JOJN't -~- NAVY " ~ijNCE STyl)Y, ,, ~ .· • oi • . ·C.relebes Seta Area ' ·(. I . ~ JOINT .INTELLIGENCE snJD;Y PUBLISHING BO.Ul.D .May ; 1~4 Ii. •• ' ' DIQUl&I7UI BJ AUtkOl'ltJ ot ____ :res 1t•tar. "bf'·ll -') 1,_A_ n.u. JJI. I! ll1S \I JANIS 155 ,............... CHAPTER VII Non-rerfstereJ JOINT ARMY-NAVY INTELLIGENCE STUDY OF CELEBES SEA AREA TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS DICLASSl'fII D • 81 Authority or_ MAy 1944 :JCS /Ille(, Z-.2Sji\ ay sft Duo LJ 3 1 ~75 C....• r ... N.._ c.o-,.. ...... ........ -- ... • Orip.l t .. L1oc el Uo<d,,. ...... ..i T.W. el C..-, Qopw VD - . Orip.l Teat°"""--> ........ .... .. .. OrilW ,,. VB-l .. \l1M r..-c-.-w..t> · . onp.I l'lpo vu.u Plpw(i-.. ....... w..t) . • Orip.l l'lpoVU.U ,,. Vll-9 .. VII-JG T........... .. • OrlflMl ..,_vu.,, Plpw a-<. -Waol<) . • Orl&lul Tac...ir;,- . .. • • Orl,iul pp. vtl-11 .. vu..u ........ o-.. ...- bboli). Ori,rlaal .,...VIl-4, Toc...iFi,- . ... Orip.l pp. Vll-23 ., VD.}l . o.ipu I od ""!'ea...~ ...... w.u:> T ab/4 of Co#ttnts N-'ll>lo t:Upoor io ...... cm .....W anibhk la W.W..- O.C. oo 1S April~. Page (1) BuUan !Jbnd . vn.20 JO, GENl!P.AL • • . VD'"'· l • VD · 1 0) Jolo lobnd • • VD -ll A. TrarupocucioCI (-0 Tawiuwl w-1 . Vll·ll • VD· I 8. Coaurnaciadom • o>c.,.,.... s.i. w....s . Vll·ll 7L RA!Ul0AD5 , , • . vn . 8.- ..... VD-11 A. North Borneo St•ce bilwar • • . VII. (l) llcldob Nonh Bomoo • Vll- ll ( J) Admialttradoa a.ad pmOOOd . VU · I (1) 0.cdl- . vn .11 (l ) G.ag.. odlcap . • . VD· l P. Nonl>o<o Cd.bta ""'°' . vn . 11 . VU · l 0) T..U .od ripu d way 7). WA TU 'l'JlANSPOllT • , • Vll-24 • ( •) Rollin& otoclt . VD · 1 A. C.Oa1tal la1tr-iob.n4 . vn . 2-4 0 ) Sp«dl .od tuln ""'ka . VD · 1 .o.t (1) Nc.Wlanda EaH ladia ( 6) T..ir.: • • • . VI1.1 . vn -1• (1) Pbilipploo Wand. • . • VU - 14 (7)Suricm.odohop . VU· 1 • vn . 14 (a) Volnenbl• poina . VD· ) 0) l!riO&l> Nonh - • B. Wand •• . •••• . vn . 15 B. Ochtt railway• • . VD· ) (l) Halmahcn - • • . vn . u n. ROAD5 AND nAlLS • . VU· 7 (l) S.0,U..Talaod.....,. Vll·lS A. K.tJmAben. l(!{tOf . VD· 7 (l } Miod•n•0 lleCtOr .VTI·lS • (1) Morow blood . VD· 7 (•)Salo Al<hlpct.~ .. .VU-1} (2) Hdnubtn . VD · a o>-· . .... vu· 16 O) TcnuuW.od . vu . a (6) Nonlwo C.W.. '*"" . vu .us . VD· ( •) Tcd<><. J.o.Uod • a 1 .. v.mo . ...... vn . 29 (S) Bocjao W...U • VD. a 7S. Tl!l.l!GlAFH, 'I'BlBPHONI!, AND SUllMAlJNE B. San,gJb~Talaud N«Of . VD · a CA.81.E • • • • • . • Vll· )l . VD · C. M.inda.oao a.ct-tor • • • a . Vll- )1 ( I) Goaa.J du,.c- . • VD · a A. N<Cbe<laod> £ut lodia (l) D<tcripaoo el iadi•iduJ .,.,... Vu . 