mi JIill nil wJ Vd III HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL The year 19^7 made its apperance with the sounding of the siren, cars ?S?'4''fti- v tooting their horns, fire '6rackers ^0£mmmm&an& i- n & all over Kahuku, even the sound of fire arms were heard* Every one who was awake was in the merreist of mood. The sounding of the siren was the first time in many years, and it must have brought good omen for the New year. Let us all look back at the year 19*+6 and see the hardships, the scar- city of many commodities, and the ris- ing of prices, which was out of this world, 19*+6 is gone and forgotten, but ww must not make the same mistakes, All of us should get together, shoulders to shoulders, and make this year a merrier, happier and better year. We all should work together, and. harder so that our , friendship, commodities and prices may come back to normal, NEW WING ERECTED AT THE BOY SCOUT NEWS KAHUKU CATHOLIC CHURCH It was a betterly con- Father Ernest foresee- tested year for the ing the weed of extra scouts of troops 38 and space for the increase of l l42, and with the final Catholic attending Mass scores and merits tabu- on Sundays, and the in- lated, the following a- crease of Catholic acti- wards (to be made in Jan- vities', brought a surplus: uary 9th meeting) are an- building from the- army, nounced at this time. and attached it to the Pesi, Patrol Troop 38, left" side of the church. Bearer Patro] under the • This new wing was de- patrol leadership of Ru- dicated on Monday night, que Tamavo; Beot Patrol December 23rd, with a j.roop 1»2, Fox Patrol Christmas program, Miss under the leadership of Rufina Idion was Master Andres Cadelina; Best All of Ceremonies, Arc and Scout Troop 38, page 6 plese. David V.akumoto; Best All Around 3c cut Troop il^2, BINGO PARTY Roy Tpyota. K' A A will hold' a .bin- go party at the CLUB K A 19^7 HARVEST TO COMMENCE A, on Saturday, January .'ANUARY 15, 19^7 11th, from 7 to 11 p. m. On or about January Every body Is invited, h, the l°V; harvest!] and good prizes will 1 at Kahuku will get given away. The last blrir- under The total ar party was a success, to bi harvest is 1910, page 6 pi pag pl< (Jan ugly 2 194 1 Pa } &- TEEN AGE CANTEEN Today one hears considerable about "A Teen Age Canteen" but just what it is or for what it stands has not been well defined. It probably means |ust one more sporadic club to be organized, flourish perhaps for a short time but most surely eventually to die. The words "Teen Age" embraces young persons over twelve and be- low twenty years of age. If the organization is to be what its name designates, it is doomed from the start. Organizations both se- cular and religious have learned, the hard way, that persons of teen age can not and do not work well together. The institutions that have been successful in working with young folks of this age have had to break the group into at least two parts and many testify that three groups are still more workable. On the mainland the attempt at such an organization has been but weakly welcomed and supported. There is a feeling in the main- land that any group of youngsters, desiring a special organization for special purpose, can find with in some already organized and hav- ing institutional standing, a place SAFE to work and carry on with any re- spectable program it may device. UUORKERS Among these institutions that have been successful with the teen LEONCIO'S HOUSE CATCHES FIRE agers may be mentioned; the A group of boys, making plans churches, Y M C A, Y W C A, Odd for their New Year's Dance, at the Fellows, Masons, Elks, Boy Scouts, CLUB K A A, noticed a streak of Girl Scouts, Turnvereins, and flame coming off the Main Camp at others. Each equipped with leaders, knowledge 10:30 p. m., Monday night, Decem- necessary equipment and ber 30th. At first they thought it of how to aid. Just what any group was somebody roasting pig for' of teen agers want more than can their New Year's Party, so the be offered them by organizations hard boys decided to see, and maybe already in the field would be getting some food to eat. Upon ar- to imagine. have a riving, they discovered Mr. Leon- If the desire is to the cio's house on fire. They got the samll exclusive group, than be used. people from the neighborhood