Technicia North Carolina State University '5 Student Newspaper Since 1920 an?“ North Carolina Editorial 737-2411/ Advertising 737-2029 Vomelu LXX Number 57 A Monday, February 13, 1989 Raligh, Borad Of supports NCSU’s integrity ings do not know what is being voted on. on. but the people watching can‘t tell what tions concerning grade changes." players and coach Jim Valvano. By Ken Winter The BOT passed this resolution after is being deliberated. voted on or acted Saturday‘s BOT resolution says. "The In other business. the BOT discussed Staff Writer meeting in private for over two hours. upon." statement of the academic deans provides NCSU‘s graduation rate. living conditions After they publicly reconvened. BOT University Counsel Becky French could the final reassurance that the allegation of at Ii. S. King Village and selected a design- N.C. State's Board of Trustees unani- Chairman Ed Weisiger asked members to not be reached for comment Sunday. improper grade changes is totally without er for the proposed Centennial Center. mously passed a resolution Saturday vote on the measure before them. but did The resolution said a statement by substance." NCSU is not just out to try and get the expressing their support for the university‘s not say what the measure was. NCSU‘s deans cleared the university of In addition. the resolution says. “The highest graduation rate in the state. academic integrity and its men’s basketball A copy of the resolution was released two charges that grades were illicitly changed Board of Trustees. after review. unanimoUs< Chancellor Bruce Poulton told the trustees. program. hours later. for a player on the men's basketball team. ly finds that the student athletes currently “Uur mandate is not just to graduate peo The resolution was apparently passed in "By the action they took. they flatly and Fomier physical education department head playing basketball for NCSU are in compli- ple. but to educate them." he said. "If you violation of North Carolina’s open meetings blatantly violated a specific provision of the Richard Lauffer said last month that three ance of NCSU academic policies and put into play a mindset that says to only law. which stipulates that all deliberations, law." H. Hugh Stevens. the NC. Press grades were changed for err—basketball play— NCAA regulations. and views with remorse take the people who will graduate. you put discussions and actions taken by public Association’s attorney. told the News and er Chris Washburn. the release and publication of information into play a selffulfilling prophecy." bodies must be done in public. It is illegal Observer Saturday. In January. the deans released a statement that unfairly damages the reputation of He said that one of the most pressing for public bodies to discuss or vote on mea- “They did exactly what the law tells them saying. “We have examined the records of these students." problems lll the United States today is the sures in secret. or to pass them in public in they cannot do. You can‘t vote on some- the student in question and find that the In the resolution. the BOT also expressed such a manner that observers of their meet- thing when you know what you're voting official record does not support the allega- its support for the basketball program. the See TRI’STEES. Page Campus BOG continues on chosen for NCSU investigation dents first." he said. EPA center By Sam Hays “The academic state of health of Senior Staff Writer women on our \‘:ir By Jane Dowdy young men and Staff Writer The UNC Board of Governors' sity teams wrll always be a matter committee investigating allegations of paramount concern to coaches. NC. State has been chosen as the of corruption in the N.(‘. State ath~ counselors. faculty, and. I might site for a national research center. lctics program has collected over add. the president." Spangler said. reducing industrial dis- 3.000 pages of documents so far in Poole said there is no deadline on aimed at to go a report frotn his committee. charge and the use of hazardous its investigation. and expects “Time wise. I‘m not pressed for substances. through at least twice that number time. Time is not a real serious The Environmental Protection before its work is done. problem." the chairman said Agency (EPA) made the formal At the 800's monthly meeting in "liithcr way. we want to do a thor announcement Thursday at a press Chapel Hill Friday. Sam Poole, ough job and report to the president conference on Capitol Hill. chainnan of the committee. did not that we have been through cycr‘. Chancellor Bruce Poulton was report on any of his investigation\ thing that is available." presented with a plaque that progress other than the document Poole said he would look into tlrr~ accompanied a projected $l2 mil- count. working of the booster club. lion grant from the EPA, and the UNC System President CI). “We are focused on the L‘ttltlptrs states of North Carolina and Texas. Spangler said three State Bureau of and allegations of misconduct and The grant will provide funding for Investigation agents have been all facets of it and probably will the EPA Research Center on Waste assigned to the committee for look into the relations between th Minimization and Management expert help in its work. booster club and the university i over the course of eight years. “There is no evidence of criminal haven'r NCSU was one of five universi- intent in the allegations.“ but the say probably. because we ties chosen for EPA funding out of committee needed trained investi made that decision." he said. a field of96 universities. gators in its work. and the SBI pro- Poole said there is no interaction Each of the EPA centers will vided it. Spangler said. between the NCAA group and his focus on a different area of The 381 agents will work for the committee. “They have a different research. The NCSU-based center committee and have no judgmental job. They work to protect the will be dealing with finding more functions. Spangler said. “They are. integrity of intercollegiate athletics economical ways of manufacturing assigned to find out exactly what and ours is to protect and inquire and minimizing waste. the facts are." he said. into the integrity of the academic The results from the research cen- The committee will be given community." he said. ter will be delivered to industries “whatever resources are necessary The commissions will vrork pri through demonstrations, confer- to do its job“. Spangler said. vately. and will not issue any state- ences and specified courses. said The BOG is not precluding other ments on the progress of its work Robin Woods, EPA media contact. possible areas for investigation out- except to the Board of Governors at Faculty members from civil engi- side the basketball program. the end of its work. Poole refused to neering. chemical engineering, Spangler said. “It is fundamental to reveal the office location for its industrial extension and wood and the university that athletes are siu» work. except that it is in Raleigh. paper science will be involved in working in the new center. Other NCSU faculty members Foreign students receive will be working at Texas A&M University and UNC-Chapel Hill in a concentrated effort to develop health care help packets hazardous waste minimization. use." said Judith (ireen. an adviser UNC-CH will deal with hazardous By Don Munk at the International Student Office. substances that cannot be eliminat- Senior Staff Writer is ed and Texas A&M researchers will "We have more choices and it be concentrating on the long-term For sick or injured foreign stir— expensive to get good health care. affect of containing treatment dents in the United States. the “In many of the countries that our residues. American medical system can be an students come from, health care is NCSU is presently considering unforgiving maze. But campus so different from ours." Green research on seven projects. groups want to help. added. The new center should improve Student Health Services. the In some cultures. everybody is the ability to attract industry to Counseling Center and the treated by doctors who are the same North Carolina and enhance International Student Office will sex as their patients. Green said and NCSU's research in waste mini- provide two thousand folders of conflicts can arise in the United mization efforts. which began in health infonnation for international States where that is not the case. 1979. A letter to Letterman students next fall. "Having some sensitivity to that said the center also would “The packet came out of a grow- ahead of time would be very use. Poulton bring the king of infonnation ful." help “protect the environment for Paul Hoyle signs a WKNC banner, the radio station's latest attempt to ing need for health care Marianne Turnbull. a Student future generations while develop- latenight television to NCSU. WKNC is encouraging students to write letters or sign the banner by international students because ing new manufacturing technolo- live from the WKNC studio. our health care system is becoming gies that will help our industries urging David Letterman to broadcast more expensive and complex to Sue IN'I‘ERNA’I'IUNAI., Page 3 compete." Tax officials urge students to beat the rush, file forms early IRS agent and a represenative from tax confusion with the tax laws. especially con« “In North Carolina in particular. we file of the calls come from North Carolina. By Catherine A. Dugger preparation company II&R Block.
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