FREE COPY FOOTBALL THE NEWSPAPER FOR SOUTHERN SPAIN Back to work Official market leader for Malaga Audited by PGD/OJD August 2nd to 8th 2019 Femenino www.surinenglish.com The revamped squad News 2 Health & Beauty 46 have returned from their Comment 26 My Home 49 Lifestyle 28 Sport 53 summer break ahead of 40 57 What To Do Classified the new season P55 in English Food & Drink 44 Time Out 62 Residents use MARBELLA’S ART ATTRACTION new law to stop Forty galleries from around the world are exhibiting at the modern and contemporary art fair in the congress centre P28 holiday lets in their blocks Communities now have more flexibility to restrict their neighbours, but property managers warn there is still confusion A recent law that allows communi- ment fees of those owners who rent ties of owners to more effectively to holidaymakers. control how many homes in their But the provincial association of blocks or estates are rented out to management agents, who are in- tourists is starting to bear fruit. forming homeowners about the law, Owners can restrict new holiday says there is still a lack of clarity over lets or even increase the manage- what parts of it mean. P2 Traffic police launch drone to monitor the Costa’s main roads and catch offending drivers Officials from the DGT traffic but will spot visible offences, such agency and the Guardia Civil have as using a mobile phone or erratic presented their new drone for the overtaking, and issue fines. Malaga area, which started operat- The launch coincided with the ing this week. start of the 1 August getaway on The 25-minute flights won’t be the area’s roads, the busiest of the able to catch speeding motorists summer. P20 More than just recycling. The Goyas are coming to The Zero Waste movement Malaga. The Spanish Film is gaining ground among Academy has confirmed consumers looking to live the city as host for next Some of the works on display this week at Art Marbella. :: GABRIELA BERNER sustainably P34&35 year’s award ceremony P10 Nerja Cave to stop live performances as fears grow over the site’s conservation and spectator safety P14 22222222 August 2nd to 8th 2019 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH Communities of owners are starting to ban or restrict holiday lets in apartment blocks “The new law came into force with immediate effect, but there are still some uncertainties over whether the law allows a total ban on apart- JUAN SOTO ments being used for holiday lets or only a restriction on numbers, @JJSotoT whether it can be applied all year round, and whether it has to apply The rule can’t be to the entire building or can be re- backdated, but it allows stricted to certain floors,” he says. One of these cases has already been neighbours to vote to validated by the Malaga Property increase community Registry. “The owners were very fees by up to 20% on concerned about the problem and wanted to take action as soon as pos- holiday lets sible,” he explains. MALAGA. The sound of suitcases Change in the rules being pulled along, loud music and It is now easier to regulate proper- conversations in the early hours ties which are used for tourism than have become normal for María it was a few months ago, because Ángeles Sicilia and her neighbours. originally every owner in a commu- They live in Calle Ollerías in nity had to agree. Now, a majority Malaga city, and for more than two of three-fifths is deemed sufficient, years several apartments in their although every owner has to take block have been used for holiday part in the vote. If some fail to at- lets. They say they find it hard to tend the meeting, the management sleep because of the disturbance. agent has to contact them to explain “It’s logical, they’re on holiday the situation and ask whether they and they forget that other people agree with or reject the proposal. live here,” says María Ángeles. This The provincial delegate of the Col- is why, when the government ap- lege of Property Registrars, María proved a new set of urgent regula- García, admits that there are still tions for holiday properties in March An apartment block in Marbella. :: JOSELE doubts and unknown aspects about this year, this particular community the new Royal decree. The fact that of owners lost no time in prohibit- a series of tools to prevent any more to be approved, three-fifths of the La Malagueta and even Teatinos have it has only been in force for a short ing them. being used for this purpose and it is owners must vote in favour. been the first to take action. Emilio time and the number of people who Although the new law has only also possible to charge the owners Community administrators say Raya Castillo has already organised are keen to restrict holiday lets in been in force for a short time, it has extra fees or to increase their share owners of apartments in Malaga city restrictions on holiday lets in two their apartment blocks has led to nu- come as a huge relief for communi- of communal expenses by up to 20 centre and the nearby districts of blocks in the historic city centre and merous enquiries. ties of owners in Malaga province. per cent. For any of these measures Carretera de Cádiz, Paseo Marítimo, on the seafront. “Many communities don’t know Community management agents say they are overwhelmed with re- quests for information and are cur- rently holding two or three meet- munal washing lines. ings a week about the situation. Fran- Bans have included holiday lets on certain Francisco, who gave a talk on cisco González Palma, a legal advi- the new law to a large audience at sor at the Colegio de Administrado- floors and the use of communal facilities the College last week, believes res de Fincas, the provincial body many of the measures which are overseeing management agents, says being put into force by commu- “a lot of people are worried and all nities of owners could be thrown the communities want to limit the :: J. SOTO law, which does not make it clear gal advisor at the Colegio de Ad- out by the courts on the grounds number of holiday properties to avoid MALAGA The increase in the whether holiday lets can be ministradores de Fincas, says every that they are not legal. problems in the future”. number of apartments which are banned completely or only re- community is different and has He says it is vital to study any Although the new regulations being used for holiday lets in stricted, has led to some owners its own problems and proposals. type of potential ban in detail, and cannot be applied retroactively - Malaga has exercised the ingenu- taking extreme measures, includ- In some, he says, they want to provide full information and evi- properties which were already reg- ity of many communities of own- ing banning holiday clients from stop apartments being used for dence. “For example, it won’t be istered for tourism with the Junta ers who want to restrict this type using communal facilities and holiday lets on certain floors of enough if there has only been an de Andalucía can continue to be of tourism as much as possible. smoking. the block, or stop these clients us- occasional problem with a visi- rented for holidays - they do provide Potential loopholes in the new Francisco González Palma, a le- ing the swimming pool or com- tor,” he stresses. August 2nd to 8th 2019 3 SUR IN ENGLISH NEWS At least seven Costa maximum temperatures were almost communities in Malaga city have already banned holiday lets two degrees warmer than normal in July The first to take action Meteorologists blame Experts predict a were owners in blocks the rise on global low risk of jellyfish in the city centre and warming and prevailing nearby districts westerly winds off the affecting bathers land on some days this August :: IGNACIO LILLO :: I. LILLO how to register the restriction, what MALAGA. Temperatures on the MALAGA. They’re one of the it involves or how much it is going Costa continue their upward things beachgoers on the Costa to cost the owners,” she says. climb, with above-average highs are most scared of, but this year The head of the Colegio de Ad- in July. Provisional data from the they’ve hardly been noticed. Un- ministradores de Fincas, Alejandro Aemet weather station, at El Cón- like last year, swarms of stinging Pestaña, is aware of at least seven sul near Malaga Airport, shows jellyfish along the water’s edge blocks in Malaga city where holiday that the average daily maximum have been few and far between. lets have been restricted. Although temperature was 32.4 degrees last “This is a normal summer; he points out that this type of tour- month, 1.9 degrees more than the there has been just the odd [jel- ism can be positive for the city, he 1980-2010 average. lyfish] on certain days but a lot is aware that it can also cause prob- Also rising were the nighttime fewer than 2018,” said Jesús Bel- lems such as noise, excessive use of minimum temperatures, as many lido, expert at Malaga’s Aula del communal facilities and a lack of se- who had trouble sleeping last Tourists enjoying a reserved sunbed area in Marbella. :: JOSELE Mar oceanographic centre. curity because doors are always open.
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