DOCTORAL EDUCATION IN COMMONWEALTH AFRICA Published by: Commonwealth Tertiary Education Facility (CTEF) C/O National Higher Education Research Institute (IPPTN) Level 2, Block C, sains@usm 10 Persiaran Bukit Jambul 11900 Bayan Lepas Penang, Malaysia website: www.ctef.com.my Copyright © 2020 by Commonwealth Tertiary Education Facility (CTEF) All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means including photocopying, recording or information storage and retrieval without permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, kindly write to the publisher. eISBN: 978-967-18903-0-1 DECA Research Team : Dr. Chang-Da Wan (Malaysia) Professor Dr. Norzaini Azman Professor Dr. Vincent Pang Professor Dr. Godson Gatcha DECA Research Team : Professor Dr. Rebecca Nthogo Lekoko (Africa) Dr. Frank Okai Larbi Dr. Thaddaeus Ogola Rugar Dr. Nelson Masanche Nkhoma Dr. Precious Muni-Wathu Garawani Dr. Muhammad Muftahu Mr. Valens Ngaboyera Dr. Philothère Ntawiha Dr. Joel Jonathan Kayombo Dr. Harun J. Magosho Dr. Hamisi Mfaume Editor : Dr. Chang-Da Wan Language Editor : Dr. Louise Maskill Editorial Assistant : Ms. Tze Yin Khaw Project Administrators : Mr. Abel Benjamin Lim Mr. Sri Jeyanthirar Subramaniam Design and Layout : Mr. Muhammad Sharrieffuddin Mohd Jaki The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of CTEF concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Disclaimer: The ideas and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors; they are not necessarily those of CTEF and do not commit the Organisation. Printed by Commonwealth Tertiary Education Facility (CTEF) ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword ............................................................................................................................................ vi Preface .............................................................................................................................................. vii SYNTHESIS REPORT ............................................................................................................................... 1 Doctoral Education in Commonwealth Africa: A Synthesis of the Issues, Challenges, Good Practices and Ways Forward Chang-Da Wan, Norzaini Azman, Vincent Pang and Godson Gatcha BOTSWANA .......................................................................................................................................... 18 Scoping Challenges, Strengths and Potential of Doctoral Education in Botswana Rebecca Nthogo Lekoko GHANA ................................................................................................................................................. 33 Doctoral Education in Ghana – Practices and Challenges Frank Okai Larbi KENYA ................................................................................................................................................... 44 Current Strengths, Challenges and Policy Options for Doctoral Education in Kenya Thaddaeus Ogola Rugar MALAWI ............................................................................................................................................... 69 The Status of Doctoral Education in Malawi: Meeting Quality, Numbers, Infrastructure, Funding and Policy Challenges Head On Nelson Masanche Nkhoma and Precious Muni-Wathu Garawani NIGERIA .............................................................................................................................................. 101 The Policies and Practice of Doctoral Education in Nigeria: Issues and Challenges Muhammad Muftahu RWANDA ............................................................................................................................................ 110 Doctoral Education in Rwanda: A Descriptive Analysis of Facts Valens Ngaboyera and Philothere Ntawhia TANZANIA .......................................................................................................................................... 120 A Critical Analysis of the State of Doctoral Education in Tanzania Joel Jonathan Kayombo, Harun Magosho and Hamisi Mfaume List of Contributors ......................................................................................................................... 141 iii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1: National, Systemic and Institutional Domains .................................................................. 12 Figure 2.1: UB Doctoral Programmes ................................................................................................. 25 Figure 2.2: Enrolment Numbers (2010–2016) .................................................................................... 26 Figure 5.1: Increase in Doctoral Student Enrolment at LUANAR ........................................................ 82 Figure 5.2: Increase in MSc and PhD Student Enrolment at LUANAR ................................................ 82 Figure 6.1: Inefficiencies of Faculties in Higher Education Institutions in Nigeria ............................. 106 Figure 8.1: Growth of HEIs (1961–2016) ............................................................................................ 122 Figure 8.2: Number of Public and Private HEIs in Tanzania ............................................................... 123 Figure 8.3: HEI Enrolment Trend Between 2001/2002 and 2012/2013 ............................................ 123 Figure 8.4: GER Between the 2005/2006 and 2012/2013 Academic Years in Tanzanian HEIs ......... 124 Figure 8.5: Academic Staff in Government and Non-Government Universities and University Colleges by Qualification, Nationality and Gender (2012/2013) ................................................... 125 Figure 8.6: Doctoral Students Enrolment Trend (2010–2013) .......................................................... 127 Figure 8.7: Doctoral Candidate Enrolment by University (2012/2013) ............................................. 128 Figure 8.8: Distribution of Doctoral Students by Discipline and Gender ........................................... 129 Figure 8.9: UDSM Academic Staff by Age (2009/2010–2010/2011) .................................................. 133 iv LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1: UB Faculties and their Doctoral Programmes .................................................................... 24 Table 2.2: Graduate Student Graduation Statistics ............................................................................ 26 Table 4.1: Academic Staff to Student Ratio per Cluster in Public Universities ................................... 45 Table 4.2: Academic Staff to Student Ratio per Cluster in Private Universities ................................. 46 Table 4.3: Academic Staff Qualification per University Category ....................................................... 47 Table 4.4: Doctoral Programmes by Cluster and University Type ...................................................... 48 Table 4.5: Doctoral Programme Student Ratio ................................................................................... 50 Table 4.6: Enrolment (Doctorate) per Cluster in Kenya’s Private and Public Universities 2015/2016 Academic Year .................................................................................................................... 51 Table 4.7: Academic Staff in Public and Private Universities by Rank ................................................ 54 Table 4.8: Distribution of Academic Staff by Gender and Rank.......................................................... 55 Table 4.9: Proportion of Academic Staff per Cluster and Rank in Universities .................................. 56 Table 4.10: Ratio of Staff at the Rank of Lecturers and Above to Postgraduate Students by Cluster 57 Table 4.11: Public and Private Universities’ Income and Income Streams ......................................... 63 Table 4.12: Expenditure and Expenditure Items in Public and Private Universities ........................... 64 Table 4.13: Graduation Trends in Public and Private Universities by Programme Level and Gender 65 Table 4.14: Doctoral Graduation Trends by Gender and University Category ................................... 66 Table 5.1: Number of Interviews ........................................................................................................ 72 Table 5.2: Accredited Doctoral Education Programmes in the Four Public Universities in Malawi ... 80 Table 5.3: Projected Increase in BA/BSc, MSc/MA and PhD Student Numbers for UNIMA (2012–2017) ............................................................................................................................................ 83 Table 5.4: Projected Increase in MSc and PhD Student Numbers for LUANAR (2012–2017) ............ 83 Table 5.5: Projected MA and Doctoral Student Increase for MZUNI .................................................. 83 Table 5.6: Projected BSc, MA and Doctoral Student Increase for MUST ............................................ 83 Table 6.1: Higher Education Enrolment in Nigeria by Institution Type (2015) ................................. 103 Table 6.2: Capital Allocation to University Through NUC (2009–2013) ............................................
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