10 .. Pllilipploo w....u . \11-JI . VTI-Jl D. Sulia Art.bipda.go , ... VD ·lO C. Briti&h Nonh - (I) Gc0ttal • • • • . • . VII -10 76. PlINOPAL SO!JllCES . VU- ll DICLASSlFnD a >.utbor\\1 or· ___ _ _ 1 : \!Alfi 7-)S.:z( ..J-~$ • ' ' f S@. ~ ato J\ll ,1 1 !07C 7 • Chapter VII P•1• VII · f TRANSPORTATION ANO COMMUNI CATIONS 70. General EllC"llhtrt com.mutlicaboa WU '"'Jd1 ... wfttlCS& from • {~ Kl ttC'Kd twloN. Exct1n•I commu.a.iatioru W<te l11gtly by wirdcu (TAeLe To mike 8f"~r.liuciom ttg.tdin& cht u1ntporution aM VH • 7) 1.hhol.l8h t.httt were 1n,-:nJ aubmat:ln.r cabJcs coonm· rommunK'lt1on flloCi lhin of dlr Ctlt hft St• Ard ii diffi.cuh, ing 1hc tt1;1.ioo co neighborins un.a. TI'ICtC luttt iacli.ackd che aina thrtt •re gra1 vu iat M:iru in tht dtgrer ol nplolcu.ion or lintt from a..dlilngao, MtPmit Octidmtt.l. 10 N tgt'OI hJ,ancb, ~·doprnctu of •ta ~·ulOW IC'pnmtt.. h oin ~nhdcu bt wd from Mcmpab.J 10 Singapote "'* vbw... from ~tanado co rha.t no roroOft ol dx ~So' hu a fu.Ur dtwlopa:l ot ~u t.J. Y•r. from MaAldo to 81.lik,..pM; and from Knnti., TUJ»a". aoctd tytttm ol tn~ cw mmmUftic.1.00. If <OmJ'*I· ~ •tt mtck •adun tht n-gioa. cht Phlhppnn. Bc...b North •nd ,_.._ ot Nonhc'tn Ctkhct a.n ~Ir Borneo. 71. Railroads be, p.iJ CO be me Ktvrd. n earner railroad m the rtg.oo it d~ C'i<N· A. Tn.1uponation. 'Tilif ooly wmmo t rnrncnt-ov.-DN k1ilw11 y of 611t11h Nouh Borneo. All oditr1 W•tt t It by lat tht 1rl(llH import11.nt mttru of turuportation. •l't' prtV'!t' hgh1 ratl...,·1;)·1, and 11"10H of ~m uc c>ptn c«I by tk(orr tht l>acahc Wu. ocet.n·s<Mng •nd cou1.1J sh1Pf nwk lumbtr <ompan'" for hauling ri.mbct, ft"gul11 a.JI• H 111 rbe luscr poru: tht rouol 1h1p1 alto oJlt'd at 'vr/ mi.new pom~ -~·er argon •'rtt av1..1la.bk. IA -.:ldJ. A. NOf"th Borneo Sttte h1l•'•Y· 'o'Uit'lt ol about 100 COM pou ~ dcra-n llO oon. nauw (I I AJ,,U.uJr-Mi<>• ...J p,-r1o•wl. ~gouc cuoa lftO'\·rd /ttdy from •1'nd to.,....,_, ud aSoo.g rhr 1'br Sutt R..U~y of Btrtllb ~onh Botnro u 09-'ard and Cot;MJ Inland •-attra:&yt.. a.fthoqh not .t0 ~ u *Ct orenttd by I~ Benish Nonh Bornro ComF'&Of· a cbatttml fa.on. •r~ of grnc Joa.I imporuna ti.net t.nd iwca u 'I <Omj)llny In 1931. tbc Raalrocad wu .dm1nattttd bf• Gen whole \\(t( roorly tkvdopN. All IYJ1libk uvi.pblit scmims C"t11J ..p:r 11.nd l..ocotnof1'\t S..1rer1nttnden1. 2 PermaMnt we-rt uul1ttd by n.111\·t bli.ooaJ, pra1n. and du,gouu ILDd, if deep f\t.n u 1 Assisr.ant Locomoclve Supt"tintendt'RC and t-nouJth, by C\"KlU•I ttHtnen. W•y l3ng11'\ttn; •n A«0un1anc 11.nd Traffic Offi«r, •idcJ by an Amiic m ff of 'l1lC t'nllft l\llll\ t populuioft b highly '-k1ll N in rhit UK and I )0 1t11lonnwu:n. ckrb, guards, d1t\·en. firunen, tid:n 11~nu, conMtUU•on of oucr'88Cr Ix»~ "l'bi1 11 J»rtK'Ululy true o( the Mot0tot thtSu.l11SvidM1ndJ.nao,and chf T~b.GJ.leo roners, and dt-anen. I.as.. and 0,.Jolot. ol Halmabcn.. 