INSIDE... WEDNESDAY, A PRIL 3, 2019 SPECIAL PULLOUT SECTION! VOL. 11 NO. 18 Sports IRONCOUNTYTODAY.COM WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 2019 Lady Reds 4 Opinion blast way 10 Showcase to two 13 Life more 23 Sports wins 26 Classifieds 29 Comics/Puzzles DEA 360 – A CH V S Senior raises awareness for prescription for prevention DRUNK DRIVING by Kelsey KEENER IRON COUNTY TODAY DANGERS Utah's Drug Enforcement Administration District Agent in Charge, Brian Besser, presented last week on the opioid epidemic facing Utah and the new DEA 360 approach being taken to address it. Besser began by observing that Utah is losing residents quietly to drugs, and that discussing drug-related crimes and the connection between drugs and crime are becoming inseparable. He said he hoped the audience members found the presentation informative. "I hope that it's informative," he said. "I hope that it opens your eyes. ... I think we oft-times get myopic, we get siloed in our lives, we live good lives, we enjoy our families, we enjoy our work. But we get insulated from what's really going A CVHS SENIOR ORGANIZED A FAKE caR CRASH caused by a drunk teenager to raise awareness for the dangers of drunk driving. First responders treat the scene as though it were real, taking apart the vehicles to get victims out safely and getting them medical attention. on around us." Besser then moved into dis- KELSEY KEENER cussing some statistics regarding by Kelsey KEENER too common so she decided to do The crashed mimicked a opioids both nationally and IRON COUNTY TODAY something about it. head-on collision caused by a state-wide. In 2016 more than “The ‘Every 15 Minutes’ program drunk teenage driver with cars 64,000 people in America died Shelby Maxwell, a senior at was done a couple years ago and I donated by Above All. Several of drug-related overdoses. The Canyon View High School, organized decided to make something kind of students participated by acting current provisional number for a mock car crash last week to raise like it because it impacted a lot of as victims in the wreck, including drug-related overdoses in 2017 is awareness for the potential conse- people,” she said. “I talked to people imitating injuries with makeup more than 70,000. Utah remains quences of drunk driving. who had gone through it and they said and fake blood. Several agencies Maxwell said she noticed drunk it had changed their life; they never see DEA 360 » 9 driving accidents were becoming thought to drink and drive again.” see DRUNK DRIVING » 6 2 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 2019 NEWS IRON COUNTY TODAY V alue of public lands discussed at Leavitt Center by Kelsey KEENER where we can improve and K EN WATSON IRON COUNTY TODAY make things better," he said. DISCUSSES "I think that allows for a lot the benefits and Four panelists discussed issues challenges of public more coexistence between surrounding the management, use and land management multiple uses, including conservation of public lands in Utah during an traditional uses like ranching during a panel last week at the SUU educational panel. and extraction industries, yet Michael O. Leavitt Center for Public still keeping our public lands Service and Politics. healthy and thriving." Miles Anderson and Logan Platt Pendleton said a large part served as moderators for the panel. of creating that balance is each The participating panelists were: parties' willingness to cooperate Kevin Wright, Public Service Staff with one another. Officer with Dixie National Forest; "I do feel that there is room for Levi Pendleton, Program Coordinator both to coexist, but it really depends for SUU Outdoors; Shea Owens, legal upon on the person's individual values counsel for the Public Lands Policy to be empathetic and understanding Coordinating Office; Ken Watson, Chief and to reach a goal," he said. of Interpretation and Visitor Services Watson continued the discussion of Cedar breaks National Monument. by saying that partnerships are Panelists were given time to another important part of striking the explain their responsibilities within balance between use and conservation their respective organizations, and of public lands. several topics were then presented COREY BAUMGARTNER "Partnerships are just getting more for discussion such as, management bounds of politics. and more important, whether it's a policies, development of public policy, I think that "The challenge is, within the nonprofit or a commercial entity or interaction between agencies and politics, within our resources, and governments banding together; you're the process of designating national we have within the science that we know, how going to have to find those compro- monuments. do we manage them to the best of our mises, that common ground where Pendleton said the general public the mindset ability?" Wright said. "We're not able to you can work from and still meet the has a great opportunity to have a voice “ because of certain politics but we try goals of the law and what society is in how public lands are managed in where we can our best and that's the challenge." looking for," he said. the current age of information and The panel also discussed the Wright added that this topic of technology. improve and challenge of balancing conservation debate has been occurring for years "There's all sorts of different and use of public lands, particularly and will continue to rage on. people that want to use the land and make things pertaining to those who use public "It's all about what people value, with this information age there's lands for their livelihoods. what people want, and it is public never been a better opportunity for better” Owens said in line with preser- land," he said. "So, we as agencies need us to get involved and be educated in vation and conservation, another to listen to those voices and see what what's going on and have a voice as » Shea Owens, Public Lands concern should be striving for is the most appropriate type of use for well," he said. enhancement and improvement. the different types of lands but I think In discussion of the involvement Policy Coordinating Office "I think that we have the mindset there's room for each of those voices." of politics in managing public lands, issue because there weren't funds to Owens used the Wild Horse and pay a janitor to clean them. Burro Act as an example of how "Sorting all of those things out politics can affect an agency's ability afterwards, what happened, what to do its job. He explained that the didn't happen, how do we readjust all act on its own allows for the Bureau of our budget, our contracting, and of Land Management to use several our hiring to accommodate this loss of tools to manage wild horse popula- time and what's going to happen with tions on public lands, but a rider in that?" Watson said. "So, those kinds of an appropriations bill limits the use things have a huge effect on us." of those tools. He added that administration in "Now, that happens all the time," he the White House can also affect public said. "They restrict funding and they land management. don't allow the BLM to use their funds "Depending on the administration to do this, even though the law allows in the White House, there are political them to do it, with little riders like appointees at the heads of a lot of that. I think unfortunately it probably these agencies," Watson said. "And plays the biggest role, but if you read they're taking their cues from the the acts in their simplest form it president and they may also have been shouldn't be involved." selected because they had an agenda Watson said even something as that the president wanted to support." small determining whether to leave Wright commented on the the restrooms available for use during fact that many federal and state the government shutdown was an agencies have to work within the IRON COUNTY TODAY NEWS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 2019 3 Zone changes approved last week by Kelsey KEENER approved by City Council. IRON COUNTY TODAY A zone change and GLUP amendment were passed by City Two zone changes and General Council for property located in the Land Use Plan amendments were area of 1805 North Lund Highway. passed during last week's City The GLUP was changed from Low Council meeting, in addition to two Density Residential to High Density vicinity plans. Residential; the zone was changed The vicinity plan for the Fiddlers from Annexed Transition to R-3. Mountain Estates planned unit There were concerns brought up development was approved during in the Planning Commission regard- the same meeting. The PUD is ing the changes for property on approximately 23 lots that will be Lund Highway, specifically concerns single-family units in the area of regarding having a high-density area 2300 North and 1200 East. in the vicinity of several low-density A vicinity plan for a PUD in the areas. Concern for a lack of afford- area of 200 West and 1425 North able housing was also mentioned was also approved. The PUD will during Planning Commission in include 20 three-bedroom town- light of the fact that the planned homes. Approval of this PUD also development for the area of concern required a zone change from Central could provide affordable housing. Commercial to R-3M and a GLUP The changes received a positive amendment from Commercial to recommendation from Planning High Density Residential, which were Commission with a 3-2 vote.
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