Jewish Film Festival of Southwest Florida January 13 ~ February 12, 2019 10 Films 5 Countries 1 Community See details inside L’CHAYIM www.JewishFederationLCC.org Vol. 41, No. 4 n December 2018 / 5779 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Thoughts on religion and Pittsburgh 5 Our Community By Brian Simon, Federation President 10 Jewish Interest couple of things happened as tailed a number of concerning trends We typically hire police protection for 16 Jewish Film Festival I was preparing to write this – fewer people consider themselves large gatherings. At least some of our A piece. First, a friend suggest- Jewish, less connection to Jewish or- local synagogues have similar security 18 Israel & the Jewish World ed I read The New American Judaism ganizations and even a decline in the protocol, but this attack will no doubt 20 Marketplace by Jack Wert- number of Jews who believe in God, lead to increased security measures. heimer. The sub- compared to previous generations. Most American Jews are secular. 22 Commentary title is How Jews Wertheimer contends that Jews, like We identify as much or more with be- 24 From the Bimah Practice Their their Protestant American peers, are ing American than we do with being 25 Community Directory Religion Today. looking for a more personalized ap- Jewish. I’ve been fascinated by why Then, the mas- proach to spirituality. The religion is secular Israeli Jews still attend Ortho- 26 Focus on Youth sacre at Pitts- evolving from the bottom up. dox synagogues. I’ve had this conver- 28 Organizations burgh’s Tree of The Tree of Life tragedy was the sation with Temple Judea’s shlichah, Life synagogue realization of a threat that we’ve known Zohar Ben Hamu. When Zohar first ar- 30 Temple News n Brian occurred. about for years – that a disturbed indi- rived, she was equally surprised at how Simon Wertheimer vidual with a gun could attack a vulner- American Jews adapted religious ser- is trying to add a little more detail and able group of Jews. Our defenses have vices – allowing women to lead prayer nuance to the results of the 2013 Pew been up. Even before the tragedy, the and read from Torah. We’re all adapt- Research report. The Pew study, titled doors of the Federation were always ing to the same issue – how to practice “A Portrait of Jewish Americans,” de- locked – you have to be buzzed in. continued on page 2 REMINDER: IRA holders can use a Qualified Charitable Distribution from their Required 3 Minimum Distribution to efficiently make their 2018 gift to the Federation campaign. Federation’s Senior Lunch Bunch update THE JEWISH FEDERATION LEE & CHARLOTTE COUNTIES Presents A MUSICAL JOURNEY 8 You are cordially invited to our Community vigils to honor the victims at Tree of Life Sunday, December 9, 2018 10:00 A.M. 18 The Landings 11 ways to survive an Israeli 4571 S. Landings Dr. wedding Fort Myers Couvert $25/person R.S.V.P. by Nov. 30 (239) 481.4449 ext. 4 [email protected] 26 Temple Beth El Religious School students make Chanukah art 9701 Commerce Center Court POSTMASTER: NONPROFIT ORG Fort Myers, Florida 33908 DATED RELIGIOUS U.S. POSTAGE VISIT THE FEDERATION ONLINE AT: NEWS ITEMS. PAID TIME SENSITIVE– FT. MYERS, FL PLEASE EXPEDITE! PERMIT NO. 175 DELIVER TO CURRENT RESIDENT OR www. JewishFederationLCC.org social service philanthropy culture L'CHAYIM DECEMBER 2018 2 Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties OUR FEDERATION Program notes To donate to By Debbie Sanford, Program Director By Jodi Cohen, Senior Outreach & Food Pantry Coordinator OW! There is so much to tell you about… author of Seduced by Mrs. Robinson. Beverly will emple Judea hosted Novem- where to start?! provide an in-depth look at some pretty neat facts you ber’s senior lunch, which was the Federation’s By now you should have seen the invita- didn’t know about the film. Her book will be available a delightful celebration of Rae T th W Rubin’s 100 birthday. Rae happily tion for our Annual Community Breakfast. Do you for sale at the theater and she will autograph them for like music? Do you like music by the best Jewish a short period immediately following the film. wore the birthday bling we provided. Annual Campaign, composers? Do you like to see The Festival runs through Tuesday, February 12,The older kids at Temple Judea’s pre- old friends and meet new ones? with films on each Tuesday and Thursday evening at school came in to Do you like food? Do I have 7:15 p.m. at Bell Tower Regal Theaters. This year, we serenade her and call 239.481.4449 your attention yet? The break- added a matinee screening too. (FYI: The perk of be- present her with fast, being held on Sunday, coming a sponsor is the