PAGE TWENTY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1969 iManrl|p0tTr lEnTittitg Averags DMIy Net Press Ron • ’The commission on education -V f VlM Wm Ii ridge St.; Deborah L. Wood, October 4. IM i The Weather About Town of South Cmted . Methodist Manchester Juniper Dr., Coventry. Church will meet tomorrow at Adjourned Agenda Items The next regular meeting ot Cloudy, windy, ocM Uils af­ <’:30 p.m. in the reception hall. Hospital Notes BIR’THS YESTERDAY: A ternoon with showers likely, the 8th UtiUities board .of direc­ 15,790 manrljFfitFr iEuFnttuj Ulrrali son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. PLAZA DEPT. STORE high In low 60s. Cloudy, windy, tors wul be isov. ir, not Nov. 3, Girl Scout ’Troop 642 wUl meet Smith, East Hartford; a son to Before Directors Tonight cold tonight, low around '30. at 7 p.m., in the District Fire­ VIBITINa HOCB8 Mr. and Mrs. James Reid, 8 (We Have A Notion To Please) MmuAescer— 4 CUy o f ViUmoe Chmrm tomorrow at 3 p.m. at Commun­ The Manchester Board of Di­ house. The board meets on the ity Baptist Church. '• Intenuedlate Care | Semi- W. -Center St. preparation of plans leading to E. H n m L e t p k e . (Next to Popular Mkt.) YOL. LXXXIX, NO. 19 private, noon-2 p.ni., and 4 p.m. rectors will pick up tonight an eventual sewer swap with (THmTY-SIX PACm—TWO SEC1TONS) MANCHESTER, (DNN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1969 third Monday of each month. OPEN WED., ’IHintS., FBI. til • (ChMoHled A dverttriav <« Pog» 88)' 8 p.m.; private rooms, 10 a.m.- DISCHARGED YE8TER the Town of SouUi Windsor; ac- • -------- ........... r____ L. PRICE TEN CENTP Yesterday’s regular meeting Boy Scout ’Troop 123 will meet where It left off two weeks ago. had been moved back to last 2 p.m., and 4 p.m.-8 p.m. Day: Mrs. Barbara Ursln, ceptancee of five streets; ap­ tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. at Com- East Hartford: Mrs. Eliza Oa- In an attem pt to complete its Friday, because many of the di­ Pediatrics: Parents allowed pointments to 10 vacancies on HALLOWEEN ,.iunity Baptist Church. any time except noon-2 p.m.; do, Glastonbury; Mrs. Helen C. longest agenda In recrat years. town boards and agencies. .’Tricks, ’Treats and Surprlsee — All at Plaza rectors are opt of town this Durler, East Hartfo^; Thomas week. others, 2 p.m.-8 p.m. It had adJourned Its Oct. 7 Also, consideration of a pub­ Snow Plan Gets ’The Senior Choir of Commun­ Self Service; 10 a.m.-2 p.m., A. Ventl, 139 W. Middle ’Tpke.; meeting to tonight after (taking lic gift to the Army and Navy COSTUMES Beg. $1.S8 Our Price ♦1.69 ity Baptist Church will meet to­ 4 p.m.-8 p.m. Cynthia Stephens, 162 School Club of the town-owned land on Adult Study Hour of Emanuel action on only the first 12 ‘Cold Shoulder’ morrow at 7:30 p.m. in the Intensive Care and (Joronary St.; Ralph ^w son, 9 Lilac St.; items, all after pubUc hear­ which Its clubhouse stands; and Lutheran Church will meet to­ Youth Building. Care: Immediate family only, Mrs. Sherry Harrington, WOll- ings. authorization for the super­ •Topwn H a n g a r RohoiC World morrow at 7 ;16 p.m. in the re­ mantlc; Adelard J. Bernals, Webe’ raoommendaUan Cor anytime, limited to five min- At itonlght’s meeting, sche­ intendent of schools to apply ception room of the church. The ntes. London Rd., Hebron; Mrs. ^mdlag 81,800 of town Community Baptist Church duled for 8 In the Municipal for rtate grants pertaining to Jeannette W. Schllke, ’Twin fundi for a now-tbracoJit Rev. C. Henry Anderson, pastor, board of deacons will meet to­ Maternity: Fathers, II a.m.- Building Hearing Room, It will Bennot and Nathan Hale Schools Hills Dr., Coventry; Howard P. •orviee wn aOsUed by a will lead the discussion. morrow at 7:30 p.m. in the 18:45 p.m ., and 0:80 p.m.-8 conduct public hearings and will heating renovations and to Mu­ Light, Bellevue Rd., Coventry; ooM tro O t loot night Youth Building. p.m.; others, S p.m.-4 p.m., and consider action on seven pro­ nicipal Parking Lot expansion. The book club of Manchester- 0:80 p.m.