HINDU IMMLGRATION PART 1 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1914 BIXTY-TkIIIlI~CONUREHS. JOHN I. H1:llKr:l'l', Alabama, Chair?nan. ADOLPII J. SABATII, Illinoir. FRANKLIN BKOCKSON, Uelaware. JOHN A. N. A1).2IR, Indiana. IZUOUS'rUS 1'. GAltDNER, Massachusetts. ' HENRY N. COLI)FOGI,E,Now York. EVERIS A. HAYES, California. JAMES L. ST,AYDEN, Texas. J. 11AMI'TON MOORE, I'emyIvania. WIL1,IAM A. OI,I)FI&I,D, Arkansas EUII'IN A. &IICRRIW,JR., New York. JOHN E. RAKICIl, California JAhlIZS MANAHAN, Minnesota. JOHN A. KEY, Ohio ALBERT J011NSON, Washingtol'. 1'. \\I. IIIJHNETT,Clek. I1 HINDU I SIl A1IGR)ATION. COMAIITTEEON ~MMIGILATIOK, EIOLTSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Friday, Februaly 13, 1914. The committctl ~ilct:tt 10.40 o'clock a. m., Hon. John I,. Burnett (chairman) prcsitling. There were present beforc the committee Mrs. K. F. P:ttterson; Mr. Sudhintlra Bosc, lccturer on oriental politics antl civilization at the State University of Iowa, formerly of Calcutta; Dr. Bishcn Singh, member of the Hindu tlc.le,rr:ltioli rcprcscriting tl~cPacific Coast Khalsa Diwi~nSociety (Inc.), of Stockton, Cal., formerly of the Pun- jab, India; Mr. Anthony Carninctti, Conirnissioncr Gcncral of Immi- ation; and Hon. Dctivrr S. Church, a Kcprcscntntivc in Congress Prom the State of Californiil. The CIIAIRMAN.G~ntl~rn~~i, it is tli~ irit~ntiori to holtl a hearing this morning on thc Hintlu rrlattcr. Tlierc are n cctuple of Hindus here, one of thcm introduced and liighly recommcnticcl by Judge Towner, of Iowa. IIc is u ~rofcssorin tllc State University of Iowa, and he spcaks very good English. Tllc othcr gentleman does not speak much English, i~ntlhcl says that hc prefers to wait a few min- utes on his fricnd. 1 thinlt tl~atif it is ngrccnblc to the grntlcmen from the department ulclwoultl I)c glad for thrrn to submit any obser- vations they miiy tlcsirc to makc whilc waiting for Prof. Bose. We would like to conlint. this rtiattcr to the E-Ii~idupropnsition for rea- sons that arc obvious to tht. cominittce, antl it was only for that purpose that the mcc.ting was called this morning to hear anyone who wants to bc heart1 on thc Hintlu bill. Yow, Mr. Church has a bill which applies to the. Hindus cspc~ciwllyin terms. Mr. CAMINETTI.Both 1)ills apply to tht. Hindus. Thc CHAII~IAK.Thch It:xk(~1)ill inclutlcs IIintlus anlong othcrs. Mr. RAKER.I i;ugg~\stthat wtk llcar tllr gc.ntlcnlc~non thc gcneral Hindu proposition, cororing :L~J-l)ill\ bcforc the conimittec. Of course, thc hcarir~gon this on(. su1,jcct csl)cciallj- \-will not prccludc, hearings beforc. the conllliittc~c.oli tlic g(iilc~a1fcatu~.c~s of H. It. 102 to be determinc~d upoll 1:~tc.r. 