USOO8484.338B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8.484.338 B2 Paster (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 9, 2013 (54) APPLICATION DETECTION 2005/0010765 A1 1/2005 Swander et al. ARCHITECTURE AND TECHNIOUES 2005, 0193429 A1 9/2005 Demopoulos et al. 2005/025 1856 Al 1 1/2005 Araujo et al. 2007/0071015 A1 3/2007 Wang et al. (75) Inventor: Steven B. Paster, San Carlos, CA (US) 2007/0220064 A1 9/2007 Najork 2007,0299777 A1 12/2007 Shraim et al. (73) Assignee: Actiance, Inc., Belmont, CA (US) 2008/0034073 A1 2/2008 McCloy et al. 2008, OO82662 A1 4/2008 Dandliker et al. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 3.s: A. 2. Wikman et al. past S.listed under 35 2008/0196085 A1 8/2008 Nagoya et al. .S.C. 154(b) by 806 days. 2009,0006592 A1 1/2009 Carter ........................... 709,223 2009 OO64330 A1 3/2009 Shraim et al. (21) Appl. No.: 12/568,073 2009/0070872 A1 3/2009 Cowings et al. 2009 OO77648 A1 3, 2009 Swander et al. (22) Filed: Sep. 28, 2009 2009.0109845 A1 4/2009 Andreasen et al. ........... 370,230 O O OTHER PUBLICATIONS (65) Prior Publication Data Genova, Z., and Christensen, K.J., “Using signatures to improve US 201O/OO85883 A1 Apr. 8, 2010 URL routing.” Performance, Computing, and Communications Con Relatedelated U.S. Application DatUata ference, 21st IEEE International, 2002, pp. 45-52. (60) Provisional application No. 61/102.343, filed on Oct. Primary Examiner — Thomas Dailey 2, 2008. Assistant Examiner — Ebrahim Golabbakhsh (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Kilpatrick Townsend & (51) Int. Cl. Stockton LLP G06F 5/73 (2006.01) G06F 2/14 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT (52) U.S. Cl. An application detection architecture and related techniques USPC ................................ 709/224; 726/23: 726/24 are provided for detecting, identifying, and managing net (58) Field of Classification Search work-based applications. In various embodiments, a com USPC ............................... 709/224, 203; 726/23, 24 bined layered approach to application detection and various See application file for complete search history. application-detection techniques provide for quick assess ments that move from simplest to complex for rapid detection (56) References Cited of unauthorized or misbehaving applications in communica tion with one or more computer networks. This layering, in U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS some embodiments, further provides scalability and speed for 6,606,663 B1 8/2003 Liao et al. determining and implementing policies that may be appli 6,629,246 B1 9/2003 Gadi, cable to detected network-based application, users, groups, or 7,200,634 B2 4/2007 Mendiola et al. 7,626.991 B2 12, 2009 Dollar et all devices associated with unauthorized network-based applica 7,707.40 B2 * 4/2010 Miller et al. ... T13,153 tions sending or receiving data via a computer network. 7,793,342 B1 9, 2010 Ebrahimi et al. 7.933,221 B1 * 4/2011 Pawar et al. .................. 370,253 21 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets NETWORK Tragic MANASER TRANSCEWERMCDULE 205 NBOUND OUTEOUND 223 230 NetWork traffic MOUL SP MP CUSTOM ENGINE ENGINE dissector 24 24 250 POLICYMODULE 213 OLICYs ACTIONMODULE US 8,484.338 B2 Page 2 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2010.0085883 A1* 4/2010 Paster ........................... 370,252 2009/0328219 A1 12/2009 Narayanaswamy 2010, 0162348 A1* 6, 2010 Narayanan etal. ............... T26.1 2010/0083382 A1* 4/2010 Farley et al. .................... T26/24 * cited by examiner U.S. Patent US 8.484.338 B2 U.S. Patent Jul. 9, 2013 Sheet 2 of 7 US 8.484.338 B2 NETWORK TRAFFIC MANAGER 120 TRANSCEIVERMODULE 205 INBOUND OUTEBOUND 225 230 NETWORK TRAFFIC MODULE 210 SIP MIP CUSTOM ENGINE ENGINE DISSECTOR 240 245 250 POLICY MODULE C C 215 POLICY DB 255 ACTION MODULE 220 U.S. Patent Jul. 9, 2013 Sheet 3 of 7 US 8.484.338 B2 300 Start nput: TCP/UDP Packet 310 HTTP Parsing SIP Matching MP Matching Custom DissectOrS User ldentification Policy Evaluation End 380 FIG. 3 U.S. Patent Jul. 9, 2013 Sheet 4 of 7 US 8.484.338 B2 SIP Start 4OO Y Input: Packet with Parsed 410 HTTP Header 470 SIP End SIP End 460 Output: SIP No Match Output. SIP Match FIG. 4 U.S. Patent Jul. 9, 2013 Sheet 5 Of 7 US 8.484.338 B2 MP Start 500 Input: Packet, Parsed HTTP Header, and SIP 510 ? Match Result 520 True SIP Matched? False 540 Left to String False True Match; further tring matchevaluate Nith lexicon 2 570 SG AGENT Match Pkt #/Len, Flow dir, Con type, or Byte len match? 560 Move to next byte 530 58O 590 MP End MP End MP End Output: SIP Match Output: MIP Match Output: MIP No Match FIG. 5 U.S. Patent Jul. 9, 2013 Sheet 6 of 7 US 8.484.338 B2 Custom DissectorS Start Input: Packet, Parsed HTTP 610 Header, and SIP/MP Match Result Custom DiSSectOrS End Custom DiSSectOrS End Output: Match Output: No Match FIG. 6 U.S. Patent US 8.484.338 B2 00/ 2* /“SO|- 0!/ >HOLINOWN US 8,484.338 B2 1. 