SYLLABUS FOR THE COURSE M.Sc. IN APPLIED PHYSICS AND BALLISTICS ( YEAR 2009 – 2010 ONWARDS ) PG DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS & BALLISTICS FAKIR MOHAN UNIVERSITY VYASA VIHAR, BALASORE-756019 ,ODISHA ,INDIA Web : www.fmuniversity.nic.in , Email : [email protected] Contact No. 06782-241462 / 261515 COURSE STRUCTURE FOR M.SC. APPLIED PHYSICS AND BALLISTICS FIRST SEMESTER APAB-411: Classical Mechanics APAB-412: Mathematical Methods in Physics APAB-413: Electronics and Computer Programming APAB-414: Weapon Systems and Ballistics Measurements APAB-415: PRACTICAL: Modern Physics and Electronics SECOND SEMESTER APAB-421: Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics APAB-422: Quantum Mechanics APAB-423: Fluid Dynamics APAB-424: Internal Ballistics APAB-425: PRACTICAL: Computational Physics THIRD SEMESTER APAB-531: Material Science and Solid State Physics APAB-532: Electrodynamics APAB-533: Nuclear and Particle Physics APAB-534: External Ballistics APAB-535: PRACTICAL: Material Science and Ballistics Measurements FOURTH SEMESTER Special Paper : BALLISTICS Special Paper : ELECTRONICS APAB-541 Terminal Ballistics APAB-641 Electrical Circuits and Control APAB-542 Ballistic Modeling and APAB-642 Optoelectronics and Optical Analysis Communication APAB-543 Rocket Ballistics APAB-643 Pulse and Digital Circuits APAB-544 Project APAB-644 Practical: Advance Electronics APAB-545 Seminar APAB-645 Project and Seminar PAPER-APAB-411 Marks: 80 SUB: CLASSICAL MECHANICS Internal Marks: 20 Total Marks: 100 UNIT-I Survey of the elementary particles: Mechanics of a particle- Mechanics of a system of particles – Constraints- D'Alembert's principle and Lagrange's equations-velocity dependent potentials and the dissipation function, simple applications of the Lagrange formulation. Variational Principle and Lagrange's Equations: Some techniques of the calculus of variations- Derivations of Lagrange's equations-from Hamilton's principle-Extension of Hamilton's principle to nonholonomic systems-Advantages of variational principle formulation- conservation theorems and symmetry properties. UNIT-II Two body Central force Problems ; Reduction to the equivalent one-body problem-The equations of motion and first integrals-The equivalent one-dimensional problems and classification of orbits-The virial theorem-The differential equation of orbit and integrable power-law potentials-conditions for closed orbits (bertrand's theorem)-The Kepler Problem Inverse square law of force-The motion in time in the Kepler problem-The Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector-Scattering in a central force field, Transformation of the scattering problem to the laboratory co-ordinates. UNIT-III The Kinematics of Rigid Body Motion: The independent co-ordinates of a rigid body-Orthogonal transformation-Formal properties of the transformation matrix, The Euler Angles, Euler's theorem on the motion of a rigid body-Finite rotations-Infinitesimal rotations-Rate of change of vector-The Coriolis force. UNIT-IV The Rigid Body Equations of Motion: Angular momentum and kinetic energy of motion about a point- Tensor and dyadics-The inertia tensor and the momentum of inertia-The eigen values of the inertia tensor and the principal axis transformation-Methods of solving rigid body problems and the Euler equations of motion Torque- Free motion of a rigid body-The heavy symmetrical top with one point fixed-Precession of the equinoxes and of satellite orbits-Precession of system of changes in a magnetic field. UNIT-V Elasticity: Introduction, Displacement vector and the strain tensor, Stress tensor, Strain energy, Possible forms of free energy and stress tensor for isotropic solids, Elastic moduli for Isotropic solids, Elastic properties of general solids: Hooke's law and stiffness constants, Elastic properties of isotropic solids, propagation of elastic waves in isotropic elastic media. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Classical Mechanics-Herbert Goldstein, Addison-Wesley/Narosa (Indian Student Edition) 2. Classical Mechanics-Rana and Joag, Tata-McGraw-Hill REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Classical Mechanics of particles and Rigid body-Kiran C. Gupta, New age Publishers 2. Classical Mechanics-J.D. Uppadaya 3. Classical mechanics – S.L.Gupta, Meenakshi prakashan, 1970, New Delhi. 4. Introduction to classical mechanics – R.G.Takwall and P.S.Puranik, Tata – McGraw Hill, 1980, New Delhi. 