1'he: land and \.UC't}' oi nan\'f' ol l1) G... ,, •-" ''"''"· bc»ri " ~u J tui.tturd h) • ctu.. &auon an.t clieta1paan 1lw ndtold • ol mcur PJ~ (}'},.... , and nun ff(llft attt. (Tope 7 }. A (I ) ). lhosc .,._ tht HalMahtta. jt"Urlcon to &.Jon C)7 inda l and thtncw: to T mom ( ;o lft tht Q:kbe:f Sn: Tht dn'd()rcntnt of latld Wnspotl;tUOft m1kt) alonJ tbC" P.tdas R.i"·n pp. from Tmom a bn.nch ruM region ha.I been handicapped bf all cht dnnung heron en• notlh 10 Md1Jap (9 m1JaJ. Ano.Mr brilnch niru from Bcw­ in; dense "'tV­ oountc-rtd in the rtopte•l Ease Ind hew.vy u1nhU. (011 to Wt':4ton (20 mdt1) on ihe COitJt ol Brune• Day. A fnry t'.HiOtt, ticu11 in, and a low level of KU•'IOmk ocploic:nion. t0u,11h is m~m111!na! H lkaufon ll('ll»J rhc PW•• R1,-er co crunipon Tl..r "•h'C of dr'·clopmttu of cht- land r0111 tJ "lltin horn polid· pas5C'n,,;tt, and h'Ood• btt"A·ttn 8t;iufon 11nd Dc-.ufon South s1•• al u.nu to pol1cte1.I unit. Tht: molt sad"'•n<t'd •)st<':m IJ found on ooni. Tlv 1otal lengch of l1nr ,......., 116 m1ln ( 119. 1 mi!et in· dw:tt ttt 2,176 main of imrr~·cd roeds. Odirr f\i1 00.nao. whttt clU1!tn11 i.rurs) llod rht conl IC"n~th of tn<'-1' wu 12) MiJe1 Nordl Sor· arni ..11h mott rhan prienfti,•e S)'MfftU IJt' &r1Wh (fKil'l JIJ VJ[· 39). rwo,, • httt lktt arr 12) d'llks o( ntlroed, and lhl' Muu.haP duu1'1 ol 1hr Northnn U.Jcbes. •itrtt dwn- • • wdl..,.-doped lJ) Tr«••-' ri1h: of u .., "" ol l>o<h """'"'and ~rood..,,,. ..... ~ No dn&JJitJ mlormauon tt anihb~ C'OnCWmn,g uad, r11ht am n the Ouc<h p0n.on of ootthcrn 6ouxo.. •ht:rit tbC" to.ti.re ol ....y. or ckanntt Cio-!m.&) r• 11'C' nu.111 line ii 1.. d t)'MC'm ('ORJIJtl of tho" sttttt:hti ol n;a.uve ,,.,1 Of uadc:s. wuh 60 ~ r•&b. whale sidings u 1ll UJC" 30-p:>iutid fl.ll.S. Tiit' ~.,c11y or n hides of 1111 Q'prt-fttU.. bqclcs. ~n. Av111!1ble rhotogn~ Sttm IO 1nd!C9IC 1h,u the s~ng o( lit"t 1r1Kk.,. 11nd buJt't-c\'M in <he pteW-olr rcnoJ, h1t1 00 dwbr bec-n is • bou1 2 ftt1, an1er [0 ttn iet ( F1c.,u11.11 VII I), Broken scone i.c«nn,111 1ed tod11y, 11nd 1bc chit-f mt'iln, of conveyf..ntt mu51 be i• u~ for b.Unt. pani<'ularly &( tc•oOnJ.. PhotQgrolphs sho-w native C•rnftt. r-tk 1tunu.Js. •nd 1m1'()ncd vehadn.. A K"'lr<iiy 1har 1hc chldcntN of balla.u •lt>nA tl'IC' hne I• belo"'· the- o:p:c1t'J ol mocOJ fucl a.hould also be anocipau-d.
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