' f Weather 7 turn. tMunrrtnrs U. ftmay tddsy *& a M»* suwmd W. Wloalilit with tow fa tte-To. 24,500 morrow fair with Increasing { RedBankArea doudinMi late la the day and J • " V • Copyright—Th» Red Bank Register, Inc., IKS. occasional rain Saturday night DIAL 7414)010 or Sunday. See weather, page >• MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS VOL. 88, NO. 24 FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1965 76 PER COPY! PAGE ONE Raritan's Ex-Chief, Truck Firm Owner Indicted FREEHOLD — Farmer Rari- , Service basis April 30, Guntner The Ocean County man is sec- Register that Guntner would Mr. Brady said the policemen tan Township Police Chief Ger- Is a wholesale meat salesman retary of the company's Inde- have been welcomed as police reported the offers to Capt. Wil- ard F. Guntner and a trucking for Swift and Co., a post he had pendent Drivers Association chief in the permanent depart- liam J. Smith, who is acting company owner, Anthony Nappi, previously dovetailed with his though he said he plans to re- ment. chief, and that the latter called are under indictment for an at- part-time police duties. sign that position at a meeting "But we could not match his in the chief of county detectives, tempt to trap a former Nappi Nappi is president and owner tonight. That he has favored re- salary in private employment," John M, Gawler, who investi- driver in a traffic law violation. of Nappi Trucking Co., a tank placement of the Independent the commissioner added. gated. Monmouth County Prosecutor fleet in interstate and intrastate group by a local of the Team- According to the indictments, The commissioner said that Vincent P. Keuper, disclosing operations, Rt. 34, Madison sters Union, he said, was no se- Nappi and Guntner conspired Capt. Smith Informed him and yesterday action by the Grand Township. He is a former presi- cret to Mr. Nappi. July 15 to "pervert the admin- Mayor Marvin Olinsky of the Jury Tuesday, said Guntner also dent of the New Jersey Motor Cohen's Comment istration of law" by soliciting situation Monday night, noting is charged with bribe offers to Truck Association. "He said I had harassed him township policemen to commit a that Patrolman Schramm and two township policemen to ar- The intended victim of the al- and he threatened to get rid of crime of malfeasance by arrest- Sgt. Hilton were scheduled to tell rest and convict the driver. leged conspiracy was Leon Co- anyone who brought the team- ing Cohen on false charges. the story to the Grand Jury Guntner, 36, of 8 Fair View hen, South Toms River, who was sters in," Mr. Cohen said. One indictment which names Tuesday. La.. Hailer, and Nappi, 54, of fired by Nappi July 26—11 days Under grievance procedures In Guntner alone says that on July Actually, only the patrolman Holmdel Township, were arrested after the plot supposedly was its labor contract, a committee 18 he solicited Patrolman Ed- testified. Sgt. Hilton was in the Wednesday by county detective made—for failure to check his of the Independent Drivers Asso- ward A. Schramm to arrest Mr. jury witness room ready to re^ Andrew B. Manning and were re- equipment on a delivery run. As ciation and of the company gave Cohen on either a speeding or cpond, but wasn't called. leased in $3,500 bail each, pend- a result of the incident his tank Mr. Cohen a hearing yesterday. reckless driving charge, and Mr. Brady said the procedure ing arraignment in Monmouth trailer separated from the tractor However, the driver said, Mr. offered him $100 to make the followed by Capt. Smith and the County Court Aug. 13, Mr. Keu- he was driving. Nappi refused to alter his dis- arrest and another $100 upon a officers was to their credit. He per said. Mr. Cohen told The Register missal order and the issue will conviction. said he had no criticism of the Posts They Hold he is appealing his dismissal now go to arbitration. The same indictment charges acting chief's decision to make Chief of the township depart- which he attributed to employer Rarilan Township Committee- that a few days later Guntner no report to him before advising ment for four years untH it was objections to his efforts "to man James G. Brady, who is made the same proposal to Sgt. the prosecutor's office. Gerard F. Gimtner organized on a full time, Civil strengthen our drivers' union." police commissioner, told The Roy Hilton. (See INDICTED,'Page 3) Anthony Nappi President To Sign Bffl On Medicare Middletown Police WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- dent Johnson packs up the hns- ' toric health care bill today