November 2011 Inside this issue: The Lookout Athletic Awards 2 move up from advanced of great competition and it is Howard 3 Hear Our Hearts to elite, which will really interesting to watch make it more difficult to who they have to dance By: Alexa Lange against. The dancers must be Paula Wendholt 4 win. This means this extremely nervous during “To watch us dance year the dance team will competitions because one is to hear our hearts.” The have to work even harder, Recipe 5 mess up could dock points Forest Park Dance Team has than they already do. As and cause a loss. Even been extremely successful many people already know, though they have a lot of throughout the years. The dance takes a lot of time, ef- Rec Center 5 pressure on their shoulders, coach, Denise Heilers, is a fort, and practice to get it they always do their best. great example of an awesome right. The dance team re- White-tailed Fever 6 coach. Last year, her daugh- quires at least four days of I am sure the dance ter Taylor Heilers graduated practice after school, maybe team is going to rock your The Musical 7 showing a ton of love and even more sometimes. Even socks off this year with their tears at their last competition. though it takes a lot of effort, new routines. Be sure to This year for the 2012 season, you can tell the dancers love come out and support the Gamers Unite 8 the dance team consists of six to dance. You can just tell by dance team at their competi- seniors. Kalyn Wendholt and the expressions on their faces tions. The louder the cheers, Adi Dilger are the senior cap- that they adore it. Liking the happier they are. Volleyball 9 your activity always makes it tains. Junior Andi Kempf is also the dance captain. The better. Mystery Baby 10 other seniors include Erin Not only do they Schaefer, Shelby Bettag, Re- have to learn three competi- bekah Thomas, and Kyla Alt- tion dances, but they also Paranormal Activity 11 mann. have to learn other dances for For competitions, the football and basketball Basketball 10 dancers dance to hip hop, games. Some of these dances kick, and pom. Last year at include Christmas, country, the state competition, they got jazz, and many others. Since Teen Driving 11 first in kick in the elite com- they have to dance non-stop petition. They also received for at least three or four minutes, you can tell how Bowling 12 first in pom and second in hip hop in the advanced competi- extremely tired they are. I tion. In kick, they only won have attended many of their Featured Athlete 13 by less than a point against competitions to cheer them their all-time kick rivals on. The competitions are full Crown Pointe. Since they of excitement and I love the won state last year, they must environment. They have a lot The Lookout Page 2 2011 Fall Athletic Awards Bailey Cronin As the green leaves turned to awarded the Mental Attitude Dakota Geyer was vibrant colors of orange, yel- Award. The Top Academic awarded Best Offensive Back. low, red and brown, the 2011 Award went to Libby Gress. Ben Braunecker received the fall sport seasons reached an Johannah Jackson received the titles of Best Reciever, Special end. Volleyball, tennis, foot- Top New Comer Award. Teams and Most Valuable Player. Lynk Kordes was named Best ball, boys’ and girls’ cross Volleyball: country, and boys’ and girls’ Offensive Lineman and Best De- soccer, all had a successful Kalyn Wendholt was fensive Lineman. Miles Leonard season. In honor of the dedica- awarded PAC All-State, De- received the Best Defensive Back tion, hard work, and time these fense, Points, and Most Valua- and Most Valuable Player Award. players and parents put forth ble Player. Samantha Hopf re- Jhett Bieker proudly was awarded during the season, every team ceived the Ace Award. Rebek- Most Improved and Mental Atti- had an award’s banquet. ah Thomas was awarded the tude. Mental Attitude Award. Kenzie Coaches review the statistics of Tennis: the season and award the player Weyer received the Kill Award who has worked the hardest in and was also made the PAC All- Vaughn Buechler re- that category. Other awards are State Team. Katie Fischer re- ceived the Coach’s Award. Jake given out that may be the ceived the Blocking Award. Meyer earned the title as Most coach’s pick or as an inside Kayla Brahm was awarded the Valuable Player. Sam Beckman joke. Serving Award. Sydney Berg was titled the Most Improved had the Most Assists. Rebekah Player. The Mental Attitude Starting with the Ranger Cross Thomas, Kalyn