ARCI--IAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA EPIGRAPHIA INDICA Volume XLII 1977-78 Edited by Dr. K. V. RAMESH, M.A., Ph.D. DIRECT()R (EPIGRAPflY) , • • • • • PUBLISHED BY THE DIRECTOR GENERAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA NEW DELHI-I 10 011. 1992 First I_,rintccl199:! © ARCHAE()L()GI(:AL SURVEY OF INDIA G()VERNJ\1ENT ()F INDIA P1icc : Rs. 220.00 • Printed at Bengal Offset Works, Karol Bagh, New Dclhi-11 O005 Tel.: 524200,510455 EDITORIAL The present volume is the arrear volume for 1977- 78, covering eight parts in all, which \VCrl'.to have been issued progressively in January, April, July and October of 1977 and 1978. It is hoped that the next volume (Vol. XLIII), covering • the period 1979-80, will be brought out in the near future. I record here n1y grateful thanks to my colleague Dr. M.D. Sampath, Superintending Epigraphist and my erstwhile colleague Dr. S.S. Ramachandramurthy, formerly Deputy Superintending Epigraphist and now Professor of Indian Culture, Sri V enkateswara University, Tirupati, who have been of imn1ense help to me in compiling the present volume and finalising it for the press. Besides, Dr. M.D. Sampath and Dr. S. Subramonia Iyer, Deputy Superintending Epigraphist, have helped me in proof correction and have also prepared the entire illustration material. Sri P. Natarajan, Stenographer, got the typescript ready for the press. To these gentlemen in particular and to those who have enriched this volume, through their leading contributions, I owe a deep debt of gratitude. I am beholden to Shri J.C. Gupta, Production Officer, Archaeological Survey of India, who has master-minded the scheme for clearing the arrears of epigraphical publications in reasonable time and rendered immense help in the speedy publi­ cation of this volume. Mysorc K.V. RAMESH 5 . 3 . 92 Director (Epigraphy) • • C()N'I'EN'fS .\ . .\RTICLES , No. 1 A New Grant of Chalukya Yikran1aditya I. Saka 591, year 15. By K.V. Ramesh, Mysore. ,., lN 0. - Maida District Museum Copper-plate Charter of Mahendrapaladeva. 6 year 7. By K. V. Ramesh and S. Subra,nonia Iyer. Mysore. No. 3 Yav.:atmal Plates of Pravara-.ena II. year 26. By Ajay Mitra Sha-.tri and Chandrasekhar Gupta. Nagpur. No. 4 Kaflaparru Grant of Vijayaditya. By K. V. Ramesh and M. D. Sampath. Mysore. No. 5 Babbepalli Plates of Pallava Ku1naravishnu. By P. V. Parabrahma Sastry, Hyderabad. , No. 6 A Note on Kavutalan1 Inscription of Achyutaraya, Saka 1454. By Madhav N. Katti and N. Nanjundaswan1y, r-.1ysore. No. 7 Bhopal Birla Museum Inscription of the time of Jayasirt1hadeva II. 57 ...,' Vikran1a 1308. By S. Subran1onia Iyer, Mysore. No. 8 Three Jion1ata Te1nple Inscriptions of Imperial Chahamana Dynasty. 6_9 By Ran1 Sharn1a. Mysore. ...(' No. 9 Phulbani Copper-plate Grant of Ranabhafijadeva. year 28. By 65 I..) S. Subra111oniaIyer. Mysore. ,..._ ~ y No. 10 On a Mahasenapati Sealing from Ada,n. By Amarendra Nath. Nagpur. 72 \, , ,_\., .:--.;o. 1 1 • Gunfupalli Pillar Inscription of Salat1i-;ayanaNandivarman. By 75 ·- S. Sankaranarayanan. rv1:.i.dras. -(1 -..J c- No. 12 ·rw·o Inscriptions from Korrapa<,iu.By M. D. Sampath. Mysore. 97 , No. 13 Chanugon<,ilaInscription of Racheyaraju. By S.S. Ramachandran1urthy. 