A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION The Westfield Leader and The Scotch Plains – Fanwood TIMES Thursday, August 2, 2012 Page 3 Bill Aims to Stop Pension Abuse Overlook Pays $9 Million Penalty TRENTON — Asm. Gary Chiusano involve fines for those municipalities, (R-24, Sparta) said he plans to introduce school districts or individuals who au- For Medicare Overbilling legislation along with Asw. Donna Simon thorize unlawful participation. Regard- SUMMIT — AHS Hospital Corp., as more expensive services, subject (R-16, Flemington) to stop the abuse of less, there will be stringent consequences taxpayer money by local governments for those who ignore the law. Pension Atlantic Health System Inc., and Over- themselves to federal scrutiny.” that are illegally awarding state pensions abuse should not and will not be toler- look Medical Center agreed in June to “This resolution is part of the to contractors and vendors. ated.” pay the United States $8,999,999 to government’s emphasis on combat- The lawmaker lauded the actions Gov- “Local officials need to clean up their settle allegations that they violated the ing health care fraud and another step ernor Christie took in response to a report acts immediately,” he continued. “There False Claims Act, the Justice Depart- for the Health Care Fraud Prevention released last week by the State Comptrol- is no excuse for such blatant abuse of ment has announced. and Enforcement Action Team ler (OSC) which uncovered widespread taxpayer money.” The settlement resolves allegations (HEAT) initiative, which was an- improper participation in the state pen- The OSC’s investigation identified that Overlook, owned and operated by nounced by Attorney General Eric sion system by contractors working for widespread improper participation in the AHS Hospital Corporation, and At- Holder and Kathleen Sebelius, secre- local governments. He added that the state pension system, including 176 at- lantic Health Systems Inc., overbilled tary of the Department of Health and state Legislature needs to implement mea- torneys, 21 engineers, four health care Medicare for patients who were treated Human Services in May 2009. The sures to address the situation as well. professionals and one auditor. The 202 Asm. Chiusano said legislation he is total enrollees could cost the state $1.9 on an inpatient basis when they should partnership between the two depart- proposing would require the Division of million annually in pension benefits. have been treated as either observa- ments has focused efforts to reduce Pensions and Benefits to compile a check- According to the Comptroller, 58 mu- tion patients or on an outpatient basis. and prevent Medicare and Medicaid list for governments to use to certify the nicipalities and school districts were re- The overbilling allegedly occurred financial fraud through enhanced co- eligibility of pension enrollees with the viewed. An overwhelming majority failed from January 2002 through July 2009. operation. One of the most powerful presumption that a private professional is to comply with a 2007 state law requiring Paul Peyton for The Westfield Leader and The Times This settlement partially resolves a tools in that effort is the False Claims not entitled to state benefits. It may in- all public entities to determine whether NO MORE TAXES...Rep. Leonard Lance (R-7th) on Tuesday discusses the False Claims Act suit filed by former Act, which the Justice Department clude fines against municipalities, school their professional service providers were deleterious impact on small business owners that the January 2013 end of tax cuts, employees of Overlook. The has used to recover more than $7.7 districts and certifying officers. employees or independent contractors. should it occur, would have on small businesses during a meeting with Westfield whistleblower provisions of the False billion since January 2009 in cases “We are still working on the specifics OSC said a review of the remaining 515 business owners at Robert Treat Deli. Claims Act permit individuals to file involving fraud against federal health of the bill to determine the consequences municipalities and 597 school districts these actions and share in a portion of care programs. The Justice for failing to comply with the current could uncover hundreds of inappropri- the proceeds recovered by the federal Department’s total recoveries in False law,” stated Asm. Chiusano, a member of ately enrolled individuals, which could Lawmakers Put Question On the Assembly Budget Committee. “It may cost the state millions. government. Claims Act cases since January 2009 “We expect hospitals that partici- are over $11.3 billion.” N.J. DEM Delegates for Convention pate in Medicare will bill for their The case was handled by the U.S. Nov. Ballot Re: Judges