The LambethDaily ISSUE No.2 MONDAY JULY 20 1998 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE 1998 LAMBETH CONFERENCE Find plenty of TODAY’S KEY EVENTS CALLED TO BE Lights, camera! 7.15am Eucharist action in the 9.30 - 11.00am Morning Prayer and Bible Studies Spouses get down 11.45 - 1.00pm Presidential Address CHRIST-LIKE to rehearsal Market Place 3.00 - 5.00pm Spouses Presentation 1 ‘For Better,For Worse’ Bishop Chiwanga’s sermon 3.30 - 5.30pm Sections Page 3 8.15 - 9.00pm Ecumenical Evening Page 2 Page 3 Is Christ among us? He is.Je Kristo yu kati yetu? Yupo. Jeff Sells Photo: ‘Oforathousandtongues...’ by Nan Cobbey ith gold and blue banners The procession included the 37 Wflying,schoolchildren wav- primates of the Anglican Commu- ing and the Canterbury Cathedral’s nion,who entered the great west 14 bells tolling,the 13th Lambeth doors after Prince Charles and Conference opened yesterday Canterbury Cathedral Dean John morning as 750 cassock-clad bish- Simpson. ops representing 37 provinces Forty minutes elapsed before processed into the cathedral to cel- the double line of magenta-cas- ebrate the first Eucharist of their socked diocesan and suffragan bish- three-week gathering. ops found their places in the 900- The Prince of Wales joined the year-old mother church of the congregation of 2,000 assembled Anglican Communion. for the two-hour service,over For the first time in Conference ynn Ross L which the Archbishop of Canter- history 11 women were among the bury,Dr George Carey,presided. bishops,and the 224 African bish- Photo: ops outnumbered those from any other region. In an echo of the Church’s recent past,two former Archbish- ops of Canterbury,Lord Coggan and Lord Runcie,joined the pro- cession,along with members of Britain’s diplomatic corps,the Anglican Consultative Council,and several dozen ecumenical guests. Dr Carey greeted the interna- tional congregation with the At high altar (above),acolytes stand ready for distribution of elements.At table (right): Swahili words “Bwana akae nanyi” Archbishop of Canterbury celebrates Eucharist with Archbishop Ghais Malik (left) of Egypt and (The Lord be with you) and heard Middle East,and Archbishop Cornelius Wilson of Central Region of America.Prince Charles and Harriet Long Archbishop Andrew Mya Han of Myanmar (above) exchange greetings before service. Photo: Please see Opening servicepage 4 Secretary General’s greeting From Canon John Peterson Lambeth gathers fter what seems to have been 2 Corinthians seen as companion for coming weeks Ayears of preparation – with the last few months being occupied with by Katie Sherrod be in two places at one time.As he detail,with an atmosphere of holy spoke in one hall beneath a giant expectation – it is my privilege to he 1998 Lambeth Conference video image of himself,his image welcome everyone to this historic Tgathered Saturday night in a also was being projected onto a Lambeth Conference. multicultural liturgy of welcome large video screen in the other hall. I do not have enough words to and introduction that filled the two When he moved into the next hall, express my gratefulness to the staff of plenary meeting areas with prayer, the situation was reversed,so that the Anglican Communion Office song,and the announcement of all present saw him and the other ynn Ross along with our colleagues at Lambeth L organisational details. speakers both in person and on Palace,Church House and beyond, The Conference’s large atten- screen. Photos: for their diligence and hard work. dance required the use “Leadership Under Pressure” There have been some sleepless nights of both of the sports was the title of both the Bible study and much midnight oil burnt in halls at the University featuring Dr Carey on video tape preparation for this great opening for of Kent,which have and the short opening meditation Lambeth 1998.High been converted into by Dr Carey in person.Reflecting regard and affection that prayerful places with on the opening verses of 2 the Anglican Commu- tenting, carpeting, Corinthians,Carey focused on the nion has for those who plants, and large expectations and hopes,fears and hold the Episcopal wooden crosses and forebodings brought by the some Office is evident by the the Compass Rose, 2,000 people who have come amount of energy, symbol of the Angli- together at Lambeth. expertise and enthusiasm Conference Musical Director Geoff Weaver leads congregation in can Communion. “There are strong grounds for prayer sending ‘all our hopes...to the cross of Christ.’From left:Mrs Eileen Thanks to the magic of giant hoping that we shall go home in Please see Carey,Mrs Sally Sargent,Mr David Long,Bishop Fred Borsch.Speaking out: video screens,Archbishop of Can- Please see Lambeth gathers Petersonpage 3 Canon John