Wendholt, Bai- Award went to Brian Hurst. Country Teams: ley Cronin, and Allison Hoff- Boys: Brian Lindaur man were all honored as PAC was titled the Most Valuable All-Academic. Soccer: Player. Shawn Verkamp re- Football: Girls: Adi Dilger was ceived the Mental Attitude named the Most Valuable Player Award. The Top Academic and Golden Foot of the team. Award went to Austin Haake. Rachel Lueken was titled the De- Cody Flamion was awarded the fensive Most Valuable Player. Top New Comer Award. Amanda Jacob (Manner) received Girls: Nicole Rahman the Mental Attitude Award. Demi earned the name of Most Valua- Jahn was awarded Most Im- ble Player. Sara Brosmer was proved. November 2011 Page 3 ly Howard no By: Brett W. He is a teacher, a base- one has been doing this besides ball couch, a mentor, a friend, olds, 6 years old, and a 1 year Mr. Howard. Howard has a few and a father. The teacher I decid- old. Mr. Howard does a pro- pet peeves, he told me hates nega- ed to interview was my first pe- gram where students can take tive people, and students that talk riod Career Planning teacher, off half the day of school and back, and dry cheeseburgers (he Mr. Howard. work at a job of his or her choice. This program is called loves the grease!) As we all know Mr. Howard was born ICE (Interdisciplinary Coopera- Howard is the coach of the infa- in Owensboro Kentucky. He tive Education). Howard has 16 mous Forest Park baseball team, went to Msleal Country High students in his ICE program this so I asked him if he has any favor- School. In high school he partic- year. I asked Mr. Howard what itism towards baseball players. ipated in baseball and basket- his favorite period was, and he Howard answered he is actually ball. Howard has been teaching told me he loved every single of harder on baseball players. at Forest Park for 14 years. He them. Howard met his wife, Mrs. How- has been coaching the Forest ard, our excellent librarian, in high Park baseball team for a little It’s a ritual in my ca- school. She wrote him letters and over11 years. I asked Mr. How- reer planning class that some- called him for years wanting to go ard what was his favorite thing one brings donuts once a week. out. Finally he gave in. about teaching. He answered he So I along with other students loves interacting with students, hope that someone can pick this every day is a new challenge. He up. Howard says he wants bis- also says no two days are alike. cuits and gravy on Monday and Donuts on Friday. Unfortunate- My second question I asked how many kids he has. Howard told me he has 3 kids; one is 8 year The Lookout Page 4 Mom, Secretary, and Friend: Paula Wendholt Shows Her Hard Work in School and Life By Erin Schaefer Have you ever had to call in sick to school, or because you will be late due to a doc- as she interacts with many stu- tor’s appointment? Did you dents, staff, and others each day. ever take time to think about Paula works extremely hard to who answered the phone and keep our school running smoothly took care of your absence? That by delivering messages throughout is Paula Wendholt, our school the day. At the end of the grading secretary, and she does much periods, and for midterms, she is in more than that. As secretary, charge of getting grades together Paula has many roles at Forest and printing out progress reports Park, including attendance, an- and report cards. Along with this, swering the phones, and any- Paula has the responsibility of call- thing that is brought to the of- ing in substitute teachers if we fice by students, parents, or FP have an absent teacher. staff. During the summer when Paula graduated from we are on break and having fun, Heritage Hills High School in Paula comes in to the school to 1986. She then went to college prepare for the coming school year. at Vincennes University Jasper She is at FP if students or parents Campus. Before her secretarial have questions or concerns with position at Forest Park, Paula their classes. She makes herself was employed by Memorial available to provide assistance to Hospital and also BR Associ- anyone in need. ates. She is now married to About a year ago, Paula Stan Wendholt, and they have was diagnosed with breast cancer. three children: Ally, Ben, and She fought and beat the cancer and Grace. When she is not at is now cancer free. This shows school, Paula stays busy with Paula’s success not only in the Ally’s volleyball and basketball office, but also in life.
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