& GOVERNSIENT GAZETTE Publed by Authority Vol, LIX, No, 73. 27th NOVEMBER, 1981 Price 30c _ General Notice 1096 of 1981, RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWE ACT (CHAPTER 173] Statement of Assets and Liabilities of tho Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe IN terms of sootlon 20 of the’ Reserve Bank of Zimbabwo Act (Chapter 173), 0 statomont of the assels and linbiltties of the Reserve ‘Bank of Zimbabwo as at the 13th Novembor, 198!, Is published In the | chedule, B. WALTERS, -27—=11=81, Sc . Secretary to the Treasury, HEDU STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS AT THE arn NOVEMBER, [981 . Liabilittes 5 Assets 5 Capital , . Cone ee ote 2.000 000 Gold and foreign assets... «,. + 150761570 General Reserve Fund Pe ee * 6000 000 Loans and advanees , to : 62 102 000 Currency {n circulation. i, . 193039 344 Internal investments— . 286 177 474 Deposits and other liabilities to the publi . § 308 405 307 Government stock . — 86 826 600 Other liabilities 2... 40, , 106 784 785 Other . an 199 350 871 . Otherassets .. ew et we ew a) 47188395 $616229436 | 8616229436 | ‘General Notice 1097. of 1981. _ (b) his objection and the grounds therefor, on Form R.M.T. ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT [CHAPTER 262] - 24, together with two copies thereof, so as to reach the © ‘Controller’s office not later than the 8th January, 1982. Renewalof Road Service Permits _ e Any person objecting to an application for the issue or amendment of a road service permit must confine his grounds of objection to matters directly bearing on the considerations HOLDERSof road service permits which‘are due to expire referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), or (f) of section on the 31st January, 1982, are reminded that applications for 8 of the said Act. , renewal thereof must be lodged, on form R.M.T. 8, with the Controller of Road Motor Transportation, P.O. Box 8332, R. N. TSOMONDO, Causeway, not later than the IstJanuary, 1982. 27-11-81. Controller of Road “Motor Transportation. - Subsection (2) of section 9 of the Road Métor Transportation “Act [Chapter 262], provides that the Controller shall not ScHEDULE . consider any application for. the renewal ofa. road service - MOTOR-OMNIBUSES. permit unless it is lodged with him, at least 30 days before | Amendments its date of expHY. F. K. Makorie (Pvt) Lid. _R..N, TSOMONDO, . O/774/81. Permit: 14795. Motor-omnibus. Passenger- 27-11-81. Controller of Road Motor "Transportation. capacity: 64. Route 1: Lundi School - Shabani - Chibi turn-off - Chibi - General Notice’ 1098 of 198. Office - Fort Victoria - Buddy Store - Mandere - Masarasara. ~ Route 2: Shabani - Siboza - Bulashaba - Mapanzure -.Lundi ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT (CHAPTER 262] Bridge|- Selukwe - ‘Guinea Fowl- Gwelo. Route 3: To operate as and when required on three “con-- Applications ip Connexion with Road Service Permits secutive days at the beginning and end of each school term for the carriage of persons connected with school activities ‘IN terms of subsection (4) of section 7 of the Road Motor to and from Gokomere Mission along the main Victoria— Transportation Act. [Chapter 262], noticeis hereby