__ iSanriiral^r lEttrnittg Hfpralb FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1950 Z>on Y Let Another Week Go By Without Having a Chest X-Ray Average Dally Net Press Run For the Week Ending The Wrather November 18, I960 Forecnet of U. a. Wentbet Bwenn IF Y O U K i 10,133 Tedny, min, wtady with highest teoipemture 68; tonight rain Member of the Audit Manrf^ratrr €nrttttt0 Brralb chnnging to snow, much colder BareM of Clrenlntlone with lowest temperature S5, fnUIng lUanchester-^4 City of VUiage Charm temperatures daring the afternoon. THIS VOL. LXX, NO. 47 Pm * 18) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 19.50 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS HGURE-PROPORTIONED Evacuate 100 More Brawls in Church Than Beer Parlor—Pastor It May Happen Here Tomorrow Business And As Gale Hits Downey, Calif., Nov. 25.— GFs T ake Chongjii —Accused of slapping his pas­ Labor Propose HALE'S tor at n church board meeting, State, Coasts Robert G. Hartung, SO, faces Jury trial Jan. 11. Self Discipline As Offensive Hits ^ SLIP THE Christmas Store Hartung pleaded Innocent Watero of Long Island yesterday as the pastor, Rev. In Manchester Robert J. Reynolds, 36, said he Seek to Avoid Govern* Sound Sweep Over Low was quitting the pulpit of the fits your Gib.son Park • Christian and nient Gontrolk; Soiled* Growing Resistance ^ • Lying Areas of Milford Missionary Alflancc church in nearby Compton, probably to ule Seerel Meeting; ' ------------------- --------------— _____ measurements! Op ens This Christmas Season —Much Damage Done go into missionary work. He said Hartung grabbed Eye Steel Negotiutions U. N. Debates C^,oiintpr*Attacking Reds By The Associated Press him by the necktie and struck rri . 1 w Shove Buck Right Police, firemen and Red Ooss him twice. The incident cli­ Wasliington, Nov. 23 — (fl'j _ .» maxed a stormy board meet­ With These Suggestions volunteers began the evacuation Moves to curb Inflation by Industry 1 rieky Issuesi n. Army; ing, the pastor said. * and labor self-control, rather than of more than 100 families as the "More brawls in the church T ito 1 ^ Enemy 1'hrustliruMt at Cen* by strict government regulstlon, SEViN SIZES FOR gale-driven waters of Long Is­ than in a beer parlor,” remark­ 111 Key Parley ter Reii^ulsed by /J EACH HEIGHT GROUP For Vour Gift Lists land Sound today swept over low- ed Rev. Mr. Reynolds. appeared In the making today. lying areas of the Connecticut A select group ol top business South Korean Unit shore line at Milford. and labor leaders wore reported Hold SiirpriHc ScHsioii The Connecticut coastline and planning a secret meeting in New Tokyo, Nov. ‘25.—(/P)— much of the state had been bat­ York next Tuesday with that Idea On Foniiosii and Ko* tered elnce late yesterday by eus- Organize New In mind. Uniteci Nations forces ram­ COAT talned winds which blew a whole Two of those reported invited are rea as ('Jiina Reds med ahead toward the Red gale at times. Involved In one of the biggest Colorful Body to Rule union-industry struggles of the Wait Gidl to Testify Manchurian border in the I Breakers smashing at the long SWEATERS strip of shorefront between the day. the wage increase drive in the northwest offensive today, Wonderfully practical, cardigan entrance to Milford harbor and steel Indust r>'. These men are Lake Success, Nov. 25 -(/!•)— Init their extreme right flank neckline or V neck with pockets CHENILLE BEDSPREADS the mouth of the Housatonic river All of Europe John Stephens. Vice President of With a Chinese Comniunlst dele­ was shoveii liack by counter­ the U. S. Steel Corp., and Philip and fitted waistline, SIse 36 to 46, had battered a sea wall In front of gation waiting to state Its charg­ attacking Reds. Cains on the Purple, grey, navy, green, fuchsia. White with multi-color floral pattern that t f O the Sound View hotel to kindling Murray, head of the CIO and lU Steelworkers Union. es of American aggression, the winding 80-mile front ranged blends weU with any color scheme. and flooded many streets. Eye Plan to Transform up to aix mllen, with C3>ongJu fall­ 4 » i Traffic was rerouted away from Arrangements for the New York Unlte«i Nations Security Council ovft $• y i'i'TOS' 7"\J UMMt S' 5* ing to the Americans on the left $6-98-$8.98 Other Chenille Spreads—$7.98 to $13.98 shorefront East Broadway as six- Consultative Assembly meeting were kept secret. But it meets today to grapple with the flank of the concerted drive. But NOTI; (Wflit WMi SH*m 0m' foot breakers swirled across the ^ .Sr*'l!!