VOL. 441NU'MBER 18 WIDENER UNIVERSITY. CHESTER. PENNSYLVANIA FRIDA Y, MARCH 2, 1990 meetings with the contractors and sonal property. LeCates and Pierce Alarms Fail in· New South Fire different key people within the commented on how well they University community. The smoke thought the students handled the by Jennifer Scoliard The exact reason as to why the alarm was tested Tuesday and was situation. "We were all impressed Staff Writer smoke detector did not go off is not reported to be working fine, and the by the cooperation of the students, known. LeCates theorized that the flow alarm was tested on Wednes­ and the maturity level of them," At approximately 12:45 a.m. on heat build-up was much faster than day. The University is still looking Pierce said. The safety of the Monday, February 26th, a fire broke the build-up of smoke. Flames do into the incident at this time; no fur­ students is the first priority, and out on the second floor of New Hall not activate the detectors; they are ther information is available. they are glad to see that the situa­ South, in the garbage receptacle. activated by smoke. The flow alarm Aside from some minor flooding tion was handled well and that no The cause of the fire is not known. is a detection device located in the and leaking there was no damage one was hurt. The fire was spotted by resident sprinkler system that activates with done to the hallways, rooms or per- Monica Barclay, who walked out of the flow of water, and is supposed to the bathroom to find the hallway fill­ activate along with the sprinkler ed with smoke and flames shooting head. The reason why the flow alarm out of the garbage receptacle. failed to work is unknown at this Barclay immediately yelled "fire" time. and sent resident Jennifer Pastor to There was no malfunction in the pull the firm alarm. Within seconds sprinkler system itself according to the students evacuated the building. LeCates. The fire was extinguished The fire was put out in a matter of by the sprinkler head located in the minutes, and the students were garbage receptacle. The head has a allowed back into the building soon piece of wax on it; when melted it ac­ after. tivates the sprinkler system and Had it not been for the Universi­ causes the head to put out a large ty's backup system, which is "per­ volume of water. This system is a sonal notification by the students." one-way system and does not turn according to Richard LeCates, itself off automatically, even after Director of Campus Security, serious the fire is extinguished and the complications could have arised. temperature cools. The sprinklers The smoke detector did not go off; must be turned off manually. the alarm had to be pulled. and there LeCates and Carl Pierce. Director was a malfunction in the flow alarm.. of Physical Plant, have had For those of you that are concerned about the potholes behind Howell Hall, according to Carl Pierce. Director of Physical Planning, they will be repaired over spring break, weather permitting. - Harley began soloing on the saxo­ value of money lies in people; that is, phone with a quick and lively tempo. human potential is the real medium After this impressive performance, of exchange. Dollars are simply his son played a rendition of "My banknotes representing this value. Valentine" on the trumpet. Perform­ After a brief intermission, the ing with an artistic flair, he received show continued and Harley returned encouraging words from the to the saxophone to play more high­ mem bers of the audience. pitched notes. Since he has been Harley, who had left the stage, playing the bagpipes for almost then reappeared with his bagpipes twenty-eight years, he says, his sax­ and showed the audience his unique ophone playing also sounds style of playing. The tempo of the somewhat like the bagpipes. He is Rufus Harley demonstrated his unique style of playing the bagpipes. music remained lively and his now able to reach higher, more sus­ fingers moved quickly over the tained notes on the saxophone. soundholes of the chanter. The Following a fast-paced drum solo, sound produced was not the steady, Harley closed the show with a jazzy Bagpipe Jazz sustained music usually heard from version of "Greensleeves" on the the bagpipes, but a jazz solo incor­ bagpipes. by Tom DeBernardo band, Harley, who also performs on porating two traditional styles of Harley became interested in learn­ Staff Writer saxophone, appeared on stage wear­ music. ing the bagpipes after seeing the ing a yellow tartan kilt, the tradi­ Harley paused for a moment and Black Watch Bagpipe Marching Rufus Harley, "the world's first tional Scottish Highland dress. spoke to the audience, relating his Band perform at President John F. jazz bagpipe player," performed last Aft~r introducing the members of travels and some of his views on life. Kennedy's funeral procession. He is Friday evening at the Alumni Audi­ his band - a bassist, a keyboardist, In his talk, H arley expr~ssed his the originator of the jazz bagpipes, a torium. After an excellent opening a drummer, and his son Messiah, view s on money and how it can style which he says no one else has .performance by his supporting age fifteen, who