given that Umvumaroad for a distance of 19 kilometres. the applications detailed in the Schedule, for the issue or. By— . amendment of road service permits, have been received for the consideration of the Controller of Road: Motor Transportation. ‘Route 1— Any person wishing to object fo any such application must (a) extension of route from Masarasara - Mandini - lodge with the: Controller of Road Motor Transportation, Mabagwashe Township- Maregere School; P.O. Box 8332, Causeway— - {b) extension of route from Lundi School - Selukwe- - (a) a notice, in writing, of his intention to ‘object, so as to Gwelo; . reach’ the Controller's office not later than the 18th (c) alteration to times; December, 1981; and: (d) increase in frequencies; — 1200 ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 2° TH NovEeMBER,1981 (e) deletion of Route 2; Gokwe - Nhongo Township - Makore Cross - Chimbandi . Store - Chief Nembudziya.. (f). increase in passenger-capacityz to 76.: 7. By: Extension of route from Chief Nembudziya - The service operates as follows— Kadzidirire - ‘Gumunyu. , Route 1— : The service operates as follows— (a) depart Shabani Monday 8.15 a.m., arrive Masarasara (a) depart Bulawayo Monday and Wednesday 9 am., ‘p.m.; arrive Chief Nembudziya 6.20 p.m.; (b) depart Lundi School Wednesday. and Friday 6 a.m., (b) depart Bulawayo Friday _6 p.m.” arrive ‘Chief ” arrive Masarasara 4 p.m.; Nembudziya 3.20 a.m; (c) depart Masarasara Tuesday and Thursday4 a.m, (c) depart. Chief Nembudziya Tuesday and Thursday arrive Lundi School 2.30 p.m,; 6,55 a.m., arrive Bulawayo 4.15 p.m.; —@) depart Masarasara Saturday 4 a.m., arrive ‘Shabani depart Chief Nembudziya Sunday 855 am, arrive 10.50 a.m. ‘Bulawayo 6,15 p.m. Route Z— ; (a) depart Shabani Saturday 2 pm, arrive Gwelo 4,40 The service to operate as follows—~ p™M.; (a) depart Bulawayo Monday and Wednesday 9° am., (b) depart Shabani. Sunday 12.01. p.m., arrive Gwelo 2.40 arrive Gumunyu7,35 p.m,; PM; (b) depart Bulawayo Friday 6,p.m,, arrive Gumunyu 4,35 (c) depart Gwelo Sunday 7,45 a.m,, arrive Shabani 10,25 ATL} “R, my (c) depart Gumunyu Tuesday and Thursday 6.40 am, (d) depart ‘Gwelo. Sunday 3 pm, arrive Shabani 7.40 arrive Bulawayo 4.15 p.m; (dy cepart‘Gumunyu Sunday 7,40 | a.m.,. arrive Bulawayo . The service to operate as follows— (a) depart Gwelo Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6.35 J, Mtshumayeli (Pvt.) Ltd, | a.m., arrive Maregere School 6,15 p.m3 _ 'O/1101/81.- Permit: 13291, Motor-omnibus, ‘Passenger- . (b) depart Gwelo Sunday 7.45 a.m., arrive Shabani 10.25 ‘capacity: 76, a,m.5 Route: Bulawayo - ‘Nyamandhlovu ~ Tjolotjo - Mazibisa - (c) depart Gwelo Sunday 5 p.m., arrive Shabani 7.40 p.m; Matambo Store - Jowa School-- ‘Chief Mswingana - Ntogo (d) depart Maregere School Tuesday and Thursday, 2.30 Store - Dhlamini - Demba-- Nkosikazi - ‘Sodaka- Gwa- a.m., arrive Gwelo 12.30 p.m.; bazabuya ~ Gibixegu - Korodziba. {e). depart Maregere School Saturday 2.30 am.,, arrive By—. ° ‘Gwelo 4.40 p.m.; (a) extension of route from Korodziba to -‘Selborne Line; (2) depart Shabani Sunday 12.01 p.m., arrive 'Gwelo 2.40 (b) alteration to times; p.m.; (c) increase in frequencies, “ (g) depart Shabani Monday 3.20 a.m., arrive Gwelo 6 a.m. The service operates as follows— i ’ M. Siduna. ‘ ey : (a) depart Bulawayo Tuesday ,8 a.m., arrive Korodziba » O/1089/81. Permit: 13202. Motor-omnibus. Passenger- . p.m.; capacity: 64, (b) depart Bulawayo Friday 7 p.m, arrive ‘Korodziba 1.10 Route 1: ‘Mount Silinda -- ‘Chipinga ~ New Year’s Gifi - am; Birchenough Bridge - ‘Chikuku Store - Nyika Store - () depart Bulawayo Saturday 1.30 p.m., arrive Korodziba. Sosera - Mtilikwe - Fort ‘Victoria. 