M[ *;. ,is' K.. ,Ir . *;.. .:;:. ;1: .,r#' ,:En. : .'l i'ir --j'"' 'l il, lrl U"l'i " i1 ,il wlapwww.gov.bc.calfw WffiffiffiW ffiW ffiffiffiWffiffiWffi EEFORE YOUR HUNT Special Limited Entry Hunts Applications . .25 MajorRegulationChanges2004-2005 ..' ..'.'7 {new} tiI Definrtions .. ' ' '.... '.3 lmportant Notice - to all Mountain Goat Hunters . .26 Federal Firearms Legislation 6 Safety Guidelines for Hunters in Bear Country ,40 HunterEducation .. '...6 Habrtat Conservation Trust Fund 4t BCResidentHunterNumber'.........6 Badger Sightings Notice (new) . .52 OpenSeasons..., ..........'6 Threatened Caribou Listing . .63 WaterfowlerHeritageDays.. ........'6 Wildlife Permits & Commercial Licences {new) . ., . .77 Change of AddressiName Notiflcation (Form) .77 rl Aboriginal Hunting '..' '7 Wildlife (new form) .77 Limited,Entry Hunting . ' ' ' ' ' ' '7 Record of Receipt forTransporting .85 Licences (incl.Bears,Migratory Birds,& Deer) ... ' ' '....8 Muskwa-Kechika Yanagement Area .....86 Non-residentHunters '.. '... '9 ReportaPoacher/Polluter(new) LicenceFees.. '."...10 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT REGIONS DURING YOUR HUNT Region I Vancouverlsland ........27 TI Site&Access Restrictions ... '.......11 Region 2 Lower Ma,nland . .34 NoHuntingorshootingAreas. ......13 Region3 Thompson.... .. ..'42 What is "Wildlife''? ' . .14 Region4 Kootenay . ..........47 lllegalGuiding '......14 Region 5 Cariboo 57 It's Unlawful .t4 Region6 Skeena .........64 Penalties .....t. IA RegionTA omineca..,.. :... : :..,. : :.... .,,,,,..7) .16 RegionTB Peace , ,........78 r$ Hunting Methods and Provincial Bag Limits Addrtional Hunting Method Restrictions .tB RegionB Okanagan..... ......,,,87 AFWR YOUR HUNT TRAPPING REGUUTIONS Royalties '....20 B.C,'s FurManagementProgram ......92 PossessionandTransportation.. 20 General Regulations & lnformation 9) Export frorn the Province ' ' '70 Definitions .,..,.....92 Compulsory lnspection and Reporting .'...... ... ..21 Trapline Registration, Use & Relinquishment. .93 c"r.rE.s. ...2) Other Restriqtions & lnformation . .. ..93 TaxidermyTanning an{ Meatcutting " , 22 Compulsory lnspection & Reporting (Trapping) . ... ..93 SubmittingYour Hunter Sample Questionnaire " . .' .23 LicenceFees., ......94 FurRoyalties ........94 Articles Er Forms TrapperEducationProgram ..........94 Messagefromthe Minister .... '.. '..,2 FisherNotice .......94 WildlifeHe_alth_i,ravr), ll fegatTrappingtYethods ......95 LeadshotBanNotice I LyitManagJ*entlnformation,... ..........95 BullMooseAntler Regulations .....,.19 6punf.upping Seasons ......96 For. more information on the hunting and trapping regulations, call a MWLAP Regional Offlce, Fish and Wildlife Recreation and Allocation Branch (FWft{) HQVi6oria, orthe Conservation Offcer Service using the numbers listed on the regional maps of each region. Enquiry BC can provide tolf free access to provincial government telephone numbers. Simply call Enquiry BC and request a transfer to the number you wrsh to call: . Enquiry BC fromvancouver '.. """'660'2421 fromVictoria ......387-5121 elsewhere in BC' . .l'800-663'7867 . Report a Poacher/Polluter (see page 86) , . .l'800'663-9453 (WILD) British Columbia's diversity of wildlife portions special Limited Entry Hunts for Edible ofwildlife - It is the provides not only incredible hunting and Roosevelt Elk and Mountain Sheep -. policy ot MWLAp that maximum usage be trapping opporlunities for residents of this Applications for these draws are availabte on .uA" of Wf Af iL ;.[;;"d"; il e Witdtife Aa. greal province but also for visitors from .:' Hunters are required to bring out the around the world. ln the 2002-03 season, the l:". edible New centralized Permitting Process - portions of Ministry ofWater; Land and Air Protedtion mogc species krlled by hunting, or MWLAP now has a consolidatei permrtting in case issued almost 86,000 hunting licences to the of mod furrrearers, the hide. An and commercial licencrng residents and another 6,200 to non- Process. See article, amendment to the regulation clarifies that naoe 77 residents, [ach year; hunters and lrappers r*o_ . .. meatthat has been damaged and made gl00 inedible by the method spend more than million in British Badger Sightings - Report sightings- of this oitakrng does not Columbia, a significant contributron to the endangered specres. See page 5). have to be brought out. provincral economy, Even more importantly The Synopsis has a New Look - As part Electronic Calls -The use of electronic calls hunting and trapping have an hjycorical role of MWLAPs commitment to improve the is now permrtted for huntrng predators (wolf in many regional economies. readabilrfy ofthe synopsis,the synopsis has a coyote. couga; lynx and bobcat). Every year; the ministry develops a hunting new layoul, FWM Branch wishes to thank