’JT^- -T / -r c ••. -f ’. '■ , ‘ ■ ■ , '^'.■— . - . , . \ '^.- ; ,j; N ~' Tha.,W«Rher Averat* D*Uy OrcBlatloo Paqliiaef f U. «.'weawtei ^ Vdr MMillaoth oi $ao , IW I Pair, not fUNe ee esM 6,626 Tuesday fair, waruMv. e d * e AiMIt "ad CtreulBileae '\ MandtsiUr^A CUy of VlOago Charm PRICE THREE CENTS ^ (SIXTEEN Ra g e s ) ^ /■ British Warahips Shell C ^oa JILease-Lend Bill Seen Funds to New Coast Guard Fascist Act; Britain wit- i^chool Parts with Rumania la House Appropriations Currai\ Teslifiea Meai- China Using Arranges to Turn Over Committee Denies Re* ^ ^ ^ Say Franco ure Would Pot United ifuest fo r $ 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ! Interests to American New Supply States in War and Give ’’or Petty Officers Unit j Care; Antonescu Noti­ On His Way President Power to It Groton; Plan Is Not | Routes Now fied in Brief Note Delivered on Stroke Regulate Labor, De­ Of Sufficient Urgency. ! To See Duce stroy Unions; Asserta/ Of Noon; Speculation Quantities ^of War Mo- Washington, Feb.xlO.—(^| Labor Is ‘UnallerabI In Neutral Quartern Route with Suner *0| ^ , — A Coast Guard request for i teriaU Reach Interior, to W i funds to develop a new petty! On War Declaration. Ventimiglia to Confer pp®* Lessening Dependence officers training school at David On Burma Road. With Mussolini and Washingrton, Feb. 10 ~~ Avery Pointy Groton, Conn., Bucharest, Rumania, Febr —^Terming the lend-lease Great Britain Ciano; Not Confirmed. was rejected today by the islation ‘‘downright F Shanghai, Fab. 10— — Con­ broke off diplomatic relations House Appropriations Com­ . oseph Curran, CIO siderable quantities of war sup­ today with Rumania, into Bulletin! mittee. Overruling a proposal testified today that th b fll that $3,000,000 be appropri- plies are reaching the interior of which (Jermanx has^ , , vicluCfiXraMte- lugh secret routes from JS/UgUtM, in war and woul diers, and arranged to turn that Spaalsh OeneraSaaiBB* mittee reported to the House 'a dependenca on the Burma > Franeiaoo .France a*d hie for­ iresident power to over her Rumanian interests that the project ‘‘does not road, informed foreign sources eign Bilnlater. Ramon Serrane abor and destrb; trade said today. to United Staten care. The Saner. woaM pam threagh possess sufficient of the char­ unions. Curran, pfe« ddent of A large-scale trade is moving Britiah minister. Sir Reginald Franea e« rout* te a bonfer- acteristics of urgent necessi­ both ways, exports of Chlneao the National Maritii ae Uhioiit Hoare, notified ’’Rumanian anoa with Premier MnesoUal. ty” to warrant provisioh'for products reaching the outside to Meoewes war* aaM already to mid the Senate F of ilga Rela- sheU*>4nto the city. , - Premier General Ion Anto- it in the annual Treasui^- help pay for imports, it waa said. have been token by FroMh ;ions Committee 8t Ameri- The informants deAlned to out­ neacu that the long-strained anthoritles t* laanrn Ueir Post Office appropriation bill. can labor ‘‘is unglterably op­ liv­ "The committee,” the rep<^ line the routes. It la known, relations between their coun- oafety, hot It wo* net dls- however, that the drive launched eleoed where they weald posed to war” e(nd that ^ It stated, “has gone fully Into the triM were at an end in a brief project and whUe It haa much to laat week by the Japanese north travel. uherefoVe opposed the Britiah of Hong Koi\g, was aimed at on* British Warships Shell Genoa; note delivered on the stroke recommend it from the standpoint aid legisIatioR. of consolidating at one point and of. tha most important, running of noon (5 a. m„ e.s.t.). Bern, Swltaerland, Feb. 10.—(55 through WalchowT in northern -Diplomatic advice# reaching Calling the bill "an outright 'Improving the training program, (This decision followed on the war measues," ha addad: the facilities would all have toJ>e Kwangtung province. American Forces Not Needed heels of British Prime Mlikister ^ (The coasts of Chekiang and "Wa have to base our approval ' constnicted and aaauming that Churchill’s broadcaat declaration (Oenttnnad On Page Twe) or opposition on th# slmpls qu**- they were given the neceaaaiy yesterday that "the Naata. having .