University of Alberta The Effect of Benzodiazepines on GABA, Receptor Homeostasis by Robert Andrew Holt O A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillrnent of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of Pharmacology Edmonton, Alberta Spring, 1998 National Library Bibliothéque nationale of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Services services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395. nie Wellington ûttawaON K1AON4 Ottawa ON K 1A ON4 Canada Canada The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence dowing the exclusive permettant à la National Librq of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, disîribute or sell reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of ibis thesis in microform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de microfiche/nlm, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copy~@t in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts fiom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. ABSTRACT The oven effects of Diazepam (Valiums), a comrnonly used anxiolytic and hypnotic drug, are produced through allostenc modulation of GABA, receptors. GABA, receptors are pentarnenc chloride channels that display extensive structural and functional heterogeneity based on the differential assembly of multiple subunit isoforms, each of which is encoded by a separate gene. In the present study, exposure of rats to daily doses of 15 mgKg diûzepam modified GABA, receptor a3-, a4-, a5-,p 1-. y2- and y3-subunit steady-state mRNA levels in a time- and brin region-specific rnanner. Diazeparn also modified transcription of the GABA, receptor @-subunit gene in rat brain in a manner consistent wiih the effects of this drug on @-subunit steady-state mRNA levels. suggesting a potentiai transcriptional basis for diazeparn-induced changes in GABA, receptor steady-state mEWA levels. Further, the benzodiazepine-site binding characteristics of native GABA, receptors in nt brain were modified by chronic diazepam in a manner consistent with the effects of this dmg on GABA, receptor steady-state mRNA levels. Reduced 'H-flunitrazepam but not 'H- Ro 15-45 13 binding was observed in cortical membranes denved from rats chronicaliy treated with diazepam, as was an increased ratio of zolpidem displaceable versus zolpidem non-displaceable 'H-flunitrazepam binding. Potentiation of 'H-flunitrazepam binding to nt brain membranes by GABA was reduced after a single diazepam dose, but this effect did not appear to be enhanced by chronic treatment and did not appear to be related to diazeparn-induced changes in GABA, receptor gene expression. Finally, the specific pattem of changes in GABA, receptor subunit rnRNA levels produced by chronic exposure to two subtype-specific benzodiazepine-site ligands, abeca.mil and zolpidem, which have Iower tolerance and dependence liability than diazepam, was different from the pattern produced by diazepam. The results of the present study are consistent with the hypothesis that benzodiazepine exposure evokes subtype-specific changes the population of GABA, receptors in rat brain as a homeostatic response. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS To my supervisors, Ian and Alan, for your guidance and inspiration. To my parents. Bob and Anne. You taught me perseverance which, more than any other factor, was necessary for the completion of this thesis. To my wife, Lea, for your constant suppon, understanding and heroic patience. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE CHAPTER 1 - Introduction General overview The benzodiazepines: their development and discovery of their mechanism of action Structural and functional characteristics of the GABA, receptor Benzodiazepine modulation of a variant GABA, receptors Benzodiazepine modulation of B variant GABA, receptors Benzodiazepine modulation of y variant GABA, receptors GABA, receptors containing other classes of subunits The native GABA, receptor Specific airns CHAPTER 2 - The effect of diazepam on GABA, receptor steady-state mRNA levels In traduction Materials and rnethods Dmg treatment Quantification of CNS diazepam levels by reversed-phase HPLC The solution hybridization assay - overview RNA preparation Oligonucleotide probe synthesis and purification PAGE Oligonucleotide labeling Solution hybridization Digestion of excess oligonucleotide probe Separation of protected oligonucleotides by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Detection of protected oligonucleotides by autoradiography Densitometric quantification of oligonucleotide band intensities Linearity and variability of the solution hybridization assay Results Diazeparn