VOLUME NO. 50 ISSUE 11 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, N. H, — APRIL 28, 1960 PRICE — TEN CENTS NSA Spring Meeting Held At Harvard Educ. Committee Publishers’ Annual Conference Provokes Discussion of Student Issues Compiles Student Features Astronaut Director By MARTHA HIGGON Question; Replies The Student Senate Educational Com­ mittee is starting to compile the informa­ tion returned on the questionnaires which were sent out to a sampling of Universi­ ty students. They are anxious to have all of the questionnaires returned. If you still have such a questionnaire, there is still time to fill it out and turn it in to the Committee. About 240 of the 350 questionnaires sent out have been accounted for. The Committee suspects that most of those still out are being held by people who didn’t have time to fill them out when they first received them, and then were afraid that it was too late to turn them in. Since the sample was selected with the expectation of receiving 300 replies, it is very important that everyone who has not returned his questionnaire do so, to allow the Committee to make a valid compilation of the results. Question­ naires may be returned to the Student Senate Office or the Reception Desk of the Memorial Union. The Committee Concert Features would like them back as soon as possi­ ble so that they can complete evaluation of the survey before the end of .the Interpretive Dance school year. By UNH Students By Andrea Viano Interpretive dance will once again be featured in the Annual Dance Con­ cert presented by the Department of Physical Education for W om en and the Women’s Recreation Association. The performance will be presented on Friday evening, April 29 at 8:00 p.m. in New Hampshire Hall. Members of Dance Club have chor­ eographed the dances to varied types of music, including both classical and jazz. Some of the typical numbers are the following: "Progress 1960” , a sa­ tire on the modern age which has been choreographed by Kaye Bodwell, an interpretation of T. S. Elliot’s “ Hol­ low Men” by Betsy Humphreys, “Like Young” a jazz work which Roberta Edwards has choreographed and two of Bach’s preludes which have Spaulding Dedicated been interpreted by Roman Aquizap. Choreography Other members of Dance Club who For Life Sciences will present their dance compositions The University will officially dedi­ tomorrow night are Carol Morrill. cate the Spaulding Life Science Build­ Norma Hecker, Susan Gates and Pat ing on May 6th. Aquizap. A minimum of costuming The afternoon’s program will in­ has been utilized; for in the words of clude open house with tours of the Miss Sand, who is directing the pro­ building from two until six. A lecture duction, “ there is only enough to sug­ entitled “ From Parasitism to Symbio­ gest the feeling of the dance.” sis” will be given at 3 p.m. by Dr. The Dance Club itself consists of Rene Jules Dubos, Ph.D., Sc.D., M.D., 25 University men and women on both and Professor of Pathology at the W SGA Holds Conference the graduate and undergraduate level Rockefeller Institute in New York. who have had considerable experience Dedication ceremonies will take To Discuss Student Gov't. in dance. It is under the direction of place at 5 p.m. in the auditorium This weekend, April 29-May 1, W o­ Miss Janeen Sand, Dance Chairman where dinner will be served to mem­ men’s Student Government Associa­ for the state of New Hampshire and bers and guests of the University. The tion (WSGA) will sponsor a confer­ dance specialist in the Department of evening will close with an address by ence to which delegates from ten other Physical Education. Dr. James A. Shannon, Ph.D., M.D., colleges and universities have been in­ Dance Director Director of the National Institutes of The Senior Class this year will have vited. These delegates will represent Miss Sand is a graduate of Women’s Health. His topic will be a general a new class ring. The Class Committee various branches of their governments. College a part of The University of one related to research in public Official Notices accepted the final design for a new The theme of the conference will be: North Carolina where she majored in health. It will be entitled “Science All students are responsible for knowledge “ Rules and Regulations, Conservatism dance. She teaches modern dance and of notices appearing here. ring on April 20. and Education: 1960.” The new ring contains a chain of vs. Liberalism”, and its purpose is to tennis here at the University. The public is invited to take this Registration. Students will pick sixty links around the stone, the U N H impart ideas of how other govern­ This year’s Club has appeared on opportunity to see the new science up