VOLUME 13,NlJMBER 13 TORONTO.OECEMBER 5,1973 !f/- YORK r-- -lUN1"ER lTV liBRAA't' l liE fROST liBRARY' ORO::;:;l / :: :, , \ .. ....... ..... ~. ... ., DECENB.!;;R.5.1973 FRO TEM 1 ...... ••••••••••••••• l ••• f. J. •••• • • Undergraduate residents get raw deal students who consider the university d. Double room, $120.63 bachelo:, apartment. by Charles Laloret greedy. single occupancy, The only true arguement to Just­ The followtng l.3 a list of staUstics McLaughlIn, Stong. ify the lower In gradUlite residences It Ills recently come to the attet:rlon compHed hy the Office of the Dean. Bethune. Is that the students must sign I2 at Residence Council that students showing th discrepancy In reslde:nce month leases. StUl, what is not living In undergraduate l"Csldences fees between undergradwlte residen­ Graduate mentioned Is the fact that apartments at York (Le. Glendon) 6re being ces and graduate residences at York. In the graduate residences cost rough­ a. Furnished. air- $90.00 ly "0% to 60% less than similar had. The $300 charge [or students A. Undergraduate enjoying single occupancy of double condlatloned. accomodatlon In the open market. DescriPtion Rate Per Month bachelor apartment. whJIe undergraduate rates are, Ifany­ rooms has provoked a great deal of a. Furnished double $76.88 contoversy In the residences. It thing, higher than market rates. room. dOUble o~c­ b. Furnished, alr- $126.00 Because of this. there are waiting seems evident that the Residence upancy.(615) Office at Main Campus wants to dls­ conditioned. one­ lists to get Into graduate residences courage single occupancy of double bedroom apartment. and a substanUal vacancy rate In the b. Furnished single $92.50 undergnduate resldences.(At Glend­ rooms. yet no on~ seems to know room $740 why. In other words. our rate for sin­ on. if It .were not for the 100 or so Here at Glen:lon, there are m\>re gle occupancy In a double room Is non-York University students, our c. Double room, $11••38 almost equal to the rate for a seU­ vacancy rate would be roughly 36%) than 20 vacancies in double roomH. Single occupancy with no prospect that tbey wlU be contained. air-conditioned one- bed­ Glendon College. being an integral $915, Founders. room apartmenL Our rate for a single part of the university, has the same fllled. As it Is. only IO double r:oomg Vanier. Winters. have been filled. wlth disgruntled room Is actually 'higher' than the ratcs as the other residences in order Glendon. rate for a self-contaIned. furnished to help payoff the mortgages at the Main Campus. Since this is so. the Resldencp. Council of Glendon feels thl:lr the graduate residences should help defray the costs of these sam<e mortgages. (Graduate and un­ dergraduate residences are consid­ ered as separate entities.) We feel that !he best answer to the problem of overcrowding In undergraduate re­ sidences is a freeze on undergraduate residence fees and a compensatory increase In graduatft residence fees. Boycott of art gallaries HALIFAX (CUP)-- fees. he insisted on dealing "'11th Unless 6~t galleries agree to pay galleries which are acceptable to an equitable fee to artists for an CAR. Hts show at MSVU was can­ exhibition. the Canadian Artists Re­ celled. presentation (CAR) will stage a nat­ Boyle said the problem is that the ional boycott of art galleries In Can­ "Nova Scotian artist is regarded as ada. Inferior." and often does not have a The CA R natIonal conference chance. until he moves to Ontario, scheduled for December in Toronto where "curators are willing to risk ~umanism is my wtll determine which galleries to their own judgements" to promote boycott. unknown artists_ In October 1973. the Atlantic Pro­ In 1970. the regional anists formed vinces Art Circuit (APAC) galleries CAR Nova SCotI•• hoping that to­ PhilOSOPhy of life)) agreed in principle to the artists' gerher they could fight for recogni­ right to negotiate the fee. CAR tion. One of its objectives was to insisted. however. on the need for a dtscuss with the gaUery curators and TO~ONTO (CUP) -- forth by the anti-abortion right to fixed fee because there has been directors possible steps to correct Dr. Henry Morgeneaier described life group. which had about 30 repre­ little evidence of fees being paid and the situation. CAR Nova Scotia chair­ his aqulttll on alJortion charges as a sentatives at the speech. They claim those paid were minimal. man David Haigh. a Halifax sculptor. "symbolic defeat'· of Heathe Morris' unborn fetuses have a right to live. Nova Scotia anises support the said that when he Initially visited crusaders for compulsory pregnancy. Margentaler countered that. since boycott because they claim :hey wlil each curator "not one would even ~o Speaking to a capacity audience ~t an average man can father more than not