*.Ulnce I9« hlm nUet^ Knoxvilhs Tenn., with a Rlx lnrh rovrrlnir, m thf^ Routh was reported industry had sug­ F'ormosan and Korean problems. Into Parliament With w*M hit with Ita t^ te of winter. The white $tuff tendx n touch of Rtrcnmllnlnff to thiwe old gested It and, along with Murray, on the extreme east flank, itrong highway In the Silver-Myrtle The session ws* ordered unex­ Communist forces plunged six beach area. » 1 ■ r r *^ * ^**^^^ ^ “**^ Snow wao w1de»pread thr«»U|(hout much of the oouthern Btaten. such leaders of labor as AFL J 100'e w ool. Supranational Powers Telephoto)s pectedly by Council President Ales miles Into South Korean positions. At Weat Haven, police and fire­ President William Green and John Beber of Yugoslavia. He acted af­ A U. 8. First Corps spokesman men rescued two duck hunters L. I,ewls, Chief of the Miner’s ter U. S. Secretory General Trygve G IFT CHATHAM Strasbourg, France, Nov. 25— Union, are to attend. described the Red attack os the trapped by highwaters on Sandy Lie conferred with the Chinese first major reversal of the two- “SELBY” Point, a spit of sand which ex­ i/p—Political leaders of six west­ The main purpose of the meet­ Communist emissaries who arrived day offensive which General M ac HANDKERCHIEFS tends 1,000 feet into New Haven ern nations meet here today to Tito Releases Foe Demaiuls Two ing was Mid to be an effort to In New York early yesterday. Arthur hopes will end the war by harbor. achieve wage-price stability by It prevlo\isly had been reported Christmas. Cut to th« contourp, plz»d to the height! of 2 p)m Colorful prints in square p g MOTHPROOF Albert Rodemacher and Fran­ begin work on a plan for a Euro­ voluntary means while going that the C\>uncil would not meet group! (your own Included!! thip Seamprufc slip solveg or round styles. Also all J ^ ^ C I cis Dawes, both of New Haven, pean Government. ahead with full civilian production before next Tuesday or Wednes­ The Reds penetrated the South every ellp-ntUng problem! Just give your height end white in linen or sheer ^> | « U U and employment and still continu­ day. Korean Eighth Divltlon to a point were trapped when the wind- The leaders—all delegates to the Who Plotted Revolt ^ near Yongun, 22 air miles east of bust meuurefnent, and It "alaep you up" perfectly! Ita cottons. Elach BLANKETS driven waters of New Haven har­ European Consultative Assembly— ing the big defense build-up. Placing both the Korean ques­ neckline Is e ^ e d with tiny embroidered scallops Its bor piled up nearly three feet will consider a plan by British Trustees Quit In the meantime, two Demo' tion and the Chinese Communist Tokchon. on the far right flank of stralghtrcut skirt will not twist or ride up. Of inultl* over the eand bar. cratic Senators spoke out In favor the northwest front. The spokss- Laborite Ronald Mackay. The plan complaint of U. 8. aggression man said the Reds presumably flixment rayon crepe, modestly priced, It belongs In Power Failnrea Reported would transform the Council of of pushing the fight against infla­ against Formosa on the (Council every lingerie wardrobe! In IVhlte, Pink. Average 32- Power failures were reported In Plug McMahon ■*, tion with higher taxes and suffer were Chinese. $11.95 Europe Into a real government and ~ viel Agent, ConfenHeK Dewey Says If They Do agenda seemed to have some spe­ 44; TUU 32-44. many parts of the state as the two-House Parliament with’ au­ credit curbs before turning to cial significance. Try to Turn Flank Only $ 3 .5 0 east-southeast winds, gusting at thority covering the political, eco­ wage-price controls. It appeared that the Reda wera Mala Floor—Bear What a wonderful gift--for warmth, for conifort for years from 60 to 75 miles an hour at As New Senate Hih (^oneedef) Not, He’ll Start C^iirt larges Higher Taxes ITiarge U. 8. AggrcMlnn to come. Yellow, blue, green, rose and hunter green. nomic and military affairs of the The (Thlnese Communists, In trying to ttim the flank of the of­ \ times, sent limbs and television member nations. Aetioii; Train Riders Senator Douglas of Illinois told agreeing to send a delegation to fensive, but it remained to be seen Other Chatham Blanket.s—$7.95 to $14.95 reiHirlers he feels the main re­ In what strength. Prisoners cap­ ■nie committeemen represent liance now should be on higher Lake Success to participate In the (Continued on Page Eight) Britain, Italy, the Netherlands M oor Leader: „_ Avoid End Coaelies discussion of Gen. MacArthur’s tured Friday sagl a full Chineas \ taxes and credit restrictions. But division was dug In about 10 Belgium. France and Germany. I'd —A man the Russians once ap­ he added that wages and jlrlcss charges of Chinese Intervention In Vote for European Army New York, Nov.
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