up to •homes of that group should for hav- extinguish the fire. If hornet are not equipped the group The boys formed bucket bri- ing a good time then a The efforts gate, and with the help of some should make them so. and maintain- fire estinguishers, the fire was spent in organizing be spent brought under control with little ing a canteen could well home and making damage to the building. Mr. Leon- in improving the " page .5 please .. page 5 please , %% ^ Vo^zJL m^ohe to W-\ mem^sei K A A FISHING CONTEST a The 19^6 Kahuku Athletic Asso- cow& ciation Fishing Contest came to a close on December 31st, with a the very successful campaign, despite 01 the tidal wave which spoiled many fishing grounds. Johnny Maruoka's 106£ pound Ulua was the record off shore casting in Hawaii. His prize will be a Templer *+00 reel donated by the K A A. The other fishermen for the year 19*+6 were: Agapito Alma- san with the most total weighed of over 500 pounds, and his prize will be a Templer lf00 reel and 300 yards of #2*+ Princess Pat Linen Twine. For the heaviest Oio and A MUST in your 19^7 resolutions. Moi, prize of a Templer 300 reel See your Luna or Louis Pereira for each went to Valentin Mariano with Application blanks. Dues are only his I5i pound Oio, and Harry Maru- 25^ a month. oka with his 3£ pound Moi. All prizes to be donated by the K A A. is to break last year's record of Whether this year's fishing ky Oios. contest will be the same as last 0O0 " year depends on the new K A A Mako ' Nakamura landed a h pound *' Board of Directors. Ulua and a 5 pound Oio during the 0O0 1 same period. His 5 pound Oio was Top honor for the last part of also landed on New Year's Eve, and the 19^6 Fishing Contest went to came in handy for his New Year's Johnny Maruoka, heaviest Ulua$ sashime. Mako Nakamura, heaviest Moi (2-£ pounds) and Dan Yonemori and Hiro- RURAL OAHU A II U LEAGUE. shi Todo tied for the heaviest Oio The Kahuku Basketeers is one of : (10) pounds ) . Johnny and Mako will the seven teams entered in the -receive a 300 yard spoil of #2*+ Rural Oahu Sr. A A U Bas ketball Princess Pat Linen Twine, while League sponsored by the Waialua Dan and Hiroshi will receive 200 Athletic Association, This league ' yards #2*f Princess Pat Line.' will most likely commenc e. next week with the first games played FISH STORIES at Waialua Gym. Hiroshi Togo "Oio King"- of Some of the games will b e play- Kahuku landed 5 Oios during the ed iri the T, G. S. Walker Audito- last two weeks of 19^6 to bring rium, to give the people of Kahuku his, total to 1+9. The Oios weighed a chance to witness some good, 2-3-1+- 5-6 .pounds. He also landed fast and clean basketball. 3 Papios weighing 2-3-9^ pounds. The 9i# Papio was iandti-on New FUTURE FARMER'S FOOTBALL year's Eve, and it sure came in Donald Murakoshi's Kahuku High time for the Now Year's sashime. Future Farmers received a 20 to 12 with fish $3.00 a pound. setback by "Chicken"-Hori ' s Waia- Togo's resolution for this year page h please anu 2 1941 4 ^1H } KAHUKU YOUNGSTERS DEFEATS KAIMUKI The Kaimuki Playground young- sters, under the direction of Mr. Phil Haensler, invaded Kahuku, Saturday, December 21st, and dropped two out of the three games played. The first game between the 12 years youngsters, Kaimuki out scored Kahuku during the second • •HcLppij HiltkdcLi half to emerged victorious 29 to 16. The first half was played on even terms and ended 12 to 8 in Kaimuki (s favor. The second game played was be- tween the In- years old youngsters, Jan 3 Barbara Jean Arruda. with Kahuku coming out on top 2m- Jan h Benjamin Sao. to 10. After a close first half, Jan 5 Caroline Tania, Anthony with the score of 12 to 8 in Kahu- Caneda and Lean Mandrigues. ku' s favor, the country lads went Jan 6 Demoro Rivera. to town on the second half to score Jan 7 Herbert Raboy, Magdalena 12 points while holding the city Timbreza and Crispin Cameros. lads to a lone basket. Cayetano Jan 9 Gerald Tubal and Katherine Cabasag with 8 points led the at- Yasuko Toyota. tack for Kahuku. Jan 10 Herbert Temblor The last game v the city's 15 Jan 11 Esther Ramelb, Maria Lagua, years old lads inability to stop Albert Haruto and Christine Mitsue Faustino Caparida, who was the big Nagai.
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