*****************ECRWSS**** PRST STD U.S. POSTAGE POSTAL CUSTOMER PAID SHAWANO, WI PERMIT NO. 135 AUGUST 25, 2021 x OSHKOSHHERALD.COM VOLUME 4, ISSUE 34 Teen Dating Violence With Growing Christine Ann Checkout Episode 13 diversity www.breakwaterwi.org help is one call or text away! in census call 2-1-1 or text your zip code to 898211 snapshot Slow growth in area on INSIDE top of multiracial shift By Kaitlyn Scoville Oshkosh Herald After a months-long delay, 2020 cen- sus data began its release in mid-August. National headlines broadcasted that the non-Hispanic white population had shrunk to its lowest share of the popula- tion since 1790 despite a slow increase over the past decade. Prep football Statistics detail the growth of non-white populations, noting a staggering increase High schools win of multiracial in- opening games dividuals by 276 Inside percent – from 9 Pages 18, 19 million in 2010 to County map almost 34 million lines to shift / in 2020. Page 8 Board size holds Front man The non-Hispan- at 36 / Page 8 Boston singer was ic white population Photo by Michael Cooney shrank by 8.6 per- their biggest fan A large oak tree upended by a July storm damaged a boardwalk at Sullivan’s Woods and made cent and now accounts for 57.8 percent of part of the trail impassable. the U.S. population, according to Reuters. Page 4 Every decade, the U.S. gets a refresher course on demography as it makes sense of local and national data. Forest preserve, trail University of Wisconsin Oshkosh so- School district ciology department chair Paul Van Auken has been monitoring this unsurprising pivots back to will need repair work change in numbers, citing projections of non-Hispanic white people no lon- Sullivan’s Woods area means that we need to completely replace ger holding more than half of the pop- mask mandate this structure,” he said. “The district is ulation by 2050 being known for “quite Oshkosh Herald closed after July storm working with a few vendors currently for some time” and now pricing and for timelines for this work to The Oshkosh Area School District turned bumped up to 2045. be completed.” on its optional masking policy released ear- By Dan Roherty Van Auken said the He said the tree removal would be done lier this month to now require them in all Oshkosh Herald proportion of young ahead of the boardwalk replacement. school buildings at least through Oct. 1 to Sullivan’s Woods, along with its en- people in the non-His- There are no early estimates of restoration mitigate the growing spread of COVID-19. vironmental education center off Hay panic white category and cleanup costs. Since mid-July, cases have been rising Road in Pickett, suffered significant tree decreased from 53.5 Winnebago Audubon, which has been steadily in the district’s geographic bound- percent to 47.3 per- and boardwalk damage from last month’s involved with Sullivan’s Woods since 1977 aries and the region in general. More than cent. windstorm and will be closed off until a when the district purchased the property, 30 people in the district had contracted the “It’s easy to see as the cleanup effort can move forward. will be included in the discussions on how Van Auken virus as of Friday. younger, more diverse Maintained with help from the Sullivan to best get the property back into use by “The Oshkosh Area School District age cohorts progress family and Winnebago Audubon Society, students, according to Niehans, and any is committed to providing in-person in- through their life cycles and the older, the woods on the western edge of the changes needed in the curriculum used struction for our students for the 2021-22 whiter bulge at the top of the current age school district near the Uihlein marsh is for the school learning experience. school year in a healthy and safe environ- distribution shrinks that the diversity used by fifth-grade students on field trips Society president Janet Wissink said the ment,” Superintendent Bryan Davis told characterizing the under-18 population along with local trail walkers. organization has been involved with cur- families. “We are excited to have our stu- will now apply to the nation overall in the Drew Niehans, the school district’s ex- riculum development, the trail system and dents and teachers back in school, learning not-too-distant future.” ecutive director of business services, said signage, invasive species control, serving and collaborating in their classrooms. We Van Auken said while some people are the cleanup work would have to wait un- as teacher-naturalists, and planting and also want to make sure everyone is safe as worrying about a future where white peo- til the