Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Contract ID: 20KF0038 Contract Name: Widening of Permanent Bridges at Kawit Bridge (B00944MN) along Linamon- Zamboanga Road, Kauswagan, Lanao Dei Norte Contract Locabon: Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte is WITNESS WHEREOK the parties thereto set lhai ropecava baft DB hi *JJ^ BMfc Hd ftm t'u-vt above written. PROCl RIN(. ENTITY: ( ONTRUTOR: Representor f\ Represented by: ALYKIIW^I.ALI OMAR B. NOOR OIG-Mstnb Enymeer General Manager M.vRIA I\ DAVID l.\l RENTtNoP. BADFtJ.ES Assistant District Engineer Account mi I III UAC'-Chairman DPWH-INFR-S1-20TG Page * of 5 Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Contract ID: 20KF0038 Contract Name: Widening of Permanent Bridges at Kawrt Bridge (B00944MN) along Linamon-Zamboanga Road, Kauswagan, Lanao Del Norte Contract Location: Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) )S.S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BEFORE ME, as the Notary Public for and within the Qty of Itigan, personally appeared ALY KHAN U. ALL QIC-District Engineer, representing the REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES (Department of Public Works and Highways), with Residence Community Tax Certificate No 09242652 issued on January 16. 2020 at Ilipan Citv. and OMAR Bt NOOR/ General Manager representing LANAO BUILDER AMD ENTERPRISES with Community Tax Certificate No. 13126470 issued on January 08. 2020 at Marawi City known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing CONTRACT and AGREEMENT and they acknowledged to me that the same is their true act deed for and in behalf of the parties they represented. This instrument consists of Five (5) pages, including the page, on which this acknowledgement is written duly signed by the contracting parties and their witnesses on the left margin of the pages. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my Signapji? and Official Seal this 07th day of February. 2020. (Notary Public) TTY. MA&ftCtMA B. MftC AD JVT 0 wxm PUBLIC <Utf J- UNTIL DECEMBER 31.2021 Doc. No. ' S Roil No. 40 3 n UFETWE IW No.02538 tfil PTR Mo.94BO?461-20-20 Page No. _^ \\\1&k Clly Book No. Series of DPWH-INFR-51-2016 Page \ Of I Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Contract ID: 20KF0038 Contract Name: Widening of Permanent Bridges at Kawit Bridge (B00944MN) along Unamon-Zamboanga Road, Kauswagan, Lanao Del Norte Contract Location: Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte FORM OF CONTRACT AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This CONTRACT AGREEMENT, made this 07* day of February, 2020. bv and between: The GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES through (Department of Public Works & Highways! represented herein by ALY KHAN U. ALI. QIC-District Engineer, duly authorized for this purpose, with main office address at Lanao del Norte 2"" District Engineering Office, Seminary Drive, Del Carmen, Iligan City, hereinafter referred to as the "PROCURING ENTITY": -and- LANAO BUILDER & ENTERPRISES, single proprietorship and existing under and by virue of Laws of the Republic of the Philippines, with main office address Lanao Builder Building, Macapagal Avenue, Iligan City represented herein by OMAR B. NOOR. General Manager, duly authorized for this purpose, hereinafter referred to as the "CONTRACTOR". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the PROCURING ENTITY is desirous that the CONTRACTOR execute the Works under Contract ID; 2QKFQQ38 Widening of Permanent Bridges at Kawit Bridge (B0Q944MN) along Linamon-Zamboanaa Road. Kauswaoan. Lanao Del Nortehereinafter called "the Works," and the PROCURING ENTITY has accepted the Calculated Bid of the CONTRACTOR for the execution and completion of the Works wtthln 221 Calendar Davs at the calculated unit bid prices shown in the attached Bill of Quantities, or a total Contract price of Twentv-Eight Million Five Hundred Twentv- One Thousand Five Hundred Ninety-Seven Pesos and Eighty-Nine CentavosfP 28,531,597.39Hem ) Description Quantity Unit Unit Cost MM** (P) Total Amount PART A. FACILITIES FOR THE ENGINEERS (P) CoftMnjction at FieW Office for the A. UP) Eno.