101 (" Mysore. C' No. 14 Nalanda Inscription of Dharmapaladeva, year 4. By S. Subran1onia Iyer. I 04 if- Mysore. No. 15. Dana Plates of Dhruvasena (II) Baladitya. year 314. By S. P. 1·ewari, I 06 Mysore. ~ No. 16 Panjim Plates of the time of Harihara II. Saka 1313. By S. S. 112 ~ Ramachandramurthy, Mysore. ( V ) CONTENTS Page No. 17 Two Ganga Records from Dhannapuri District. By M. D. Sampath, 122 Mysore. No. 18 On Some Greek Inscriptions from Afghanistan. By A. K. Narain, 125 Varanasi. No. 19 Two Tamil Cave Brahmi Inscriptions. By M. D. Sampath, Mysore. 146 No. 20 Tandiva.da Grant of Vijayaditya (II). By M. D. Sampath, Mysore. 149 No. 21 Hathundi Inscription of the time of Maharajakula Samamtasimhadeva, 15* ~ Vikrama 1345. By Ram Sharma, Mysore. No. 22 Observations on a Seal-Die Bearing Incomplete Legend. By 158 Kiran Kumar Thaplyal, Lucknow. No. 23 Two Copper-plate Charters from Nellore District. By S. S. 161 Ramachandramurthy and S. Nagarjuna, Mysore. No. 24 Baradipada Copper-plate Charter of Nandarajadeva, year 171 2. By S. Subramonia Iyer, Mysore. No. 25 An Early Inscription from Paraiyaopattu. By P. Venkatesan, Mysore. 174 No. 26 Terala Inscription of Sarvalokasraya Vishnuvarddhana, year 25. 177 By S.S. Ramachandramurthy, Mysore. No. 27 Three Inscriptions of Balavarmma. By K.V. Ramesh and S.S. 181 Ramachandramurthy, Mysore. No. 28 Mudigere Plates of Kadamba Simhavarman, year 5 187 By G.S. Gai, Mysore. • ( vi) CONTENTS B. AUTHORS (The names of the contributors are arranged alphabetically) Page Ajay Mitra ~hastri, Nagpur- No. 3. See under Ajay Mitra Shastri and Chandrasekhar Gupta, Nagpur. 30 Ajay Mitra Shastri and Chandrasekhar Gupta, Nagpur- No. 3. Yawatmal Plates of Pravarasena II, year 26. 30 Amarendra Nath, Nagpur- No. 10. On a Mahasenapati Sealing from Adam. 72 Chandrasekhar Gupta, Nagpur- No. 3. See under Ajay Mitra Shastri and Chandrasekhar Gupta, Nagpur. 30 Gai, G.S., Mysore- No. 28. Modigere Plates of Kadamba Simhavarman, year 5. 187 Kiran Kumar Thaplyal, Lucknow- No. 22. Observations on a Seal-Die Bearing Incomplete Legend. 158 Madhav N. Katti, Mysore- No. 6. See underMadhav N. Katti and N. Nanjundaswamy. 55 Madhav N. Katti and Nanjundaswamy, N., Mysore- , No. 6. A Note on Kavutalam Inscription of Achyutaraya, Saka 1454. 55 Nagarjuna, S., Mysore- No. 23. See underRamachandramunhy S.S. and Nagarjuna, S., Mysore. 161 Nanjundaswamy, N., Mysore- No. 6. See underMadhav N. Katti and Nanjundaswamy, N., Mysore. 55 Narain A. K., Varanasi- No. 18. On some Greek Inscriptions from Afghanistan. 125 Parabrahma Shastry, P. V. Hyderabad- No. 5. Babbepalli Plates of Pallava Kumaravishou. 44 Ramachandramunhy, S.S., Mysore- No. 13. Chanugoodla Inscription of Racheyaraju. 101 No. 16. Panjim Plates of the time of Harihara II, Saka 1313. 112 No. 23. See under Ramachandramurthy, S.S. and Nagarjuna, S., Mysore. 161 No. 26. Terala Inscription of Sarvalokasraya Vishouvarddhana, year 25. 177 No. 27. See under Ramesh,K.V. and Ramchandramurthy, S.S., Mysore. 181 Ramachandramunhy, S.S. and Nagarjuna, S., Mysore- No. 23. Two Copper-Plate Chaners from Nellore District. 161 . (vii) C()NTEN1'S Page Ran1esh. K. Y .. Mvsore-- No. 1. A New Grant of Chalukya Yikramaditya I. 1 No. 2. See under Ramesh, K. V. and Subramonia Iyer, S., l\1ysore. 