plays the trumpet possess people. He said that the real been able to master. • Engineer's Week Annual Fund Swimming INSIDE ... page 3 page 5 page 10, 2 - THE DOME, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1990 ------Editorial------ Editorial: Athletes Strike Fans Dear Students, What seems to happen at the beginning of each season in the world of professional sports? The players complain that they aren't being paid enough or not getting enough benefits. So why should we be surprised that baseball players may go on strike this season? Let's not stop at strikes. What about players who constantly hold out or report to camp last because they feel their demands are not being met? What ever happened to the days when sports were not mar­ red by greed or controversy. What ever happened to the ability to enjoy the sport for what it is without thinking about the politics and controversy surrounding the game? I feel that today's professional players are greedy and take too much of their talent for granted. I'm sure many people would love to get paid several hundred thousand dollars to play baseball all year and get to travel and meet people. In my ,r-' ( ~SS opinion, players should be a lot more grateful for the talent _t , :" ' ~~ ~nr'nn· . ~-t( -d1.., r l!:!J they have. "'''''''= ''':::'''-.:..- - Another point that needs to be mentioned is this: who makes it possible for players to get the salaries they do and live the Break lifestyle they live? Yes, that's right. The fans. Through ticket ~- · ~~~i*r'~~ , .....v ~ J, ~ ~, '90 sales, fans keep the sports operating. ~ .• '''OI:::.'' So, is this any way to reward a loyal fan? Is a strike the --" -,- .~.- ~ answer? Definitely not from this point-of-view. Sincerely, Mark Michener Editor-in-Chief Letter to the Editor: THE DOME Dear Sir: vehicle. WIDENER UNIVERSITY I would appreciate your assis­ Box 1175, Chester, Pa. 19013 tance in helping to clarify some of As Ms. Lisovitch correctly stated, Ext. 4421 or (215) 499-4421 escort service is only one of the the points expressed in the article many functions of the Campus Safe­ Awarded rust place certificate by which appeared on Friday, February 23, 1990, regarding the Campus ty Department. In that regard, it Columbia Scholastic Press Association may be necessary at times for those Safety escort service. and American Scholastic Press Association desiring an escort to wait until a First, I would like to express the Safety , Officer arrives. While we Published by the students of Widener University for the college community on appreciation of the Campus Safety Fridays during the academic year, except during examination and immediately follow· make every attempt to be prompt in ing vacation. Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily coincide with those of the Department to the Dome for helping our response to escort service re­ administration. It is DOME policy that unsigned letters to the editor will not be to make students aware of this ser­ published. Mail subscription price of 115.00 per year. Postage paid Chester, Pa. 19013. vice. quests, if an emergency situation Second, however, I believe it is im­ demands priority, a wait may be Editor-In-Chief - Mark Michener necessary. portant to emphasize that the Cam­ Safety is a responsibility in which Copy Editor. .. Gerry Maties pus Safety escort service is not a Assistant Copy Editor.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... Brendan Kehoe all members'of the Widener Univer­ taxi service. There will be occasions sity community share. We commend News Editor. .. Marc Marling when an escort accompanies a stu­ Entertainment Editor. • . .. .. .. Steve Herman the Dome for its efforts to make dent on foot from one area of the everyone aware of this reality. Staff Writers: ..................... Danielle Lilley, Mike Lombardo, . campus to another instead of in a .......... '.' . .. Jennifer Scoliard, Matt Hildenbrand, . .. Kyra Lisovitch, Dave WaIsh Sincerely, Richard H. LeCates Sports Editor. • . .. Kelsey Purnell Director of Campus Safety Sports Writers .................. Donovan Anglin, Nadine Rotundo, . • . .. Brad Sorkin, Bull, Ed Barkowitz Photo Editor. .. .. .. .. .. Heather Timer Photographers .................... Mike Desouto, Grant Rivenburg 'Christopher Martel Business Manager. .. .. Ruth Brenner Letters to the Editor Layout Staff. .. Peter Leff Secretary ........................................ John Chambers are always welcome. Advisors: . .. Dr. Goldstein ............. ....... ................. ......... Dr. Dyer Send letters to Box 1175 . THE DOME, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1990 - 3 Beyond Widener Reagan Testifies In Trial Former President Ronald Reagan to release Americans held hostage in obstructed Congressional inquiries recall any in.teractions that figured repeatedly denied that he had ever Iran, and the support to Nicaraguan and made false statements to Con­ into the scandal, he claimed total ordered subordinates to break the rebels fighting the Sandanista gress concerning Iranian arm sales forgetfulness of any White House law during the Iran-Contra affair.
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