ABERCONWY NURSERY PRICE LIST: SPRING 2015 We are pleased to provide you with a copy of our new spring price list. This list cancels all previous lists. We hope that you will find something of interest. We grow alpines & rock garden plants, including some dwarf shrubs, acid loving plants, and ferns as well as various other interesting plants from time to time. We grow only plants that we like and find interesting, and tend not to be constrained by categories! All of our plants are grown on the nursery site, sometimes in small numbers per variety. As a result the stock situation can change suddenly. Some listed items can sell out quickly and unlisted varieties often become available throughout the year. Most of our plants are offered in 6cm to 9cm pots as appropriate for the needs of the plant. All plants are offered ex nursery subject to their remaining available. Prices given in the list refer to the smallest size normally offered. Larger plants may sometimes be available at different prices. We do not supply plants by mail order. However, we will be attending quite a number of Alpine Garden Society, Scottish Rock Garden Club and other shows and can bring plant orders to them (see summary at the end of the plant list). Please place orders a week or two in advance of the show if possible. Please ask if you cannot find what you are looking for. We have extensive growing areas beyond the sales area, and not all of our stock is out on display to customers at any one time. If you are looking for a number of specific plants in the list, it can save a lot of time if you send your list to us a few days before your visit, so that we can assemble the available plants from the far reaches of the nursery site for you. If you are travelling from a distance to collect specific plants, please ring to check current availability, as some items can sell out very quickly, especially at the start of the season. We have a large, covered 'Alpine Tunnel' with net sides, in which we can grow and display a large number of alpines. This serves to protect the plants (and our customers) from the extremes of wind & rain to which our site is prone, without making the plants 'soft'. OPENING TIMES 2015: 3rd March 2015 to 25th September 2015 inclusive Tuesday – Sunday: 10am-4pm ACHILLEA clavennae £3.00 ANEMONELLA thalictroides £4.00 x lewisii 'King Edward' £3.00 thalictroides 'Blushing Bride' £8.00 ACIS autumnalis £3.00 thalictroides f. rosea £4.00 nicaeensis £3.00 thalictroides 'Green Jade' £5.00 rosea £4.00 thalictroides 'Oscar Schoaff' £8.00 ADENOPHORA taquetii £4.00 thalictroides semi-double £5.00 ADIANTUM reniforme £4.00 ANTENNARIA dioica 'Minima' £3.00 AETHIONEMA kotschyi £3.00 ANTIRRHINUM molle (pink) £3.00 ALBUCA shawii £4.00 sempervirens £3.00 sp. aff. rupestris JCA15686 £4.00 AQUILEGIA canadensis 'Corbett' £3.00 ALLIUM insubricum £3.00 pyrenaica (dwf fm) £3.00 ANAGALIS tenella ‘Studland’ £3.00 viridiflora £4.00 ANCHUSA cespitosa £5.00 ARENARIA alfacarensis £3.00 ANDROSACE alpina £4.00 montana 'Grandiflora' £3.00 bulleyana £3.00 ARUM creticum FCC form £8.00 carnea subsp. brigantiaca £3.00 ASPERULA boissieri £3.00 ciliata £4.00 