www.punto.com.ph Converge donates 00 P 10. P7.4-M to ONA Central CONVERGE ICT Solu- sistant IV Reina Manuel V 13 P N 11 unto! tions president and CEO and offi cials from Con- Dennis Anthony Uy do- verge. M - W N 4 - 6, 2019 PANANAW NG MALAYANG PILIPINO! u o nated PhP7.4 million for Uy has vowed to sup- L z n the rehabilitation of the port the rehabilitation of Ospital Ning Angeles. ONA, which is one of Uy presented a the cornerstone of the check of PhP5million to administration of May- Angeles City Mayor Car- or Carmelo “Pogi” Laza- melo “Pogi” Lazatin in a tin Jr. Uy said another simple ceremony held PhP2.4 million will be at Namari Restaurant in earmarked for the com- Balibago, Angeles City pletion of the blood bank witnessed by Chief Ad- of ONA. viser IC Calaguas, Ex- Uy earlier said that ecutive Assistant V Raff y he will donate the pro- Angeles, Executive As- P./& 6 5#&.7& Coverge ICT Solutions president and CEO Dennis Anthony Uy (3rd from right) pose for a posterity picture with Angeles City Mayor Carmelo “Pogi” Lazatin, together with chief adviser IC Calaguas, city treasurer Juliet Quinsaat, executive assistant V Raff y Angeles and executive assistant IBV Reina Manuel, with the initial donation of P5-M to the Ospital Ning Angeles. Another P2.4-M will be added to the donation for the completion of the Blood Bank of ONA. Should CL’s low-lying towns relocate to higher areas? B8 D:)/ C&(+.);&7 CHRISTMAS JOY. The old and the young watch in wonder the interplay of lights and colors of the ITY OF SAN FERNANDO -- giant Parul Sampernandu at the Heroes Hall in the City of San Fernando. P!"#" $ B"&' L()*"& Should low-lying, fl ood-prone Ccoastal towns in Central Luzon now seriously consider gradually moving to areas higher than seven feet above sea level instead of spending so much to elevate themselves from the reach of rising waters? P./& 6 5#&.7& ASF on land, red tide in waters ANGELES CITY -- As visory 18 indicated that if the African swine fl u red tide toxins found (ASF) on land is not in samples of shell- enough, here comes fi sh gathered from the red tide in the waters coastal waters of Pam- around Central Luzon. panga defi nitely ex- Giant Lantern Festival set Dec. 14 The Bureau of Fish- ceeded tolerable levels eries and Aquatic Re- and are poisonous to B8 A7=#&8 M).'.; moniker – “Christmas Capital of the 500-day countdown to March sources (BFAR) said humans. the Philippines.” 2021, the quincentennial cele- red tide toxins have Such levels of toxici- CLARK FREEPORT – Pampan- City Tourism offi cer Ching Pan- bration of the “discovery” of the been confi rmed not only ty was also observed in ga’s capital, the City of San Fer- gilinan made the statement as she Philippines by the Portuguese in the coastal waters shellfi sh samples from nando, is preferred to be known announced that the Giant Lantern navigator Ferdinand Magellan. in Pampanga, but also the coastal waters of as the “Home of the Giant Lan- Festival 2019 will be on Decem- “In 2021, we will be celebrat- in Bataan and, farther Balanga City, and the terns,” as it veered away from its ber 14 which is also the start of P./& 6 5#&.7& north, in Pangasinan. towns of Mariveles, Ori- BFAR Shellfi sh Ad- P./& 6 5#&.7& Yap blames ASF spread on DA’s lack of clear rules on hot meat TARLAC CITY - Tarlac and internationally. The places [they traverse], as Yap noted that In Tar- cially if the rules they are 2nd District Rep. Vic- DA has to adopt a bet- explained Yap, adding lac “they have adopted a implementing aren’t tried tor Yap has lamented ter protocol of control for that such set up “is kill- superior one (protocol). and tested. the Department of Ag- sanitation, for transport, ing the industry.” Yet the outbreak to other “Are they (DA) even riculture’s (DA) “lack of and domestic sales,” he Over 52,000 pigs areas such as Tarlac will spending time to talk clear rules” on hot meat said. have already been culled only be a matter of time, with the industry [stake- for the spread of the Af- Yap said that at pres- by the DA in response to they say.” holders] and create local rican swine fl u (ASF) in ent, “the small ones (sell- the ASF outbreak, most- Yap further said that workshops to battle this the country. ers) will pass through ly in Bulacan and Pan- the local government ASF at the very least in “As long as there minor and back roads, gasinan. units cannot dictate the Luzon markets?” he are no clear rules, peo- sell inconspicuously and Tarlac has so far rules and protocols in asked. ple will smuggle locally endanger farms in the been spared from ASF, place of the DA, espe- –Ding Cervantes Yap 1.5 tons of ‘double dead’ pork, pigs with ‘virus’ found in AC B• D••• C••!"