6 :'l"o. 4. See under Ramesh, K. V. and Sam path, M. D., Mysore. 35 Ran1esh. K. V. and Ran1achandran1unhy. S.S., ivtysore- ~o. 1 7. Three Inscriptions of Bala,arn11na. 181 kan1esh. K. V. and San1path. \1. D .. \1ysore- - No. 4. Katlapan-u Grant of Yijay·aditya. 35 Rainesh. K. V. and Subramonia Iyer. S .. Mysore-- No. 2. Maida District Mseum Copper-Plate Chaner of iv1ahendra­ 6 paladeva. year 7. RJ•n Sharina. l\1ysore- No. 8. Three Jinn1ata Temple Inscriptions of In1perial Chahamana 60 I)ynasty. • Sa1npath. tv1.D .. \lysore­ :S:o.4. s·ee under Rainesh. K. Y. and Sarnpath. M. D .. t\1ysore. 60 '-.'o. l 1. Two Inscriptions fron1 Korrapadu. 97 ): o. 17. T\\'O Ganga Records from Dharmapuri District. 122 );o. 19. Two ·ramil Cave Brahmi Inscriptions. 146 ~o. 20. Tandivada Grant of Yijayaditya (II). 149 Sankaranarayl1nan, S .. Madra.s- , No. 11. Guntupalli Pillar Inscription of Salankayana Nandivannan. 75 Subrarnonia Iyer, S .. Mysore- No. 2. See under Ramesh. K. V. and Subramonia Iyer, S., Mysore. 6 No. 7. Bhopal Birla Museum Inscription of the time of Jay[L'iirhhadeva, 57 Yikrarna 1308. No. 9. Phulbani Copper-Plate Grant of Ranabhanjadeva, year 28. 65 ;'l.'o. 14. Nalanda Inscription of Dharmapaladeva, year 4. 104 No. 24. Baradipada Copper-Plate Charter of Nandarajadeva, ye_ar 2. 171 Te\\'ari. S. P., l\1ysore- •• N o. 15. Dana Plates of Dhrl!va'iena (II) Ba.laditya, year j 14. 106 Yenkatesan, P., Mysore- No. 25. An Early Inscription from Paraiya.opattu. 174 ( VII I ) C()NTENTS C. PLATES , 1. A New Grant of Chalukya Vikramaditya I, Saka 591 between pages 4 and 5 Maida District Museum Plate of Mahendrapaladeva. year 7 - Plate I to face page 20 3. Malc:a District Museum Plate of Mahendrapaladeva, year 7- Plate II to face page 22 4. Maida District Museun1 Plate of Mahendrapaladeva. year 7 to face page 23 5. Yawatn1al Plates of Pravar~L,enaII. year 26-Plate I to face page 33 6. Yawatn1al Plates of Pravarasena II. year 26-Plate II to face page 34 7. Katlapar.r.uGrant of Vijayaditya - Plate I to face page 39 8. Katlapanu Grant of ViJayaditya - Plate II between pages 40 and 41 9. Katlaparru Grant of Vijayaditya - Plate III between pages 42 and 43 10. Babbepa11iPlates of Pallava Kumaravishnu-Plate I between pages 52 and 53 I 1. Babepalli Plates of Pallava Kurnaravishnu-Plate II between pages 54 and 55 12. Bhopal Birla Museun1 Inscription of the tin1e of Jay~L,irnhadevaII, Vikran1a 1308 to face page 58 13. Three Jinmata Ternple Inscriptions of Imperial Chaharnana Dynasty-Plate I to face page 60 14. Three Jinn1ata Ten1ple Inscriptions of Imperial Chahamana Dynasty-Plate II between pages 62 and 63 15. Phulbani Copper-Plate Grant of Ranabhaiijadeva year 28 - Plate I between pages 68 and 69 16. Phulbani Copper-Plate Grant of Ranabhaiijadeva year 28 - Plate II between pages 70 and 71 17. Phulbani Copper-Plate Grant of Ranabhaiijadeva year 28 - Seal to face page 71 18. On a Mahasenapati Sealing from Adam between pages 72 and 73 , 19. Guntupalli Pillar Inscription of Salankayana N arrdivarrnan to face page 94 20. Two Inscriptions from Korrapadu -Plate I to face page 99 ( ix ) CONTENTS 21.
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