Pay services accurately and honestly,” said Attorney’s Office for the District of TRENTON — The New Jersey Demo- Hurdman, Edward O’Brien, Essex TRENTON — The New Jersey best.” Stuart Delery, acting assistant attor- New Jersey, the Department of cratic State Committee announced their County Freeholder Leonard Luciano, ney general for the department’s Civil Justice’s Civil Division and the Office certified delegates to the 2012 Demo- Wannetta Phillips, Carlos Cruz, Isabel Legislature on Monday voted to put a Assemblywoman BettyLou cratic National Convention in Charlotte, Cruz, Lee Fisher, Analilia Mejia, former referendum before voters on the No- DeCroce (R-26, Whippany) com- Division. “Hospitals have a responsi- of Inspector General of the Depart- N.C.. Assemblyman William Payne, and As- vember ballot to ask voters to amend mented, “Contrary to what the New bility to ensure that the Medicare rules ment of Health and Human Services. Assemblyman John Wisniewski (D- semblywoman L. Grace Spencer. the state constitution to give lawmak- Jersey Supreme Court said last week are not abused and patients who should 19, Sayreville), chairman of the New Jenny Davis, Hudson County Free- ers the power to enact laws that re- when it decided the state’s judiciary be treated as outpatients are not ad- Local Groups Garner Jersey Democratic State Committee, was holder Jeffrey Dublin, Yvonne Hatchett, duce judicial salaries. The measure is immune from the state’s new pen- mitted as inpatients, increasing the elected as chairman of the state delega- Assemblyman Ruben J. Ramos, Jr., Bob passed in the Senate by a tally of 28- sion reform law, today justice has hospitals’ reimbursements.” Hist. Comm. Grants tion. Zuckerman, Sharon Granell, Assembly- 0, and 62-3 in the Assembly. The been served.” “Billing Medicare for unnecessary TRENTON – The New Jersey His- The New Jersey Delegation to the 2012 woman Angelica Jimenez, Nancy Lynch, measure follows a ruling by the state “The court had its opportunity to inpatient services steals from taxpay- torical Commission has approved Democratic National Convention is as Rushabh Mehta, Bergen County Chair- ers,” said Daniel Levinson, inspector $2,332,659 in Fiscal Year 2013 gen- follows: Leadership: Delegation Honor- man Louis J. Stellato Jr., John Givens, Supreme Court barring the state from have its say on this issue and they got taking additional pension and health it wrong,” commented Assemblyman general for the U.S. Department of eral operating support grants to 75 ary Chairman, Senator Robert Menendez; Christopher James, Lauren Murphy, Health and Human Services. “Al- Delegation Chairman, Asm.Wisniewski; Farhanna Balgahoom Sayegh, Milagros care contributions of Superior Court Gary Chiusano (R-24, Sparta) . “Now historical organizations, museums, his- Delegation Vice-Chairwoman, Camden Silva-Bermudez, Essex County Demo- judges and Supreme Court justices. the citizens of New Jersey will have though that’s bad enough, it also re- toric sites, archives and libraries Mayor Dana Redd. cratic Committee Chairman Philip “Rarely has the public seen such their voices heard in November and quires hospitalizing people who don’t throughout the state. The funding rep- Unpledged Party Leader and Elected Thigpen, Cristina Cutrone, Steven unanimity between the legislative and rightly so as they are the ones who need it, causing inconvenience, dis- resents the largest annual grant appro- Official Delegates: Senator Frank Goldstein, Andrea Katz, Michael executive branches that the judicial pay the costs for the very generous comfort and worse. The size of this priation given by the Historical Com- Lautenberg, Senator Robert Menendez, Kempner, Rosa G. Flores Perez, Urvashi branch was dead wrong. I congratu- retirement benefits members of the settlement underscores the serious- mission. Rep. Robert Andrews, Rep. Frank Banerjea, Passaic County Democratic late the Legislature for their decisive, judiciary receive. I have every confi- ness of the conduct.” Union County organizations re- Pallone, Rep. William Pascrell, Rep. Committee Chairman John Currie, Paul “Proper billing ensures fair com- ceiving money are: Cranford His- Steve Rothman, Rep. Rush Holt, Rep. Fader, Germaine Ortiz, and Adam bipartisan action that lives up to the dence the public will cast their votes promise of our historical pension and for true ‘shared sacrifice’ as is the pensation and protects Medicare dol- torical Society, $5,000; Kenilworth Albio Sires, Asm. Wisniewski, Mayor Silverstein. lars that are much needed for patient Historical Society Incorporated, Redd, George Norcross, Paul Bontempo, District Alternates: Lisa Smalley- benefit reform by making sure every- law’s intent.” care,” said J. Gilmore Childers, first $6,159;
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