Document Lead Sheet PM Project No: 010629-01 Document No: 010629-22-RP-001 GLANBIA FOODS SOCIETY LTD. BALLITORE PLANT DEVELOPMENT For inspection purposes only. ENVIRONMENTALConsent of copyright owner IMPACT required for any STATEMENTother use. ISSUE DATE ORIG AUTH REVIEW APPRVD APPRVD DESCRIPTION CHK PM CLIENT A 07/03/03 For Information K:\Projects\010629-01\22 ENVIRONMENTAL\RP001a.doc Page 1 of 106 EPA Export 25-07-2013:20:14:19 Glanbia Foods Society Ltd. 010629-22-RP-001, Issue A Ballitore Plant Development Environmental Impact Statement 07 March 2003 CONTENTS Table of Contents 2 Abbreviations Used 6 1. NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY 8 1.1 Introduction 8 1.2 Description of the Proposed Development 8 1.3 The Human Environment 8 1.4 Landscape and Visual Impact 10 1.5 Air and Climate 10 1.6 Surface Water 11 1.9 Geology, Soils and Hydrogeology 12 1.10 Noise 13 1.11 Flora and Fauna 14 1.12 Material Assets: Archaeological, Architectural and Cultural Heritage 14 1.13 Material Assets: Traffic and Road Infrastructure 15 1.14 Material Assets: Water Supply, Sewerage, Waste 16 1.15 Interaction of Factors 16 2. INTRODUCTION 17 2.1 General 17 2.2 Company Profile and Existing Facility 17 2.3 The Proposed Development For inspection purposes only. 18 Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. 2.4 Site Selection and Alternatives Considered 19 2.5 Statutory Requirements 20 2.6 Scope of the Environmental Impact Assessment 21 2.7 EIA Limitations 23 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 24 3.1 Existing Site 24 3.2 Existing Dairy Plant and Operations 24 3.3 Proposed Development (New ESL Plant) 27 3.4 Phasing of Proposed Development 29 3.5 Environmental Management 31 3.6 Construction Phase 31 4. THE HUMAN ENVIRONMENT 33 4.1 Introduction 33 4.2 Existing Environment 33 K:\Projects\010629-01\22 ENVIRONMENTAL\RP001a.doc 2 EPA Export 25-07-2013:20:14:19 Glanbia Foods Society Ltd. 010629-22-RP-001, Issue A Ballitore Plant Development Environmental Impact Statement 07 March 2003 4.3 Construction Impacts and Mitigation 36 4.4 Operational Impacts and Mitigation 37 4.5 Conclusions 38 5. LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL IMPACT 39 5.1 Introduction 39 5.2 Existing Environment 39 5.3 Construction Impacts and Mitigation Measures 46 5.4 Operational Impacts and Mitigation Measures 46 5.5 Conclusions 49 6. AIR AND CLIMATE 50 6.1 Introduction 50 6.2 Existing Environment 50 6.3 Construction Impacts and Mitigation Measures 52 6.4 Operational Impacts and Mitigation Measures 53 6.5 Conclusions 58 7. SURFACE WATER 60 7.1 Introduction 60 7.2 Existing Environment 60 7.3 Construction Impacts and Mitigation 67 7.4 Operational Impacts and Mitigation 68 7.5 Conclusions 72 8. GEOLOGY, SOILS AND HYDROGEOLOGY For inspection purposes only. 74 Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. 8.1 Introduction 74 8.2 Existing Environment 74 8.3 Construction Impacts and Mitigation 77 8.4 Operational Impacts and Mitigation 78 8.5 Conclusions 80 9. NOISE 81 9.1 Introduction 81 9.2 Existing Environment 81 9.3 Construction Impacts and Mitigation 82 9.4 Operational Impacts and Mitigation 83 9.5 Conclusions 84 10. FLORA AND FAUNA 85 10.1 Introduction 85 K:\Projects\010629-01\22 ENVIRONMENTAL\RP001a.doc 3 EPA Export 25-07-2013:20:14:19 Glanbia Foods Society Ltd. 010629-22-RP-001, Issue A Ballitore Plant Development Environmental Impact Statement 07 March 2003 10.2 Existing Environment 85 10.3 Construction Impacts and Mitigation 87 10.4 Operational Impacts and Mitigation 87 10.5 Conclusions 88 11. MATERIAL ASSETS: ARCHAEOLOGICAL, ARCHITECTURAL AND CULTURAL HERITAGE 89 11.1 Introduction 89 11.2 Existing Environment 89 11.3 Construction Impacts and Mitigation 91 11.4 Operational Impacts and Mitigation 91 11.5 Conclusions 92 12. MATERIAL ASSETS: TRAFFIC AND ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE 93 12.1 Introduction 93 12.2 Existing Environment 93 12.3 Construction Impacts and Mitigation 96 12.4 Operational Impacts and Mitigation 97 12.5 Conclusions 100 13. MATERIAL ASSETS: WATER SUPPLY, SEWERAGE, WASTE 101 13.1 Water Supply 101 13.2 Sewerage 101 13.3 Waste 102 14. INTERACTION BETWEEN FACTORS 104 For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. 