gussonei £3.00 delavayi (v.dwarf white) £4.00 sintensii £3.00 delavayi ACE 1786 (pink) £4.00 ASPLENIUM platyneuron Crispum Grp £5.00 elatior aff £3.00 ASYNEUMA limonifolium £4.00 globifera £4.00 pulvinatum £4.00 hedreantha £3.00 AUBRIETA glabrescens MESE536 £3.00 himalaica £3.00 AZORELLA patagonica £3.00 hirtella £3.00 BENTHAMIELLA jacquemontii (pink) £3.00 patagonica (buttercup yellow) £4.00 lactea £3.00 BOLAX gummifera £4.00 laevigata £3.00 BRIGGSIA speciosa x aurantiaca £5.00 mathildae £3.00 CALAMINTHA alpina £3.00 mucronifolia x sempervivoides £3.00 CALCEOLARIA fothergillii £4.00 muscoidea 'Litang Dwarf' £4.00 integrifolia 'Kentish Hero' £4.00 muscoidea Schacht's Form £3.00 tenella £4.00 rigida v. minor (deep pink) £4.00 'Walter Shrimpton' £4.00 robusta ssp purpurea 'Dolpo Dwarf' £3.00 CALLIANTHEMUM anemonoides £5.00 sarmentosa from Namche £3.00 CAMPANULA barbata £3.00 selago 'Red Eye' £4.00 'Blythe Spirit' £4.00 sempervivoides 'Susan Joan' £3.00 'Cantata' £3.00 strigillosa £3.00 'Covadonga' £4.00 studiosorum 'Conwy Gem' £3.00 garganica 'Dicksons Gold' £3.00 studiosorum 'Conwy Jewel' £3.00 garganica 'W.H.Paine' £3.00 studiosorum 'Doksa' £3.00 'Hemswell Starlight' £3.00 studiosorum 'Gaumont's' £3.00 incurva MESE312 £3.00 tapete £4.00 'Joe Elliott' £4.00 vandellii £3.00 'Lynchmere' £3.00 x marpensis £3.00 sartorii £3.00 yargongensis £4.00 thyrsoides £3.00 zambalensis £4.00 tommasiniana £4.00 ANEMONE obtusiloba (big blue) £4.00 waldsteiniana £4.00 obtusiloba 'Alba' £4.00 x haylodgensis 'Marion Fisher' £3.00 obtusiloba sulphurea £4.00 x haylodgensis 'Plena' £3.00 pavonina £3.00 x wockei 'Puck' £3.00 trullifolia var. linearis £4.00 zoysii £4.00 ANISOTOME imbricata var. imbricata £4.00 CASTILLEJA miniata £4.00 CELMISIA allanii £5.00 DIANTHUS 'Whatfield Magenta' £3.00 angustifolia £5.00 DICENTRA canadensis £4.00 discolor £4.00 cucullaria £4.00 gracilenta £4.00 DIERAMA igneum £4.00 hectorii £4.00 pulcherrimum £4.00 ramulosa £3.00 DIONYSIA (see notes) CENTAURIUM scilloides £3.00 aretioides (Compact Thrum) £5.00 CHAMAECYPARIS obtusa 'Intermedia' £8.00 'Charlson Jake' £5.00 obtusa 'Juniperioides Compacta' £8.00 curviflora ENF 93/11 or JRD A2 or JRD A3 £5.00 CHAMAEMELUM nobile 'Flore Pleno' £3.00 denticulata £7.00 CHEILANTHES distans £4.00 gaubae £6.00 eatonii £4.00 'Geist' £5.00 lindheimeri £4.00 'Monika' £5.00 wootonii £4.00 termeana (RB) or JLMS 02-34 PMR3 £6.00 CHIONOHEBE 'Vera Cox' £4.00 DODECATHEON clevelandii £4.00 CLEMATIS gentianoides £4.00 dentatum £4.00 marmoraria £4.00 meadia from Cedar County £4.00 CONVOLVULUS boissieri £4.00 pulchellum 'Sooke Variety' £4.00 CORONILLA minima £4.00 DRABA acaulis (Bolkar Dag) £3.00 valentina ssp. glauca (1.5L)£7.50 'Buttermilk' £3.00 valentina ssp. glauca 'Citrina' (1.5L)£7.50 dedeana (Watson's Var) £3.00 valentina ssp. glauca 'Pygmaea' £5.00 'John Saxton' £3.00 CORYDALIS 'Craigton Blue' £4.00 longisiliqua £3.00 curviflora £4.00 ossetica JJ04-55 £4.00 flexuosa 'Purple Leaf' £4.00 rosularis £4.00 'Kingfisher' £4.00 ventosa £3.00 pachycentra £4.00 yunnanensis £3.00 CRASSULA milfordiae £3.00 DRACOCEPHALUM botryoides £4.00 socialis £3.00 DRYAS x suendermannii £4.00 CYANANTHUS