reserved seating, in addition a card. There was December 9 from 10:00 a.m. to the fact that you are supporting countless programs gooey chocolate or visit to noon, will deliver all that… the Federation runs throughout the year.) cake, and Rabbi plus some. For more information on becoming a sponsor, Sack gave a spe- Then, it’s off to the mov- please contact me at 239.481.4449 x4 or debbiesan cial tribute to Rae. JewishFederationLCC.org n ies. Our Jewish Film Festival [email protected]. Tickets are available online at We all recited the Debbie n Jodi Cohen Sanford promises to deliver entertain- www.jfedlcc.org/JFF2019 or you can call me. shehecheyanu (a ing Jewish films from all over the world. Our Open- If you get this edition of L’CHAYIM early enoughJewish prayer recited on special ing Day event will take place on Sunday, January 13. and if you are available to help deliver some Hanuk-occasions) in Rae’s honor. We begin the afternoon with a private event for spon- kah gifts to seniors between November 27 and De- Right at Home was our OUR MISSION sors with a special meet-and-greet and cocktail recep- cember 2, please call me. We make deliveries all overNovember luncheon sponsor. To strengthen and enrich the Jewish tion at 2:00 p.m. The location will be announced very Lee and Charlotte counties, so we do need a lot ofBusiness Development Director Community by providing and supporting shortly. volunteers to make this happen. Debbie Graley-Devnew spoke philanthropic, educational and social The Opening Day film, The Graduate, will start Thank you, and I hope to see you soon at a Jewish about the important role of the service programs locally, in Israel and at 4:00 p.m. and we will be joined by Beverly Gray, Federation event. caretaker in someone’s life and throughout the world. the many services that Right at Home provides. The Federation OUR VISION Food Pantry update A Jewish Community that is based on By Jodi Cohen, Senior Outreach & Food Pantry Coordinator Jewish values such as Tzedakah n the Wednesday after the Pittsburgh syna- the lack of access to menstrual hygiene products in (benevolence), Tikkun Olam (repairing gogue shootings, I received a voicemail from Uganda and other African countries, Draluck realized the world) and K’lal Yisrael (taking Oone of the Federation’s regular food pantry that people in the U.S. might face similar challengesis proud to consider Right at responsibility for one another). clients who is African-American. She said she was and difficulties, so she founded Cycle Forward. TheHome a community partner thinking of us, how she knew firsthand about racism Jewish Federation is one of 11 organizations that Bar- Thank you to Rabbi Buchen and understood about anti-Semitism, and that she was bara provides menstrual hygiene products for. and Temple Beth Shalom for praying for all of us. If you tilt a kaleidoscope even A special shout out to the October food pantryhosting October’s lunch. slightly there is an entirely new perspective, and this volunteers: Laurie Morris, Barbara Gribin, Carolyn A special shout out to Ja- phone message inspired the tiniest shift from despair Gora, Judith Yevick, Donna Cotler, Laurie McCon-son’s Deli, our generous com- to hope. nville and Suzanne Orkin. The BBYO kids earnedmunity partner. L’CHAYIM Because of your generosity during the High Holy mitzvah points for breaking down all of the empty The free monthly senior Days food drive, I was able to offer a Target gift card food pantry boxes and toting them to the recycle bin.lunch is a chance for Jewish Jewish news published monthly by to a family who said they would use it to buy art sup- Various local groups are encouraging attendees to Jewish Federation of Lee & Charlotte Counties seniors to socialize, eat a little 9701 Commerce Center Court, Fort Myers, FL 33908 plies for their teenage son’s art project. My yenta self bring items to be donated to the food pantry, includ-something and learn a little (239) 481-4449 • Fax: (239) 481-0139 asked to see photos of the artwork, then the daugh- ing Emily Polk’s Bat Mitzvah guests, the Women’ssomething. The mood is pure joy Online at www.JewishFederationLCC.org ter shared photos she’d taken of sunsets, and the next Chaverot of Temple Judea, and those who will attend n and there is always room at the December 2018 • Volume 41, Number 4 thing I knew we were swapping photos of dogs we the Pelican Preserve Hanukkah Party. Your ongoingtable for YOU. n know and love. A circle of delight and kindness. generosity of spirit is contagious and the Federation President: Brian Simon Another client was fortunate enough to transition is grateful.
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