5. An Introduction to Continuum Mechanics-M. E. Gurtin, Academic Press 3 PAPER-APAB-412 Marks: 80 SUB: Mathematical Methods in Physics Internal Marks: 20 Total Marks: 100 UNIT-I Vector Algebra and Vector Calculus: Differential Operators: Gradient, Divergence and curl, Vector Integration, Gauss Theorem, Stoke's Theorem, Green's Theorem, Curvilinear Co-ordinates, Spherical Polar co- ordinates, cylindrical co-ordinates. Linear Algebra: Various types of matrices, rank of matrix, Types of linear equation, Linear dependence and independence of vectors, eigen values and eigen vectors, Cayley Hamilton Theorem, Digonalisation of matrices, Elementary ideas about Tensors, Types of tensors, Transformation properties, Introductory group theory, Generators of continuous groups. UNIT-II Complex Analysis: Complex Algebra, Cauchy-Riemann condition, Cauchy's Integral Theorem, Cauchy's Integral Formula, Taylor's Theorem, Laurent's Theorem, Singularities, Residues, Residue Theorem and Evaluation of Integrals. Fourier Series, Fourier and Laplace Transforms. UNIT-III Ordinary Differential Equation: Differential equation of the First order and First Degree, variable separation, Homogeneous differential equation, Linear Differential Equation, Exact differential equation, Equation of first order and Higher degree, Method of finding the complementary function and particular integrals, Series solution- Frobenous method. UNIT-IV Bessel's differential equation and its solution, Bessel's functions, Recurrence formula, Generating function, Legendre equation and its solution, Legendre's Polynomial, Rodrigue's formula, laguerre's differential equation, Laguerre's functions, Hermite polynomials. UNIT-V Wave equation, Heat equation, Possion equation. Theory of Probability: Mean, Median, Mode – Dispersion – Standard Deviation – Binomial, Poisson’s and Gaussian Distribution – Gauss error curve -Chi-square Test. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Mathematical Methods for Physicist: G. B. Arfken, Hans. J. Weber,-Academic Press 2. Mathematical Physics: H. K. Dass, Rama Verma-S. Chand and Company Ltd. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Matrices and tensors: A. W. Joshi 2. Numerical Methods using FORTRAN: C. Xavier-New Age International Publishers 3. Mathematical Physics: B. S. Rajput 4. Mathematical Physics: Satyaprakash 5. Introduction Mathematical Physics: Charlie Harper 4 PAPER-APAB-413 Marks: 80 SUB: Electronics and Computer Programming Internal Marks: 20 Total Marks: 100 UNIT-I Semiconductor Device Physics: Diodes, Transistors, Field effect Devices, Homo and Hetero Junction devices and their characteristics and applications. Opto Electronics Devices : Solar Cells, Photo detectors and LEDs. Network Analysis : Kirchoff’s laws – network reduction techniques – series, parallel, series parallel, star-to-delta or delta-to-star transformation, Superposition, Thevinin’s, Norton’s, Max Power Transfer theorem UNIT-II Digital Electronics :Number Systems, Binary Arithmetic, Boolean Algebra , Logic Gates, Simplification using Karnaugh map, Combinational Circuits: Adder,Subtractor, Multiplexer, decoder. Sequential Circuits: Flip Flops, Shift Registers, Counters and D/A and A/D Converters. UNIT-III Amplifiers and Oscillators: R-C, L-C and transformer coupled amplifiers, Feed back in Amplifiers. Negative feedback circuits, Field Effect Transistors, Bootstraping in FET, Stability in amplifiers, Oscillatory circuits, Phase-shift oscillator, Wein bridge oscillator, Crystal oscillator, Astable and Bi-stable multivibrator. Operational Amplifiers : The Ideal Op Amp, Inverting and Non – Inverting configurations, Equivalent Circuit model, Op amp application in Integration, differentiation and Summing Circuits, Differential Amplifier, Logarithmic Amplifiers, CMRR. UNIT-IV Common elementary computer science :Programming instructions, simple algorithms and computational methods. Overview of C : Introduction, Sample C programs,Basic structure of C program,Executing a "C" Program,Constants, Variable and Data types, Operators and Express ions, Control statements– while, do-while, for statements, nested loops, if-else, switch, break, continue statements. UNIT-V C Functions: Defining and accessing a function – passing arguments to a function, function prototypes. Arrays – defining an array, Two dimensional arrays Numerical Techniques: Differentiation, Integration (Simpson's rule, Trapezoidal rule), Solution of first order differential equation using Range-Kutta Methods, Newton-Raphson Method. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Physics of Semiconductor Devices- S. M. SZE 2. Semiconductor Optoelectronic devices:- P. Bhattacharya (PHI) 3. Digital Electronics and Computer Design: M. M. Mano (PHI) 4. Electronics Fundamentals and Applications: J.D. Ryder 5. Computer Oriented Numerical Methods – V.Rajaraman, Prentice Hall, 1987. 6. Let us C:- Yashavant Kanetkar (BPB Publications) REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Numerical Methods in Science and Engineering – M.K.Ventaraman, National Publishing Co, 1989. 2. Numerical Methods using FORTRAN: C. Xavier-New Age International Publishers 3. Physics of Semiconductor Devices- D.K.Roy 5 PAPER-APAB-414 Marks: 80 SUB: Weapon Systems and Ballistics Measurements Internal Marks: 20 Total Marks: 100 UNIT-I Ordnance: Classification, small arms, Mortars-Howitzers-Guns,
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