Sandwell and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group PUBLIC Meeting of the Governing Body Date: Wednesday 4th October 2017 Time: 13:45 – 16:00hrs Venue: Kingston House Room: Boardroom AGENDA Non-Confidential – Please ensure your phone is on silent throughout the meeting. This meeting will be held in public and will be recorded purely as an aide memoir for the minute taker to ensure an accurate transcript of the meeting, decisions and actions. Once the minutes have been approved the recording will be destroyed. All care is taken to maintain your privacy; however, as a visitor in the public gallery, your presence may be recorded. Should you contribute to the meeting during questions from the public, you agree to being recorded. No Subject Lead Time INTRODUCTION 1. Apologies for Absence: Verbal Professor N Harding 13:45 2. Declarations of Interest Verbal Professor N Harding 13:46 To request members to disclose any interest they have, direct or indirect, in any items to be considered during the course of the meeting and to note that those members declaring an interest would not be allowed to take part in the consideration or discussion or vote on any questions relating to that item. 3. Minutes of Previous Meeting held on Wednesday 1 Professor N Harding 13:50 2nd August 2017 4. Action Register 2 Professor N Harding 13:55 5. Questions from the Public Verbal Professor N Harding 14:00 6. Chairman’s Report Verbal Professor N Harding 14:05 7. Performance 7.1 Quality and Safety Committee Report 3 Dr S Mukherjee/ C Parker 14:10 7.2 Finance Report 4 Dr V Bathla / Mr J Green 14:17 7.3 Performance Report 5 Mr J Green 14:24 7.4 Strategic Commissioning & Redesign Committee 6 Mr Ian Sykes 14:31 Report 24th August 2017 7.5 Strategic Commissioning and Redesign Committee 7 Mr Ian Sykes 14:38 Report 14th September 2017 7.6 Audit and Governance Committee Report No meeting Mrs Julie Jasper 14:45 7.7 Organisational Development Committee Report 8 Professor N Harding 14:52 7.8 Primary Co-Commissioning Committee Report 9 Mr R Sondhi 14:59 Sandwell & West Birmingham CCG PUBLIC Meeting of the Governing Body PUBLIC Agenda Page 1 Wednesday 4th October 2017 8. Governance and Business 8.1 Update on Cancers 10 Dr A Ahmed 15:05 8.2 Update from SWB A&E Delivery Board 11 Ms Sharon Liggins 15:10 8.3 Ambulance Contract Activity Briefing 12 Ms Rachael Ellis 15:15 8.4 Governing Body/Committee Reporting Arrangements 13 Ms Michelle Carolan 15:25 8.5 Constitutional Committee Review 14 Ms Michelle Carolan 15:35 8.6 Delivering Accountable Care Systems 15 Ms Sharon Liggins 15:45 9. Minutes of Committees for Information (All minutes available on CCG Website) 9.1 Finance and Performance Committee Minutes 16 All 15:55 9.2 Quality and Safety Committee Minutes 17 9.3 Strategic Commissioning & Redesign Minutes 18 9.4 Audit and Governance Committee Minutes 19 9.5 Organisational Development Committee Minutes 20 9.6 Primary Care Commissioning Minutes 21 9.7 PPAG Minutes 22 10. Minutes of Locality Commissioning Groups for Information 10.1 ICOF LCG /Healthworks Minutes 23 10.2 Black Country LCG Minutes 24 10.3 Pioneers for Health LCG Minutes 25 10.4 Sandwell Health Alliance LCG Minutes 26 11. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 11.1 Items to share with staff Verbal Professor N Harding 15:59 12. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING Wednesday 1st November Boardroom, Kingston House, 13:45hrs CLOSE OF MEETING 16:00 Sandwell & West Birmingham CCG PUBLIC Meeting of the Governing Body PUBLIC Agenda Page 2 Wednesday 4th October 2017 Resolution adopted from the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960: That those representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest. Guidance on Declarations of Interest Definition of Interests A Governing Body/Committee member has a personal interest if the issue being discussed at a meeting affects the well-being or finances of the member, the member’s family, or a close associate more than most other people who live in the area affected by the issue. Personal interest are also things related to an interest the member must register such as outside bodies to which the member has been appointed by the CCG or membership of certain public bodies. A personal interest is also a prejudicial interest if it affects the finances of the member, the member’s family or a close associate and which a reasonable member of the public with knowledge of the facts would believe it likely to harm or impair the member’s ability to judge the public interest. Declaring interest If a member has an interest, they must normally declare it at the start of the meeting or as soon as they realise they have the interest. If a member has a personal and a prejudicial interest, they