'I'his \vill inclutl(. t21tb qucstion of registration. The CHAIRMAN.011, not >I( :ill. Mr. RAKER.In othcr worcl~.~\-c can takc nl) this subjcct now arid later extend the hcnrings oil 111(. 0thc.r hllbj~ctbas wcLget to them. 1 su gest that wc hcar from Mr. (':lr~iirlctti, the Commissioner Gcnerd of K mmigration, first nrltl then from Mr. Parl~crand the otlicv.- people, if they desire to lic~ard. Mr. CAMINETTI.I tliirlli it woul(1 I)(& 1)~'ttcrfur mo to :IIISWP~ any questions thnt the‘ con~mitt:~ j)r~ts to nlc, iuitI ill that way thcro woultl I)(. a s:~vitigof ti111('. If I go on ar~tlm:~lrc ti gc~n~>ralstatement I nlay take up tllv timc. of thc comrnittcc ~~nrlc~ccssaril~. The (tr,ir~t\raiv. Wl'c l~avc~)lcrrt~ of tirue, gt3n~lcnlcn. 1,c.t me ask you. MI.. ('iltrlit~otti,~voultl ~-oli ~)rctf(lr to go on IIOJV or lct these gcmtlcn~~nprocclc~l ! Prof. T%os(\is 11erc IIOW. MI.. ('.\TLIXE,~,~I.I tllirrh it ixo111d [to l)(~c~erto 1ct ~J~(>IIIgo on. TJlc C'I~~~II~\I1s. I I.:L~I(\~tl~inh tllat it o111(1 I)(> ht((tr, pc~rllaps. Jlocto~.,I\-(. nil1 Ii(~1ryo11 llo\z. in ~cgurdLO tlris IIir~tll~rnntLer. STATEMENT OF DR. SUDHINDRA BOSE, LECTURER ON ORIENTAL POLITICS AND CIVILIZATION, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, FORMERLY OF CALCUTTA, INDIA. 1)r. J,OSE Jlr. {J1:~il.i11:111:LII(I go~~tI(~tn(~tl01 t11(, (on~n~ittt\c,on tjc1l:tlf 01 r his tlclc2:lt iot~,\+l~iclk Jlas I~cen5cnl Ilc~c. i~yiJ~c 'acific ('oait Icllnk:~ T)iu :a1 Soc.ic.ty txncl 1J~cI lintlu7t:~nb~ssot i:~iion of ,irncrica, I \\ is11 to in\ iLc. 3 olrr :I: tcr~tionto :L f'c11:- [acts on tllc. suhject of 1~gibl:~tiotlon IIitl(l11 li~l,or iiri~!~ig~:~tion.I hn\c oT~cri been ashetl \\rl~ytllc IIintll~ico~nc. lo tll(. c01!116ty ot ill1 I nih11 fo say tEli~t 111~I lin(l11s ~o111~to (Jlis col11111.y11rccih~ly [or tJl(~S:LIIIC reason as 1 iilioi 1 01o i cot froI cot3. TO us rii I I o o I. come lr(~.(>LC this country I)c.causc of tikc. ol)p(~iunitici nc IL:L\ (> for social 111)1iCi,intel- ctu11 111tI co~oiical:t11~11crirt. If yo11 will par- don :I. pc.rson:~l :llh~iioll,I \viiJl io s:~? tli:~t:I fc\v yclnl,s ago 1 came to this cotullry :LS :L I~L!)OI.('~:LII(I if I ll:~(11)~~>11 in ally oclier country I would not ~L:L\(. 11:ltl tJlc opportnlli~yof ctIuc:~tion tl~nr.I have re- ceived in tl~iscoun'r~y. I 111(111tiontl~i.3 f:~ct tlot :I 1 ot,\tfill \pirit, 1~tto (Lsl)r(>ii tny ap- yrcci:)tiorl ontl qi.:~tit{tlc for i\li:tt 1 Ilnvc. r.cbccix.cd in this country. 1 an1 t1(~\1)1yirltlci tc\tl to it for :,il th:lt 1 :Im. Only i' 41o1t time ago 1 \~:i\!>c.uhirxg tit!^ ir rc>ntl(.~n:l~iin tirii city, n 11iq11 (:ovc~.