^,5 (OoattoHed os rags Two) tion—do we want to get bito thia priorities in labor and maUriata. Bombardment of Italian absorbed Hungary and driven Ru^ the flrst graduates could not be - ------------ ------- --------- Chnrchill Says Britain S e i z e mania into a frightful internal con war or don’t wef^^ \_ had from the sUUon before the Port Damages Power vulaion, are already on the Black B ritis h F lie rs Can Finish Job of De­ "T h la ^ S r^ Iirm aald, "la on* early part of 1943.” Plants, Warehouses, Sea” and "perhapa" a aouUiward of th* most dangerous departura* . VltaU To Dafeaea Program D arlan to T rv feating Axis If Ameri- movement of German troops into el R ed Sea P ort from our damoeratle way of Bf* Rear Admiral R. R. Waes^^ I Docks and Ships. or through Bulgaria already haa Bom b French ca WiU Send Tools. „ begun.) aver given serloua conatdaratioa Ooast Guard commandant, had by the Oongraaa. In Its Implica- testified before an approprlatloiu T o C o llaborate OH FleMa Sees Targets T J _ p.u 10—(/PH-If In iN ^e ew W UD l rive I V e ixindon, Feb. 10,—(/P)— ’There waa speculation in neutral tlona. Ul* proposed piece ef lagi*- nubcdmmlttee that the new train­ P orts Today latk» U downrtabt Faadat—end 1 ing center was vital to the defense diplomatic quarters whethar Brit­ lu te , : — i ' 7 j 2 L ‘°bi?t'BriT ain soon might foUow th# break am using the word ’Fascist’ with program. W ith G erm ans with a declaration of war, eapa- fun understanding of what it Moat other Ooast Guard ra- “ delSSl M.r«l T«cl.i I “ huS3 • means to tha people of those coun­ clally since Rumanian oil fields are Two Nari Planes Sho queats for funds to Implement Its ta! iSHf mtler'ind len!to' And Karora on Anglo. soo ton, of .tiell. Into now completely in German hands i tries where It has bean aatabUab- . New England program wera al­ Admiral Expected to in, Adolf Hltto ,nd Bemto Fron-lth. ,re.t N.yid b«. at and would provide a legitimate Down in Strong Offen ad." lowed by the committee, including Mussolini without the aid of j tuget for Britain’s bombing | sive Sweep Over Dun­ The wi tapis said. .tha_ ,m«*a:a*., an unspecified sum to increase the Take Up Work of a n American expeditionary Genoa at dawn yeaterday, the would give th* presidaal "dtetA- enrollment of the New Londw tier; Advance in Libya. Laval as He Becomes force. Prime Minister Win­ Admiralty reported, damaff- Tha British minister to Bulgaria kerque and Boulogne. torlal power*" and eontinuad: Ooast Guard Academy in 1943 Ing power plants, factories, recently notlfled thg BulgarlM "rha MU would. In affect, rapsM from 341 to Z95 cadate, • Emd* ston Churchill declared in a Cairo,'Egypt, Feb. It).—(IT)— Petain’s Chief Aide. warehouses, oilatanks, docks government, according to dipl^ any existing guarantees of ctett alao were allowed for aa adm- Sunday night radio address. British forcea, Uunchlng a now matlc sources in Sofia, that Bul­ , Bulletin! liberties nnd trade union rights— tional 29 enlisted men for New and shipping. At the ./F e b . 15—<P)—RHtlah Vichy, PVance, Feh.^ 10.—(M— "W* do not need the gallant drive against Italy’# Eaat African garian mlllUry torgets would he I^ d en r^ i guarantees which, in addition t* London. armies which are forming through­ time. Naval planes were said bombed by the R. A. F, if a way WSihMImilm bomber^ eaeertod by being our proudest tradltlaB, ara = The committee voted $218,000 Admiral Jean Darlan, promoted to out the American union." he said. colony of Eritrea from the north, to have dumped ,tons of war* opened through Bulgaria for lifters, dreppad abeolutsly neoeaaary for the prbe for a primary radio station at No. 3 man in CSilef of State have occupied the Red Sea port of German troop# to gat at Greece hembs an sblppbig and doek- taction of our. UvUig atandaidA "Wo do not need them thia year, bombs on Pisa and Leghorn, ton to replace Quartcra at Fort Philippe Petain's government, waa nor next year, nor any year that 1 Mersa'Taclal and the town of or Turkey. alda btaldinga at Bentegas. Low aa these living standards an . Heath token over by the Army. expected today to take up^wlth Karora, on the Anglo-Egyptlan farther down the lUlian coast, Dnakarqna and Oalala ki a can foresee. The British dlplomatio mission they can be, and undoubtedly will The money adll pay fox a alte, German approval—fonmar Vic* Sudan frontier, the Middle East hitting the airdrome and rail­ had finished packing and waa dayllght-^awMR tha Oar- be, depreaood atUl further under buildinga and equipment. Need War Materials Premier Pierre Laval’s work to­ command announced today. way junction at Pisa and ready to leave for Istanbul a few man-held Freneh eaast today, stress of war economy. It ia. In ward collaboration with the Rdich. "But we do need moat urgently The drive, apparently coordinat­ hours after the break between th* the Air Mlalstry annenaeod te- Funds For New OMter raining bombs on a Leghorn fitet, Juat such letislaUon aa this Funds likewise were included In Darlan, only cabinat minloter an immense and continuous supply ed with the one sweeping eastward one-time World war allies. alght. o f war materlaU.
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