Compulsory lnspection - Hunters now and trapping synopsis that outlines the the Guide Outfrtters Association of BC, the have 30 days (up from 15 days) to submit kill current regulations that govern these BC Wildlife Federation, the BC Trappers information and the specified parts of the ani- activitres.This publication, which is also Association, the Tradrtional Bowhuniers of BC, mal to a Compulsory lnspector: Mountarn available on the ministry's website, is a and MWLAP staffwho provided input forthis Goat, Mountain Sheep and Gnzly Bear valuable tool that allows us to communicate must new look be submitted for the rules used to achieve wildlife conserva- compulsory inspection wrthin tion oblectives and provide wor,d-renowned Spotted Cougar or Couga.r in its 30 days of the kll or by December 5, recreational activities to resident and non- Company - A new regulation to prohibrt whichever occurs firsl, in order for the resident alrke. open seasons for spotted cougar krltens or Ministry to receive timely harvest information for these species. Using the best available science, ministry any cougar accompanyrng it has been imple- biologists and wildlife managers determine mented. BC joins other jurisdictions that Tooth forTruth Program -Tooth samples the health and habitat of our {lsh and wildlife, restrict the harvest of cougar krttens or female can not be accepted by mail, and theTooth for From that data, decisions are made on cougars with dependent young. Truth Program has been temporarily discon- where, when and how hunting and trapping tinued for this year: opportunities can be provided,As the ;ncredible princ'pal steward of this natural Hunters & troppers are advised to be awore of hazords in areos heritage, the ministry has two obligations: to hurned by tast yeafs wildfires. protect and enhance our wildlife and to provide recreational and economtc opportu- nities to hunters, trappers and anglers. The ministry. however, can not do this alone. rhrough ongoing consultations, hunters, trappers and their associalions provide rnvaluable information to the ministry's con- servation and recreation goals and to the development of this synops:s, lt is a very successful and rewarding partnership. While travelling on forest roads in British Columbia, remember: Another varuable tool rs the Habitat . Watch road hazards Conservalion Trust Fund (HCT F). Funded for and industrial traffic. Not all hazards are signed. through licence surcharges, the HCTF has . Road conditions change. A road you expect to be open may be difficult provided more than $75 million to support to negotiate, deactivated or otherwise impassable. enhancement and educational programs . Roads nol actively used for timber harvesting may be maintained to a across rhe province.This yeal we expect wilderness standard or deactivated. Expect rough surfaces, potholes prolects worth more than $5 million will be and cross ditches. Roads may be closed for safety'reasons. undertaken. lf a road is deactivated, it is done to prevent erosion and protect stream It is through partnerships, unique init,atives and wildlife habitat. and sound scientific practices that British Exercise care and caution to ensure your Columbia will continue to be known world visit is safe and enjoyable! wide for:ts wildlife and exemplary _B managerent strategies. By continu.ng lo Co*T,S6,^ Ministry of Foresrs work together; we will see these parlner- l ships and efforts continue and strengthen. Advertising Info only: Please coll 25A-480-9244 or 2i0iA2aIgB Sincerely, or email: [email protected] Published for the Ministry ofWoter, Lond &Air ProLeclion by MondoyTourism Publicottons !, ffi 8l 8 Broughton St,Vicrorio, BCVBW I E4 WebsiLe: bchuntingregs.com itff;"e f' m;.*#m Ihe so/e of odvertising pays for o significont porLion of this publicot)on.WLAP neitherendorses | ., ,r:i",q ffi]r:::,-.,rffi'iffi products 'r ,{/{'' ffiti#'ffiffi or services offered in the odvertising nor occepts ony tiobility orising from the use ofsuch Front Cover Honourable Brll Barrsotl ffi Roosevelt EIk in the Son luon River Volley on Voncouver lslond Minrsler of Waten Land and Air Protection - Angela H. Baitey Photographer - 2 ... DEFINITIONS Cow Moose - Shoulder heighl 6 feet; Elk -Three Points or Greater Bull - means Weight 500 800 lbs (live) any bull having at least three tines on one arrtlen Accomoanv - means to remain in the - Calf Moose - Shoulder height less than 5 company ofthe other Person, able to see the other person without the aid of any : 300 - 400 lbs (live) device otl-rer than ordinary corrective lens- es and able to communicate by unamplified voice with that person. AllTerrainVehicle orATY - means a wheeled vehicle or tracked vehicle pro- pelled by motorized powen and capable of travel on or off
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