must not debate or vote on the matter and must leave the room. Quoracy No business shall be transacted at a meeting unless there is at least one-third of the whole number of the Chair and member’s (including at least one member who is also an elected GP, one member who is a Chief Officer and one member who is considered independent (from the lay members, secondary care doctor, or registered nurse) is present. Legend Accountable Officer – AO Chief Finance Officer –CFO Chief Officer, Operations – COO Chief Officer, Quality – COQ Chief Officer, Partnerships - COP Sandwell & West Birmingham CCG PUBLIC Meeting of the Governing Body PUBLIC Agenda Page 3 Wednesday 4th October 2017 Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting held in PUBLIC on Wednesday 6 September 2017, 12:30 - 13:30hrs, Boardroom, Kingston House Professor Nick Harding Chair, Sandwell & West Birmingham CCG Chair, Healthworks LCG Mr Andy Williams Accountable Officer Dr Basil Andreou Chair, Sandwell Health Alliance Dr Ayaz Ahmed Vice Chair, Sandwell Health Alliance Dr Vijay Bathla Chair, Pioneers LCG Dr Sirjit Bath Vice Chair, Pioneers LCG Dr Sam Mukherjee Chair, ICOF LCG Dr Inderjit Marok Vice Chair, ICOF LCG Dr Ian Sykes Chair, Black Country LCG Mrs. Sharon Liggins Chief Officer, Strategic Commissioning & Redesign Mr Andrew Harkness Consultant in Public Health Mr James Green Chief Officer, Finance Ms Janette Rawlinson Lay Member Mr Richard Nugent Lay Member Ms Therese McMahon Non-Executive Board Nurse Mrs. Claire Parker Chief Officer, Quality Ms Michelle Carolan Deputy Chief Officer, Quality Dr Ram Sugavanam Vice Chair, Healthworks LCG Ms Jayne Salter-Scott Communications & Engagement Manager, Sandwell & West Birmingham CCG Mrs. Rachael Ellis* Chief Officer, Integrated Urgent Care In Attendance: Ms Kate Wilkins Minute Taker Mr Martin Stevens (– item 8.4) Head of Contracts and Performance, SWBCCG Members of the Public: Mrs. Dottie Tipton SWBH Miss Jodi Woodhouse SWB CCG Mr Stephen Ray Apologies Dr. Ranjit Sondhi Vice Chair, Sandwell & West Birmingham CCG Mrs. Julie Jasper Lay Member Ms Kiri Harbottle Head of Communications and Social Marketing, Arden & Gem CSU * attendance for part of the meeting 668/17 Apologies for absence: 669/17 As recorded on page 1. Sandwell & West Birmingham CCG Governing Body Meeting - PUBLIC Enc 1 - Minutes of the meeting - Agenda Item 3 Page 1 Wednesday 06 September 2017 670/17 Declarations of Interest: 671/17 Members noted that prior to the meeting-taking place; a review of the conflicts of Interest checklist in compliance with the Conflicts of Interest guidance took place. 672/17 In light of the above process, both Mr. Williams and Mr. Green declared an interest that would affect the discussion of the MoU for the STP at 8.4, by virtue of them both being identified leads for the Black Country and West Birmingham STP. Both parties remained in attendance due to the meeting being held in the public domain, however both parties were excluded from the decision making process. 673/17 The Chair queried in regards to the Renumeration Committee Report (agenda item 7.9), where actions had already been taken and no financial decision would be taken, as to whether any further conflict presented for Mr. Green. It was confirmed that no conflict did so. 674/17 Minutes of the Public Meeting held on Wednesday 2nd August 2017: 675/17 The minutes were reviewed by the members present and accepted as an accurate record of the meeting. 676/17 Action Register: 677/17 All actions have been reviewed and completed actions were removed from the action log. 678/17 Matters Arising: 679/17 Concerning 621/17 in the previous month’s minutes,– Mr. Sykes reported that legal advice had been received back concerning this matter, providing the option not to accept all excess treatment costs, that there should be assurance that these had been properly assessed, but the requirement did not present to fund each case automatically. The IWOTCH Study (Improving the Wellbeing of people with Opioid-Treated Chronic pain) was formally approved following receipt of this update. 680/17 Questions from the Public 681/17 The Chair confirmed that no questions had been received for address at this meeting. 682/17 Chair’s Report 683/17 Chair highlighted that the Annual General Meeting is forthcoming with 1-2 spare places still available. Presentations were being prepared to highlight & celebrate the work of the season, coordinated by the Communications and Engagement team. 684/17 The new merger between University Hospitals Birmingham and the Heart of England Foundation remains in progress and the Competition Markets Authority has authorised the proposal for a merger between the two hospitals.
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