14.1 Introduction 104 14.2 Construction phase 106 14.3 Operational Phase 106 14.4 Conclusions 106 ATTACHMENT 1 Relevant Drawings ATTACHMENT 2 Ambient Air Quality Survey Report ATTACHMENT 3 Air Dispersion Modelling Report ATTACHMENT 4 River Greese Water Quality Survey Report K:\Projects\010629-01\22 ENVIRONMENTAL\RP001a.doc 4 EPA Export 25-07-2013:20:14:20 Glanbia Foods Society Ltd. 010629-22-RP-001, Issue A Ballitore Plant Development Environmental Impact Statement 07 March 2003 ATTACHMENT 5 Hydrogeological Survey Report ATTACHMENT 6 Ambient Noise Survey Report ATTACHMENT 7 Ecological Survey Report ATTACHMENT 8 Archaeological and Architectural Assessment Report ATTACHMENT 9 Traffic Impact Assessment Report For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. K:\Projects\010629-01\22 ENVIRONMENTAL\RP001a.doc 5 EPA Export 25-07-2013:20:14:20 Glanbia Foods Society Ltd. 010629-22-RP-001, Issue A Ballitore Plant Development Environmental Impact Statement 07 March 2003 ABBREVIATIONS USED ADS Archaeological Development Services Ltd. AQS Air Quality Standard BAT Best Available Technique BATNEEC Best Available Technology not Entailing Excessive Costs BOD Biological Oxygen Demand CIP Clean in Place CO Carbon Monoxide COD Chemical Oxygen Demand dB Decibel DOE Department of the Environment DRO Diesel Range Organics EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIS Environmental Impact Statement EMS Environmental Management System EPA Environmental Protection Agency EQS Environmental Quality Standard ESB Electricity Supply Board For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. ESL Extended Shelf Life EU European Union GLC Ground Level Concentration GNP Gross National Product GSI Geological Survey of Ireland HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle IBC Intermediate Bulk Container IPC Integrated Pollution Control IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control LAeq The sound level (dBA) of a steady sound having the same energy as a fluctuating sound over a specified measuring period. An indicator of the average noise level. K:\Projects\010629-01\22 ENVIRONMENTAL\RP001a.doc 6 EPA Export 25-07-2013:20:14:20 Glanbia Foods Society Ltd. 010629-22-RP-001, Issue A Ballitore Plant Development Environmental Impact Statement 07 March 2003 LA10 The noise level (dBA) equalled or exceeded for 10% of the measurement period. LA90 The noise level (dBA) equalled or exceeded for 90% of the measurement period. MAC Maximum Admissible Concentration MCC Motor Control Centre MEL Minerex Environmental Limited MV Medium Voltage NHA Natural Heritage Area NOX / NO2 Oxides of Nitrogen / Nitrogen Dioxide OPW Office of Public Works PCU Passenger Car Unit PEC Predicted Environmental Concentration PLC Programmable Logic Controller PM10 Particulate Matter < 10 micrometres (µm) in diameter PRO Petrol Range Organics QNHS Quarterly National Household Survey SAC Special Area of Conservation SI Statutory Instrument SRFB Southern For Regionalinspection purposes Fisheries only. Board Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. SOx / SO2 Oxides of Sulphur / Sulphur Dioxide SPA Special Protection Area SVOC Semi Volatile Organic Compound TEDL Trade Effluent Discharge Licence TOC Total Organic Carbon TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons WWTP Waste Water Treatment Plant K:\Projects\010629-01\22 ENVIRONMENTAL\RP001a.doc 7 EPA Export 25-07-2013:20:14:20 Glanbia Foods Society Ltd. 010629-22-RP-001, Issue A Ballitore Plant Development Environmental Impact Statement 07 March 2003 1. NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY 1.1 Introduction Glanbia Foods Society Ltd. (Glanbia) is an international food company based primarily in Ireland, the UK and USA which serves markets for dairy and meat products across the world. Glanbia’s site at Ballitore, Co. Kildare currently serves two different functions - a dairy plant processing liquid milk which is part of Glanbia’s Consumer Foods Division and a grain trading operation and agribusiness retail outlet which are part of Glanbia’s Agribusiness Division. The dairy plant has a current milk processing capacity of 30 million gallons (136,380 m3) per annum. The site currently employs a total of 134 persons of whom 128 work in the dairy plant and 6 work in the agribusiness operations. The total site area at Ballitore is ca. 5.98 hectares of which ca. 2.64 hectares is currently developed. An existing site layout drawing is included in Attachment 1. 1.2 Description of the Proposed Development Glanbia propose to construct a new extended shelf life (ESL) milk plant and increase the capacity of the existing dairy facility at Ballitore. The existing agribusiness facilities on the site will be removed and relocated from the site to accommodate the expansion of the dairy plant. It is proposed to develop the site over five phases, with Phases 1 and 2 commencing as soon as the planning process is complete. The timing of Phases 3, 4 and 5 will be dependent on market conditions with a minimum development period of five to seven years anticipated. Completion of all five phases will result in an increase in the overall milk processing capacity on the site from 30 million to 65 million gallons per annum. The development will increase the total developed area of the site from ca. 2.64 to 3.58 hectares and will increase the numbers employed on the site to 180 persons. A drawing showing the proposed layout of the site is included in Attachment 1. On completion of Phase 5 of the development the site will have an overall milk 3 processing capacity of 65 For million inspection gallons purposes only. (295,500 m ) per annum.
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