achieve enough status to demand so far as to discuss the matter. ' the St. Lawrence Centre here 1.000 babies In his lifetime. the logic anything but a token fe~ until the local The main concern of CA R Nova Wednesday (November 29). The Mon­ of the right to life group dictates galleries promote their work on a Scotia Is that the APAC galleries will treal physician Slid the recent coun that I group should be set up to national scale. not stipulate any conditions for paying else would force English-speak:Jng slve spermatoze from l~lng killed. The Ontario and Montreal galler­ fees. nor are they open to negOtia­ Cenadlans to revise their view or A Jury at eleven men and one woman Ies nationally promote their local tion. ~uebec as poplshly dogmatic and acqUitted Morgentaler In Montreal artists, making il possible for an At the December meeting in backward. earlier this month or I charge of Ontario artist to demand a substan­ Toronto. three categories of galleries He Slid his victory in court would performing an Illegal abortion. tial fee for a show In Nova Scotia. will be defined: white galleries -­ give further stimulus tothe m:)vement Morgcntller's defence WIS based Sut the regional artists are expected those which are paying according to to repe'" the current abortion laws on • clause of the criminal code to show In Nova Scotia for a mtnlmal the CA R fixed fee schedule; grey in Canida. which had never been used In an f... galleries -- those which agree with uHumanlsm Is my philosophy at abortion clse. It stites thlt no one CAR Ontario spokesman.. John the fixed fee schedule but cannot Ule." Morgent,ler explained. He can be prosecuted for performing In Boyle. said that In 1972 Mount SL afford it; and black galleries -- the .pont • good )'Onion 01 hi••p,eech operation thlt ts medicillynecessary Vincent Unlverelty (MSVU) I!ere off­ rest of the gaUerles. tattin" about • ~ood conscience' and to the patient If reasonable clre Is ered Tony Urqhardt, an Ontario ar­ During the boycott. over 1000 Cana­ me 'mcUvJdual II Teaponalbll1ty to taten. ttst. a rental fee d $1000. When dian artists will refuse to participate ooclety." Crown Is appeaUng the Urqhardt discovered that Nova Scotian In any exhlbttlon tn a gallery In the He responded to one argument put deJl::on. artists were not offered comparable black category. PM to PR back to PM(for awhile at least> . A number at caregorl~S have been cenalnly wrong. The members rather substance to say ther:e wUl be an BURNABY (CUP) -- estabUshed, however. and Trudeau agreed voluntarily and informally that announcement. UntLl then, this aD6wer as a member d. the prirnto category. the proceedings should remain under will apply to any rumor.' SInc:e the Pt'lnUnl d Canadian Uni­ will recelwe the committee·s strong ......... A UPI story appearing (n the Van­ versity Pre...·s stOt")' regarding the coniideration. Such a statement. tn fact. couver Province on Monday. Novem­ nomtnatlon 01 Pierre Trudeau for. Orher famous penonalltles have Wl8 releaeed by Paul Cote, chairman ber 19. said that, "the spokesman prnJdent 01 Simon PReer University alao been listed by the commirree Ind 01 the board at governors and the (for Trudeau) natly denied rumOnl on (SFU). I number 01 offiCII den.... .11 conclldo'. for .... _ldoncy will Bearch committee. the West COlist that Trude-Iu .a, haft made It apparent that the story be meuured .plna' them. Eric planntng to resign. to become "IS nor entlnly accurate. Kle....... Jolin K.-.bGolbrollb, 5yl- "The ettar.ch committee Is In the president of SFU." The prime mini­ AltiJoulb T..-u·. nomina,.... '" very early Itap 01 proceedings Ind ster hI. ..mlde It very clear that before 'Ila __ ...""b com- YIo Oa,rey oncI P.ul J_ h..e boen pIocod In the prI ca.....ry. one thlnl t.hat 11.IY' eeems to happen he', here to 8tay," he .ald. .m!rtee, It I. nat clelr wbetber Tru- N_ of _ b_ft•• in theM proceecUnp I, thlt they And when Trudeau was queetlmed cIe... tile become ,uriounded I .hole eeries or 10 hIo alt"', nomina,_ put.... appea" to haft beencontactedu yet. by" 1f he Waf! (ntereeted In the academic TM NpIIIrt lIlat 01 rumon which haft no foundation life. he replied, "Alt me In 'en _r by _ comm_ ...... ... com...- ......n wre to eecnc,. In IICL When the ..arch commlnee yelre," Implylnl the world ••e UI'I­ ..... _r_.·.........L wIlIle IlCNP aft...ro ...-.. and ......I..rolly ..... _tblnl of foldinl •• I' ohould. .2 PRO TEht OECEMBBR 5,1973 .......... Typing Services - fast ,accurate. Essays ,reports,etc. 4S cents per ..- Decline and fall poge -633-0612 humanizing progress on the grounds tt) illl· Itsell. Marx predlct'ed tbe by ADd.rew Nlk.lforuk d cJvUIzing and bettering our great faU of capitalism and described the a"mlnl western society.
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