~iment offici:ll, :L gc~rit!c~li;illfo; tT horn 1 1i:tv(. grc\xt r.c'~l)cct 211(1 11~1stated to IC-I: 1 I of 1101 1 lot :11In the coi~~5~ of ill(>con\ (T-:I t 101) J fo~lid (11 t t11i1t t!& g( tltl(~t~~:ltx11: (1 never stud~c~tl:I ps,gc3 c,f Hindu p11iIo~ojdiy, 11: (1 II(.T-(>~tli I ri(\(l (,\-(>I. tl~cfirst p:jgc> of Ir~tii:~~)I-iiitor y, It: (1 1101 tllc. rcrrlr\tc1it cc~rlt~cy~tionof t:lc con- tl-il)titic11 of Ilttli:~to tl~cx \\ortc1'h ?)l.ogLc\i: trci (i\ilin:itic~n;:,nd yet this r;olltl(~iu~ir it: t~clt!r, t tlic. Ihntl, i:11(. til(. nio.,t 1,rlclc~-ir:~r1i~~people in tl;~ivorltl. So I :1r11 iilcblit~c(lto tllink tl~ntt1lc.1~~ ;ll.c. otl~cr~~cople ~lloIia~c. :~!io Lt g:(,( tl ii1~,11?III~L,I ~l(Ic~~.\t:~~l(lir~~ as to Chc st:intling of 01 I- p(v)l)l(~in tlu~\\ or!d. No\\ , ill tlitb fc!\ luc3nlc JI~YtT I1ic.11yon 11: Y(' 1.;11d'j gi\rcln m(\,I nish to t;ll,cl up a fc.,; of the. pr~wil):71ol)ic~cti~~ll~ tll:~t :IW ~.~tiicdagainst inii to I 1-i ( t I i I i I.First, ~thas 1 ecn :l\icl tctl tl1:tt IIllltlris lllld(~l.i(~~ltl~(. v, I~il('labo~. No\\ tic:~lly,tllc, c. i:, 110 c~)l~il~ctiti(ltln l~.:tc.vc,t. twt ,ic5c1n tlicl .in~c~ic~;lnfabor rat- nncl tllc Ili~~tlr~1:~l)or.. 1 c~:~~lsc~t llc. ,tnic~l~ic: IL 1:1?1olc~i ::r.c .killed l~o- 1 tiis i 1 I I-11 01that is, t21(. TIi~)(lt~s\\-I10 coinc i1(11.(.caornt\ I, 0111 t11~lie(. fir?ls of Irlclln. Now, thc cconon~ictlli~ll~~r, ('\TI- \itir(l tllr d:~yi(lf .Id. 1111 hnlitll nlld John Sth:ll t ;\fill (11)n11 to 0111 ~i\11 ti~kit of ~~alli('l',E~~1tllr.v. ancl Tostig, all SUJ~thi\t tl~cr(tCilll I)(> no colnlwtitior~1 c.t(~c~~l-1iillctl lahor and tin~killCdlalwr. Mr. MANAHAN. YOUsaid yoti caiil(\ hcrc as a lnhorcr yourself? Dr. BOSE. Yes, sir. Mr. MAKAFIAN. Ilicl ) ou coiilc as an urrsliillrtl 1aborc.r or :IS n skillotl laborer ? Dr. ROSE. L linc.\v no trtltlc, if that is ~vl1:lt yo11 nleati 1)y rinsliill~d labor. Mr. ~IANAII\N. IS that \vl~:ityou TIICUII 1)y unskilletl labor ? Dr. ROSE. Yes, sir; I co11ld ~iiarlig~ilntcno 1ii:~chincry. I co~lld do no mechanical work. Mr. MANAITAS. ITThat ~v-ijrk(lid yo11 (10 ? Dr. BOSE. T workr(1 ill a qtorc First 1 was elliployrd in :I storc and then I worked on a farm as :t coiillnoll far111 hand. T morkccl irt tlie orchard, and mr:~dl~illly1 \vorhed illto collc~r. Mr. !~AN.~ITAN.~~~'I~C~I>-011 \~~llt sCh001 ? Dr. ROSE. YCS,sir. The ('HAIRMAN. IIOW1011:r htii it I)(Y>IIsirlc~ yo11 carilc 01-er ! Dr. ROSE. Ten ytXar-;ayo. The CEIAIR~IAX.TT'llt3rc tlict 5,oir (lo this \\rork :iirtl yet your cdlica- tion ? Dr. Rose. I first \vc\nt to :L collcgc ill JZissonri, at I'nrkville, and thCn to thr Univer-sity of Illinois, aiicl then t,o tl~rI!nivcrsity of Chicago.
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