I.. '. - Official Publication Of The - SAN FRANCISCO POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION VOLUME 37, NUMBER 9 SAN FRANCISCO, SEPTEMBER 2005 05a3 www.sfpoa.org Total is 52 promotions in last 30 days In Eleventh Hour, Chief Appoints 28 From Expiring Sergeants List By President Gary Delagnes motional record, there are still many B+ that would have been followed by members seeking a coveted promo- a right hand to the side of my head, have often said that being the presi- tion. For those members and their and a trip to my room. dent of the POA would not be a bad families, I am willing and eager to The simple facts are these. If we I job if it wasn't for the 0CC and fight for as many fair and equitable continue with a 1000 point testing sys- promotional exams. I can't help but promotions as possible. My goal and tem a case can be made that anything think that Chief Heather Fong often that of this association is to secure a under 700 points, or 70% is a failing thinks the same way about her job, promotion for any member who seeks grade. To allow people to become eli- particularly when she stares down at one, studies hard, and plays by the gible for promotion with a score that the names on any current promotional rules - such as they are. would be the classroom equivalent of list. In this much exploited era of civil We have just seen the adoption of a failing grade can never be a fair and service nonsense, selecting candidates another Lieutenants list with a "rule equitable system. for promotion must be one of the more of five" up to the 18th position on To the credit of past police admin- difficult decisions that any chief has the list, followed by a sliding band istrations, and most recently Chief to make. of 129 points which will eventually Fong, we have been able to accomplish Despite the ridiculous formulas encompass 90 potential candidates a very high percentage of "rank order" and weighting rules imposed by the that occupy the first 73 positions that appointments. The chief should be Civil Service Commission, Chief Fong included 17 ties. For those of you cut through the peculiarly-crunched trying to keep score at home, this is scoring numbers and made 28 last-day President Gary Delagnes the latest concoction of a mad num- promotions from the Sergeants list. Of ber-cruncher "expert" at UC Berkeley work where I wanted, as you must do whose job description entails putting those, the majority were rank-order when you reach the rank of lieuten- picks. We have been knocking on the a good spin on every test he botches ant or above, and I would not put my by identifying "adverse impact" and Chief's door every day demanding that family through the ordeal of studying she make Sergeants appointments be- utilizing mathematical equations for over a year only to be disappointed such as "probability quotients" and fore the list died, and we were assured by a testing process that can be catego- and hopeful that a few more would "reliability factors" to fog the process rized as "suspect" at best and "corrupt" and enhance his own career as a hired make the cut before the list expired. at worst. Chief Fong surprised us all with more gun for that segment of civil service I have been witness to the disap- opposed to the inherent fair play in appointments than we expected, and pointments and discouragement of even though she made us sweat it out rank-order appointments. many aspiring promotees, especially All of us went to grammar school, a bit, we are elated and grateful to her following the 0-0-100 scoring fiasco for the bountiful numbers of her last- high school, and maybe on to college. Chief Heat her Fong, constrained by of the 1983 Sergeant's Exam. I am Our academic traditions are fairly absurd Civil Service rules, must make hour sergeant appointments. not eager to subject myself to the I personally discontinued any standard, and we are all aware that difficult promotion choices. promotional roulette wheel another certain scores equate to a pass or fail further pursuit of a higher calling time, and many other members of (promotion) in 1989. My reasons grade. Our traditions instill the notion complimented for obtaining over 50 this department - particularly those in us all that the higher one scores on positions to the rank of sergeant over were simple. I knew that I needed to with excess of twenty years seniority maintain complete independence if I a test, the higher will be the grade that the past two months. Though those - are of the same mind. Still, despite he or she receives. I can simplify my appointments have not always