Friday, July 14, 2017 YOUR NEWSPAPERThe [email protected] Courier• www.courier-herald.com Drawer B, Court Square Station, Dublin, Georgia Herald 31040 • 478-272-5522 Volume 102, No. 138, Pub. No 161860 Market on Madison Names,By PAYTON TOWNS conditions III Center of Navicent Health releasedat the scene. fromand was listed fatal in critical con-I-16and the wreck vehicles involved in A local church was sched- Tuesday afternoon. She died Jones said dition. Jones said Rozier and the crash. uled to hold a prayer vigil from massive chest trauma. Day died Day were part of the church Donnie and Donna Bar- Thursday night for those in- She was a passenger in the from mas- group going to Macon. wick, both 49 years old from Open Every Saturday volved in a deadly crash on I- Greater New Friendship Bap- sive burns. The other victim was iden- Dublin, were in a 2016 Ford 7:30 am - 12:30 pm 16 Tuesday which killed two tist Church van. Robert Day, Rozier was tified later as Charles Lind- Fusion. Keith and Cindy 314 W. Madison St. of its members. 84, of Vidalia, was a passen- airlifted to sey, 63, of Macon. Lindsey al- Collins, both 49 from East MarketonMadison.com According to Bibb County ger in a Chevrolet Cobalt, dri- Joseph M. so died from massive burns. Dublin, were also in the Ford Presented by Coroner Leon Jones, Marjorie ven by Richard Rozier, 80, of Still Burn Late Wednesday night the Fusion. Keith Collins is the Jones, 81, of Dublin, was pro- Laurens County. Center in Macon-Bibb County Sheriff's pastor of Pleasant Springs nounced dead at the Medical Day was pronounced dead Augusta Office released the names THOMPSON See WRECK page 8a - Cupcakes, Pies, Cake Pops, Cakes, Homemade Bread and Juvenile Rolls - Fresh driver Chicken Eggs, Duck Eggs - Small Wooden Items, Pine Needle injured in Baskets, Glass Art, Re-caned Chairs wreck on - Watermelons, Cantaloupes - Highway Homemade Canned Goods and Baked Goods, Embroidery Work 338By PAYTON TOWNS III - Homemade A 16-year-old Dexter girl was taken to a Macon hospital Baked Goods after failing to yield the right - of way at the intersection of Peas, Okra, Tomatoes, Highway 338 and Old Macon Potatoes, Strawberries, Tarts, Road. Cushaw Pies, Watermelons, According to a Georgia Corn (Left) Cracked cornices on the Mausoleumʼs exterior show the need for restoration at State Patrol official, the juve- - Peaches, Peas, nile was driving a gray 2005 Northview Cemetery. (Right) The classically designed Mausoleum was one of three built in Honda Accord when the acci- Squash, Tomatoes, Peppers, Georgia in 1915. (Photos by Sandy Aldridge) dent happened around 12:04 Potatoes, Corn, Fresh Local p.m. Wednesday. Produce, and More The juvenile was heading - Cleaned west on Old Macon Road and Catfish, Jam, Fig Preserves, failed to yield the right of way Pickles, Raw & Roasted Pecans GrantBy SANDY ALDRIDGE positions city to restore Mausoleumchapel for memorial services, at the intersection. The Honda More than a century has but they can't do that until they was hit on the driver's side by - Peas, passed since a beautiful mau- have reinforced the Palace's a 2004 Ford truck driven by Tomatoes, Okra, Squash soleum of stone and marble was structural integrity and en- Brian James Turner, 35, of built in Dublin's Northview sured that visitors are safe. Eatonton. - Baked Goods, Canned Goods, Cemetery, one of only three They took the first step in that Turner was heading north Cook Books such grand burial shrines built direction recently when they on Highway 338 when the - Doilies, in Georgia around 1915, the applied for a Georgia Historic Honda entered the north- other two in Atlanta and Au- Preservation grant. Now they Peanut & Pecan Brittle bound lane. gusta. have been notified they will re- - Blackberries Because of its palatial archi- ceive that grant. - Goats tecture, some have dubbed the The Mausoleum is the oldest Milk Soap & Lotions, Walnut Dublin mausoleum, "The structure that the city of Dublin Scrub, Insect Repellant, Skin Palace of the Dead." owns and maintains, and it has Oils Shawn Woods, public works been in a state of disrepair for - Greens, director for the city, and Billy some time. The city has made Mason, the cemetery sexton, numerous repairs since it came Peas, Potatoes, Melons, agree that the structure is one into the city's possession. Parts Grapes, Pears, Plums, of historical significance, and it of the stone are cracked and Tomatoes, String/Butter Beans, is beautiful, but they are The crypts inside the Mausoleum show the crumbling. Incidents of vandal- Corn, Broccoli, Cauliflower, presently more concerned with wear and tear of time, demonstrating the need ism used to be routine, so win- Squash, Peppers its safety than anything else. for restoration. (Photo by Sandy Aldridge) dows and doors were installed - The city wants to know ex- and now the building