JUNE,l959 OF THE PI K.A.FFA ALPHA FRATERNITY "SHOTGUN GIBES'' a.n.d "ROSCOE" Of TV'S The LIFE a.n.d LEGEND Of 'JVYATT EARP All ~onor lo 1959 tn. ALPHA (Virginia) Roben A. Brock, .Jr. Clyde Raymond Jordan Ernest Beverly Agee address unknown Elizabethtown, N.C. Terre Haute, Ind. Warren Edmundson Winslow I' I (Washington ·and Lee) Gold~boro, N. C. BETA (Davidson) Taylor Berry Harrison Herbert Burnes Norris \Villiam Lawrence Bentz Charlotte, N. C. address unknown Greenville, S.C. Isaac Stuart McElroy, Jr. TAU (North Carolina) ALPHA ZETA (Arkansas) Richmond, Va. Dr. Thomas Sampson Roystct Joseph Whitaker Cooper Quay Dunovant Williford Henderson, N.C. Little Rock, Ark. Gastonia, N. C. Roben Lee Hunter John Emmet Gaughan _Norfolk, Va. GAMl\•IA (William and Mary) Camden, Ark. Arthur Read Christie Willis Elvin Lephiew UPSILON (Alabama Poly.) Dermott, Ark. Washington, D. C. Henry Wiley Grady William Leonard Ellis Walter Carrigan Miles La Grange, Georgia El Dorado, Ark. Champlain, Va. Frank Floyd Kincey Nathaniel Dade Heaton Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Lubbock, Texas ALPHA ETA (Florida) Address Unknown William Evans Christian Robert Phillip Michaels Walker Anderson, Jr. Roxboro, N. C. Ocala, Fla. Douglas Thomas Beatty Lewis Thurston Gregory, Jr. Franklin Mason Barnes James Thornton Bidgood, Jr. Address unknown Clearwater, Fla. Walter Carroll Ellis Samuel Sprague Holden Bernard Allen Garth Hugh Carey Hanlin Address unknown Lynbrook, N. Y. Address Unknown DELTA (Birmingham·Southern) PSI (North Georgia Agri.) Edgar Burrough Geiger Benjamin Franklin Barnes Thomas Jefferson Gross William Allen Stewart Warm Springs, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Jasper Anderson Waggener Byrd Rivers Kelley Horace Edwin Wright, Sr. Midland City, Ala. El Paso, Texas ALPHA lOTA (Millsaps) Address Unknown James Walter Anderson Lyonel Clayton Kirkland address unknown Eli Minton Delay Ray Wingfield Harris Jackson, Miss. ZETA (Tennessee) James Othwo Hollingsworth Address Unknown Harry Leathers 'Baird John Daniel Pilcher William Moody Donnan Miami Beach, Fla. William Albert Roberts Frank Ray Price Harry Mortimer Barfield Samuel Earnest Williamson address unknown OMEGA (Kentucky) Joseph Alfred Goodwin ALPHA KAPPA (Missouri Mines) ETA (Tulane) Lexington, Ky. Ray Gould Knickerbocker James William Bum William Muir Lane Reno, Nevada Helena, Ark. address unknown Address Unknown James Norman Wilson, Sr. James Floyd Donaldson New Orleans, La. ALPHA ALPHA (Duke) Robert Graham Ormsby .James Allen Lee James Peter Tiernan THETA (Southwestern) Monroe, N. C. Rev. Theodore S. Smylie ALPHA MU (Georgia) St. Louis, Mo. ALPHA GAMMA (L.S.U .) Enos Carr McClendon Reuben F. Burch, Jr. Christopher Kreutzer Taffe Eastman, Ga. address unknown Homer, La. Lamont Seals Robert Redmond Forrester IOTA (Hampden·Sydney) Homer, La. Tifton, Ga. Joseph McGavock Crockett Ernest Denis Viguerie Paul Dearing Fulwood Welch, W. Va. Charenton, La. Tifton, Ga. Alexander St. Clair, Jr. William Loudin Brian Robert Frank Callawav Bluefield, Va. address unknown address unknown ' KAPPA (Transylvania) ALPHA DELTA (Georgia Tech) ALPHA NU (Missouri) Andrew Kinzea Stone Col. Thomas Bomar Martin Russell Edward Holloway Georgetown, Ky. Rayville, La. Columbia, Mo. Harry Vernon Wilson Harry Daniel Hynds Tullahoma, Tenn. ALPHA EPSILON (N. C. State) Los Angeles, Calif. Hermon Burke Briggs Wendell Paul Jones OMICRON (Richmond) Raleigh, N.C. Redwood City, Calif. Charles Thomas O'Neill Roscoe Walter Dent Boyd A. Speer Charlottesville, Va. Allentown, Pa. University City, Mo. SHIELD & Vol. 68, No. 4 J une, 1959 TABLE OF CO FEATURES Page o1nmono Morgan Woodward alias hotgun Gibbs --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Utah Sends Pi Kaps to Capitol Hill ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE Fraternity Opportunities and R espon ibilitie ------------------------------------------------------ 5 PI KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY Am I My Brother's Keeper? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Fire Bricks are His Busines ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 The Fraternity was founded at the University of Virginia, March 1, CHAPTER NEWS 1868, by Julian Edward Wood, Kappa 8, u 18, 30; Xi 40, Omiuon 7, Sigma 38, Up ilon 20, lpha-Gamma 26, littleton W a II e r Tazewell, James Alpha-Delta 28, Alpha-Zeta 41, Alpha-Theta 26, lpha-Kappa 25, Alpha- u 8, 16; Benjamin Sclater, Jr., Frederick Alpha-Xi 15, 17; Alpha-Rho 34, Alpha-T au 6, Alpha-Phi 16, Alpha-Chi 24, Alpha­ Southgate Taylor, Robertson How­ Omega 11 , 34; Beta-Delta 38, Beta-Zeta 21, Beta-Eta 17, 30; Beta-Theta 27, 35; Beta­ ard, and William Alexander. Iota 34, Beta-Kappa 37, 39; Beta-Lambda 16, Beta- u 35, Beta-Omicron 7, Beta­ Upsilon 25, Gamma-Gamma 9, Gamma-Delta 21, Gamma-Epsilon 20, Gamma-Th eta The magazine is published each 9, Gamma-Iota 38, Gamma-Lambda 35, Gamma-Nu 7, Gamma-Xi 29, Gamma-Rho March, June, September, and De­ 36, Gamma-Sigma 29, Gamma-Tau 30, Gamma-Phi 7, Gamma-Chi 26, Gamma-Psi 24, cember. Copy deadlines are: Jan­ Gamma-Omega 35, Delta-Alpha 7, Delta-Beta 40, Delta-Gamma 38, Delta-Delta 40, oary 20, April 1, June 1, and Oc­ Delta-Zeta 30, Delta-Theta 29, 30; Delta-Pi 35, Delta-Rho 17, 28, 40; Delta-Sigma 17, tober 20. 