*ieer 100 U 186,450.00 186,450 00 PARTS. OTHER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ; oo each 3.660 00 7,320.00 6.7(2B.5 ) OtcupaitotiaProject tfcllboartl/Stgnboari Safety and MeaAd h 1.00 LI 107.350.00 107.350.00 Program 8.8 Traffic Management 737 He 22.600.00 166.562.00 B (i Mcc*rabon/DemoUlzarJon 100 Ls J30.7SO00 330.750-00 5 1) i AddKMnal GeotecrNcal Investigation 1.00 Ls 497.20000 497.20000 aim) Craneway 1.00 LS 226,000.00 226.000.00 PART C RemovaEARTHWORKl of StructureS s and 101O) Obstruction 1.00 LS 20,435.00 20,435.00 Removal of Structures and 101(6) Ot>5tTUcOon;Ctoncrete 26.01 Sq m 4.645.29 126,025.99 lu.KHi Structure Excavation 161 04 Quit 293.18 DPWH-1NFR-S1-2016 Page I of 5 Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Contract ID: 20KF0038 Contract Name: Widening of Permanent Bridges at Kawit Bridge (B00944MN) along Linamon-Zamboanga Road, Kauswagan, Lanao Del Norte Contract Location: Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte 103(2)3 Bridge Excavation 545 18 Cu.m 307.47 167,626.49 ff nmmon Soill 104(2)a Embankment from Borrow 306.57 Cu.m 809.88 249,904.67 (Comrnon Soil) PART E. SURFACE COURSE 302(2) Emulsified Asphalt 252.76 sq.m 263.08 66,496.10 310(l)c Bituminous Concrete 238.52 Sfl.m 1,786.98 | 426,230.47 Surface Course; Hot-Laid PARTFT BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION 400()a2 Precast concrete Piles, 840.00 m 6,931 48 5,822,443.20 Furnished (450rnmx450mm) 400(14) Precast concrete Piles, 840.00 m 3,360.80 2,823,072.00 Driven (450mmx450rnm) 400(l6)b Test Piles, Furnished and 120.00 m 8,317.55 998,106.00 Driven 401(2)a Concrete Railing Standard 86.72 m 4,764.92 413,213.86 404(l)a Rein forcing Steel Bar, 14,843.09 kg. 72.08 1,069,889.93 Grade 40 404(J)b Reinforcing Steel Bar. 40,S57 74 kgs 75.12 1 3,069,233.43 Grade 60 405(l)a3 Structural Concrete, Class 173.66 Cu.m 9,653.98 1,676,510.17 A (20.68Mpa) 28 days 405(l)b3 Structural Concrete, Class 82.34 Cu.m 10,276.06 846,130.78 A (27.58Mpa) 28 days 406(1 )d3 Prestressed Structural 6.00 each 883,865.60 5,303,193.60 Concrete Members L=23.00m, Type IV I- Girders 407(8) Lean Concrete Class B, 3.% Cu.m 8,446.77 33,449.21 16.5Mpa 411(2) Paint 310.93 Sq.m 162.79 50,616.29 412(1* Elastomeric Bearing Pads 12.00 each 13,963.91 167,566.92 413(4)f Expansion Joint; Rubber 32.00 l.rn 5,862.10 187,587.20 (Multiplex) Expansion Joints PART G. DRAINAGE AND SLOPE PROTECTION STRUCTURES 505(2)a Grouted Riprap, Class "A" 243.95 Cu.m 5,234.92 1,277,058.73 506(1) Stone Masonry 14.62 Cu.m 5,719.14 83,613.83 509(l)b2 Sheet Piles; Steel; 39-1.40 km 5,088.46 2,006,888.62 Cofferdamrning 517(l)a Dram Pipe, Galvanized 17.60 l.rn 3,250.32 57,205.63 -CART H. MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES 612(1) Reflectofized 9.00 Sq.m 1.139.34 10,254.06 Thermoplastic Pavement Markings White TOTAL = 28,521,597.89 OPWH-1NFR-51-2016 Page: of 5 Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Contract ZD: 20KF0038 Contract Name: Widening of Permanent Bridges at Kawit Bridge (B00944MN) along Linamon-Zamboanga Road, Kauswagan, Lanao Del Norte Contract Location: Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte NOW. THEREFORE, for and consideration of the foregoing premises, ihc parties hereto agree as follows 1. In Uus CONTRACT AGREEMENT, words and expressions shall have die same meanings as are respectively assigned la them in the Conditions ofContract hereinafter referred to 2. The following documents shall be attached, deemed to form, and be read and construed as pan of this CONTRACT AGREEMENT, and shall be interpreted in the following order of pnorm a. This Contract Agreement b Documents forming pan of the Contract Agreement (1) Notice of Award (NOA) with the Contractor's signed "conforme" (2) CONTRA<TOR's Bid in the Form of Bid. including its Technical and Financial Components, as calculated by the Procurtng Erflm and conformed to by the CONTRACTOR through the NOA (3) Instructions to Bidders (ITB) and Bid Data Sheet (BDS) (4) Supplemenifil/'Bid Bulletins for Bidding Documents (5) Special Conditions ofContract (SCO (6) General Conditions ofContract <GCC> (7) Specifications (8) Drawings (<?) Periormance Security (10) Other Documents (a) Construction Methods (b) Construction Schedule in the form of PERT/CPM Diagram or Precedence Diagram and Bar Chan with S-Curve. or other approved tools of project scheduling, and Cash Flow (c) Manpower Schedule (d) Equipment Utilization Schedule (e) Construction Safety and Health Program initially approved b> the Head of the Procuring Entity (0 CONTRACTORS All RisL Insurance (CARI) In consideration of the payments to be made by the PROCURING ENTITY to the CONTRACTOR as hereinafter mentioned, the CONTRACTOR hereby covenants with the PROCURING ENTITY to execute and complete the Works and remedy anv defects therein in conformity with the provisions of this CONTRACT AGREEMENT In consideration of the execution and completion ol the Works by the CONTRACTOR, the PROCURING ENTITY hereby covenants to pay the CONTRACTOR the unit pnees in ihc CONTRACTOR'S Calculated Bid. as applied to ilw actual quantities accomplished as certified by the PROCURING ENTITY under the provisions of this CONTRACT AGREEMENT, at the times and in the manner prescribed by this CONTRACT AGREEMENT DPWH-1NFR-51-2016 Page I of I .
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