is kept actly what shape its Palace of would take to bring it back to the empty crypts, and for the locked unless visitors request a Collards, Turnips, Cabbage, the Dead is in, and what it life. They'd like to be able to sell bereaved to be able to use the Carrots, Radishes, Mustard See GRANT page 8a Greens, Spring Onions - Watermelons, Cantaloupes - Memory Bears & Pillows, T-Shirt Quilts - Cold Processed LLERAS Soaps, Bubble Bars, Sugar Scrub, Wax Melts, Body Spray, Lleras to Lip Balm - Picture participate in Frames, Display Shelves, Georgia Forward Furniture - Lotion Young Bars, Soap Gamechangers - Carpenter Bee Traps, Raw Local Honey ProgramSpecial to The Courier - Fresh Squeezed Herald Lemonade Beatriz Lleras has been accepted to the Georgia For- ward Young Gamechangers Fall 2017 program. Young Gamechangers is a leadership action program that brings together 50 of Robins Financial Credit Union opens $2 million facility Georgia’s brightest minds un- The Dublin-Laurens Chamber of Commerce hosted a grand opening and ribbon-cutting cere- der the age of 40, to help solve persistent challenges of mony Thursday morning to celebrate the opening of Robins Financial Credit Union at 1102 one Georgia community. Hillcrest Parkway. Heath Taylor, chamber president, made opening remarks and presi- Each class works for six dent/CEO of Robins Financial Credit Union, John Rhea, addressed the crowd and introduced months to generate big ideas the financial institution's board of directors, supervisory committee and management staff. and recommendations for Index persistent challenges in a Obituaries . 2a The Dublin site has five full-time employees. Rhea said that Robins Financial currently serves Georgia community which Editorial . 4a over 1,200 members in Laurens County. The institution has approximately 20 locations Sports . 1b, 2b throughout Middle Georgia. This is their first branch in Laurens County. (Photo by Kelly Lenz) See LLERAS page 8a Friday, July 14, 2017/Dublin, Ga/Page 2a The Courier Herald Obituaries Grievance filed over mowing Eva Jean Hall goats at university in Michigan KALAMAZOO, Mich. (AP) ported use of goats, the Kala- Mrs. Eva Jean Hall, former — A union has filed a griev- mazoo Gazette reported. resident of 705 McKinley ance in response to Western The university hired the Street, passed peacefully, Michigan University's hiring team of goats after a half-acre Thursday, July 13, 2017 in the of goats to clear 15 acres (6.07 trial run last year. Officials of SouthLand Healthcare and hectares) of woodland on cam- goat rental company Munch- Rehabilitation Center. pus. ers on Hooves said the animal Funeral arrangements are Kathi Babbit is the chief consumes 3 to 5 pounds (1.36 incomplete at this time, but steward of the American Fed- to 2.27 kilograms) of vegeta- ReflectionsOne of the most enduring onresearch improving shows there's a new has mealtimes produced a delightful will be announced eration of State, County and tion per day and leaves behind staged magical illusions, mirror trick that could help surprise. If you know an old- later. Municipal Employees local natural fertilizer. "Pepper's Ghost," makes fig- make eating more enjoyable er person who often eats Arrangements entrusted to union. Babbit wrote in a July University spokeswoman ures seem to suddenly ap- for lone diners. alone (which can lead to eat- Wyche’s Funeral Home. newsletter that the grievance Cheryl Roland said she can't pear in a room. The illusion In a new study published ing less), try putting a mir- www.wychesfuneralhomeinc.c had been filed in relation to make a detailed comment was first performed by John in Physiology & Behavior, ror at his or her table. It om subcontracting and the unre- about the union's decision. Pepper during a perfor- researchers had 16 elderly may stimulate the social mance of Charles Dickens' adults eat popcorn in front of feeling that causes people to "The Haunted Man" on a mirror and then in front of eat more and enjoy the expe- Christmas Eve 1862. In the a wall. Participants eating rience. The benefits are real, original trick, a piece of in front of the mirror ate even if it is an illusion. glass onstage conceals a sec- more, thought the popcorn ond, identical room set far- tasted better and enjoyed Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host Trustees project biggest Social ther back. When the back the experience more than of "The Dr. Oz Show," and room is illuminated, the re- when eating facing the wall. Mike Roizen, M.D. is Chief flection that had concealed it Researchers then repeated Wellness Officer and Chair of disappears and figures in it the mirror experiment with Wellness Institute at Cleve- SecurityWASHINGTON (AP) — Mil-increase in years suddenly appear as though 16 young adults and found land Clinic.
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