THE ALASKA DAILY EMPIRE, "ALL THE HEWS ALL THE TIME’ »- __ ______—--- .VOL. XXIV., NO. 3675. JUNEAU, ALASKA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1924. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS. PRICE TEN CENTS, GIANTS WIN HARD CONTEST FROM SENATORS: GOES TWELVE INNINGS -j,—--am------, League of Nations Sec- NEW'YORK GIANTS BASEBALL CLUB BROOKHART HAS retary Home MIKE CONGRESS SENATORS LOSE RULED HIMSELF AGAINST CHILD TOUGH BATTLE OUT OF G. 0. P. LABOR ISSUE THIS AFTERNOON Iowa Sena-! Republicans Say D i s a p proves Unanimously Twelve Inning Game Played tor Disqualifies Himself Twentieth Amendment to Decide First of in Attacking Coolidge. to Constitution. World’s Series. DE3 MOINES, la., Oct. 4.—The I lew a Republican State Central Com- SACRAMENTO, Oct. 4. — The ! STADIUM. WASHINGTON. D. C„ mute® luo decided that Senator Ameticun Mining Congress lute yes- j Oct. 4.—The Giants of New York, Smith W. Brookhart ruled himself terday unanimously disapproved Of National League. defeated the ■ca/t of tin Republican Party through the proposed Twentieth Amendment Washington Senators of the Ameri- can this denunciation of President Cool- o the Constitution of the United Ltague in the opening game of idge and Gen. Charles G. Dawes, Re- • States to prohibit child labor. the wuid's series winning a des- publican nominees for President and John I.uing, coal operator or Wesl perate c:nt:st 4 to 3 this after- V Ice-PKident. The Committee, Virginia, and President of the Hut- noon after the Sena)on tied the h wu’er, did not directly declare chison 1.umber Company, or Oro- ee.ie in the ninth inning. that ho was out of the party but ville, California, introduced the reso The woild's series in the Na- sUtce th it his recent statements arc lution. tional capita], the dream of fans, “repudiation uf the party and con- Secretary Callhrcath sftid the or- came true when the Senators, new n'ftiTp a li 'f front it.” ganization took the stand because champions cf the American League, Mrs. Miriam Stewart Hollowell, the regulation of child labor was a lashed with the Giants, four times number c.f i lie Republican National matter for state goveratmnts and the successive standard bearers of the National Committee, aaid Senator Brookhart's S».K.O HUPgCXKLJ amendment was another attempt to League. ..ttiack on my candidates for Presd- iave the Federal government inter- With President Coolidge throw- a ing the ball and d. nt and Vice-President is slap 111 40,000 cheering Dr Manley O. Hudson, professor I m.mmmmmmm]9tmmmmm ihe team in the lace und leaves me no other Law _ heme the shadow of the of the Harvard University choice than to feci that he had for- Here are the members of the icccnt rcandal was almost forgotten School and Secretariat of the MINE DEPARTMENT WITH New York Giants’ team. According to numbers they are: 1, Hugh th fed that lie might have ha* McQuillan, pitcher; 2, Jack Jess a3 Johnson rwung into action on any right League of Nations in Geneva, SECRETARY IN CABINET BenUey, pitcher; 3, Arthur Nehf, pitcher; 4, "nosie” Ilyan, pitcher; 6. to con pitcher; 6, John Watson, Emil out- the mound. The was ideal, a ray endorsement." returned from an international Oct. 4. Barnes, pllcoer; 7, ('Irish”) Meusel, outfielder; 8, Bill Southworth, day l SACRAMENTO, Secretar- Ross held there to establish fielder; 9, Young, outfielder; 10, Frank Snyder, catcher; 11, Eddie Alnxmlth, catcho”; 12,, Hank regular Indian summer. The sun lerence ies of organizations composing the arbitration code Gowdy, catcher; 13, Heinle Groh, Travs Frank Frisch. I fielder aau on field. RBOOKHART BLAMES COOLIDGE. new international infielder, 14, Jackson,'Inflelder; 16, glanced brightly the American .Mining Congress yesterday japtaln; 16, George Kelly, W. H. and Hack mitl'Miiei EM M ETSBC HQ. La., Oct. t. -Sen- litflelder; 17, Terry outfielder, \8, Wilson. "Just the day for Walter," adopted a resolution urging the es- ator Smith \V. Brookhart, in a chuckled Peckinpaugh. tablishment of a Department of hero the Cabinet members and foreign speech answering reports Mines and Minerals of the Govern- I, that he was supporting Senator La diplomats were sprinkled in the chargeTraud ment with a secretary in the Presi- M’Graw Called crowd. Fe.llefite for President, said that ihe Baseball’s Youthful great dent's Cabinet. Manager Led TESTIMONY ! Walter John non warmed up before never had thought of leaving the “Master Mind.” IS J. F". Callbreath, Secretary of Washington Club llie same In the of the Republican Party, but. lie said, vicinity box the Mining Congress, urged cooper- occupied by President and a. hough he. himself, had been nom- IN GOULD CASE Coolidge ation foi the benefit of operators his He did Irntcd