2 APPLICATION DETECTION network policies. Common evasion techniques may include ARCHITECTURE AND TECHNIQUES using non-standard network protocols, dynamic port and channel selection, which limits the effectiveness of monitor CROSS-REFERENCES TO RELATED ing and blocking network ports to control network traffic; APPLICATIONS HTTP/HTTPS tunneling, which hides network flows in nor mally-permitted web traffic: Peer-to-Peer onion routing, This Application claims the benefit of and priority to U.S. which selects destination addresses for peer-to-peer routing Provisional Patent Application No. 61/102,343, filed Oct. 2, at random to circumvent destination address blocking; and 2008, entitled “Application Detection Architecture and Tech encryption of network packet data, which prevents network niques, which is herein incorporated by reference in its 10 monitors from examining the contents of network packets to entirety for all purposes. identify the type of network flow. This Application is related to commonly owned copending For example, some common peer-to-peer VOIP applica U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/206,929, filed Sep. 9, tions can circumvent network policies in a number of ways. 2008, entitled “User Mapping Mechanisms,” and commonly The peer-to-peer VOIP application may dynamically selected owned copending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/206, 15 different ports and channels for communication. If UDP is 930, filed Sep. 9, 2008, entitled “Hash-Based Resource blocked, the application can fall back on TCP/IP. Addition Matching, which are herein incorporated by reference in ally, the peer-to-peer VOIP application may tunnel its data their entirety for all purposes. over open ports 80 or 443, which are normally intended for HTTP or SSL traffic. A peer-to-peer VOIP application may BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION dynamically select Supernodes in its peer-to-peer network to circumvent destination address detection and blocking. Addi This Application relates generally to systems for managing tionally, data may be encrypted to prevent detection using and processing information, and specifically to an architec packet inspection. ture and techniques for managing network-based applications Some attempts at controlling network applications gener accessed by computer systems and other devices. 25 ally include monitoring the content, size, and Source and With the advent of modern computers and computer net destination addresses of network flows as they pass through a works, users have been provided with a faster electronic gateway or other point in the network. However, due to the means of communicating with each other. Browser applica above described evasion techniques, these attempts at con tions, such as Internet Explorer from Microsoft Corporation trolling network applications may have too little information and Firefox from the Mozilla Foundation, can allow users to 30 to reliably detect poorly-behaved network applications. Addi browse the world-wide web, obtain news information, share tionally, these attempts at controlling network applications photos or music, or the like, through computer networks, such may further have too little information about who initiate an as the Internet. In another example, e-mail and instant mes unauthorized network flow. saging can allow users to interact, for example, in real-time Accordingly, what is desired is to solve problems relating communications. 35 to managing network-based applications accessed by com Computer networks can often include hundreds or thou puter systems and other devices, some of which may be sands of network hosts. A network host can be a computer or discussed herein. Additionally, what is desired is to reduce other hardware device that runs Software applications and drawbacks related to detecting and identifying network originates and/or receives network traffic. Network adminis based application that initiate network flows, some of which trators may often be responsible for maintaining these net 40 may be discussed herein. work hosts in proper running order. The network administra tors may incorporate a variety of methodologies and devices BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION in an attempt to ensure that any computer network under their Supervision operates Securely and reliably. To that end, net In various embodiments, techniques are provided for work administrators may often set rules or establish network 45 detecting and identifying applications that initiate network policies for users, groups, and devices about the types of flows. In one embodiment, a layered approach to application Software applications and network traffic allowed on a net detection provides scalability and speed, while further pro work. viding quickassessments that move from simplest to complex Network applications may include Software applications for rapid detection. on a network host that are responsible for originating and/or 50 In various embodiments, one or more computer systems receiving network traffic, referred to as network flows.
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