University of Mississippi eGrove Daily Mississippian (all digitized issues) Daily Mississippian 2-16-2021 February 16, 2021 The Daily Mississippian Follow this and additional works at: https://egrove.olemiss.edu/thedmonline Recommended Citation The Daily Mississippian, "February 16, 2021" (2021). Daily Mississippian (all digitized issues). 1331. https://egrove.olemiss.edu/thedmonline/1331 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Mississippian at eGrove. It has been accepted for inclusion in Daily Mississippian (all digitized issues) by an authorized administrator of eGrove. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE Daily MISSISSIPPIAN Thursday, February 18, 2021 theDMonline.com Volume 109, No. 18 SNOWED IN HANNAH GRACE BIGGS / THE DAILY MISSISSIPPIAN Oxford Students closures storm continue stadium KATE KIMBERLIN WILL CORLEY [email protected] [email protected] Winter storms and freezing Hundreds of students gath- temperatures are predicted in ered in the Grove for a snowball Oxford for the rest of the week, fight on Monday afternoon that and the University of Missis- led to rushing Vaught-Heming- sippi’s Oxford campus has an- way Stadium and at least two nounced that it will be closed charges of trespassing as winter HANNAH GRACE BIGGS / THE DAILY MISSISSIPPIAN through the end of the week. weather shut down businesses, The Daily Mississippian has The winter storm that began on Feb. 14 brought several inches of snow and ice to Oxford, schools and roads. compiled a list of stores on and leading to campus closures. Students on campus used the time off from class to enjoy the A group message orga- off campus that are open and winter weather, congregating in the Grove and pioneering never-before-seen methods for nized on Sunday afternoon via GroupMe called for members to will continue to update hours sledding and “skiing” through the icy landscape. of operation through the end of “add anyone and everyone” for the week. a snowball fight in the Grove at SEE CLOSURE PAGE 2 SEE STORM PAGE 8 ASB ADVOCATES AGAINST STATE REBEL BASEBALL IS BACK TRANSGENDER ATHLETE BAN “With the strength of the bullpen The state Senate voted last week to ban and the incredible coaching transgender athletes from competing staff, the Rebels will be able to on women’s sports teams. Now, UM’s go far in 2021,” writes sports students are urging the state House of columnist Ruby Draayer. Representatives to vote the bill down. SEE PAGE 6 SEE PAGE 3 PAGE 2 | THE DAILY MISSISSIPPIAN | 11 FEBRUARY 2021 Double Decker celebration postponed for second year “While we know that the ting there.” KENNETH NIEMEYER current executive orders and In Tuesday’s Board of Al- [email protected] restrictions from the gover- dermen meeting, Tannehill nor will likely change between said there are small events 2021 will be the second now and April 23, we did not related to Double Decker that year in a row that Oxford will think that there’s going to be will begin in April and con- not host its award-winning quite enough shift to host an tinue through the next year, Double Decker Arts Festival. event of the magnitude that though no dates have been FILE PHOTO: CHRISTIAN JOHNSON/ THE DAILY MISSISSIPPIAN Kinney Ferris, director Double Decker is safely in our released yet. The city decided of Visit Oxford, said Double Ole Miss cheerleaders and Tony the Landshark ride to the Square on community,” Ferris said. to postpone the event to next Decker’s 25th annual event is a double decker bus in 2018. The 25th annual Double Decker has Mayor Robyn Tannehill spring rather than this fall be- being postponed “yet again” been canceled due to coronavirus concerns for the third time since said in an ASB town hall last cause it was difficult to find due to concerns surrounding week that she was hopeful musicians who would commit the beginning of the pandemic. the COVID-19 pandemic. The Double Decker would happen to playing at the event during festival was originally post- in some capacity this spring that time. poned from April 2020 to Au- since the average number of “I think there will be an ble Decker won’t happen in out of the vaccine still in the gust, and now, it is scheduled COVID-19 cases in Oxford is event that is a more signature its traditional form in 2021, beginning phase, we felt that for the spring of 2021. decreasing. event in the fall, but we are it is excited about the idea of we could not deliver the ex- At the Board of Aldermen “My gut tells me that it’s just putting all those plans to- people being able to gather to perience that fans have grown meeting on Tuesday, Ferris not going to be the Double gether right now,” Tannehill celebrate art and music at the accustomed to with Double said this year’s postpone- Decker that we all know and said. pop-up events. Decker,” the