University of California, Hastings College of the Law UC Hastings Scholarship Repository Hastings Law News UC Hastings Archives and History 2-4-1992 Hastings Law News Vol.25 No.4 UC Hastings College of the Law Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.uchastings.edu/hln Recommended Citation UC Hastings College of the Law, "Hastings Law News Vol.25 No.4" (1992). Hastings Law News. Book 194. http://repository.uchastings.edu/hln/194 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the UC Hastings Archives and History at UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hastings Law News by an authorized administrator of UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Hastings Law News San Francisco, California FebrlUlry4,1992 West Block Developer Tapped; Board Approval Hearing Set Activists Protest: Hastings Says it's too Soon to Talk By Martha Bridegam ThePlanmngCoaJition,aswcll thaI in any event Ihechoiceofa dcveloper was not particularly COf'VEOITOR as student members of the Na­ tional Lawyers' Guild, wants to important because the chosen 1belalesl WestBlock.baltleis see HaSlings build low-income company would only serve as a over whether it's time to fight. housing available to the general consultantwhlleHastingsretained Tenderloin neighborhood ac· public to replace Ihe units in control of the projecL Debley tivists like Kathy Lu of the North buildings il has torn down in past saidthedeveloperchoseninFeb­ of Market Planning Coalition say years. Hastings' priorities ap­ ruarywillnOlnecessarilypcrform it's time. Lu says Hastings' parently 10 build student housing the construction. PHOTOIVDD:uBErCHEr Special Propeny Committee ha~ on the site, although college plan­ "Hopefully people will see Bra/her Kelly CU/ltfl otTenderlojn Youth Ad"auJits addresuJ a recommended oneor the nation's ning chief Ed Levine said aU the once we get 10 the nellt phase of crowd outside lilt 100 building. Tile group protest~d /lle I<ld af cammunifJ input DI/he Ike. lJ Haslings Ba",d of Dine/Drs met/ing. largest developers, Lincoln developers whooffercd proposals Continu~d on Pag~ 4 Propcny Co., 10 help the college \0 Hastings also induded low­ fill the empty foundation hole income housing in their plans. Student Fees to Rise 22 Percent behind the 200 MI;:AlIistcr build­ Hastings officials say they ing. Hastings ofrlCials will not aren't ready to hold formal confinnordenylherepon,saying meetings with the activists be­ Next Year; Recession Blamed onlythatthecommiltcehasmadc cause there is nothing 10 talk aboul By Michael A. Amiri UniversityofCalifomiaPrcsidcnt to increase UC student fees 22 aro::ommcndalion at this time. College spokesman OavidGardnersaid,"UCstudenls percentforthel992-93academic and While the developer choice Tom Debley and General Coun­ willbepayingfccscomparabieto year. Hastings' Board of Direc­ ~Iillneedsapprovalfrom meruit sel Angele KhachadQursaid the Oavid G, Cohen lhose at the 23 public institutions lors is ellpected \0 follow suit Hastings Board of Directors - a public "planning process," with STAFF WRITERS UC uses for fcc comparison pur­ although It has no legal obligation special closed meeting for mill full neighborhood involvement. HastingssludenlScane,;ptCt poses. Comparing fee levels ad­ todose. The Regents said they purpose is scheduled for Feb. 25 would stan as soon as thedevcl­ to pay an additional S550in fees justed for California per capita had no choice but to incrcasefccs - Lu and others. such as Martia operwas pickcd. toauendHastingsnextyear-a personal income, [today's UC to cover the difference between Rosen of the Lawyers' Commit­ Board chairman John Sproul 22 percent increase over this studentslwillbcpayingaboutthe Governor Pete Wilson's 1.5 per­ tee {orUroon Affairs. say itis nOI and some other college officials year's bill. sameas UCstudentspaid in 1971- cent proposed budget increase and (00 soon to make the planning have met privalely with Planning The increase, combined with 72." the9.5percentincreaserequested process public. Last summer the Coalition members, though with fee hikes of over $9(X) for the Officially, California is a "Iu- by the board. college rejected a formal public little result. Levine said al a 1991-92 academic year and over Gardner, in an open letter to records request from Rosen, who meeting with student National $400 for 199().91, will bring the [Today's UC stu­ the sludcnts of the Univcrsity of argucd that Hastings is requircd Lawyers' Guild members that total cost or attending Hastings to dents] will be pay­ California, said Ihat while by the Brown Act to open up the Hastings is well aware of the ac­ ovcrS3,200,nOlincludingffi:<llth Wilson'sproposcdincrease"falls developer selection process and tivislS' wishes. "You only can care coverage. ing about the same wellshortofthelOperccntnccdcd releascany proposaJsthe devel­ have so many meetings to gel "While th e percentages are tOCQversuch things as increascd opers make for construction on as UC students paid acquainted," he said. high,thedol!arsarenOlthathigh," costs resulting from inflation and the site. Debley and Khachadour said argued Hastings Dean Tom Read. in 1971-72. enrollmenlgrowth,I believe the "Privale tuitions have becn going - UC President governor's budget proposal is the upSI,OOOIO$I,500peryear.