Peterson (at left) and Archbishop of Canterbury (at right). terbury George Carey managed to page 4 2 The LambethDaily MONDAY JULY 20 Daily Voices might have significant differences with them in a way that is Christ- Called to be Christ-like like. Controversial issues and passion- Excerpts from Bishop Simon Chiwanga’s homily for Opening Service ate debates do happen, and the Lam- beth Conference cannot be an or Anglicans, this great Cathedral The context of our ministry A Church that harbours bitter- exception.What is essential for every Fsymbolises both our common The scenario described in today’s ness, anger and disharmony is distort- participant to be aware of is that we roots and our being part of that apos- readings is one that confronts many ing its image of a living gospel and have to look for the Christ in each tolic succession of costly witness of the bishops gathered in this Cathe- may be on the road to decay. other, and turn the other cheek, par- through suffering and martyrdom. dral this morning. The 2nd letter to It is in mission in the world that ticularly when we feel we have been As we view its magnificence and the Corinthians, which forms the we grow into Christ’s likeness. For offended. grandeur during our time here, let us text of our daily Bible Studies at this Jesus, those constant moments of his Being Christ-like in our differ- Bishop Simon Chiwanga (Mpwapwa, Tanzania) be reminded of the majestic tran- Conference, speaks about episcopacy encounter with the poor, the crip- ences does not mean having no con- scendence of God which rises far in time of crisis and leadership in the pled, the lame, the blind, the sinner victions or clear position of your Daily Quote above our divisions both in church midst of struggle and suffering. and the dead became moments of own. It is a call to interpretive chari- and society, and draws us together in The fourth chapter of 2 deeper awareness of his divine identi- ty in our Christian dialogues. “Change comes by Christ as a pilgrim people. Corinthians reflects the difficult ty and mission. Interpretive charity can be enlightenment, not by force.” During the great fourth-century experiences that are faced by many So likewise the identity and mis- defined as the ability to apply the Bishop Simon Chiwanga (Mpwapwa, Tanzania) period of spiritual renewal, when within the Anglican Communion, sion of the Church is discovered and most loving interpretation to actions women and men were called by God who live and serve in places where deepened when we literally “take up and opinions of others. Interpretive For the record: The Church in Hong to forsake their cultures and retreat to there is both physical and spiritual our cross”, follow Jesus Christ into charity means listening to one anoth- Kong is likely to become the Communion’s the desert, a great and powerful man deprivation. There are places where the midst of the poor, the crippled, er in love. It demands that we restrain next member province, rather than the of the royal court went to the desert state disapproval is the normal con- the lame, the blind, the dead, in dif- our impulse to start formulating our Church in Mozambique, as a Daily report to seek out a holy person. text for some, as the recent tragic loss ferent cultures and there reveal the response before the other has finished inadvertently implied in Saturday’s edition. Soon the pilgrim met an abbot (a of the Roman Catholic bishop in love of Christ. what they are saying. We regret the error. Pakistan testifies. The authority and power given There are several examples we Let us hear your voice The stories of tribal conflicts in to the Church and its leaders is dis- can give of Jesus’ interpretive charity. Africa, the violence in Northern Ire- covered at Table in Holy Commu- When some men cut through the The Lambeth Daily desires to ‘World is hungry give voice to many voices, to be land, the terrorism that strikes literal- nion, in table fellowship with the roof of a house where Jesus was stay- an inviting forum for the for Christ’s love and ly every person in the Western world; poor, the outcast, the broken-hearted ing so that they could lower their exchange of news and ideas all this points to a world which is and all who are in need of God and paralysed friend into Jesus’ healing around the Anglican Communion compassion’ hungry for Christ’s love and compas- of freedom. presence, he did not call them van- and within the Lambeth Confer- sion. Therefore, our Communion’s dals. He rewarded their faith. ence. In this regard, The Daily holy man) walking with his young But this is the world that God so total commitment to the cause of When an angry mob wanted to welcomes letters from its read- monks.
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