34; Delta-Chi 24, Epsilon-Alpha 18, Epsilon-Beta 19, Epsilon-Gamma II, Epsilon­ It is mailed without charge to all Epsilon 11, Epsilon-Eta 4 1, Epsilon-Iota 19, Ep ilon-Kappa 39, Epsilon-Lambda 27, members of the fraternity. Please 30; Epsilon- 'lu 19, 27. promptly report changes of address - include both old and new ad- with another. David a nd J o n a than , ward has been " Yankee, go home!" on . dresses. Damon and P ythia , are cl assic examples the wa ll of n early every nati on in the Direct all correspondence and of uch. world, and abu e and brick-bats thrown changes of address to: The Shield Life is the sum of our experi ence , at our Vi ce-Pres ident on a "good-will and Diamond Magazine, 577 Uni­ some of which are p as ing and some of tour" of foreign lands, our neare t neigh­ versity, Memphis 12, Tennessee. which are permanent. Fraternity li fe is a bors. 'Woodrow ·wilso n, the great Presi­ dent of the United States in the World ROBERT D. LYNN rich and rewarding experience, a source War I period, has truly said, "Friendsh.ip Editor of conti nuing plea ure and satisfaction. I beli eve that I am qualified to speak is the only cement that will hold the MRS. JEAN B. ISBELL rather authoritatively concerning this out world together." Assistant Ed itor of a rewarding experience in the bond Friends don 't "ju t happen". They are MRS. JOAN R. IMBODEN o( </J</JKa for 52 years. d.i scov.ered and cultivated just like a rare Circulation Manager Friendship is at the very heart of our flower. The Good Book says, "H e that The Shield and Diamond is pub­ li ves as brothers in Pi Kappa Alpha. h as fri ends must show himself friendly, lished by Democrat Printing and Someone has well said: and there is a fri end who sticketh closer than a brother". These friend h ave to Litho Com pony, 114 E. Second " 'T is the human touch in this world that be nourished. Trust them fully and you Street, little Rock, Ark. Entered as counts, second class matter, October 14, ·have an investment in happiness that will The touch of your h and and mine, 1937, at the Post Office at little last as long as life last . Rock, Ark., under Act of March 3, Which means far more to the fainting In fraternity life, friendship is ce­ 1879. Acceptance for mailing at heart mented by sacred vows in the bonds of a special rate of postage provided for Than shelter and bread and wine. beautiful idealism. in Section 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, For shelter is gone when the night i o'er, Your Chaplain, authorized June 16, 1918. And bread lasts only a day, John McSween, Beta, 1908 S ECO N D - CLASS POSTAGE PAI D A T But the touch of the hand and the ouncl L I TTLE ROCK. ARKANSA S of the voice OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ing on in the soul alway." Executive Director Robert D. L ynn Cover Friendship is seen at its best in fra­ has submitted his resignation effective Morgan Woodward, BM (T exas), has ternity life. Pi Kappa Alpha i essentiall y in the fall of 1959 in order to accept become a n ational hero to western fans a social organizatio n, stre sing fri endship, the pre idency of Hutchison 's School young and old who avidly follow "The demanding good moral character, and for Girls, a private preparatory chool Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp" on ABC­ worthy social po ition. Therefore, Pi in Memphis, Tennessee. TV each week. Our cover prese nts Mor­ Kappa Alpha is based on congeniali ty , W e dee pl y regret this loss after fif­ gan in his role as Shotgun Gibbs with character, and culture. A congeniality teen year of outstanding leadership hi faithful companion, Roscoe. without "sissiness", and culture without __ ITKA ___ in the national administration of our snobbery. Fraternity. Friendship cannot be bought. It must H e i eminently qualified for this Chaplain's Corner be earned. T hi (act is forcefully brought new position, and we wish him every Dear Fell ows, to our attention b y the ex peri ences o( happine sand succes . + Some of the most beauti­ Ameri ca in the post-wa r world. ' "'e have J ohn U. Yerkovich , ful stories in literature, and the most poured bi ll ions of our taxpayer's money President challenging incidents in human liEe, have into former enem y countries and the For The Supreme Council a their basis the fri endship of one person countries of our o-call ed allie .
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