lobatus 'Albus' £4.00 EPIMEDIUM grandiflorum 'Mt Kitadake' £4.00 lobatus x microphyllus 'Sherriffs' £4.00 grandiflorum 'Nanum' £4.00 microphyllus £4.00 ERODIUM 'Frans Delight' £3.00 sherriffii £4.00 'Robertino' £3.00 spathulifolius £4.00 x kolbianum £3.00 DAPHNE 'Arnold Cihlarz' £6.00 x variabile 'Album' £3.00 'Fritz Kummert' £6.00 x variabile 'Bishop's' £3.00 mezereum 'Rubrum' £6.00 ERYTHRONIUM americanum £5.00 petraea ‘Garnet’ £8.00 'Bryn Meifod' £8.00 tangutica (1L)£6.00 citrinum £8.00 'Torwood Lea' £6.00 dens canis 'Frans Hals' £4.00 DELOSPERMA congestum £3.00 dens canis 'Old Aberdeen' £4.00 congestum 'Album' £3.00 dens canis 'Pink Perfection' £4.00 DIANTHUS caesia (dwf fm) £3.00 dens canis 'Purple King' £4.00 'Conwy Silver' £3.00 dens canis 'Snowflake' £4.00 'Conwy Star' £3.00 hendersonii £8.00 'Eileen Lever' £3.00 'Joanna' £8.00 erinaceus (Duguid Form) £3.00 'Margaret Mathew' £6.00 'Freda Woodliffe' £3.00 multiscapodium cliftonii £9.00 microlepis 'Leuchtkugel' £3.00 revolutum £6.00 'Rivendell' £3.00 'Rosalind' £8.00 'Rivendell's Daughter' £3.00 'Sundisc' £6.00 'Warden Hybrid' £3.00 tuolumnense 'Spindlestone' £6.00 ERIGERON aureus 'The Giant' £3.00 GYPSOPHILA aretioides £3.00 'Canary Bird' £4.00 cerastioides £3.00 chrysopsidis 'Grand Ridge' £3.00 HABRANTHUS texensis £4.00 scopulinus £3.00 HALIMIUM ocymoides 'Susan' £4.00 ERYSIMUM amoenum £3.00 HEBE 'Boughton Dome' £3.00 pusillum £3.00 hulkeana £4.00 EURYOPS acraeus £4.00 macrantha £4.00 EWARTIA planchonii £3.00 HEPATICA maxima £4.00 FORSYTHIA 'Paulina' (1.5L)£6.00 nobilis (Sky blue strain) £4.00 viridissima 'Bronxensis' (1.5L)£6.00 pyrenaica £4.00 FRITILLARIA camschatcensis £6.00 HIBBERTIA pedunculata £4.00 FUCHSIA procumbens £3.00 procumbens £4.00 GAULTHERIA 'Pearls' £5.00 HYPERICUM aegypticum £3.00 GENISTA pilosa var. minor £4.00 cerastioides £3.00 GENTIANA Spring +Summer flowering 'Conwy Gold' £3.00 acaulis Group £4.00 nummularium £3.00 saxosa £3.00 IBERIS pruitii £3.00 syringea £3.00 taurica £3.00 GENTIANA Autumn flowering IRIS babadagica £5.00 'Amethyst' £4.00 decora (see notes) £5.00 'Compact Gem' £4.00 'Frank Elder' £4.00 'Eugen's Allerbester' £4.00 hookeri £3.00 farreri Silken Star Grp £5.00 lacustris £4.00 'Serenity' £4.00 laevigata ‘Alba’ (1L)£6.00 'Shot Silk' £4.00 lutescens £5.00 'Silken Giant' £5.00 pumila (dark violet) £5.00 'Silken Seas' £4.00 pumila (yellow + gold) J&JA199590 £6.00 'Silken Skies' £5.00 reichenbachii (purple) £5.00 'Silken Surprise' £5.00 reichenbachii (yellow) £5.00 sino-ornata £4.00 schachtii £5.00 x macaulayi 'Kingfisher' £4.00 sintenisii £6.00 GENTIANELLA corymbifera £3.00 suaveolens (yellow) £5.00 GERANIUM dalmaticum 'Album' £3.00 suaveolens (purple) £5.00 sanguineum var. nanum £3.00 suaveolens Helvolus Grp £6.00 GLADIOLUS flanaganii £4.00 unguicularis 'Peloponnese Snow' £6.00 GLOBULARIA bellidifolia 'Horts' £3.00 JEFFERSONIA dubia £4.00 repens £3.00 JOVIBARBA allionii £2.50 GREVILLEA lanigera prostrata £4.00 JUNELLIA congesta £4.00 HELIANTHEMUM 'Apricot Blush' £2.50 succulentifolia £4.00 'Beech Park Red' £2.50 thymifolia £4.00 'Ben Fhada' £2.50 LAMIUM garganicum ssp.
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