TITLES OF VOLUMES AVAILABLE INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES 6 Bettina Strewe: Erwachsenenbildung in Russland 41 Wolfgang Schur: Afghanistan – Support to Adult IN ADULT EDUCATION Education – Actual and Future Potential for Development 8 Paulis Apinis et al.: Erwachsenenbildung in Lettland 42 Heribert Hinzen, Jochen Leyhe (Eds.): Bewusst sein für ein 12 Heribert Hinzen (Ed.): Adult Education and Europa von morgen – Chancen und Auswirkungen der Development. 25 years of IIZ/DVV (German) Erweiterung der Europäischen Union 13 Ekkehard Nuissl, Klaus Pehl: Adult Education in 43 Heribert Hinzen/Hans Pollinger (Eds.): Adult Germany (English, French, German, Russian, Turkish) Education and Combating Poverty – Experiences from Development Countries (English, German) 14 Edita Treˇciokiene: Erwachsenenbildung in Litauen dvv international European Adult Education outside the EU 44 Heribert Hinzen, Ewa Przybylska (Eds.): Training of 15 Volkshochschulen, internationale Kontakte und Partner- Adult Educators in Institutions of Higher Education. schaften. Compiled by Hartmut Dürste, Manfred Fenner A Focus on Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe 17 Norbert F. B. Greger, Ewa Przybylska: 47 Beate Schmidt-Behlau (Ed.): Building Bridges for Adult Education in Poland (English, German) Dialogue and Understanding. Results from the 19 Adult Education in Multi-ethnic Europe (Dutch, English, EU-Socrates Project Tolerance and Understanding of Uwe Gartenschlaeger (Ed.) our Muslim Neighbours – 2002–2004 (only as pdf-fi le) French, Spanish) With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union 20 Praxismodelle der berufl ichen Bildung für 48 Christian Geiselmann/Johann Theessen: Adult Education Benachteiligte 2 and the Education Policy in Bulgaria (English, German) 21 Strengthening Self-organisations of Black and other 49 Beate Schmidt-Behlau, Antje Schwarze (Eds.): Im Dialog Ethnic Minority Groups in Europe (English, German) zum Miteinander. Ein Leitfaden zur Begegnung mit Muslimen in der Erwachsenen bildung (only as pdf-fi le) 24 Klaus Bostelmann (Ed.): Regionale und grenzüber- schreitende Zusammenarbeit in der Erwachsenenbildung 52 Heribert Hinzen, Hanno Schindele (Eds.): Capacity Building and the Training of Adult Educators (English, 25 Heribert Hinzen: Ungarische und deutsche French) Erwachsenenbildung. Europäische Partnerschaft und internationale Zusammenarbeit. 53/I Adult Education Embracing Diversity I: Snapshots from Intercultural Learning in Europe 26 Uwe Gartenschlaeger, Heribert Hinzen (Eds.): Prospects and Trends in Adult Education (English, German) 53/II Adult Education Embracing Diversity II: Developing Strategies for Mainstreaming Intercultural Learning 27 Heribert Hinzen, Josef Müller (Eds.): Bildung für Alle – Based on Needs and Experiences lebenslang und lebenswichtig 55 Beate Schmidt-Behlau (Ed.): Europe on the Street – 28 Partnership and Solidarity in Action. International Europa auf der Straße (English, German) Cooperation Activities of IIZ/DVV (only as pdf-fi le) 56 Peter Mayo: Adult Education in Malta 29 Gerhard Müller: Erwachsenenbildung: Auswärtige Kulturpolitik und internationale Zusammenarbeit 58 Chris Duke, Heribert Hinzen (Eds.): Knowing More, Doing Better. Challenges for CONFINTEA VI from 31 Lernen für Alle – Learning is for Everyone. Lernfeste in Monitoring EFA in Non-Formal Youth and Adult Südosteuropa – Adult Learners Weeks in South Eastern Education Europe 59 Heribert Hinzen, Beate Schmidt-Behlau (Eds.): 32 Sharing without Barriers – Learning Fair – Conference; The Right to Ecucation in the Context of Migration and Documentation Hamburg, 7–10 November 2001 Integration (Bilingual English/German) 34 Ana Krajnc, Nives Liˇcen: Adult Education in Slovenia 60 Beate Schmidt-Behlau (Ed.): Das Europäische Jahr des Interkulturellen Dialogs EUROPEAN ADULT EDUCATION OUTSIDE THE EU 37 Hayrettin Aydın, Reyhan Güntürk: Adult Continu ing Education in Turkey (English, German, Turkish) 61 Henner Hildebrand (Ed.): Sharing the Fruits of dvv international Experience from Guinea and Mali 39 Erhard Schlutz/Heinrich Schneider (Eds.): Die Inter- nationalität der Volkshochschulen – vom grenzüber- 62 Uwe Gartenschlaeger (Ed.): Training for a Better Life schreitenden Kulturaustausch zur interkulturellen Bildung 40 Heike Catrin Bala: “Remember for the Future”. A Seminar on Methods of Handling History (English, German) 63 dvv international 63 European Adult Education outside the EU Uwe Gartenschlaeger (Ed.) Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit des Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes dvv international in Cooperation with the European Adult Education Association EAEA This publication has been funded with support from the European Commision. It reflects the views only of the author, and the Commision cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. International Perspectives in Adult Education – IPE 63 The reports, studies and materials published in this series aim to further the develop- ment of theory and practice in the work of the Volkshochschulen (VHS) as it relates to international aspects of adult education – and vice versa. We hope that by pro- viding access to information and a channel for communication, the series will serve to increase knowledge, deepen insights and improve cooperation in adult education at an international level. Published by: Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit des Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes (dvv international) Editor: Uwe Gartenschlaeger Editorial Assistant: Gisela Waschek Production: Leppelt Grafik & Druck GmbH, Bonn Opinions expressed in papers published under the names of individual authors do not neces- sarily reflect those of the publisher and editors. This publication, or parts of it, may be repro- duced provided the source is duly cited. The publisher asks to be furnished with copies of any such reproductions. Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available on the Internet at <http://dnb.ddb.de>. ISBN 978-3-88513-785-6 © 2009 dvv international dvv international Obere Wilhelmstraße 32 · 53225 Bonn Federal Republic of Germany Tel.: +49/228-9 75 69-0 · Fax: +49/228-9 75 69-55 [email protected] · www.dvv-international.de Our publications are printed on 100 % chlorine-free bleached recycled paper. 2 Contents Uwe Gartenschlaeger Editorial ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 Uwe Gartenschlaeger, Eeva-Inkeri Sirelius Lifelong Learning for the whole of Europe – Why Adult Education Matters in the EU Neighbourhood ������������������������������� 7 Katarina Popovic˘ Adult Education in South-Eastern Europe ������������������������������������������������ 13 Iskra Devcˇicˇ Torbica Adult Education in Croatia ��������������������������������������������������������������� 41 · Irfan Misirli Adult Education in Turkey ���������������������������������������������������������������� 69 Olga Agapova Adult Education in the Russian Federation ����������������������������������������������� 91 Galina Veramejchyk Adult Education in Belarus, Moldavia, Ukraine ����������������������������������������� 109 Levan Kvatchadze Adult Education in the South Caucasus – Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia ���������� 131 Elana Sztokman, Eitan Israeli Adult Learning and Education in Israel ������������������������������������������������� 151 3 4 Introduction Uwe Gartenschlaeger Editorial ”It's never too late to learn” is the European Union slogan dedicated to adult education. In many ways this could also be the motto of this publication. It's never too late to learn how diverse Europe is, that its limits are by no means identical with the borders of the EU, that also, and (perhaps) currently in neighboring eastern and southern European regions, adult education and lifelong learning are key factors to positively shape the future. Life- long Learning is perhaps also a tool that can help us shape the relations between the EU and neighboring countries in a constructive and fruitful way, based on a common under- standing of European values, and not only to rely on the more or less unstable contracts between governments. ”It's never too late to learn” is certainly also valid for the decision-makers in the coun- tries examined here. Hardly any region has adequately recognized the potential and importance of adult education. Only a modern system of lifelong education can ensure economic competitiveness and social consensus. This has been recognized in the EU since the Lisbon Declaration in 2000 and purposefully implemented. In strange contrast to this is the picture in neighboring states: hardly anywhere is adult education perceived as a national responsibility, there is the lack of a legal framework as well as of controlled state funding. The education and training of adult educators is, with few exceptions, precari- ous and earning possibilities modest. The list goes on and on. This book is therefore aimed at national decision-makers in politics, in the economy and in society in general. It wants to draw a realistic picture of the situation, which depicts the deficits on the one hand, but also highlights the opportunities. Benchmarks and require- ments are formulated with special attention to the perspective of civil society institutions of adult learning, and indications on how to exit from marginalization of the sector are given. At the same time we also want to suggest to those responsible
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