Keep Po led With I Po t Ad AI" Read I The Post Let them iDU'etI.oe yo,", A fam ily paper with new, product In virillaUy every 01 yo urselt, your children I borne in the Newark trad. Ing area. JIId nei(bbor . : --------' THENE KP05T XXXVIII Number 15 The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, June 12, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS Lions Hear Prisoner.s' Honored Tonight ASK PUBLIC Aid Society Officinl G.SURRATT DAUGHTERS ADDRESS BY Thomas E. Miller, presIdent of the TO PROVIDE P r isoners' Aid Society, was the speaker IS NAMED TO OF COLONIAL BURI{HOLDER at T uesday night's meeting of the Newark L ions Club. He discussed the N. Y. YOUTHS social signific ance of certain bills pass­ HEAD ALUMNI WARS HEAR TOMORROW ed a t the recent session of the State Legislature, emphasizing theil' possible STAY HERE effects on the prevention of crime. ASSOCIATION ' DR. ADAMS NITE AT NHS Invitations have been extended local L ions to attend the New Castle Lions Tenenlent Club Charter Nigh t d inner and dance 150 Old Grads New Officers 66 To Get in William P enn School, Monday, June Child L' ell To 23 , at 7 p. m. Reservations m ust be Attend Dinner Of Group Take Diplomas At made by J une J6. Concord Get Vacation H was also announced that thr ee new Dance For NHS Over Duties At 54th Annual JUI~E r oad signs will be purchased by the Thrn Project club and set up at principal entrances Senior 'Class Meeting Here Exercises to town. A renewed ca ll to .resident: of t h~s Grover Surratt, prom inent local Dr. Arth ur Adams, eminent author · State Senator E. P aul Burkholder Dr. T. F . Manns area to join the Tribune FI.esh All' business man, was elected president ity on heraldry, discussed "Heraldry wi ll "eldress the 66 members of the J947 graduating class of the Newark fund, which aims at pr? vld~n g t wo of the Newar k H igh School Alumni in America" at the regular meeting of AETNA GETS High School at the 54th commencement weeks of rest and recrea tlOn In "New­ Association at the group's annual ban- the Dela ware Society, Daugh ters of exercises tomorrow night at 8:30 in ark homes to needy children from New quet and dance for the current graduat-Colonial Wars, held at the home of Mrs. MANNS TO the school. aud itorium. York's tenement districts, was ~a d e ONLY 2 FIRE ing class last F riday in the Country Harry Cl ark Boden, "F airthorne," New­ this week by ~rs. Waller H ullihen, Three ex-servicemen will be among the graduates who will receive gene ral chairman. , Club. ark, recently. Newly elected pr esident, BE HONORED The FI'esh Air Fund, w hIch IS being Mr. Surratt, who succeeds Miss Ann Mrs. Walter S. Williams, presided. d iplomas from Joseph M. McVey, presi­ CALLS HERE dent of the school board. Eleven addi­ revived in this area after a ~a rt im e Richards, was vice-pr esident of the Officers ser ving with Mrs. Williams tional veterans will be presented high lapse, works th rough a committee of Association prior to his entra nce in the arc: Mrs. J ohn Biggs, J r ., Wilmington, AT BANQUET local ch'ic leaders, which solicits invi­ school equi valen t diplomas for satisfac­ PAST MONTH armed forces in 194 1. Other officers vice-president; Miss Eli zabeth J . New­ toril y passing General Educational De­ al ions from homes here offering a were named as follows: Charles Wol- \I'o.week vacation to the big-city laston, vice-president; Clyde Bayli s, kirk, Wilmington, recording secreta ry; I-JERE TO NITE velopment Tests. l'oungsters during July and August. Record Low treasurej'; Miss P hoebe McBerty, r e- Mrs. J . Irvin Dayetl, Jr., Newar k, cor­ The invocatioll w ill be by the Rev . The children are chosen fr om among cording secretary; :lnd Miss Shirley responding secretary; Mrs. George R. William H. Hanckel, and Supt. Wilmer Nell' York's neediest by city social In AlarIlls Is Ritchie, corresponding s!,!cretary. Miller, J r ., Frederica, treasurer ; Mrs., Fellow Staff E. Shue will present the class of J947. agencies in cooperation with the F und Over 150 old gr ads attended the ses- Boden, Newark, r egistrar ; M.rs. carlton! Presentation of awards and prizes will &uthorities. The local committee sends Reported By sion, w hich was one of the largest and P. Bardsley, Wi lmington, chaplain; Mrs. Melnhers Will be by P rincipal Frederick B. Klitz. the invitations it has secured to the most successful ever held by the asso- L. Gertrude F ryburg, genealogist; Mrs. The school orchestra and the Double Tribune