-8 p.m. Mrs. Jennie A. Lata, East Hart­ The board will designate a FOR EXPERT The Board of Dirooton posed ordinances, each concern­ Age Limits: 18 in maternity, ford; Normand H. Richard, 13 substitute date for Its Nov. UMened to the requeot In Bolton Welcome Wagon Club Community Baptist Church ing sale of a town-owned par­ 4 WHEEL ALIGNMENT—WHEEL BALANCING 12 in other aleas, no limit in Cedar St.; Mrs. Inez E. Ma­ scheduled meeting. Nov. 4 is froMO oUenoo. Whan the dl- Lebanon Chief Resigns will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. cel of land. will sponsor a harvest turkey self-service. honey, IIB Bluefleld Dr. Election Day, and the new COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE recton finally did thaw mg, at the home of Mrs. William J. The sales prices of the seven dinner and bake sale for chil­ Also Mrs. Charles Bonadio board elected that day will be RADIATOR REPAIRING AND SERVICE the Idea waa meltod away Wilson of 67 Milford Rd. The parcels total $84,186. Town By THE ASSOCIA’rE D PRE8S dren and adults Saturday at the The admlnUtration reminds and daughter, Glastonbury; sworn In on Nov. 17. The sub­ by their lukewarm remarks. meeting is open to newcomers. Manager Robert Weiss is pro­ SEE church. Dinner will be served visitors that with constrncUon Mrs. William Green and daugh­ stitute meeting date may be Welaa had reoammeoded Lebanon’s prime minis­ family-style at 6:30 and 6:46 under way, parking space is ter, 67 Stuart Dr., ToUand; Mrs. posing that, the sum be placed Nov. 17 o r Nov. 18. that they Ngn a Md waftrar, The Ladles Auxiliary of the p.m. Reservations may be made Umlte'l. Visitors are asked to Kenneth Fisher and son. Ware­ in the Capital Improvement Re­ CLARKE MOTOR SALES 00 that the Travalora Re- ter resided today as pro­ Eighth District Fire Depart­ by calling Mr. or Mrs. William bear with the hospital whUe the house Point; Mrs. Robert Toth serve Fund. Mareh’Oocp. might be re­ ment will have a special meet­ RT. 6 and 85, BOLTON—643-9621 tests mounted at home and Gilroy, Washington St, Vernon, parking problem exists. and daughter, Storrs; Mrs. Other items to be considered tained for t he period to ing tomorrow at 8 p.m. at fire tonight are: Approval of a new in neighboring Arab coun­ or Mr. or Mrs. Leiland Smith, Francis Bums and son, East Monchastai* ^ r i l 80. He oald that eoity headquarters, Main and Hilliard three-year contract with the tries against the Lebanese Sliver Lane, East Hartford. Patients Today; 271 Hartford; Mrs. Gregory Zollo WoNpapor & Pobit Cow n ow waiBlagB ootfid oave Sts. All women planning to Join and son, WlUhnanUc. Manchester Firefighters’ Un­ the town at leoot the 81,800 army’s attempt to check the Auxiliary should attend this ion, to provide a 42-hour work hie. cost of the owrvlce. Arab guerrillas using the meeting. Manchester Republican Wom­ ADMJ’TTED YESTERDAY: HAS MOVED TO Mrs. Leona Bendall, 342 Hil­ week os of July 1, 1971, and When It was evldrat that country as a base for at­ en’s Club will hold a rummage with a partty-wlth-poUcemen 1139 TOMJalT) TPKE. sale ’Thursday from 10 a.m. to liard St.; Darlene L. Crowell, Masonic Lodges HANCHESTEB—44BA14S the dlrectota had turned on tacks against Israel. Cub Scout Committee, Pack Hickory Dr., Hebron; Mrs. clause removed; approval of 12:30 p.m. a t Republican head­ Icy ear to the request, Welaa Prime Minister RaaMd Kara- 251, will meet tonight at 8 p.m. Michelina Cyr, 66 Durant St.; amendments to the town’s per­ dhhrt plow any further Into at the home of Mr. and Mrs. quarters, 806 Main 8*. Meet Thursday mi aubmitted hJa reaignaUon aa Emlllano Diaz, Hartford; sonnel rules; approval of a 28- the matter. moba rioted In the Arab quarter Frederick Laramie, 24 Deep- Corlnne O. Eckhdrdt, 19 Winter year lease for rec use of the woodi Dr. Plans will be duscus- Manchestor Lodge of Masons qf Beirut, the Lebanese capital Rickard E. Rein, son of Mr. St.; Mrs. Alberta D. Estabrook, will pay a fraternal visit to Community Y; approval of a FRESH GANDY rtoning poUce fnom behind im­ sed for future pack activities in­ and Mrs. Robert P. Rein of 76 Forest Rd., South Windsor; town guarantee for the $10,000 cluding a potluck. Friendship Lodge of Masons, WHITHAN. SCHBAFFT, provised barrlcadea. E. Middle ’Tpke., was promoted Mrs. June C. Flcaro, 16 Laurel ’Thursday a t 7:30 p.m. In the publication costs for a new GANDY CUPBOABD A stick of dyiwmKe was to the rank of staff sargeant S(., Wapplng; Gregory Gordon, Masonic Temple. history of Manchester. St. M ary’s Episcopal Church State College thiown from a passing oar In Norwich University Corps of Rocky Hill; John Gottschalk, 60 Richard W. Splller, worship­ Also, approval of six alloca­ ARTHUR DRUG Tuesday night at the residence will hold a Holy Communion Woodland St.; David E. tions, Including one of $1,300 for Service tomorrow at 10 a.m. Cadets, Norlthfleld, Vit. ful master of Manchester ot Lebanon's chief of security Graboff, Alpine Ridge Dr., And­ IJodge, wUl preside for the Suspends but exploded without causing se­ over; Mrs.
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