been was to pursue a future at the POA, I this department's controversial pro- did not want to give up my ability to point with a personal note. If, when I done in strict rank order, we have been went to school, I brought home a test able to work with the department to paper with a score of 65% it had the see that over 90% of candidates in 14th Annual letter "F" next to it. If I tried to explain rank order were ultimately selected. to my father that with a "reliability Even with the best of intentions, there San Francisco Police Officers Association quotient" of 1.96 I actually received a continued on page 6 Golf Tournament Condolences for Slain San Leandro Police Officer 2 . The men and women of the San Police Officer killed in the line of Francisco Police Officers Associa- duty in nearly forty years. He is tion extend sympathy and condo- survived by his wife and two young lences to the family and co-workers children. of San Leandro Police Officer Nels Individuals wishing to make a "Dan" Niemi. Officer Niemi, age contribution may send them to 42, was murdered in the line of "The Niemi Family Fund, do San duty on Monday, July 25, 2005 by Leandro Police Officers Association, a gunman during a response to a 901 E. 14th Street, San Leandro, disturbance call. CA 94577" or by calling the San Officer Niemi was a veteran offi- Leandro Police Department (510) cer who came to the profession later 577-3215 or Jeff Deuel of the Deuel Monday, September 26th, 2005 in life after pursuing other career Group at (925) 952-3838. Seepage 24 for details paths. He is the first San Leandro Page 2 POA Journal September 2005 Secretary's Report Minutes of the General Membership Meeting, August 17, 2005 1305 hours, Secretary Montoya that each representative from their re- Delagnes presented first place winner, called the meeting to order, followed spective station/bureau/detail/unit act Kelly Glynn with a scholarship check by the pledge of allegiance and roll call as the liaison between their members in the amount of $2500.00. Kelly will of the Board of Directors. and the Case Analysis Committee. be enrolling in the nursing program The Case Analysis Commit- at USE During the presentation, Kelly tee has been very active and was joined by her father (Officer John continues to work closely Glynn, Airport Bureau), mother and with Russ Giuntini and Lou brother. Landini of the District Attor- neys Office. Look for articles President's Message in the September edition of President Delagnes addressed the the POA Journal. Board of Directors regarding the fol- lowing matters. Guest Speaker Q-50 list is set to expire on Monday Rockard "Rocky" J. Del- 8-22-05. The POA is hopeful that Chief gadillo addressed the Board Fong will be able to make 6-10 more Officer Ed Browne (Central Station) and Sergeant of Directors. Mr. Delgadillo appointments before the list expires. Jody Kato (Taraval Station) is the City Attorney for the Q-60 list was posted on 8-3-05, Secretary Tony Montoya City of Los Angeles and he with an inspection period starting on 8-4-05 and ending prizes for its annual golf tournament. Newly Elected Board Members is running for Attorney Anyone who can assist should contact Parliamentarian Mike Hebel swore General. Mr. Delgadillo on 8-9-05. The POA has been informed that President Delagnes or Treasurer Hal- Officer Ed Browne (Central Station) is seeking the POA's loran at the POA. and Sergeant Jody Kato (Taraval Sta- endorsement for his protests have been filed tion) into their new positions on the campaign. Mr. Delga- and they are being ad- Treasurer's Report dillo has received early dressed. Once the pro- Board of Directors. Each of these sta- Treasurer Halloran provided each tions had a special election to fill the endorsements from Los tests have been cleared, the list will be ready Board Member with a printed copy of vacancies left by Ron Ophir and Joe Angeles POA, CAHP, San the PONS year to date budget. Trea- Finnegan. Jose POA, Speaker of the for adoption. The POA surer Halloran also advised that the House Fabio Nunez and is hopeful the list will be adopted within the only financial request approved was Legislative Committee San Francisco City At- a $1000.00 check for Mike Nevin Sr.'s On the recommendation of the torney Dennis Hererra. next 3-4 weeks. campaign for State Senate. POA Legislative Committee, Officer The POA has not giv- Q-35 list. The POA Rockard I. Delgadillo John Scully (Taraval) made a motion en its endorsement to anticipates that Chief New Business that the POA endorse Mike Nevin, Sr.
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