~ In David Gardner besl we can hope for given the an open letter to UC swdents, Co,.n·nu~donPQgtlJ 80.2% Bar Passage Rate ition-frce"state. Thestate'spolicy is not to charge its residcnts"tu­ Puts Hastings 6th in State ition" 10 attend the universities in In This Issue ••• the UC and CSU systems. How­ NEWS ranking improvcd tosillth. It was ever,locoverthecostsofstudcnt By Jay Blount Creationism ................ 2 eighthJ.astyear. services,thestalealiowsHaslings STAFF WRITER McdiaRulcs ............... 3 Academic Dean Mary Kay and the UC and CSU systems 10 Hastings studcnts' perfor­ Kane said she was concerned but charge studcnts "fccs." The state LEOP Qucstioned ......... 3 ProgressiveConfcrence .. 3 manceonthesummer,l99l bar nOialarmedaboutthedrop: "Our alsodetermiocsitsbudgctappro­ examwasdecidcdlymilled. Only lopquartileremainedasstrongas priationfortheuniversitiesbased FEATURES SO.2percentofHastingsgraduatcS always, but the second and third on thcscfccs. Non-residenlSare Eat at La Med ................ 6 taking the bar ellam for the first quartiles were down a bit." she charged tuition on top of the MuscumGuide .............. 7 timepassed,down5percentfrom said, "I remain comfonable with standard fees, at leaSI until they Computer Help ............ 14 last year's figure. The ovcrall our educational program." cstablish residency. This year, 1991 pass rale for California No one really knows exactly non-resident twtion was 57,699 OPINIONS dropped three percent 10 55 per- why the barpassratedropped this on top of Ihe fees. That figure is En Bane ......... 8 year. Kane said the rate tends to nOl cxpected 10 change nellt year. Legalize Pot ..................... 9 Social Contract ............. 9 ""'Compared to the other 15 oscillate from year to year with Onlyan~llIbltwasnttdtdlO On Jan. 17, the UC Board of ABA-approved law schools in seemingly litlle rhyme or reason. hold/lleresumt,ubmissjonboxts Regents,whichhas nodirectoon­ Caiifomia,Haslings'barpassage for Spriflg O.C.I. Colllinu~do,.Par;~l:J trol over Hastings' budget, vOled Page 2 Hastings Law News February 4, /992 Creationist Activists' Legal Efforts Hastings Journals Host Gaining Sophistication, Lawyer Warns "Historic" Conference their existence to a divine power, ni7.auons such as the Califomia­ By Rurr Reiter By Joe Vadala speech, going back to the ACLU's notevolution from other animals. based Institute for Creation Re­ "Skokie"case,in whichtheACLU STAFFWRrTER STAfFWRrrER Seott traced the legal history search (lCR) began seeking sci­ defended a Nazi group's First Sixty-eight years after a Ten­ ofcrcationism in the UnitcdStates, emific evidence to suppon their More than 25 speakers came Amendment right to march nessee schoolteacher was oon­ from the Scopes Trial in 1924 to literal Biblical interpretations. from alloverthecountry toattend through a predominantly Jewish victed as a criminal for teaching the 1971 Lemon ease to the ICR, the largest American orga­ the conference held at Hastings community. the theory of evolution, parents, prescnL In umon, the Supreme nization dedicated to the cre­ Jan. 31 and Feb. 2 entitled 'The Alsoamong Friday's speakers teachers and activists arc still COWl laid down a three-prong ationist cause, publishes news­ Theoretics of Practice: The Inte­ was Nancy Polikoff from battling over which version of test to analyze the constitutional letters, produees travelling semi­ gration of Progressive Thought American University's Wllhing­ human origins should be taught validity of St.:ltutes affecting the nars (one of which recemly drew aoo Action." The conference, tonCollegeofLaw. Shediscussed in public schools, the director of a crowd of7,000 in Sacramento), presented by lIaslings Law the problems faced by a lawyer the National Ccnter for Science "There is a great and writes te.l'.lbooks which it Journal and Hastings lVomtn's who identifies him or herself as Educationlold Hastings students deal of ignorance seeks to inscn into public school LawJournal, addressed topics as being part of a movement while last month. about what evolution curricula. Scott showed an iUus­ varied as racism, feminism, gay representing others in that same "Creationists are wet! orga­
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