7.40 p.m.; Route 2: To operate as and when requized during three (d) depart Bulawayo Sunday.7.30 p.m., arrive. Korodziba consecutive days at the beginning and end of each school 1.40 a.m.;. term for the, carriage of persons connected with school (e) depart Korodziba ‘Monday and Wednesday 6.05 a.m, activities to and from Fort Victoria and— arrive Bulawayo 12.30 p.m.; (a) Zowe; and ( depart Korodziba Saturday 2.05 a.m., arrive Bulawayo . “(b) Jersey; and 8.30 a.m.3 (c) Littleshook Tea Estate schools; and (g) depart Korodziba Sunday 12.05 p.m., arrive Bulawayo. (d) Mount Silinda Mission; and 6.30 p.m, - (e) Chikore. The service to operate as follows— By— (a) depart Bulawayo Tuesday and Thursday8am, arrive (a) increase in fares: Selborne Line 2.40 p.m; (b) increase in frequencies, . (b) depart Bulawayo Friday 7..p.m., arrive Selborne Line { 140 am.; ‘The service operates as follows— _ () depart Bulawayo Saturday 1.30 pm., arrive Selborne — Route 1— Line 8.10 p.m,; (a) depart Mount Silinda Wednesday 7.30 am., arrive (d) depart Bulawayo Sunday 7.30 pm. arrive Selborne. Fort. Victoria 3 p.m.3 « Wine 2:10 am; (b)- depart Mount Silinda Sunday 8 am., arrive Fort (e) depart Selborne Line Monday, Wednesday and Friday * Victoria 3.30 p.m; - . 5.35 a.m., arrive Bulawayo 12.30 p.m.; _{c) depart Fort Victoria Monday. and Thursday 8.30 (f) depart Selborne Line Saturday 3,35 am., arrive Bula- a.m., arrive Mount Silinda 4.30 p.m. wayo 10.30 a.m.; (g) depart Selborne Line Sunday . ‘11.35 am., arrive. Bula- The service to operate as follows— - -wayo 6.30 p.m. (a) depart Mount Silinda Wednesday. 7.30 a.m, arrive Fort Victoria 3 p.m; O/1102/81. Permit: 73353, Motor-omnibus. Passenger- (b) depart Mount Silinda Priday 6 am, arrive Fort capacity: 76. * Victoria 1.30 p.m.; Route: Bulawayo - Nyamandhlovu - Tjolotjo - Matole .- e (c) depart Mount Silinda Sunday 8 am,, arrive FpetVie Ngoma - Sendanga Dam - Tshibizizeka - Tulamela - toria 3.30 p.m.; ‘‘Nyanganyuni + Dzimidza- Chief Siposo - Dzimidza - . (d). depart Fort .Victoria Monday and Thursday 8.30.a.1., ‘Gwande 1. arrive MountSilinda 4.30 p.m.; By— po {e) depart Fort Victoria Friday 5. 30 pm, arrive Mount (a) alteration to days and Silinda 12 midnight. times of operation; _ (b) increase in frequencies, Mazise Transport (Pvt.) Ltd. The service operates as follows— 0/1099/81, Permit: 23339. Motor-omnibus, ' Passenger- (a) depart Bulawayo Tuesday and Thursday 110,30 a.m, capacity: 76, arrive Gwande 1 3.50 p.m,;. ‘Route: ‘Bulawayo - Queen’s Mine - ‘Lonely Mine - Gwampa - | (b) depart Bulawayo Saturday 1.30 p.m., arrive Gwande 1 Mkal - Nesikwe - Nyaje Township - Lutope Bridge “ _ 6.50 PMs = ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 27TH NOVEMBER, 1981 1201 .
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