GUESTS of Hicksville T ow n G irl Scout Com­ lhinC"ombf'". pa:---t or uf Huly Trinity Episcopal mittee at the fi n;l arrnual Fatht•r-D,1ugh t ~ i­ f'h u n.'h ; .\Ir~. :\lerton \llilbur, c hai rman; H e r­ Uinn e 1· h~hl at Bet~pagt! S t ate Park C1u\J­ LJ,· n Cava11aug-h, O r . I.cBarron , John Chase, hou:::,e recent(~, incl udmg principals of e lemen­ )1r;-:;. J.J.c k ln_gl is, program chainnan ; Uonald ta1·y ~c hools and Dr. E. H . LeBar1·on. ::;upe1·­ .->i.bt and )1u1Ta_\.. Duncan. (Hera lj photo by intendent. Left to right are : Rev. David :'.llalle tt) . ... Vol. 5, No. 21-Hlcksville, N. Y ~ June II, 1953-Copy :.• Lay Advisory Group Urges Pare Ci~lcs Motorcade Goes ~dditions to· Four Schools To Oyster, Bay Again Tonight HICKSVILLE-The recommendation that the School Board go ahead "with immediate plans for thi, vote on bond issues" to provide 10-room additions to the four •mall elementary HICKSVlLLE - A ntotorcade of t'at"C Community A.ai;.oc ·schools of the dishict was made this week in the annual report o~he Citizens Advisory Com­ memben ■ nd ne:irbbora will form at Sotrth ne.n Si •nd JerulLll.­ l,e,m A.ve.._. here, this even.In,: (Thuraday) at 6:45,-for tile eeeond · mitte,, on Education to the Scltool Board. The annual report and recommendations was the time. The ~p will ' be heading for Oyster Bay Town R•II an.d subject of a joint meeting of the School Board and Committee, Monday night, at East St. a public: bearin& of the Zoning Appeal!'! Board to prot.e~t a g.a11 ~hoot. Present also were Robert Schoel and A•-thur Erich, memben,•elect, who will take office station application in their- neighborhood. · · a s School Trustees on July 1. It bi the a«!ODd time. within • mont.h t.he.t .a rnotoreade of Edna· Kuhne Sutt~m pn!sided fo..­ tlMt irate property ownen will head for Oyster Bay. An appli­ the Board of "Education in the •b• cation by Cmmnercial Pw,tpertiea Inc of Bklyn planned for the Beaches Free T.o Residents M:nce of President Henr }I' C. Bren­ May 7 m.ee'l.inc for riearly the same identical lc:.cation on Je:TU­ Hi.cl:I :summer temperature-. over the 11ri'Cek end l.u.l'lled many gt:l. The repon and rec1;tmmcnda­ just tions was presented by Georp Nl.em Av•, benr.. o Tobiaa and Dean Su., was withdrawn • & newcomer'• thoucbt-t: to swimming •nd the facilities avail.able befo~ U..t bearing. in the area of their new- homes. )fclnt,o:111b, chairman of tb.e Ad­ Pare. Comm.unit,- ~ will preaent a petition with .about vil'iOr)T Conimi~. School Board Resident. of Hickaville, Pla.i:nvi:ew. Bethpage, and J"e.richo1 1000 aicna"1nts obJ,ect;:ia:lc to the appJication. The hu.rirut and all ..,jthin the Township of Oyster BaJ', may use the town11bip. membt:ra pre1tent were Mra. Sutbon.. .:tk· 1i111&11s for oppoAltioa ~ the sUje,ct of a special meetinar of owned be:a,che• frtt of .,charge_ A sti,c k~r for the wind11hield of Emil Szendy, AU..n Carpen"'t:er and .22 the ANoc at tile Walter Onl•n ~ at, Terry St. Tue!lday the ear for :free parking inay be obtained from th@ parking fi.-tld Adolph Soinincn. J>isht. a t tendant. A car regi.str.ation i:s, suffidt'nl to e.sttab]i~h proof of CITE COLUMBIA REPORTS Councilman Frank Chlwneky W&3 a gue.at speaker at the towrur;hip re~idence. .. Baaed la.-gely upon the Col11m­ meetin1r and .,..ur9d tbe :aaembenhip th•i. '" wo1.1ld do ... anything On the north- Mere., township owned beaches. include CeoL-er l,i¥ "t,e port:s 1and the. conti"Du ■tion J ~., and W'2,M residents to caU up H tlleJ ti,.ve probleffll". him bland, Ste-hU•a Beach, Glenwood Landing and Rooee•elt )h:mo­ o:! tho~ r.:pvrl.8 as prepared 1,y ....._ Schoenw.aW l2'!1 attorney for the u.eoriaden in the ri.al Park ~h. 8"~i:nc on north aho~ bearhH UI most de­ Boa.rd men1ben and oiriciak in op...,.t1lon .......__ , _ •~· . - t.'Olthed.ion · wi.d..- the hip acllooJ: ~ .... bJs!, .j;ide "-- .... - . , ...., ,..- ·- .i..u fisl> priNlant at -~ tide. vot..e, thh Committee ha.a ham ln-­ ................bt,..., .,._ and U,., fad. thoot --.- an, enough tert.