ECPublication of the Southwestern ORI) Union Conference of Seventh day Adventists October 1999 contents Advertising 33 Announcements 34 The crime of being voting Arkansas-Louisiana he speaker at Ozark Academy's fall receive the same kind of discouragement, week of prayer in 1957 was a tall, yet you continue to "sally forth." And as Conference News 13 T lanky pastor, Lawrence Scales from you go, you do travel with advantages. the Keene church. The relevance of his You're young, usually enjoy good health Editorial 2 sermons captivated us students with titles and have a "clean slate." You have the such as "99 and 44/100% Pure," "Baby opportunity to get an education. You Buggy Religion," and "Cirrhosis of the have greater influence on your peers than Feature 3 Giver." One sermon in particular gripped most older persons can have. You can me— "The Crime of Being Young." build a kind and honest reputation. You Scales told the story of Samuel can develop positive habits of study, Milestones 31 Hawkins, one of 21 American soldiers thought and prayer, and you have years who stayed in communist China at the to nurture these habits. Obituaries 35 end of the Korean War. When he finally "Right actions are the unmistakable returned to the United States and his fruit of true godliness," Ellen White home in Oklahoma, he was asked why he wrote in Messages to Young People, p. 377. Oklahoma received more attention than the others. As youth you have the opportunity to tes- Conference News 18 He replied, "I suppose it was because I tify of the good that is happening to you, was the youngest in the group." how your lives are being changed, made The Apostle Paul wrote, "Let no pure and elevated, as you look to Jesus. Southwest Region man despise thy youth; but be thou an Yours can be a life of glory and happiness Conference News 19 example of the believers, in word, in con- because of your relationship with the versation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in Saviour. purity" (I Timothy 4:12). The NIV Bible I remember the conclusion of Elder SWAU 30 translation reduces the six areas of exam- Scales' sermon on the "Crime of Being ple into five: "speech, life, love, faith, and Young." He told the story of a three-year- purity" old boy who wandered from home to a Southwestern Union David was a young man who serves building site nearby. As he was climbing Conference News 12 as an example. When he was sent with the ladder to the roof, his mother saw supplies to his brothers, who along with him. She screamed in fear, nearly causing other Israelite soldiers were cowering in the boy to fall. However, a carpenter on Sunset Calendar 31 fear of Goliath, his brother Eliab remon- the roof quickly sized up the situation strated him. "I know how conceited you and said, "Look up here, sonny. Come on Texas are and how wicked your heart is; you up. You can make it." The little fellow Conference News 24 came down only to watch the battle" (I was soon safe in the arms of the carpen- Samuel 17:28). And in verse 33, King Saul ter. told him, "You are not able to go out Elder Scales concluded his sermon Texico against this Philistine and fight him; you by saying, "Young people, everyone Conference News 27 are only a boy, and he has been a fighting thinks you're going to fall off the ladder. man from his youth." But keep your eyes on the Carpenter of Despite armor that didn't fit, the Nazareth, and you discouragement of his siblings, a negative won't fall." king, and an Israeli army that apparently That was thought he was stupid, David sallied forth good counsel courageously. It's easy to remember in 1957, and David's great victory over Goliath, but it is still often we forget that before his great con- good coun- quest, he received only discouragement. sel today. About the Cover: Young people, often today you Fireworks marking the end of the Discover the Power Pathfinder STEVE GIFFORD, Camporee were captured on film by C. Elwyn Platner, PRESIDENT Pacific Union com- munication director. TEXAS CONFERENCE Vol. 98, No. 10. The Southwestern Union Record is a monthly publication of the Seventh-day Adventist churches of Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas published at the headquarters office of the Southwestern Union Conference, Box 4000, 717 South Budeson Boulevard, Budeson, Texas 76097. Subscription price is $10. Our teens... fl most precious possession Lei's treasure themf s a youth pastor I have the opportuni- he gave direction to those who would us...we will tell the next generation the ty to observe how the curse of sin has lead Israel after him. Verse 14 gives this praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his ti damaged the hearts of young people counsel. "Now fear the Lord and serve power, and the wonders he has done...so and their families. I have had parents ask him with all faithfulness. Throw away the the next generation would know them, me how they can help their teens resist gods your forefathers worshiped beyond even the children yet to be born, and they the overwhelming temptations around the river and in Egypt, and serve the in turn would tell their children." them, how they can help them grow in Lord." These words are still applicable To be a parent who has influence on Christ and what a reasonable approach is today. your teen, you must have a relationship to winning their children's confidence • Before you can show love for your with God that you can share with your and respect. teen you must recognize that a healthy family. If all you're doing is laying down There are as many approaches to and happy home is the work of God. empty traditions, if you're just going to answering these questions as there are He provided the way for ancient Israel; church because it's habit and not with a parents. However, I have observed some so too will He provide the way for heart seeking to continue daily fellowship broad principles that definitely are not modern families to succeed. with Christ, then your teen will know effective: • Every family has to be willing to set that all this God talk is just that—talk. aside those things that have taken away • Indulgence-Give them whatever they As you commit yourself to God want and when they want it, then from the integrity of the family. If then you can hope to lead your children everything will be fine. there is anything that is more impor- to God. Interestingly enough, I believe tant to you than your family, you must that once parents have a committed rela- • Ignorance-As long as parents don't leave it behind-on the other side of the tionship to God and family, expectations know what's happening, everything "river." If it's your career, job change, of teens will change. If all parents expect must be all right. or status, pray for humility. If it is alco- from them during these years is don't get • Nagging-Nag them to death, and hol or drugs or intemperance, seek pregnant, don't get stoned, or don't get they will do right! help now. thrown in jail, then we're just saying we Joshua continues with his advice in don't expect more than the atheist parent. • Purposelessness-Don't expect any- verse 15: "But if serving the Lord seems Rather, set a godly example, expect noble thing-just let them grow with little undesirable to you, then choose for your- things, praise the good. direction. selves this day whom you will serve, Parents, when you love God sincere- It's probably obvious why these whether the gods your forefathers served ly, you will love your teens as well. They approaches are doomed to failure. beyond the river, or the gods of the will see it and respond positively. Amorites, in whose land you are living. Remember, teens possess an uncanny In general, the most effective But as for me and my household, we will ability to spot a phony from 100 miles approach to helping teens navigate these serve the Lord." away with a patch cov- difficult years and grow in Christ is • You must make a sincere commit- ering one eye through love. Time and again teens have ment to God. No half-hearted service is and looking in shown that love is what they want from acceptable. As a family you must stand another direc- their parents. for God or else you'll be working tion. You Now, just about everyone knows against Him. Use the power of choice must be that teens want to be loved, and I have that Christ has freed you to make. genuine in confidence every parent reading this arti- This sentiment is reinforced in your love cle loves their teen. The problem, there- Psalm 78:1-6. "0 my people, hear my for God and fore, is not that parents don't love their teaching; listen to the words of my for your teens, but rather how that love is shown. mouth...I will utter hidden things, things teens! A scripture passage that provides from of old...what we have heard and tremendous insight into showing true known, what our fathers have told love for teens is found in Joshua 24. After the Israelites had crossed the Jordan River shortly before their leader Joshua's death, KEVIN WELLS, ARLINGTON CHURCH YOUTH PASTOR October 1999 • The Record Our lens..
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