agency which arranges for Chas. E. Moore ciation. Speaker of the evening was J ames Herber t Mullin, historian ; Mrs. Fete Retiring Octet will provide the music. The ranspol'ting the children h ere. John Leach, vice-president and director El'I1est R. Curo, Wilmington, custolian; benediction will also be by M I'. Hancke!. Ao-. Professor Ofl'icers of the graduating class ar e: \Tewal'k residents interested in pro­ Only two fire alarms were sounded of education at Beacom Business Col - and councillors: Mrs. William E. HoI ­ lege, Wilmington, who gave some in- ton, Newark: Miss Mary R. DeVOll , Sherman White, president; Horace B. "Iding a long-to-be-remembered vaca­ in to\\"n a nd two in the district the past (e resting facts about prominent grad- Wi lmington; Mrs. J oseph H. Mendio­ Dr. Thomas F. Manns. professor of Pratt, vice-president; Eleanor M. Ion to some city child arc u rged to month, giving the local volunteers a ua tes from Newark H igh. hall, Mrs. Charles B. Doak, Mrs. F red- plant pathology and soil bacteriolo!(y Brown, secretary; and Reba J eannette notify one of the following committee much needed breathing spell after the members: Mrs. Hullihen. Mrs. Milton Br ief talks were also given by Super- crick R. Brown. of th University of Delaware School Morris, treasurer. The members: Joan flurry of alarms for minor grass fi r es of Agriculture. will be honored at :l Marie Brown, Coleman Everett Bye. Draper. Rev. A. J. Jackson, M . A. that was received h re earlier in the intendent Wilmer E. Shue and princi- After Mrs. Williams extended her Kubico. Professor T. D. Smith or testimonial dinner :it Kent Hall, Uni­ J r ., Ida Mae Cecil , Patricia Ann Chal­ spring. pal Frederick B. Kutz on special educa· greetings as new president, Mrs. Glenn R T. Nare. versity of Delaware tonigh t, by h is mers, William J . Clancy, Jr., William The fi gures for May were d isclosed tional activities at Newark High. in- S. Skinner spoke on three books on The hospitality is sought for t he aFsociates of the School of Agricul­ Harold Correll, J aqueline Ann Davis, in the monthly r eport submitled by cluding the guidance program and the Heraldry which the society will pre­ 'children as a gift No board is pait1 , recently concluded evaluation sll1'vey. sent to the Historical Society. The ture and other friends. Elizabeth Georgianna Dawson, Rosella Charles E. Moore, fire recorder, at the DeRose, J ohn Morris Dougherty, Don­ nor cash accepted by the Fund. Miss Richards, retiring president, was group also voted a $25 donation to the On ,Tu ne 30 Dr. Manns retires as :l regular meeting of the Aetna Hose, membcr of the agricultural stafl' after ald Eastburn, Elva A. Edwards. Evange­ Hook and L adder Company in the fire given a vote of thanks for her ac- ~ :~ ~n;~o ~~~:tiO~a ~~~~r~~ h;~~.~~h;!~ 35 years service to Delaware Agricul ­ line Shaw Everett, John L eonard Fos· 12 in hall on Friday night. complishments during the past year. of a juke-box for the P ercy J ones Hos­ tural ed1lcation and research. sett, Genevieve Catharine Gaskiewicz, box lie The ambulance made a total of 39 P.-T. A. SEEI(S Outstandi ng among them were her pital for World War II veterans. A Presidi ng at the testimonial din ner L<l ris Mansfi eld Gray, Earl F. Gray, 1001 mer cy runs during the month, cover­ leadershi p in organizing Lhe first New- committee was appoin ted to investi­ )5e will be Dr. A. J . Adams w ho was a William Allen Gregson, Victor C. Gret­ ing 2120 m il es. The longest was to a rk High HomecomingJ)ay last Novem- tum, Daniel Valiant Hamilton, Alton member of Dr. Manns' department fo ~' eoch 31e Philad elphia. New member, Edward ber and .her direction of . this PARENT AID y e~r 's ~;:;: i~~ an~ e~fa~~~~~ : ~~ t~~o;r~~·al~~ a nlJlJ)i' of 've Dl'_ Adams was r.s· Haney. WiWam '1(. ~ Emily Curtis of the Con tinental-Diam ond Scholarshi p Fund campaIgn,. which Castle. Hight! - .. Ne.! ~, fI'om 1 QZn to Ctltherlne . Jiunt. Fibre Compa ny, was inducted at th e sum ever raIsed ilT Delegates and alternates .to the In?, ' Jfttty iane'1a tb A, 3'bktl- session, fi lling the vacancy left by ~:::~ n~:l ~a:;~:~t ~a - FEED ON PROGRAM tional meeting next May Will be: MISS son, Jean M. Kenda , Paul Michael the death of J . P . Wright. The com­ Speakers' listed on the' progr am in­ Energy Feed deVou, Mrs. Cooch, Mrs. Boden al1LI K raemer, Grace Annabelle Laws, Wil­ pany's membership quota is now com ­ clude Dr.
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