-;;tine- it'Self in the need :roi- ad­ ---~~"' On the soutlli ~ Tobay Be&,ch, where surf s"-·immin~ may p---lnJliebrille•lnad,.-'- ." . ditional 11c hool facilitieA in our dia­ be ,e-njoyelllll., i.!I located two miJe,i ea1t of the Jones Beach Park wat.ea- towe.r. t-ric-t"', the report l!it.ate!!I. Korea Clothing Roundup Here The Committee also reeommend­ HICKSVILL&--June 28 hao been oelected, aa ooli.cl.iolo d,,y l'd ··that the Board of Educ■tiOD. for clotbeti fer Kore.a. aeeordina t.o Wilfred J"acJuon, chairman Shopper Survey ~x-11.m ine the need for another ele,. of the local American Reaid for Ko~ committee. CommittlP!e Chamber Gets mentary r.chool in t he district in ·members "!'ho will work with- him on plan& for a house to house order to fuHiU the goal of a tun eollect.ion drive are: Jo&t:ph Re.lnh&rdt. Charla Enl[inton. Dr. Parking Data . :a;c hool day for each child of 11c:hoo) EM Le Barron, Charle.a Barvela and Henry Mdnnes.. To End Monday age in the di&triet." EAST NORWICH- The Board It further commented ""'that of Directors of the HicksY\lle Cha­ HICKSVILLE-Lead:er11 of 10<."'~l women"s studi~s of population · trends in all Trustees Appoint New Librarian mber of Commerce met on Monday, organiz.ations: were t.odav BICKSVJLLJ!:-~th Barnes, former librarian of the June, 8, at Rothmann's Inn, be.t e. reminded that the deadline tor fil­ are.ll!l!- of the district be continued ing of Shoppine- Sw 't/ey fol'nu ~·ith : and kept. current. •t the expenee The qwe•tion of parking -•• db­ ::=s~~~l'~:!~r::. l~l~&a~ !r~~~ ieussed and the BOard ol Directors the Busine s■ Me.n•s Asl90C. is Jllne of t~e. district if need be, in order teea. Re will eoeeeed Beleft Wheeler of Freeport who baa re­ was informed that a parcel of land 15. Mor,e than 460 :fr;i,rnus bave 11.L- to accurately P\IP the neeJt. arul • ready been remitted and forwarded make the neceN&ry deeislona in •n­ Bigned. Barnes wiH ...am .e Ju■ position at tbe Llbn.1'1" on Jeru­ k-,cated In the t-ear of the P~feas­ to 'the State ~pt Of CommerN"- at ticitpe.Oon of enrollments which -.Jem Ave r/t, Secctnd St the fin,,t of August. Be is· tbe tathor lona.l Bldg. 1;m E. Barelay St. with Albnny fr,r tabulation. <'.8n be expected." <if two child~ and plan■ to make his home here. ~ ,entrance on Broadway. hit:! ~en conb·acted for purchase by the Charles Trojan, RMA pr esident, Dr. E. H. LeBa1-i-on, sch o ,o 1 1od11.y dis-c:Lo~ed siJme: n1 the views Dial Phones to Start June 21 fown. Bo•rd, for parking and it has 11 upe1· -i nt.endent, wa.!I al'°'lo pN!.scmt been estimaterl that t.h l: s wiU acco­ expr~s.::,,ed by women a.n !!. w~dng the at t he joiri t meeting. He disclosed HLCK.SVILL.E-The change~ over from manna) to d i al Le-lc­ mmOdatr. between 200 anti 300 c a rs. ques tionnaires. A s ked for frank t hat mo r e than 850 c h ildren havf' phon,e operation fo,- Hlcksville 3 and 4 exchange!!! will take place A Paridng Committee was for m­ -expr-es!,i.ionli o f opinion 1·egn1·din~ been i-egl~tered for th,e new tall on Sunday, June 21, Tele-p hone -Company Qfficials disclose-. M ~onsii,ting of Al Schackner, H e­ Jucal improv~ments needed. the (Continued on Page 21) -.- 1e w s. K~ i:;~Le<l <, i'>. the forms; in­ "t1' Eisemam,. William Koutcn!Sky (' )ude: PO Sub Station on Newbridge Rd &nd Aaron Rochman, This Commit. Finol Closs Monday HlCKSVll.L,E-A. .. ub station of the Hick5ville Prust Office tee is to meet for f1.nther discus­ ·'_~ly c hief obj ction to ent ering PLAINVIEW-The last R@1'!:ior, wm open on J"uly 1 Jn the drug--."ltor,e on the We.'5t Vtllage G~en gion ol the p.flork \ng problem ~nd t h~ s. hoJ)J)ing d istric1 is the traffic­ for liilll adult cl ■ Sl"iP.8 of thi!!. te.rm on Newbridge Rd• between 'fabJe and Barter Lanes, it -wu1 an­ po!1 5ibilitie$ o°f""further parking fa c­ J)roblem . T he, ob~tacle course would wm taJ.:e p lAce here o n Monday nouneed this week by Postmalter G. Mollitor. It will be Station mti~iJ. h~ appreciahly improvE-rl witho,•t night, .June 15, e.ecol'dif)g to Prin­ dpa1 Rohe t"t Tuttle. no. 1 of the Hit:b'1.lle olfke.
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