•#•$ The City Meat Inspection Division personnel reported ANGELES CITY - Some 1.5 to Lazatin that eight of the 12 tons of “double dead” pork pigs were already virus-con- and 12 pigs, including eight taminated, and that four of feared to have been infect- them were already dead. ed with the African swine fl u “To prevent the spread of (ASF), prompted Mayor Car- the unconfi rmed virus, the pigs melo Lazatin to padlock an il- were terminated and buried at legal slaughterhouse on Delos the material recovery facility in Santos St., Barangay Lourdes Barangay Pampang,” Lazatin North West here. said. “An estimated 1.5 tons of Three workers of the ille- “double dead” meat and 12 gal meat shop were detained pigs were confi scated during at Angeles City Police Offi ce an inspection conducted at - Station 2. They were identi- Chotchot Meat Dealer Whole- fi ed as Joan Nersy Balboa, Ar- saler and Retailer,” Lazatin ies Vergara Velasco, and Jus- reported, even as he ordered tine Sicat Oyco. The slaugh- the fi ling of appropriate crimi- terhouse owner, identifi ed nal charges against the owner as Melchor De Guzman, re- and operator of the slaughter- mained at large. house. Lazatin said “continuous City hall said its experts inspection of meat shops will found some of the pigs “with be conducted for safety mea- a virus” without being specif- sures of his constituents.” ic, but sources said the hogs The mayor inspected yes- were found with ASF. terday slaughterhouses, mar- He said the facility “violated ket areas, and meat shops City Ordinance 431; Republic together with personnel from Act 9003, or Ecological Sol- Angeles City Police Offi ce, id Waste Management Act of City Veterinary Offi ce, Baran- 2000; and Republic Acts 9296 gay LNW Council, Angeles and 10536, also known as The City Traffi c Development Of- Meat Inspection Code of Phil- fi ce, and City Environment and ippines.” Natural Resources. BOTCHA. Double-dead meat found inside raided slaughterhouse. C 1!"#" Ecija LGUs forge ties vs. ASF B• A•%"•& M. G"'"•• a series of tests the city has stock farm until its creation as been tested negative for ASF, an independent political sub- PALAYAN CITY - This city “And I want to keep it that division. and its adjacent municipali- way.” In this connection, Gamil- ty of Bongabon, represented The city has also extend- la said, his town will procure by their respective local chief ed tests to its farthest village all its pork requirement which executives, have forged an to make sure no hog is affl ict- is estimated at about 2,000 agreement to jointly and mu- ed by ASF, beyond the 1-7-10 heads from the date of sign- tually protect territories from protocol being implemented ing to April 2020. African swine fever (ASF). by the Department of Agricul- For her part, Cuevas ad- The memorandum of ture (DA). vised swine raisers here to go agreement signed by Pa- Cuevas stressed that pork to Bongabon slaughter house layan City Mayor Adrianne is the most consumeed food, for their need as she noted Mae Cuevas and Bongabon next to rice, by the townsfolk. that such facility has almost Mayor Allan Xystus Gamil- “Hindi baka, hindi kambing, “ “zero chance of being con- la, along with other top offi - she said. taminated” because of the cials, on Wednesday stipu- Gamilla, on the other hand, strict action against ASF be- lated protocol on the move- found the occasion to further ing taken by the LGU. ment, sale and distribution of strengthen the relationship of Celso Mananguit, city vet- hogs and meat products with- the two LGUs noting that the erinarian, said the agreement QTR. Gov. Dennis ‘Delta’ Pineda visits the Quiambao in their areas of responsibility. city used to be part of Bong- is a big leap for swine indus- Tabuan Rice Corp. with Arayat Mayor Bon Alejandrino Cuevas said that after abon, being the town’s former try in both LGUs. and Pampanga Councilors’ League president Asiong Macapagal. C #" Gov lauds rice fi rm in Arayat ARAYAT, Pampanga – Gover- vesting. nor Dennis ‘Delta’ Pineda laud- In addition, the corporation ed the eff orts of the Quiambao holds seminars to heighten Tabuan Rice (QTR) Corpora- the knowledge of the farmers tion in this town for supporting about the farming industry. the farmers in their plight on The rice mill and dryer cor- the passing of the rice tarrifi - poration is owned by Fumio cation law.
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