for Senator by "two hundred CONFLICTING IN party. not venture new and workers. He said: hhe box, however. Republican Votes without a machine "In all demands to the Congress Babe llutli walked over to tile box nhd wifthnttt spending any money, Important Books —Papers, of the United States, we never and ebook hands though opposed by Wall Street1 have,' with the Presi- Were to Con- and never will ask anything except MURDER TRIAL dent. mni y and it lie President’s power.” Destroyed that which is for the common good I PryVdtnt C. lidge liad never recog- ceal Transactions. of the mining industry." nized iiis nomination as the voice First Inning. Aga inst Gold Bonus GIANTS Linda!mm (lied to of "the Republicans of Iowa.” NEW YORK, Oct. 4.—-Books and Two Witnesses in Mc- Congressman Charles F. Curry, Disagree N’ti ly. Frisch to Bluege papers relating to the $82,000,000 popped try- of California, told the delegates Case ng to bunt. Young funned. No LA COUNTS estate of the late Jay Gould were Army Tragedy FOLLETTE ON of the Mining Congress lliat •iin?, no hits. no errors. BROOKHART destroyed by his oldi st son, George thej in Tacoma Trial. McFadden bill would destroy SENATORS Me filed. Jack- Gould. This was done to conceal the) Neely CHICAGO, Oct. 4.—Congressman _ value of gold and flatly declared on threw Harris out ut first. Harris John M. Nelson, manager for Sen- transactions which cost the estate against opposition to the gold bonus t-llicit.1 with Terry who was slight ator La F\>llette's Presidential cam- $20,000,000 according to charges of TACOMA. Oft. I A stiong because wliut gave gold its value I con-j y injared. Rice fniled to Lind- paign, in a statement issued here the referees investigating the ac- lic t of testimony was given yes-, was its fixed price. ■itom. No runs, no hits, no errors. said, "we regard Senator Brookhart counting of the estate. onlay afternoon in the trial of Ser-1 Srtond and Judge W. S. Kenyon, former reant Roland Pothter charged with Inning. Jotlin Talks GIANTS Kelly hoinered fur Inti Iowa Renat >r, as friendly to Senator Again. he murder of Major Alexander | Falcon Joslin told the members' Held. Terry singled. Wilson 1.3 Polletto." Tonkhito at Lewis in 1918. the last Camp j I. I attending Congress- night Linm Juk in walked. Gowdy _ LAUNCH PLANE ind which opened Wednesday. / that the population of Alaska In- IlCt in!:i a d .uble Tucker, play, Peckinptaig'i LA FOLLETTE ELECTORS ON creased from in 1800 to Major Henry i’hlladtd-1 to j 30,000 j 1 Ifiarris. One run. two lilts, no BALLOT IN NORTH >liia physician, testified that a slight CAROLINA; 87.000 10 years later. This in- fairs. itain was inside tlie sleeve of Crook-1 WHILE IN AIR crease occurred when men could SKNATOItS Jack: on nicely sdop- RALEIGH, N. C„ Oct. life's blouse and he repeated 4.—Re-j buy homestead land bill since the liisj |m I Gosling grounder and threw vr ruing Rh previous ruling the ipinlott given to the Hoard of In- • | Government had intorferred the pop- him out. Judge walked. Bluege Nor,'ll Carolina State Board of Elec- DAYTON, Ohio, Oct. 4.—Charac- luiry immediately after the ulation lias dwindled to 20,000. tragedy| fanned. With Peckinpaugh hit terized Gen. .- ■■ ■ up •tionr decided to print ballots and by Patrick as having r-. .-."-h liat lie gun was in Cronkhite's rigid i J ! and run play was tried but Peek- dtn ii'butc (them in 81 counties with written a new chapter in aviation, eJ 1 land when he fired. cJOJUM Stanley ("Bucky”) Harris Is the tip. lou led Into an for the first nigh the stands. tlhc La Folletite and Wheeler electors aeroplane yesterday, All Educational Places Lieut. Col. William .1 Howard ! youngest In manager either of the JcckfnpuugU died to Wilson. No printed on them. In the other nine- time in history, was launched in if Whitman. Mass., teslifted lie found- two major baseball leagues, but he ini', no lilts, no midair and Are Now Closed in Tacoma errors. teen counties under the Australian got under way under its lo hums or other stains Is one of the biggest figures In powder j Third ballot low the counties must print' own power. The plane was hooked t hen he examint il the blouse soon American sports to-day aa the Inning. TAC'OMA, Ort. 4.—The last educa- of the GIANTS Johnson took N»'hf’a their own tickets. to a trapeze from another plane. ftei the shooting. manager Washington Club tional institution in Tacoma has AVIATOR KILLED ‘ullor and threw him out. Ltndsirom The contrivance is so constructed la the American League. closed on account of the alined Frisch hit a double into that the can attach Itself epidemic ji DEMOCRAT ATTACKS plane Fix of infantile paralysis when the Col- Responribility.
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