ground freezes to ensure vehicles maintaining the prairie. we see a rising number of positive cases, ple no longer dominate numerically, some don’t damage the ground and would last “Several (society) members toured the especially among our student population.” others are worried about the future of the through the spring. area soon after the damage took place and Virus mitigation measures include quar- economy and the “social safety net” con- One of the large oaks uprooted in the alerted OASD personnel. As a group, we antine procedures, event capacity limits tingent on people entering the workforce storm damaged the boardwalk used by understand the district faces an immense and other sanitization protocols that may with this slow increase. visitors that leads through the woods past challenge,” Wissink said. “It will take a lot be put in place during the year to allow stu- “We can see echoes of the slow growth a series of interpretive signs. The damage of time and effort to restore the area to dents to stay in schools safely. phenomenon in Oshkosh and Winnebago has made much of the boardwalk trail im- the point where it can continue to serve SEE ON PAGE 19 District plan passable and dangerous. the environmental education needs of the SEE Census snapshot ON PAGE 9 “The damage to the boardwalk also OA SD.” PAGE 2 x OSHKOSHHERALD.COM AUGUST 25, 2021 United Way campaign funds all of us Have you ever been flabbergasted by grams in the areas of childhood develop- the amount of money some GoFundMe Karen Schneider ment, financial stability and positive men- campaigns raise by people giving $10 or tal health. Programs, not agencies. This is 923 S. Main St. Suite C $20 each? Herald publisher important to me as it means my dollars Oshkosh, WI 54902 We can do this collectively to help aren’t just at one place but collectively those in our own community when we making a difference in Oshkosh. I want General information/customer pledge to the Oshkosh Area United Way. my “GoFundUs” dollars to do more. the 2017 Oshkosh United Way campaign service: Julie Vandenberg What does the United Way do for you? The Oshkosh Area United Way held and visit local workplaces holding their [email protected] You may not even realize that they did its campaign kick-off last week and Phone: 920-479-6301 anything for you, but one out of every own campaign kickoffs. At many of these announced this year’s goal of $1.7 mil- Website: www.oshkoshherald.com three people in our community are im- meetings workers shared stories on how lion. It sounds like a big number until we pacted by a service or program funded by they or someone they know was helped “GoFundUs” together. Visit oshkoshunit- News tips and story ideas the Oshkosh United Way. by a United Way funded program. A edway.org to hear from campaign chairs [email protected] I have donated through payroll deduc- parent whose child needed mental health Brenda Haines of Blue Door Consulting [email protected] tion to the campaign since first being services, a brother finding assistance for and Bryan Brandt from Oshkosh Corp., on asked at 16 when I worked at Copp’s on a sibling dealing with substance abuse, why we need you on the United Way team. Support the Oshkosh Herald Koeller Road. I gave because they asked a woman and her children needing to me, and if I’m being honest, I gave be- escape a domestic violence situation. Membership And then it hits you: These aren’t just A $50 annual membership cause I saw my own family as recipients of Development many of the programs they talked about. poor people problems. In fact, I just re- supports receiving the newspaper ferred a friend to 2-1-1 to find resources to weekly Call 920-479-6301 or visit For decades my donation came out of . help with an elderly parent and a new par- director named www.oshkoshherald.com/store my check like FICA, deducted from every ent to Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Kelly Nieforth, the city’s economic de- /membership. paycheck and I never missed it. For de- velopment services manager for the past cades I also believed that the United Way to instill the love of reading in their toddler – both United Way supported programs. five years, was named community devel- only helped the poor and disadvantaged. opment director, replacing Allen Davis Subscribe The 2021 campaign funded 38 pro- Then I had the opportunity to work on who retired July 9 after 11 years in the po- For $70 annually the Oshkosh sition. Herald is mailed to non-delivery 920-508-9000 www.oshkoshherald.com Nieforth, who had been interim com- areas via first-class mail.
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