statement read. ment is because of Gov. Tate love, but it’s also not going to Visit Oxford said in a “With musicians not tour- “We miss all of you and can- Reeves’s current executive or- be nothing,” Tannehill said. statement that although the ing as normal, crowds not al- not wait for all of this to be der, which limits crowds from “So, hang with us. We’re get- office is disappointed Dou- lowed to gather and the roll- over!” gathering. ASB advocates against transgender athlete ban “I think sometimes people HADLEY HITSON look at this kind of stuff, and [email protected] they’re like, ‘Well, this isn’t an active issue we’re dealing The Mississippi Senate with, so therefore it really voted to ban transgender shouldn’t be at the forefront athletes from competing on of what we need to take care women’s sports teams in the of,’” ASB Senate president pro state on Feb. 11 during a late- tempore Morgan Atkins said. night session. If passed by “I think that the fact that this the state House of Represen- can happen and will happen tatives, the ban would be es- at some point, and that there tablished by Senate Bill 2536, will be somebody who will be which passed through the impacted by this, is reason Senate with little discussion enough to care.” and only nine votes not in fa- At this time, at least 11 vor of it last week. other states have attempted Now, UM’s Associated to pass similar legislation to Student Body is urging the ban the participation of trans- House to vote against the bill, gender people in competitive and ASB president Joshua sports, including Texas, Mon- Mannery said he hopes other tana and North Dakota. student governments in the Meanwhile, state Sen. An- state will do the same. gela Hill, the sponsor of the “To actively exclude trans- bill, said that she “had nu- gender women from women’s merous coaches across the sports, you’re cultivating this state call me and believe that environment of hostility that they feel that there is a need will just continue to push vio- for a policy,” according to re- lence and typecasting on that ILLUSTRATION: KATHERINE BUTLER / THE DAILY MISSISSIPPIAN porting from CNN. community,” Mannery said. Earlier this month, Gov. “We don’t want to be a part of and compel the state House sentiments and foster unwel- and in 2016 when North Car- Tate Reeves also released a system that actively makes of Representatives to fail the coming environments among olina passed similar legisla- a statement on Facebook our students feel unsafe and bill. sports teams in the state. tion, the NCAA responded by against allowing transgender unwelcome.” “Our primary goal is to “It’s one thing for students removing all championship women to compete in athlet- Hours after the bill passed work within the confines to feel that transgender ath- events from the state. ics. in the Senate, Mannery con- of the UM Creed where it’s letes might possess an unfair In response to the reason- “I just don’t understand tacted the student body presi- clearly stated that the respect advantage over them, but it’s ing that transgender women why politicians are pushing dents of all seven other public and dignity of each person an entirely different matter have an unfair competitive children into transgenderism institutions in the state ask- shall be upheld,” ASB Sen. for the Mississippi state leg- advantage on sports teams, in the first place,” he said. ing them to utilize their “con- Mason Greenwald said. “This islature to completely ban the NCAA has said that the “And my heart breaks for the nections to the state legisla- ban is an encompassing um- transgender women from notion of an unfair advantage young women across America ture” to advocate against the brella ban on all trans people, competing among the gender is based in “assumptions that who will lose in this radical bill. Mannery said the other and it frankly ignores many of with which they identify,” are not well founded.” social experiment.” student body presidents seem the nuances of gender fluidity ASB Sen. Andy Flores said. Nonetheless, no state leg- Reeves has not yet ad- to be waiting to take action. and transness.” If passed, the bill could islators or members of stu- dressed Senate Bill 2536 di- ASB released a statement Other ASB Senate mem- put University of Mississippi dent government have said rectly, and it is still uncertain on Monday, Feb. 15 con- bers who spoke in the meet- athletics teams in violation of they are aware of any trans- exactly when the state House demning the bill, and the ASB ing also argued that the bill NCAA policies on the inclu- gender athletes currently of Representatives will vote Senate unanimously passed a would further transphobic sion of transgender athletes, competing in the state.
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