to send two representatives on the trip to visit the World War I cemeteries as part of the Lest we Forget project. A number of groups had enquired whether further places would be available on the trip. RESOLVED (1) that the Clerk write to David Parmley to thank him for his efforts in organising the Lest we Forget trip; (2) that Mr. Parmley be asked to offer additional places to those groups who had been invited to send one representative if they became available; and (3) that Councillors C. Goodyer and L. Parmley be nominated to represent the Council on the trip subject to spaces being available. 40/17 Dog Fouling The Chairman reported that herself and Councillor Wakefield had met with the dog warden to discuss the issue of dog fouling in the Parish. It was noted that there were a number of options available to the Parish in terms of pursuing a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO), which could stop people from exercising their dogs on certain parts of the recreation grounds and public parks. - 2 - Ashover Parish Council had tried to obtain a PSPO, and it was agreed that the Clerk investigate whether it had been successful and how they went about it. RESOLVED (1) that the Clerk write to the District Council to ask for more information on the criteria and procedure to be followed in applying for a PSPO; and (2) that the Clerk contact Ashover Parish Council to seek further information on their attempts to introduce a PSPO. 41/17 Tupton Tidlers – room hire The Chairman submitted a proposal to fund the Tupton Tiddler Group for a year at a cost of £2,185. It was noted that whilst the group was able to apply for funding and grants for one-off items, on-going revenue costs of the group could not be funded in this way. Councillor D Hancock enquired whether the groups had undertaken fund raising events themselves and how the income generated from the attendance fee was being used. Councillor J. Ahern supported the proposal for one year but expressed his concern that this should not become an ongoing commitment for the Council RESOLVED that approval be given to the funding of the group for the financial year 2017/18. 42/17 Tupton Laughter Club – grant application RESOLVED to defer consideration of this item pending further information being made available. 43/17 Neighbourhood Planning RESOLVED that Councillor D. Hancock provide further information on the development of a Parish Neighbourhood Plan. 44/17 Members Attendance (Standing Item) RESOLVED to note the level of attendance by individual Elected Members. 45/17 Action Plan RESOLVED to note the actions currently outstanding. 46/17 Dates for flying flag RESOLVED to note that the flag would be flown on Monday 13 March 2017 for Commonwealth day 47/17 Meeting with Police and Crime Commissioner - 3 - RESOLVED (1) to note that the Police and Crime Commissioner was unable to attend the meeting proposed for 14 March 2017 and had asked for further dates; and (2) that the Clerk provide the Police and Crime Commissioner with the Parish Council dates up to July. 48/17 Summer Floral displays Consideration was given to the recommendation of Councillors L. Booth and C. Goodyer regarding the revised sites for the planters and hanging baskets. RESOLVED (1) that the Council agree to the removal of all the planters on top of the bus shelters and the barrier baskets on the Community Garden; (2) that the revised locations and the introduction of additional sites on the main through routes in the Parish be approved; and (3) that the Council agree to a mixed colour display for 2017. 49/17 Children and Young Peoples Activities Committee – Extreme Wheels A meeting had been held with Extreme Wheels to discuss young peoples activities during the school holidays. It was noted that the Extreme Wheels team could visit the Parish each week during the Easter, Spring Bank, Summer and October half- term holidays, 10 visits in total. The young people would be able to have a say in the type of activities that they would like to attend and it was agreed that the most appropriate location would be the Northside recreation ground. RESOLVED (1) that the Clerk confirm the provisional booking of the Extreme Wheels team to visit the Parish during the school holidays; and (2) that the Clerk write to the Young Peoples Committee to provide details on the revised increased cost for the installation of a football table on Ford Street play area and seek their views. 50/17 Memorial Working Group The Clerk reported that the Memorial Working Group had met to consider the possibilities for remembering those individuals that had contributed extensively to the Parish during their life. RESOLVED (1) that the Clerk produce a set of criteria for a Tupton Parish Memorial Scheme; and (2) that further suggestions on how to recognise the individuals contribution be reported to a future meeting. 51/17 Mining Tub - 4 - RESOLVED to approve the commissioning of a Pit Tub for the Community garden at a cost of £900. 52/17 Grit Bin Review RESOLVED to defer consideration of this item to the next meeting 53/17 Website Consideration was given to a proposal received from 2commune for a new Council website. RESOLVED that an order be placed with 2commune for the provision of a new Council website and the Clerk be authorised to commit expenditure up to £1,500 for this purpose. 54/17 Articles for Community Magazine RESOLVED that the Clerk invite articles for the next Community Magazine to be available following the County Election in May 2017. 55/17 Request to remove ivy from a tree on the Ward Street Allotments RESOLVED to approve the removal of ivy from the Oak tree to the rear of 15/17 Farm View as it was harbouring a lot of insects that were preventing local residents from enjoying their gardens. 56/17 Thank you letters RESOLVED to note the thank you letters received in relation to the allocation of grants 57/17 Planning Applications RESOLVED (1) that the Council object to the reserved matters application relating to 15/01191/OL for 7 new dwellings on land to the rear of the House, Brassington Lane, Old Tupton on the grounds that the removal of the grass verges along Brassington Lane as part of this development would not be in keeping with the existing environment and an attractive amenity to the location would be lost.
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