Catalogue, Time-Room Sched­ wildcat encompassing the New Hamp­ ments are run for the general benefit WENH-TV, in addition to performing building. ule, A N D Registration material at shire seal, a different view of T-Hall, of all. Thus the governments may gain in the Christmas Concert. They per­ Thompson Hall BEGINNING Fri­ the year of graduation, the degree re­ new insights as to judiciary boards, formed a dance demonstration here at Fernandez Speaks On Visit day, May 13. Registrar. ceived, granite rocks along the edges, honor systems, and women’s rules, in the U. which they have been requested Cadet Teaching. Students plan­ and more detail covering the over-all different schools. to repeat in other communities throu­ In Southern Trouble Spots ning to do cadet teaching this fall design. The program will consist of discus­ ghout the state. should obtain registration forms in This new ring can be obtained in sion groups and panel discussions with The stage crew which includes Sue During spring recess, a University the Education Office. To assure the stones of your choice, in four dif­ deans from many of the colleges at­ Wheeler, stage manager, Jim Toub- student, Richard Fernandez, visited a placement for the fall semester, ferent finishes, or white or green gold, tending an dtaking part. Dr. Eddy beh and Frank Scarito, lighting and number of cities in Alabama and completed forms must be returned and in various weights. The artwork will speak at the banquet Saturday technical assistants, and Marilyn Ba­ Georgia to talk with N egro leaders, by Wednesday, May 4. is on display at the Student Union.evening. ker, lighting assistant, have all contri­ lawyers, representatives of “ Citizens buted a great deal of time to make the Councils,” ministers, college students Civil Defense Alert. The Univer­ The rings may be purchased by se­ The delegates will stay in the dorm­ Concert a successful affair. and political officials, to obtain a first sity will participate in a nationwide niors only in the Grafton R oom of the itories as guests of women student civil defense exercise on Tuesday, Union on May 3 between the hours of Free Admission hand story of recent developments in senators. Those senators in charge of the integration-segregation controver- May 3. All students should be fa­ 12 and 6 p.m. from Mr. Len Winsor, the conference are: Anne Wicknertz, . “ It is 'my opinion that the Dance miliar with details outlined in the the Jostin Company representative. Concert should serve as an explana­ sy- Lois Stickney, Sarah Clapp, and Gay Students and faculty are invited to adjoining article. Seniors may turn in their present rings Brookes, chairman. tion and inspiration to both novices and Language Reading Examinations for full credit less $5.00. For the new veterans in the area of dance” , com ­ an open meeting to be held in the Stu­ to satisfy the requirement of the rings a deposit of $10.00 must be lowing the dinner will be dancing to mented Miss Sand. Admission is free dent Union on Sunday evening, May College of Liberal Arts will be giv­ made, the balance to be paid uponan re­ orchestra til midnight. All this will and all are invited to partake of a pro­ 1, at 6:00 o’clock, at which time Mr. en Thursday, May 26, at 12:50 p.m. ceiving the ring. cost only $7.00* per person. duction which promises to be most in­ Fernandez-will give an account of his Room for those repeating the test Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors teresting. experiences. Friday will be left open for resting In his quick tour of trouble spots and not currently enrolled in an are requested to wait until the fall to up or for private parties. elementary language course will order their rings. Fernandez interviewed Dr. Martin On Saturday the seniors will move be Murkland Auditorium; rooms Luther King, the Governor of Alaba­ to M oody Beach, Maine where all will ma, students on strike, and lawyers for others will be announced. enjoy an informal beach party. R. Daland Donates Students planning to repeat this representing the NAACP. Senior Week Starts The climax comes of course, in the test must register in Murkland 118 The Lens and Shutter Club can now before 4:30- p.m., Friday, May 20, Commencement on Sunday afternoon Equipment To Lens at 2:00 at Cowell Stadium. The Bac- make effective use of their own dark and are required to submit proof Thursday, June 9th room in the Student Union building, The of substantial preparation since culaureate service will be -held at 12 in the fieldhouse. Club operates the student photography their last attempt. Students now This year’s committee plans an ex­ And Shutter Club office in the Student Union.
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