Article Komunitas: International Journal of Government Policies and Indonesian Society and Culture 9(1) (2017): 37-47 DOI:10.15294/komunitas.v9i1.6456 Ethnical Diversity © 2017 Semarang State University, Indonesia p-ISSN 2086 - 5465 | e-ISSN 2460-7320 Under Multiculturalism: http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/komunitas UNNES JOURNALS The Study of Pohuwato Regency Sastro M Wantu1 1Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Gorontalo, Indonesia Received: 22 June 2016; Accepted: 20 March 2017; Published: 30 March 2017 Abstract This paper describes the construction of ethnic integration in Pohuwato local government policies which is supported by community under Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversiy) and multiculturalism. This research employed qualitative approach with the aim of tracing and analyzing social harmony from various ethnici- ties existing in society and government policy Pohuwato Regency. The instruments of the study included data, facts and concepts that were relevant. This study aimed to see the problem of segregation within societies by primordial groups to solve ethnic integration in which ethnic groups are bound together. There are two regional policies (1) controlling inter-ethnic relations and constructing the model of Gorontalo com- munity as an important element of social, cultural and political aspect which uphold openness and toler- ance; and (2) using deliberative public space in order to achieve harmonious atmosphere between pub- lic (community) with the government in protecting the diversity. Therefore, it can be concluded that ethnic communities residing in Pohuwato Regency are bound to unite by the desire to improve new and better lives between immigrants and local communities. This desire becomes a symbol of unity based on mutual respect for different values to achieve the integration or unity of multicultural ethnic groups. Keywords policy; government; diversity; ethnicity; multiculturalism; harmony INTRODUCTION groups. In relation to the phenomenon of pluralism of Indonesian society, in some Indonesia is a country that has special cha- areas before and after the fall of the New Or- racteristic of ethnic diversity with its dif- der government, there are apparently some ferent languages and cultures formulated alarming ethnic problems because there is a in national motto “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” clash of differences that tend to give rise to (Unity in iversity). Although this nation is proud of the colorful nature bound by the horizontal conflict. third principle of Pancasila (five national The period of violence conflict which pillars), the country also concerns with se- has escalated massively in a very high inten- veral problems arising from such differences sity emerges in several tangible forms such as the process of national integration bet- Corresponding author ween ethnic groups, or minority-majority Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 6 Kota Gorontalo, Indonesia groups and the process of development of Email [email protected] understanding between different religious 38 Sastro M Wantu, Government Policies and Ethnical Diversity Under Multiculturalism... as destruction, burning and persecution of opportunity as majority has in all aspects worship places based on research results of social, politics and economy. Pohuwato from Loekman et al (2000). According to community is inhabited by a society that the report from University of Gadjah Mada, is diverse and plural. According to Nasikun there are twenty cases of violence in Indone- (1996), a pluralistic society with a balanced sia since 1995-1997. Furthermore, after the competition and plural society with domi- fall of the New Order, horizontal conflicts nant majority have the ability to develop were worse than before. There are several national integration dynamics rather than a conflicts which happened in Poso Central society with a dominant minority or plural Sulawesi Province, Maluku Provinces and society with segmentation. Ternate. These horizontal conflicts have not To strengthen harmonious social rela- been able to be mitigated. Even after the tions and mutual recognition among others cases of Poso, Maluku and Papua, there are based on diversity, the local government of several horizontal conflicts which are still Pohuwato proclaims the policies of local occurring such as the violence cases in Riau, wisdom values of community to uphold har- South Lampung and so forth. In 2015, some mony by making consensual ground y based conflicts based on ethnicities happened in on kinship system named “Mohuyula”. Not- Tolikara Papua Province, Central Maluku withstanding differences of race, ethnicity, and Singkil in Aceh. religion, culture and language, they keep However, if we take a look at many ca- cooperating and coexist peacefully because ses of horizontal conflicts that spread in In- they have “everyone is our brother” menta- donesia, there is one interestingly opposite lity. This view is built as a policy to deal with situation in Gorontalo Province especially social problems of a variety of conflicts ari- in Pohuwato Regency. In this area, the com- sing from their social segmentation. munity is very harmonious and tolerant by Based on the above argumentation, acknowledging and accepting social diversi- there are some basic questions that we need ty. Therefore, the community shows a tole- to look at if we want to find a solution to see rant attitude for pluralism in the form of in- the ability of this area to maintain harmony terethnic interaction style that mingles well and ethnic integration: How can the pattern and bound to each other. This harmonious of inter-ethnic relations in Pohuwato Regen- conditions existing in the area is certainly a cy be tied to each other? What is the policy very important lesson for Indonesian peop- of Pohuwato local government to equitably le to create ethnic integration of diversity organize the society under the perspective amidst pluralistic crisis in Indonesia. of multiculturalism? This study is impor- The demographical composition of tant in the way it discusses the multicultural population in Pohuwato Regency is mul- policies of a regency or district government. tiethnic. This regency consists of Gorontalo The existing literatures on multicultural po- ethnic as majority and other ethnic minori- licy largely focus on the state or departmen- ties such as Chinese, Arabian, Minahasa, tal section of national government (Baldwin Sangir Thalaud (North Sulawesi), Javanese, & Huber 2010; Vertovec 2010). Balinese, Sumbawa, Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara) Bugis and Makasar ethnics. The- Public Administration and Ethnic Plu- se ethnic groups have different cultural, ralism linguistic and religious backgrounds. From Ethnic diversity in plural societies is part of the composition of the society, there is a the study in various disciplines of sociolo- very interesting phenomenon. Unlike in gy, anthropology and politics. Public admi- other areas which show unequal distributi- nistration is also very important discipline on of opportunity, the Gorontalo ethnic as even though it is not like the study of ot- a dominant majority can share the chances her social sciences. Under political science and power justly with the other ethnic mi- perspective, plural society according to Ro- norities. The ethnic minorities have equal bushka and Shepsle is defined in three pa- UNNES JOURNALS Komunitas: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture 9 (1) (2017): 37-47 39 rameters: (1) Cultural diversity, (2) Ethnic vironment. Some cases like the newcomer alliances, (3) Politically organized (Nasikun who succeed in a short time would pose a 1996; Muttarak 2010; Gay 2013). And the ot- new threat to the local people who regard her social science approaches are most wi- their resources and power as being highly dely cited by experts on pluralistic societies threatened and exploited. Or otherwise, the including Hefner (2007) which summarizes local people massively dominate and cont- the work of Furnival, Miller and Walzer. Ac- rol the resources or powers; not even allow cording to Furnival (1944), plural society is the ethnic minorities to be comer commu- a society consisting of two or more elements nities. Dominations are not just in econo- or social order that coexist, but without mic and social aspects but also the power of blending in one political unit. Therefore, the public bureaucracy. Therefore, the abi- Miller (1993) argues that independent insti- lity of the state to handle the ethnic conflict tutions are almost impossible to appear in is needed. This ability would require the countries of different nations. Among peop- capability of state public administration in le who are lack a sense of commonality, es- performing its function as a fair intermedi- pecially if they read and speak in different ary institution in allocating resources only languages, the unity of public opinion is ne- limited to ethnic groups which always com- cessary for the operation of a representati- pete each other (Effendi 2010). ve government cannot live. In this context, Further, Effendi (2010, pp. 178-180) Walzer (1996) argues that there is an irony shows that public administration in both of Western liberal scientists such as Mill central and regional governments is an ins- where pluralism accommodation occurs in titution that formulates, implements and utilitarian interests between buyers and sel- formulates policies as well as programs to lers in the market, but when it comes to the channel government and private resour- public and political
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