and file* to Missouri to sign it into law with former President Har- ry S. Truman at his side . Truman championed a similar Probe Sign Damage proposal 20 years ago as part ot a five- point health program. It MIDDLETOWN—Mayor Ernest "I will not be a party to tear- labor. He said he was not sure Ave. and Irving PI. Included compulsory national G. Kavalek last night denied that ing signs down which have been of costs of other signs. Mayor Kavalek issued this health insurance, expansion of street sign destruction in Belford erected legally. How can we ex- The total damage estimate by statement: Public Health services and feder- early yesterday morning and pect our citirens to obey the police last night ranged from "What I said Tuesday night al aid to medical schools and Wednesday night had any con- laws if we disobey them?" The less than $100 to more than $250. was not meant to be taken as research. All except the health nection with his statement Tues- next thing; citizens would start Said Capt. Luker: "The dam- icense for anyone to go out Insurance plan were passed day about tearing signs down. tearing signs down." age is high. It's probably the and tear signs down. I was talk- As approved finally by Con- At the Tuesday night Township The extent of the Belford dam- worst we've had on signs." ing about replacing signs with tress earlier this week, the 133- Committee meeting, speaking of age has not been precisely de- Capt. Luker said an area resi- other signs at a lower speed lim- page measure Johnson will sign new 40-mlle-per-hour signs in- termined. Reports of the number dent saw a green Ford knocking it. In 1961 the Township Com- includes hospital care under stalled on Kings Hwy. as a re- of signs knocked down or dam- down one of the signs just be- mittee had speed signs taken Soda! Security for the elderly, a sult of a state directive, the aged range from six to 12, and fore or just after midnight. He down on Cherry Tree Farm Rd. low-cost optional plan to pay mayor declared: some o! the damage might be reported that the woman saw and as a result the state re- doctors' bills for old people and "I say let's tear the signs from previous vandalism. After the car back up and hit the sign studied the matter and lowered ah across-the-board raise' in So- down and then see what hap- touring the area, Mayor Kavalek several times. the speed limit there. cial Security benefits. Increased pens, see what the state does." said he could only find one lo- Capt. Luker and Capt. Joseph "This whole thing is ridicu- Social Security taxes will pay The state Division of Motor cation where a sign had been McCarthy said they have in- lous. I did not say that anyone for: most of the program.. Vehicles, which controls, speed damaged, at Main St. and East' structed patrolmen to be on the should promiscuously take the • Johnson was to fly to Kansas limits, even on '.ocal streets, in Rd. lookout for the vehicle which law into their own hands. We City and then' drive to the Tru- creased the limit on a sejtio Police Capt. Kenneth F. Luker Capt. McCarthy said is believed won't tolerate .that sort of thing man Library at Independence ot "Kings Hwy.. from 25 to 40, head of the traffic section, said to have been slightly damaged. and anyone who is caught dam- tor the signing ceremony. After miles per hour after a t»fflc his investigation Is not com Capt. Luker said it is not aging or knocking down signs the bill signing in the library's survey. Th» actlim brought nu- pleted but that it appears two known whether more than one will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. auditorium, Johnson and Tru- SIGNS GALORE — Thlt is «t ofd pile of accumulated merous complaints. or three speed limit signs were car was involved. man planned to confer private- Burke's Comment damaged, as well as some stop , The police report of Patrol- "I toured Belford and I only ly. ' broken and damaged tigm bahind the Township Hall, Rt. After Mr. Kavalek's remark street signs and street name man William Higgins, who made found evidence of one sign dam- A number of congressmen 35. Middletown po)ic« fay; some of therrign damage in Tuesday, Township Committee- signs. the initial investigation, lists aged. I do not consider that proof man Douglas R. Burke Sharply $18 Each iigns damaged on Myrtle Ave., of vandalism." The mayor said were to accompany Johnson. Bel-ford area may have been from pteviom actt of v<nda- The Kanias City Star said criticized the mayor. Mr. Burke He estimated the cost of stop East Rd.
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