concentrations in rat brain following chronic exposure The effects of diazeparn on GABA, receptor mRNA ievels Discussion CHAPTER 3 - The effect of diazepam on transcription of the GABA, receptor y2-subunit gene. ln troduc tion Materials and rnethods Drug treatrnen t Isolation of nuclei Synthesis of nascent radiolabeled RNA Preparation of DNA probes Irnmobilization of probes on nylon membranes PAGE Hybridization of radiolabeled RNA to membrane-irnmobilized probes 57 Detection and quantification of nascent y2-subunit RNA 58 Resui ts Discussion CHAPTER 4 - The effect of diazepam on benzodiazepine-site binding characteristics PART 1: The effect of chronic diazepam on benzodiazepine recognition properties htroduction Materials and methods Dmg treatment Preparation of rat brain membranes Estimation of protein concentration in membrane preparations Single point 3~-flunitrazepamand 'H-RO15-45 13 binding assays Single point zolpidem displacement binding assays Results Discussion PART 2: The effect of diazeparn exposure on GABA enhancement of benzodiazepine binding Introduction PAGE iMaterials and meihods GABA shift binding assayç Results Discussion CHAPTER 5 - The effect of abecarnil and zolpidem on GABA, 90 receptor steady-state mRNA levels introduction Materials and methods Dm,= treatment Quantification of CNS drug bels by reversed-phase HPLC Quantification of GABA, receptor steady-state mRNA levels by solution hybridization Results Abecarnil and zolpidem concentrations in nt brain following chronic exposure The effects of abecarnil and zolpidem on GMA, receptor subunit mRNA levels Discussion CHAPTER 6 - General discussion Future directions Bibliography 116 LIST OF TABLES PAGE Table 2.1 Sequences of oligonucleotide probes used in solution 40 hybridization experiments Table 2.2 The effect of diazeparn on GABA, receptor steady-state 46 mRNA levels in nt cortex and hippocampus Table 5.1 nie effect of abecarnil on GABA, receptor steady-state 102 mRNA levels in rat cortex and hippocampus Table 5.2 The effect of zolpidern on GABA, receptor steady-state 104 mRNA levels in rat cortex LIST OF FIGURES PAGE Figure 2.1 The solution hybridization assay: relationship between radioactivity and measured band intensity Figure 2.2 The solution hybndization assay: relationship between input RNA and rneasured band intensity Figure 2.3 The solution hybridization assay: typical results Figure 2.4 Examples of subunit- and brain region-specific effects of diazeparn on GABA, receptor subunit rnRNA levels in rat brain Figure 2.5 Tirnecourse of diazepam-induced changes in GABA, receptor p 1 -subunit mRNA levels in rat cortex and hippocarnpus Figure 2.6 Association between the mean rnRNA levels of clustered GABA, receptor genes in rat brain following diazeparn exposure Figure 3.1 The effect of 14 days of diazepam exposure on transcription of the GABA, receptor @-subunit gene in rat cortex and cerebellum Figure 3.2 Transcription of the GABA, receptor $2-subunit gene in rat cortex and cerebellum 12 or 24 hours after a single diazepam dose Figure 3.3 Phospho-image illustrating the results of a typical nuclear run- off experiment. Figure 4.1 Total specific binding of 3~-flunitrazepamand 'H-RO 15-45 13 in nt cortex after chronic diazeparn exposure Figure 4.2 Ratio of 3~-flunitrazeparnto 'H-RO 15-45 13 binding in rat cortex after chronic diazeparn exposure Figure 4.3 Ratio of type BZII to type BZI binding in rat cortex after chronic diazepam exposure PAGE Figure 4.4 GABA potentiation of 3~-flunitrazepambinding in rat 87 cortex and cerebellum at various tirnepoints following a single diazepam dose Figure 4.5 GABA potentiation of 3~-flunitmzepambinding in rat cortex and cerebellum following chronic diazepam exposure Figure 4.6 The effect of chronic diazeparn exposure on GABA, receptor al-.P2-, and y2-subunit mRNA levels in rat cortex and cerebellum Figure 5.1 Differentid effects of chronic diazepam, abecamil and zolpidem treatment on GABA, receptor a3-.a5- and y3-subunit mRNA levels in rat cortex Figure 5.2 Association between the mean mRNA levels of clustered GABA, receptor genes in rat cortex following chronic diazepam, abecamil or zolpidem treatment LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ATP adenosine triphosphate P-CCE ethyl P-carboline-3-carboxylate P-CCM methyl fi-carboline-3-carboxylate cDNA complimentary deoxyribonucleic acid CTP cytidine triphosphate DEPC diethy 1 pyrocarbonate DMCM methyl-6,7-dimethoxy-4-ethyl-P-carbol~e dP disintegrations per minute EC 50 agonist concentration that produces a half-maximal response EDTA ethylenediamine tetraace tic acid EGTA ethylene glycol-bis@-aminoethyl
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